
etiquette question

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May 5, 2005
ok, so I just need an opinion here. DH went on a charter fishing trip (they supply everything), and while on the boat, he lost his balance and fell over, breaking the captain''s fishing reel by accident.
Pretty embarassing, but also, the reel was in a pretty dumb spot where someone had sat earlier, and since he fell, he had to land somewhere. He certainly didn''t mean to do it.

The guy said, jeez, that was $80, and dh felt pretty bad, so he offered to pay for it, thinking the guy would say don''t worry about it and write it off as a business cost. Well, instead of that the guy said, "great, thanks!" Dh said he''d send him a check.

I know if this was his friend and they were on a personal fishing trip, there is no question we should replace it, but since this was a business, and this reel was part of the business, don''t you think it would have been nice if he had told us not to worry about it? I don''t know, I mean he did break it, but if someone broke a dish in the restaurant he works in, he wouldn''t ask him to replace it, so same concept I guess. I see it as part of operating expenses. Surely things are bound to get broken on a boat with equipment that gets used every day.

This trip was quite expensive, by the way. Any ideas? I have a feeling we''ll end up paying but just want to hear a few opinions. Thanks!


Jul 22, 2007
Well, since your DH OFFERED to pay, I think it''s wrong to reneg.

However, I don''t think he should have offered in the first place. It''s like saying, "you broke my life jacket while on my rafting excursion, you owe me $" You pay a ton of money for those types of trips, they realize that sometimes stuff like this happens and it''s figured into the charges. I honestly think the guy is playing your DH to get some extra cash, you think he''s not going to file an insurance claim on it, too?

btw-If I were you, I''d ask Andrey if you can change the title of this thread to something else. It''s really not a fishing question, and I think you''re not getting responses because of the title.


Feb 24, 2008
I guess because your DH offered, and the man agreed, the correct etiquette at this stage is that he should now pay.
Having said that, the money should really have been taken off before he paid any final bill, it seems silly that he should have to write a cheque.

However, I agree with you, the MOST correct response would have been for the tour operator to have clapped your man on the back and said: "Cost of business, ol'' man! Hope you didn''t hurt yourself!" and everyone hae a big grin about it.

Has the guy been chasing you for the cheque? Most people would probably just let the matter rest, particularly if they''ve paid in full and you''re not planning to go back and use the same tour operator on your holiday next year. I''m in small business, and I hope I''m not being too mean / negative about human nature, it''s just the reality.

In his heart of hearts, he may not really be expecting you to pay. Just as your DH found himself offering to pay, he may also have responded on a personal level and accepted the offer to pay.
I don''t think you''d have to feel too badly for slipping it through to the keeper though, or maybe paying when you get some money, like after tax time etc.


Oct 18, 2004
I agree with you. The man should have declined. Actually, he shouldn''t have made the comment about Geez, it cost $80. That was tacky. But it isn''t like you are dealing with Emily Post here. Your husband should pay since he offered.

I once broke a plate in an antique store and they made me pay for it. It was only $25 but I thought that was kind of tacky. It was an accident, obviously.


Jan 1, 2007
Blah, that's a crappy situation. I don't think he should have to pay for it, but since he offered it's hard to not pay now. Hmmm...I don't know! Sorry I'm not helpful!

ETA that the more I think about it, the more I think he shouldn't have to pay, and I can't believe the guy took him up on his offer! I would just not send the check, and if the company actually pursues the matter with him, he should just say that he wasn't thinking when he offered and that he doesn't feel he should have to pay for the rod. Easier said than done, I know...


Mar 28, 2006
Doensn''t the guy have insurance for when stuff like this happens?


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 7/26/2008 8:57:24 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Doensn''t the guy have insurance for when stuff like this happens?
Even if he has insurance, he probably won''t want to make a claim for an $80 piece of equipment because that claim in addition to potential or past others, may drive up his premiums?

Since your hubby already offered to pay for the reel, or part, and the captain accepted or did not dissuade him from doing so, I would think it would be right for your hubby to just pay the $80 and be done with it. No harm, no foul, even though the captain should have in good conscience, waved off your hubby''s offer. This is probably one of those things in life you just might want to suck up and then let go, whether it is right or wrong...just my opinion.
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