
Father Marries Off 8 Year Old

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Apr 17, 2008
I am speechless!
That is so evil!
That''s heinous.
Oh my
the evil in this world never ceases to amaze me. That poor child.
Pretty medieval by today''s standards, certainly. But I can think of quite a few things going on today that shock and anger me more - MUCH more, than this.

In the grand scheme of things, this is pretty mild. You want to be genuinely shocked? Read this. It goes on every day...
Personally, I think both of these cases are somewhat in the same vein... for a court to rule that prostituting a daughter to one man is a moral and legal thing to do speaks absolute volumes for the rights of women in Saudi Arabia.
And to reject the mother, who is working to protect her daughter - this is disgustng, and a travesty of justice.
As if the old man is going to wait until she''s at ''puberty'' (what is ''puberty'' to him? 13 years old?) before he rapes her!!

And as for sex trafficking, don''t get me started!!
this is an issue that Australian people and authorities, also, have been trying to avoid as being ''over the top''. The Australian authorities were simply deporting trafficked women as illegal prostitutes, ignoring their stories, and then finding these women even killed back in their countries of origin if they tried to continue their fight for justice!
Australian rescue groups have been campaigning for some years to have these women heard!

So many varieties of evil in this world. To think about these things eats away at the soul, I hope these girls find peace, and comfort.
This world I live in frightens me sometimes. It''s just so sad.
I hear what you are saying Ksinger. And I suppose if there were awards given out for most atrocious and heinous, that story would take the lead. However, there is so much misery in the world. The quality of life for the eight year old girl, as well as all of the boys and girls forced into sexual slavery is zero. And zero multiplied by 10 or 1,000,000 still gives you the same answer.
OMG, just disgusting
Both stories are just horrific.

The thing with underage girls being forced into marriage is that is is not at all uncommon. Yes rather rare for 8yr olds, but not at all rare for 12yr olds to be married to grown men. Of course, the Koran is rather specific that this should not be done. The sickening aspect to me about the girls sold into sexual slavery is how many women are complicit in this process.
Here is an update

I keep seeing this story pop up on and MSNBC. Everytime it makes me angry. I understand different cultures have different ways of viewing marriage and relationships, but a child is still a child and shouldn''t be forced to grow up before their time.

In college I took a year long seminar on Middle Eastern history and it''s current culture, and honestly, some of the things I saw and heard disgusted me. We had a speaker once from Yeman, and she told us about her 11 year old sister who was married off to settle a debt her father had accrued. Some years later, the girl (now grown) had an affair with a cousin of her husband and was ultimately stoned. Honor killings are fairly common in most Arabic or Islamic cultures, and it''s so upsetting to think about. A woman''s rights are so limited (if existant in the first place).

An 8-year old should not be expected to serve as anyone''s wife, even if a "judge" rules she cannot be touched until she''s older. Even if this little girl does decide to annul the marriage when she''s older, what will happen to her after? Will she be killed for disobeying what she''s been ordered to do?

It''s so sad and horrifying!
This makes me sick.

I suppose someone will be keeping an eye on the child to make sure he doesn''t rape her? Probably not!
It''s highly unlikely that she would decide to have an annulment. Not that she would be killed for doing so (as I don''t think that would occur), but for the fact that she would be considered "soiled" and unmarriageable. She would be consigning herself to a life as an old maid.
Date: 4/16/2009 9:44:47 PM
Author: purrfectpear
It''s highly unlikely that she would decide to have an annulment. Not that she would be killed for doing so (as I don''t think that would occur), but for the fact that she would be considered ''soiled'' and unmarriageable. She would be consigning herself to a life as an old maid.

That may be true, but it''s also certainly not out of the realm of possibility for her to be killed for trying to assert her independence. Honor killings happen with relative frequency in these sort of cultures for much less. Human rights violation groups try to bring awareness to these instances. There was a very upsetting honor killing a few months back in Pakistan; several teenage girls were shot and buried in a single grave for refusing to marry men their families had chosen for them. This story was reported on CNN for a few days, and the court system in Pakistan has yet to try the men for murder, despite many countries threatening sanctions against Pakistan for not doing so.

In 2005, a Muslim woman was murdered in Germany by her brother because she divorced the husband she had been forced to marry when she was 16. She was also accused of being a whore and a disgrace to her family because she wore makeup and went on dates with non-Islamic men.

These killings happen here, as well. A decade or so back, there was a girl in Canada who was killed by her parents for getting an afterschool job at McDonalds or somewhere similar. They stabbed her to death and were caught because somehow a recording of the killing was attained by the police while they were investigating her father for shady business deals.

I''d have legitimate fear for this little girl if she were my daughter. Fear that her childhood would be devastated by some crackpot pedophile, and terrified she''d be killed for any attempt at freedom and civil rights.
Update- the girl was granted a divorce
Date: 4/30/2009 2:19:33 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Update- the girl was granted a divorce

thank goodness.
I just saw that she had been granted a divorce.

I couldn''t post on this without swearing before now. But doesn''t anyone else think it''s ironic that the (BLEEPING) court has a minimum requirement for DIVORCE (puberty) but not for MARRIAGE. Of all the illogical, corrupt, immoral.... freaking, bleeping... okay so, apparently I''m still not at that point yet.
I''m glad she was granted the divorce. It''s just unthinkable to me to marry off your little girl. It''s almost as bad as people who try to sell their children. I feel so sad for these children, they never get to really be ..... children.
Date: 4/30/2009 5:41:33 PM
Author: Gypsy
I just saw that she had been granted a divorce.

I couldn''t post on this without swearing before now. But doesn''t anyone else think it''s ironic that the (BLEEPING) court has a minimum requirement for DIVORCE (puberty) but not for MARRIAGE. Of all the illogical, corrupt, immoral.... freaking, bleeping... okay so, apparently I''m still not at that point yet.

Still more coherent than I could be.
just wrong...
Sick. Totally and completely. Makes me *very* glad I live where I do!
, this kind of thinks that happen around the world is just so sad.
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