
Fab Product for Underam Sweat


Oct 2, 2014
Sorry for the gross topic, but I've found this product which is so effective I thought I'd share about it, because I've suffered in silence for years and didn't know there was a solution!

I've always had a ton of underarm wetness even on temperate days with low activity, and it has really limited the choice of colors I can wear on my top half. It was the same when I was 25 and weighed 108 pounds. It's just the wetness that has been a problem - promise I always smell sweet, thanks to lavish applications of antiperspirant deodorant and of course daily showers and clean clothes. However, my usual underarm products didn't make a dent in the wetness, including products such as Mitchum and all the "clinical strength" antiperspirants. However, it's recently come to my attention that there are products for this problem.

Basically you need a product with aluminum chloride, and you apply the product to your underarms before bed. You wash it off in the morning and apply your usual antiperspirant deodorant. However, while you slept, the product formed a plug in your sweat glands which can't be washed off, and underarm sweating is drastically reduced or stopped. Sometimes you have to apply it for a few nights in a row to get started, and the plug lasts about a week (varies). The skin has to be completely dry and you can't have just shaved. Some people have skin reactions.

I chose a product from Amazon, "Certain Dri", which has 12% aluminium chloride. The next day, I wore a jacket on a warm day and rushed around doing chores and became hot. It was miraculous - where usually there would have been a pit stain like a map of the United States under each arm, there was barely anything at all. I am free.

Another product with aluminum chloride is "Odaban," and it has a lot more than "Certain Dri." There are others, too. On Amazon, wipes that do the same thing (bedtime application etc) are named Sweat Block and have thousands of overwhelmingly positive reviews.

I did some research and the products are perfectly safe - this is the same thing as prescription antiperspirants. Apparently your body has millions of sweat glands and it just re-directs the sweat elsewhere. I did notice today that my right palm was noticeably sweatier than normal, but I'm fine with that. You can wash or discreetly wipe your hands. This summer I'll be able to weat whatever tops I like, including pale blue!!

I've only been using this for two nights, and the first day after I wore a light top but used Certain Dri's normal antiperspirant in the morning, a different product from the night-time stuff, instead of my usual women's Mitchum. Today I used my Mitchum in the morning but wore a dark top. Tomorrow I'll wear a light top and use the Mitchum, so I can see if I need to use Certain Dri's morning product too. It's almost the same as the Mitchum, so I thought I could use the Mitchum in the morning. I wore a dark top today so couldn't judge it properly.

Anyway, it's so very exciting to have this embarrassing problem under control. Lots of people successfully use these products on their faces, hands, and feet!


Apr 30, 2005
There is no sweat under my ram. ;-)

... but, Hey, How 'bout them Dodgers.



Jul 13, 2008
I had embarrassing and severe hyperhydrosis in middle and the first couple years of high school. I had tried CertainDri but didn't have much success. I got a prescription for DrySol which is 25% aluminum chloride. You applied at night and slept in it for a couple of weeks, then wean to once a week until you didn't need it anymore. It BURNEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD so bad, but after a few months of use, I can say that now, almost 20 years later, I still don't sweat from my armpits - as in, it's physically impossible for me to do so. I could be working out and sweating from my forehead, hands, legs, etc., but my armpits will not produce sweat since the DrySol treatment all those years ago. All I use now is Dove deodorant.

I'm glad CertainDri is working for you! It changed my LIFE when I could stop worrying about sweating. I wish I would have known about it right away so I could have saved myself from being embarrassed during those formative years.


Oct 2, 2014
Kenny, there's nothing under my ram either! :lol:

Thanks, Sonnyjane. I think the nocturnal Certain Dri works best with their own ordinary anti-perspirant deodorant in the morning. I used Mitchum after the nocturnal product the other day and wore a light gray top. While things weren't nearly as bad as usual, it could have been a lot better. I get better results with the two Certain Dri products.

Thanks for your sentiments. It is so wonderful and freeing to be able to wear light tops!


Feb 5, 2004
DrySol was great. And with every great product, it is no longer manufactured. When I called my pharmacist, he said there was no call for it.


Sep 28, 2013
I like to use a Thai brand, Erb, which has a herbal clay mask and toner specifically for underarms. It's fantastic!!
You can get it on Amazon but it's a bit pricey because it uses organic ingredients I believe.


Jul 13, 2008
ruby59|1457667159|4003176 said:
DrySol was great. And with every great product, it is no longer manufactured. When I called my pharmacist, he said there was no call for it.

Oh bummer! Before I originally posted I even googled to see if it was still around. Enough results came up that I assumed it was. Apologies!


Apr 28, 2008
I love Certain Dri too! It really does work so well.
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