
Dress issues...

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Oct 12, 2006
Just a quick little vent... I couldnt sleep this morning...

When I had my first (and ONLY) fitting February 16th... I made sure that the bridal shop knew that everything had to be ready to ship (Yes.. I agreed to overnight my dress to where I''m getting married) on Saturday March 24th... I went in to the shop yesterday and my dress wasnt done!!! ummmmm... hellooo...

One of my biggest fears was the hemline being too short.. and while it is a little on the short side.. it will do.. so I didnt freak about that.. but..

1. they didnt tack down the ribbon detail on the waist..
2. they didnt straighten up and tighten down the buttons... (which I paid OUT the nose for)
3. there were VISIBLE pin holes from where the dress had been pinned at the first fitting
4. she wanted to re-do the bustle... she was totally hung up on the fact that I am getting married on the beach.. um.. hello lady.. it wont be bustled on the beach.. it will be bustled later.. so if it drags a little (which I wanted it to) thats OK..
5. and finally!!! because of all of the above.. my dress wont ship until Tuesday!!! which means it wont arrive till Wednesday.. ok.. so that isnt earth shattering... but the lady could only guarantee delivery before 5... I''m leaving for Seaside Wednesday around 1. So I had to pay an additional $100 to get it guaranteed for 10am delivery.. ughhhh...

I know all of this isnt horrible.. I''m just sooo dissapointed.. I was soooo ready.. and now.. its just.. ughhhh... I really hope that this is the only issue I face this week..although.. I realize that it probably wont be...

Thanks for letting me vent!
That sucks! I think you should''ve demanded that they pay the additional $100 to make sure it gets there on time since you told them from the beginning when it needed to be ready.

Sorry your dress is stressing you out
. Hopefully everything else will go much smoother.
Ditto what Robbie said, they should be paying the $100 for guaranteed delivery.
This is horrible! Of them at any rate! They really should be paying the extra $100 to get it there on time, that''s not inspiring confidence in their customer service.

Don''t worry too much, I''m sure it''ll be fine.
I recently went through something similar, so I remember the feeling and had nightmares about it too. I went it for the final fitting and check 7 days before our flight to Hawaii and the hem was wavy. The seamstress was sick so the skirt wasn''t ready until Tuesday... and the hem was lopsided by an inch and a half! We''re talking really noticeable. It was sent back to the seamstress and I picked it up on Weds, less than 15 hours from leaving! When I finally put it on the afternoon of my wedding it was perfect! Not only was it even but it was somehow longer than the shortest side had been. I was convinced that something else would have gone wrong, but it was fine.

Besides, the second you see your groom standing next to the officiant, you''ll forget about everything else! It''s all totally irrelevant!
seamstress point of view - there will be visible pin holes. nothing to be done about that except perhaps a good steaming.
Oh no! It sounds like you handled it perfectly... but that sucks that its cutting close for you. I suggest staying on top of this with regular phone calls to check on the status. At the very least, they''ll want to finish so that you get out of their hair!

See you Thursday!! I can''t wait!
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