
Favorite Sentiments?

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Feb 15, 2007
Do you have a favorite quote or phrase that you often repeat to yourself or others?

If you do, please share.

This came up because we just had our ketubah (marriage contract) framed, so now I get to read my favorite line of the whole thing daily. It''s the last line, which reads:

"May we live each day as the first, the last, and the only day we will have with each other."
Oh Haven, what a BEAUTIFUL sentiment that is - I love it!

I have 2 that I like:

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" - Courtesy of Mae West

"The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it, and the faith to believe its possible" - Courtesy of Rich Devos
"It could be could be dead."

That''s my little pep talk.

As long as you''re alive, you have a choice. When you''re dead, you''re dead.

I know this doesn''t exactly evoke roses and rainbows, but it definitely helps put things in perspective.

For me anyways.
HeartingDiamonds--I love that Mae West quote.

Platinumrock--I hear ya! I work with a guy who recently turned 50. On his birthday all of the secretaries in his office wore black and chided him for being half a century old. His response was the best I''ve ever heard--"Well, it was always a goal of mine to make it this far, so I''m pretty happy to be here." Loved it.
Better is the enemy of good.
Date: 2/22/2009 5:01:07 PM
Author: Haven
HeartingDiamonds--I love that Mae West quote.

Platinumrock--I hear ya! I work with a guy who recently turned 50. On his birthday all of the secretaries in his office wore black and chided him for being half a century old. His response was the best I''ve ever heard--''Well, it was always a goal of mine to make it this far, so I''m pretty happy to be here.'' Loved it.
Awwww...I love it! What a wonderful attitude about life. He''s absolutely right. Nothing is guaranteed.....
One of my favourities is: If you know better, do better. Author?
Date: 2/22/2009 6:31:07 PM
Author: isaku5
One of my favourities is: If you know better, do better. Author?
Maya Angelou?? That''s my best guess ... she may have been quoting someone else ... but I''m pretty sure she''s where I heard it first.
In college, a friend had this framed on their wall that has stuck with me when things get hard or stressful, I think of what it said....

Just smile and dance.
My Dad always told me "God will" whenever I was upset or nervous about something. He actually said it in arabic, but I don''t know how to spell it. Basically, he meant "what is meant to be will be" so stop driving us crazy lol. And he was right

I also love the words of Isla Paschal Richardson''s poem, To Those I Love. I always think about the wonderful pets I have lost when I read them.
One of my faves (having faced down some pretty rough stuff in my lifetime):

"I''m still vertical so everything must be good".

The one that I always loved from my religious upbringing was "I will, with God''s help." It''s a really nice mantra, especially when the day is tough. I''d say a lot of the bits of phrases that DH and I randomly repeat as a sentiment come from the liturgy of our church - the phrasing and word choice is just very distinct. A friend of mine likewise borrowed part of our liturgy and often greets someone with "Peace be with you!" (and it''s funny how automatic the "And also with you!" reply is - even when it''s over the phone).

DH and I also refer to bits from our wedding pretty often. One of my favorites is:

Love is...commitment, responsibility, no fun at all
Love is
you and me.

(Nikki Giovanni)

This one comes up mostly when I''m complaining about things we have to do around the house.
Oh El, I love that second bit.
I shall live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks. Og Mandino

Psalm 55:22 and Revelation 21:4, have given me a great deal of comfort.
I have four favourite sayings two of which I have on a ring and the other two on a necklace. Two are prayers basically one is thanking G-d for letting me wake up in the morning and the other is about compassion. The two quotes sound much better in their original language but esentially translate to: "Greet every person with a good face" (as in positive attidue, kindness etc..) and the other is "there are prettier THAN her but none as pretty AS her". Even if you think that person is _______ier than you they are not you and you bring things to the table that the other person doesnt... kinda thing :)
When I was younger and was going through hard times, my dad used to quote this line from an old song "We are all actors in a play, a play that''s sometimes kind and sometimes just a little mean". It always calms me and brings me peace of mind for some reason.
You are who your friends are.

That always made me think to give some thought into who I associate with, and not just be friends with people out of convienence.
Haven, I love that''s beautiful, and I may borrow it at some point in time...

A favorite love quote of mine is "When it comes to love, it doesn''t matter how many times you''re wrong, just that once you''re right" -- I don''t know who the other author is.
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