
Fake Eyelashes

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Aug 12, 2005
Does anyone wear these, or have past experience with them? I would like to wear some for an event next weekend, but I don''t want to mess with them if they are a total PITA.
i wore them for my wedding. i bought the cheap $3 ones at the drug store and glued them on myself. no sweat.
they''re not a total pita. i would practice putting them on a couple of times before hand (i''m just anal like that!)
go easy on the glue and try using something like an orangestick (or just your fingers
) to ease them on as close to your natural lash as possible.
i use a toothpick to apply the glue thinly. and i prefer the white glue that dries clear over the black glue.
Do you guys use the individuals or the strips?
full strips. i tried the partial strips and they looked odd.
ditto on the white glue and full strips. you can trim the full ones if you need to.
I used the individual kind- a little more tricky, require a very steady hand, but are more natural looking. I didn''t use a lot of them- only towards the outer edge of my eye- also they stay on longer.
OK, I think I''ll buy some tonight and "practice" this weekend... I just found an instructional video on that was very helpful, too! It actually said using a powder or eyeshadow first would help them stick better, but then I read another website and it said start with clean eyes.
I guess I''ll try both ways and see what works better.

Also, how long do they really stay on? For this event, I will be working a half day in the office, then flying to Atlanta where I will have maybe 45-60 minutes to dress and get myself together. So I wonder if I should put them on before work in the morning, or wait until I get to our hotel in Atl.?
i start with clean eyes. for my bridal portraits, i left the house with ONLY my eyes done. then i got my hair done. then i drove an hour to the location, got ready and spent 3 or so hours taking pics. they were fine. wedding day i put them on before my makeup, but after hair was done. i didn''t take them off till that night. for a back up, i''d pack your glue and a toothpick or two, just in case.
i think if you get them put on good, they will stay all day. i always just assumed that you put them on ''clean'' eyes, but hey, whatever works! if you find something else that works, let us know!

as jcrow said, take along the glue and a toothpick just in case!
I''ve had pretty good luck with the individuals. I just trim them a little after they''re glued into place because they are so crazy long. Follow with mascara and volia, long lashes!
They are a pain, but the individuals done graduated by length toward the outer corner can look awesome! You do not go from the inner corner but more toward the middle...
nyc has some cheapies for 97 cents that i use that are nice looking. i think the ones called glamour are my fave cuz the lashes are of diff lengths and look more natural. i use those when i go clubbing. when i go somehwere nicer, i use the ones from sally''s beauty supply. can''t remeber the name but there are tons to choose fro and they''re like $3. i recommned buying the glue sepeartely (i like the white one that dries clear also) cuz the lashes that say ready to stick will fall off an you end up looking CRAZY (i speak from experience
). I use the ful strip and trim as needed. For super dressy events i have a lady do the indivicual lashes for me ($10) which look the best.

i put eyeliner on first, curl my lashes, light coat of mascara, then fake lashes, touch up the liner and mascara and put on eyeshadow.
I also agree with having someone put them on if you can find someone to do so. It is painstaking and frustrating to do them yourself and I get into a sweat doing it! Make sure they are not tooo long or they can look a bit drag queen like...
I would happily have someone else put them on if possible, (and do my hair for the occasion as well), however, DH booked a hotel without a spa/beauty service, although they do offer a "referral" to a salon down the street. I think I will have to wing this one on my own!

So...I didn''t make it to the drugstore tonight, but on my list for the weekend are: individual lashes and eyelash strips, white glue that turns into clear, liquid eyeliner(which I don''t normally use). Am I forgetting anything?

Oh, and diamondfan, I will definitely trim so as to avoid the "dragqueen" look, LMAO!

Thanks everyone! I will let you know how my trial runs this weekend go!
Mon, once you apply the glue, wait for a few seconds for it to go a touch tacky, before you position the lashes,this helps them stick where you put them.
Thanks Lorelei! I still have to find twenty minutes to run to the drugstore and buy the damn things...this little wretch of a puppy takes up the majority of my time these days, and I can''t very well trust DH to choose false eyelashes and glue for me, now can I, LOL!

Hope to have a full report for you all by Sunday...
Wow, sounds like I''m the only one who had trouble with fake lashes. Got a pair of purple ones for Halloween one year (freaked a little kid out..haha..the little tyke couldn''t stop staring at me open mouthed) and they were a PAIN to get off. I used the glue that dried clear, and I nearly tore out my own lashes trying to get the fakies and the glue off. I''m sorry I can''t provide any tips, because after that experience, I just avoid them all together.
Date: 12/1/2006 2:34:24 AM
Author: monarch64
I would happily have someone else put them on if possible, (and do my hair for the occasion as well), however, DH booked a hotel without a spa/beauty service, although they do offer a 'referral' to a salon down the street. I think I will have to wing this one on my own!

So...I didn't make it to the drugstore tonight, but on my list for the weekend are: individual lashes and eyelash strips, white glue that turns into clear, liquid eyeliner(which I don't normally use). Am I forgetting anything?

Oh, and diamondfan, I will definitely trim so as to avoid the 'dragqueen' look, LMAO!

Thanks everyone! I will let you know how my trial runs this weekend go!

There is a fine line between dramatic and La Cage aux Folles...I would experiment with a length that is more in the realm of possible on a human eye...tey have some long spidery ones that are a bit much. I think MAC also makes some, I could be wrong, but I recall seeing them in Nordstrom. Bottom line is like Lorelei said, wait til the glue will grab or it will be like trying to stand up a nail in a bowl of pudding. Practice using not too much and not too little glue, too much makes it hard to put the liner on afterward...I might also invest in a gel type eyeliner (in a jar, Clinique makes one, as do MAC and Bobbi Brown and Smashbox) and a fine brush, which I think is easier to control than a pure liquid liner. They stay on really nicely and you can make the line as thin or thick as you would like.
Date: 12/2/2006 4:02:59 AM
Author: diamondfan

Date: 12/1/2006 2:34:24 AM
Author: monarch64
I would happily have someone else put them on if possible, (and do my hair for the occasion as well), however, DH booked a hotel without a spa/beauty service, although they do offer a ''referral'' to a salon down the street. I think I will have to wing this one on my own!

So...I didn''t make it to the drugstore tonight, but on my list for the weekend are: individual lashes and eyelash strips, white glue that turns into clear, liquid eyeliner(which I don''t normally use). Am I forgetting anything?

Oh, and diamondfan, I will definitely trim so as to avoid the ''dragqueen'' look, LMAO!

Thanks everyone! I will let you know how my trial runs this weekend go!

There is a fine line between dramatic and La Cage aux Folles...I would experiment with a length that is more in the realm of possible on a human eye...tey have some long spidery ones that are a bit much. I think MAC also makes some, I could be wrong, but I recall seeing them in Nordstrom. Bottom line is like Lorelei said, wait til the glue will grab or it will be like trying to stand up a nail in a bowl of pudding. Practice using not too much and not too little glue, too much makes it hard to put the liner on afterward...
Ha - good one DF!!! Also Monnie, when trimming, you can snip into the lashes a bit to make them look more natural, just make a couple of hairs shorter here and there, also leave the outer edges longer than the inner for a tres foxy sweep!
Lorelei, you never heard that one?!!!

I agree with you, you trim in a graduated way and the longest ones overall should be at the outer edges. I also would avoid getting too close to the inner corner, start on the lash line about where the pupil is, interspersing the individual ones and going a tiny bit longer as you work your way out. Otherwise you will make your eyes look close set versus open and uplifted...
yah.. buy some at MAC and have the makeup artist apply them for you- all you pay is the cost of the lashes!
Date: 12/2/2006 3:55:25 AM
Author: Cinderella
Wow, sounds like I''m the only one who had trouble with fake lashes. Got a pair of purple ones for Halloween one year (freaked a little kid out..haha..the little tyke couldn''t stop staring at me open mouthed) and they were a PAIN to get off. I used the glue that dried clear, and I nearly tore out my own lashes trying to get the fakies and the glue off. I''m sorry I can''t provide any tips, because after that experience, I just avoid them all together.

For anyone having trouble getting your falsies off, use some baby oil or makeup remover for water proof makeup. Soak a cotton ball/pad in it and press it on your eye for a few seconds- it will loosen the glue. I''ve pulled quite a few of my own lashes out using individual lashes & glue, and this method works best for me. good luck!
i''ve always put them on after all my eye makeup is done. it''s like the grand finale, hee. you can usually put a little eyeliner on top of it to blend it in a bit. the lashes should last the whole day and night. just make sure the outer edges have a little more glue. that''s where it tends to pop out.

MAC lashes are great. i can usually use them about 7-8 times before tossing them out. the MAC ones last longer if you don''t put mascara on top of ''em. the cheapy ones from the drugstore only last me once. you can put some mascara over them to make them blend more with your natural lashes.

i love how fake lashes look! so sexy! i''ve done it many times, but not often. so even now when i try to put them on, it takes me a good 10 minutes. it''s a pain, but well worth it, IMO.
Date: 12/15/2006 6:53:07 PM
Author: Milly
i''ve always put them on after all my eye makeup is done. it''s like the grand finale, hee. you can usually put a little eyeliner on top of it to blend it in a bit. the lashes should last the whole day and night. just make sure the outer edges have a little more glue. that''s where it tends to pop out.

MAC lashes are great. i can usually use them about 7-8 times before tossing them out. the MAC ones last longer if you don''t put mascara on top of ''em. the cheapy ones from the drugstore only last me once. you can put some mascara over them to make them blend more with your natural lashes.

i love how fake lashes look! so sexy! i''ve done it many times, but not often. so even now when i try to put them on, it takes me a good 10 minutes. it''s a pain, but well worth it, IMO.
Yup, I think the best way for me (after trying them about 4 times now--I almost need to buy new ones!) is to put them on after my other eye makeup has been applied. I actually tried to put them on tonight in a hurry before my office Christmas party, and failed miserably. I thought for some reason I would just put them on first, then put the rest of my makeup on after, but I couldn''t even get the right lashes on the right eye.
I started out backwards, tried it again, and then gave up and moved on. Oh well...I need more practice before I start doing them regularly for special occasions, I guess.

I would LOVE to look into getting them done "professionally" for other occasions...trouble is, usually special occasions to me means being out of town at some event for my Dh''s work. If we are staying in a hotel with a full-service salon it''s no problem, but if we aren''t by some chance, I have to fend for myself. So I really need to practice more when I have time and get these things down to a science now! I LOVE the way they look and without them now I feel like my eyes just don''t look as special as they could...
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