
Finding a Job in a new city


Aug 13, 2011
So, on July 1st my BF and I picked up everything and moved from Illinois to Massachusetts (Chicago to Boston) for his job. Before making this big move we had to make the big decision of whether or not it was worth the move (my BF was not moving without me, it was either accept the offer or stay). My only thinking was I am a teacher and it took over a year to get my first teaching job out of college. I taught last school year and was being offered a job for the following year in the same position. I loved my job and the staff I worked with and I knew I would have to quit if we made the move. I knew that making this move would make me have to go through the whole job hunting process all over again and my hard work in IL would have been a waste (in my eyes). I also knew that Massachusetts is a very hard state to get certified to teach in as well as a hard state to find a teaching job in general.

Ultimately we decided to move. Fast forwarding to present time, the month and a half/almost 2 months we have lived in the Boston area. I am very happy with the decision of moving and my BF and I have never been better. It has been a great experience. However, I am still without any job. It is so frustrating applying for multiple positions a day and interviewing for multiple jobs and coming up with nothing! Its already hard that I cannot teach full time because I have to take all of the tests to become certified in my new state (I hate that teachers cannot move and just be certified to teach). I have been applying for jobs that are part-time and technically available to 18 year old's without a degree, and yet I am coming up with no job. Also, not only do I need to be certified, but MA prefers you to have your masters to teach, whereas in IL that was frowned upon before tenure.

At first I wasn't as frustrated because being a teacher last year I get my paycheck and benefits until the new school year. I assumed 2 months was enough time to come up with some type of work, well that 2 months is up next week. I am so frustrated with the fact that I cannot get a job, no matter what the job is. I am getting to the point where I do not even care what it is because I cannot stand just sitting at home all day. I do not know what to do! I have never had this much trouble finding at least some type of work.

Sorry, I needed to vent. I know I am new here but I see how much support everyone gives on this forum and figured it was a good place to let it all out. I cannot go to my friends and family and express my frustration as they did not agree with my move in the first place and I would probably just get an "I told you so" response. If anyone has any suggests or support or anything that would be great.

Thanks so much for reading my little complaint about my job hunt.


Oct 28, 2007
Ooh, I sympathize. I was actuall thinking of posting a thread earlier today asking how to prepare for (temporary, hopefully...) unemployment due to a long-distance move. I'm an attorney and am moving from the east to west coast, and it's also a field where you can't just show up and start working in a new state. I haven't been practicing long enough to get certified without retaking the bar exam, so I definitely feel your pain on that issue! Unlike you, I haven't really started looking for something new yet, but I can imagine it's going to be difficult and frustrating. :(sad Fortunately, I will have health insurance through my DH. Anyway, I'm reallynot much help, but I wonder if it would be possible for you to enroll in a Masters program now, since you will need it anyway. It stinks to have to pay for it right now, but at least it would get you access to a career services center in your area and you might be able to make good contacts that way. And ideally, they would let you switch to part-time once you do find a job. If that's not the way things work for teachers, don't mind me, I'm just thinking of my friends who teach and how they went about getting their Masters degrees. Best of luck to you that something good comes along soon!


Sep 1, 2009
What do you teach? Any particular subject or age?


Aug 13, 2011
Yea, my health insurance is over as of September. Luckily, Mass has a great health program so that will help me if a job doesn't come through for me. Unfortunately, my BF and I will not be getting married until most likely the summer of 2013. So, too long to wait haha and my parents can insure me bc I am under 26 but living out of state from them messes that up.

As far as masters programs, I could technically start. We are just very hesitant with taking out a loan for that when we know we should be saving for a wedding and a house soon. Although we are not engaged yet, he does have the ring and assures me by the end of the year so we know we will be planning a wedding next year. We also don't know about parents help on this wedding. So does it seem smart to take loans out on top of our loans we already have from our undergrad? That is where I am stuck. That and what to get my masters in....

I have had a job since I was 16 and this is the first time I have found myself with nothing to do...since I always worked a ton I never really had too many hobbies outside of my job itself and working with kids, so I am stumped on entertainment options as well haha

And your response was helpful to me in the sense that its good to know I am not alone. Do you have any plans for when you make that move? Are you going to retake the bar exam? Get situated for a while and then take it?


Aug 13, 2011
TooPatient|1314133103|2997697 said:
What do you teach? Any particular subject or age?

In Illinois I had my Elementary Education certificate and was teaching in a 2nd grade classroom. I am working towards getting my certificate in Elementary Education here in MA, but rather than K-9 like IL they only offer 1-6. So once my tests are done (crossing my fingers before the end of the year) I will be certified grades 1-6.

I also am getting myself certified in New Hampshire, since they will accept my IL tests. That's also elementary age.


Dec 29, 2006
Jlp -- It's a really tough time to get into teaching. There are so many budget cuts in school districts. Also, those who do have jobs are scared to leave their tenured positions because as of now anyway, they have job security. I'm sorry it's been so difficult for you.

I'd recommend at least looking into masters programs. There's a lot of flexibility for teachers who are also certified reading specialists. You can either choose to teach in a classroom setting or work as a private consultant. A friend of mine has done both and she loved being able to choose which direction to take. I know UNH has a great ed. dept. You could always give them a call and speak to someone who can explain the reading program and/or the elementary ed. program. You could also possibly consider getting dual certified in elementary ed. and special ed. I know lots of people who have done that and again, they like the flexibility.

You could look for Title I and special ed. aide positions as well. I know it's not what you want, but it could help you get your foot in the door.

Good luck!


Aug 16, 2007
Can you at least work as a sub? Or a teaching assistant? I graduated in NY with elem ed 1-6 in 2007 and the only job I could find was as a teaching assistant. I did that for two years while I did my masters in elem spec ed and once I got my masters I found a teaching job in special ed. The teaching job market is a nightmare right now and even if you can only find a assistant job or a sub job take it! At least it will give you experience in your new area.

I know how hard it is, good luck!


Aug 13, 2011
Zoe - Thank you for the luck and the suggestions. The only concern I have about starting my masters is the cost at this point in my life. I am still paying off my undergrad.

Asscherhalo_lover - I have been applying to any teaching assistant program, before school, and after school programs I can find. I just started looking at subbing this week. I subbed for a year in IL before I got my teaching job and I know its definitely a way in to a district. So hopefully I can find some subbing and get myself known.

I do want to start my masters but I fear the money I have to spend! At this point in my life I would hate to have another loan! I am definitely leaning towards it though.


Jan 18, 2009
Oh, so sorry to hear that. It's tough out there for everyone...much luck! For health insurance....does your fiance's employer offer insurance for partners? I know friends that haven't gotten married but can still qualify for coverage as a domestic partner.


Aug 13, 2011
centralsquare|1314154383|2997950 said:
Oh, so sorry to hear that. It's tough out there for everyone...much luck! For health insurance....does your fiance's employer offer insurance for partners? I know friends that haven't gotten married but can still qualify for coverage as a domestic partner.

My BF's company said living together for I think 7 unfortunately that won't work. The thing about MA though which is nice, is most jobs offer you insurance even if its 20 hrs a week. Also they have masshealth which is supposedly cheap for those that are making minimum/unemployed.


Feb 15, 2007
I'm sorry you're facing this right now. I do think your situation is symptomatic of the current state of affairs and NOT of you or your ability to get a job.

I'm a teacher, and I think there are a lot of part-time income opportunities for teachers out there. Have you looked into:
- Weekend gifted programs for K-12 students. They are often associated with research universities. I teach in Northwestern's gifted program on Saturdays, and started doing it when I was a new teacher looking for a job. I imagine Mass has a lot of similar programs.
- Adjuncting at a local community college. My very first teaching gig was as an adjunct at a CC. I taught developmental English, and since my course didn't count for transfer college credit, I didn't need a master's to teach it. (Incidentally, it turns out that this field and age is my ideal, so I'm doing this job FT now! I wouldn't have known I loved it if I didn't start as an adjunct.)
- Tutoring.
- Teaching in an evening adult ed program at a local high school. Our local schools are always looking for new teachers and new ideas for classes.

Good luck! I know it's tough to be out of work, but it sounds like this is a great opportunity for you to discover some new passions!


Jan 8, 2009
I did the opposite move - Boston to Chicago!

Congrats on the move and moving forward in your relationship

Have you thought of looking at the Aquarium, Museums or zoos? I know they have large education departments that utilize people with background in education/teaching.


Jan 1, 2007
I feel your pain-I just moved in February and it took about 4 months for me to find a job and start it. It was fun being unemployed at first but then it got boring and I was desperate to find a job! I actually only got one interview (for almost the exact position I held in my last city) and I got the job. But I applied to plenty of jobs (including ones I was overqualified for) and didn't hear back, and I know it gets frustrating!

It looks like you've gotten some great teacher-specific advice, but my advice for the unemployment part is to make yourself get out of the house every day and do something! Make a schedule and stick to it: go to the gym every day, spend 2 hours applying for jobs, go for a walk, etc. The days where I had plans and got out of the house were great! The days where I was lazy and laid around all day didn't leave me feeling great! The one great thing about moving to a big city is that there are so many neighborhoods to explore.

Good luck to you-I hope you find something soon!


Sep 7, 2008
Welcome to Boston! I'm sorry you're going through this right now. I'm not in your field so I can't offer you any suggestions. Just wanted to say hang in there and things will get better!!


Apr 6, 2006
While you are looking have you considered tutoring? There might be some listings on CL. Just a thought.


Aug 13, 2011
Haven|1314155273|2997963 said:
I'm sorry you're facing this right now. I do think your situation is symptomatic of the current state of affairs and NOT of you or your ability to get a job.

I'm a teacher, and I think there are a lot of part-time income opportunities for teachers out there. Have you looked into:
- Weekend gifted programs for K-12 students. They are often associated with research universities. I teach in Northwestern's gifted program on Saturdays, and started doing it when I was a new teacher looking for a job. I imagine Mass has a lot of similar programs.
- Adjuncting at a local community college. My very first teaching gig was as an adjunct at a CC. I taught developmental English, and since my course didn't count for transfer college credit, I didn't need a master's to teach it. (Incidentally, it turns out that this field and age is my ideal, so I'm doing this job FT now! I wouldn't have known I loved it if I didn't start as an adjunct.)
- Tutoring.
- Teaching in an evening adult ed program at a local high school. Our local schools are always looking for new teachers and new ideas for classes.

Good luck! I know it's tough to be out of work, but it sounds like this is a great opportunity for you to discover some new passions!

Thank you for these suggestions! I have definitely looked at the tutoring angle but no the other three suggestions! I will definitely do some research on them! Thanks!


Aug 13, 2011
narwhal – How do you like Chicago? I was born and raised there! Thank you for the help too! I don’t know why I didn’t think about the museum or aquarium; I live right near both of the ones right in Boston. I will look into the zoo as well! Thank you SO much!

thing2of2 – Its good to know I am not the only one that is/has gone through this! I love being busy busy and this is starting to drive me nuts! I need to make a schedule for myself, I have lost a lot of motivation to do much haha. I do spend at least 2 hours applying for jobs and since we have a dog I take him on 2 walks during my time home. It is definitely nice getting out of the house! I need to start exercising or something! I was going to join a class but it is in the evening and doesn’t help my boredom during the day time!

madiamond – Thank you for your support!

swingirl – I have looked in to tutoring. I use craigslist for a LOT of my job searching, Boston posts a lot of teaching related jobs up on there. Thanks for the help!


Oct 20, 2007
You have my sympathy. I don't have any teaching advise to offer, I'm not one. I did however, move from Atlanta, Ga to London, England and struggled to find a job. I did social work in the US but getting a qualification transferred would have been a nightmare. It was hard to stay motivated. I was unemployed for 6.5 months I think. The first couple of months were by choice, expected, and due to visas. When I started actually trying to find a job and couldn't I was just so upset. It's difficult putting so much into one area just to move and find things aren't so easy to pick up in another area.

I started volunteering at a charity shop just to give myself something to do. To meet people, learn about where I lived, and not be so reliant on my SO for meeting my every need. I also registered with a temp agency and did office and personal assistant l temp work while I looked for something closer to my field. It was a small paycheque but gave me a huge boost to my confidence to be earning again.

Can you sub? Is there anything related that you can do while you apply and interview for teaching jobs? Do private schools have different requirements for qualifications?

I really do feel for you. It's hard to start over somewhere new.


Sep 1, 2009
Have you considered looking into what sort of home-schooling options are available in your area? I know that for a few years (at least) in this area, there was a teacher who met with a bunch of home-schooled kids a day or two a week.


Aug 13, 2011
Addy - Thank you for telling me your story! I couldn't imagine going overseas and trying to do this. I would be completely lost! I think what makes things harder is that I have been so hardcore into the teaching stuff that I don't even know how to acquire a job that isn't teaching! AH! As for subbing, I have applied. I have so many applications out that I have not heard anything on yet. I probably apply to 5 positions a day and only hear back to a small percentage of them! ick it makes it discouraging. I told my BF today that I am so sick of the job hunt and just too discouraged now. Also, schools are starting now, which means most positions are being filled or already are filled!

Also, I technically am qualified to teach in a private or charter school but I think too many certified teachers are applying for those same positions. Since I do not have my MA certification yet it makes them look better for the position. I have tried this route and hoped it would work! I am even applying to NH jobs which are an hour away!

TooPatient - I have not heard anything such as that. Do you have any idea where to get more information on something like that?


Sep 1, 2009
jlp86|1314202152|2998272 said:
Addy - Thank you for telling me your story! I couldn't imagine going overseas and trying to do this. I would be completely lost! I think what makes things harder is that I have been so hardcore into the teaching stuff that I don't even know how to acquire a job that isn't teaching! AH! As for subbing, I have applied. I have so many applications out that I have not heard anything on yet. I probably apply to 5 positions a day and only hear back to a small percentage of them! ick it makes it discouraging. I told my BF today that I am so sick of the job hunt and just too discouraged now. Also, schools are starting now, which means most positions are being filled or already are filled!

Also, I technically am qualified to teach in a private or charter school but I think too many certified teachers are applying for those same positions. Since I do not have my MA certification yet it makes them look better for the position. I have tried this route and hoped it would work! I am even applying to NH jobs which are an hour away!

TooPatient - I have not heard anything such as that. Do you have any idea where to get more information on something like that?

I only found out about it when I was in high school because one of the girls in class mentioned it. She had been home-schooled through 8th grade.

A Bing search of Massachusetts home schooling gave great results with support organizations.


Dec 29, 2006
Jlp -- I'm not sure if you've heard about or are familiar with Lesley University but it's a great school in the area. Here's their education page:

There's also Simmons College, which is another really good school. Here's their grad school page:

I know you said that you weren't sure whether to look into grad school now because you're still paying off undergrad loans. I was in the same position as you in that regard. It might not be the ideal situation, but it definitely helped me find teaching jobs (and I knew having a masters was pretty much expected). You could even work part time while attending school, too.

I also had forgotten that you're in MA when I mentioned UNH yesterday. It'd be too far from Boston. Sorry about that.


Aug 13, 2011
Zoe -- thank you so much! you are awesome! I will definitely take a look! If some sort of full time work (whether it be 2 part time jobs or 1 full time) doesn't happen then I will DEFINITELY be looking into it. It would be silly for me to sit around for a year and do nothing! I am sure it is partially not wanting to go back to school as well, but money is definitely the biggie. But thanks!!!


Dec 29, 2006
jlp86|1314217992|2998457 said:
Zoe -- thank you so much! you are awesome! I will definitely take a look! If some sort of full time work (whether it be 2 part time jobs or 1 full time) doesn't happen then I will DEFINITELY be looking into it. It would be silly for me to sit around for a year and do nothing! I am sure it is partially not wanting to go back to school as well, but money is definitely the biggie. But thanks!!!

Yeah, I understand wanting a break between going to school. I waited 4 years.

I'm assuming you've looked at the MA Dept. of Ed. website. Was there a section in there that gave links to sites dedicated to teaching positions? If you haven't looked there, it might be worth checking out to see if other sites that you might not know about are mentioned.

Here's a website called School Spring. They list teaching jobs all over the place. I'm not sure if you live in Boston proper and where you're looking, but it might be worth looking at occasionally.

That's all I can think of for now but I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

Good luck and keep us updated!


Aug 13, 2011
Zoe -- You are seriously the best! I have been using school spring and check it like hourly. I have not used the MA department of ed website, I completely blanked on that one! I will be checking that shortly. As far as grad school, I always assumed I would have a salary helping me go through school. So I am very hesitant. At this point I do not have many options though!


Aug 13, 2011
I wanted to thank everyone for their advice and comfort while I have been searching for a job. I wanted to let everyone know that I had an interview this morning for a part-time after school program. It doesn't pay that much and doesn't offer insurance BUT.. I got the job!! So I have some work now! Not a lot!

To fill the mornings I am applying to subbing positions. There is a private school that wants to meet with me and then I am applying for subbing for the district the after school program is for!!

So, I am getting somewhere! YAY!


Dec 29, 2006
That's great, jlp! I'm happy for you!


Sep 7, 2008
jlp86|1314301847|2999507 said:
I wanted to thank everyone for their advice and comfort while I have been searching for a job. I wanted to let everyone know that I had an interview this morning for a part-time after school program. It doesn't pay that much and doesn't offer insurance BUT.. I got the job!! So I have some work now! Not a lot!

To fill the mornings I am applying to subbing positions. There is a private school that wants to meet with me and then I am applying for subbing for the district the after school program is for!!

So, I am getting somewhere! YAY!

Well done jlp!!! I have faith that you will find something in addition to your part time work. Things are looking up! Congrats!!!!!
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