
Dress is already here?!

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Oct 11, 2008
I received a letter from the Bridal Salon where I purchased my gown, informing me that the gown had arrived. (What?! Less than a month after it was ordered?!) They originally told me ~5 months from the order date- what happened to that? Additionally, the letter said the gown needed to be inspected within 10 days, Monday-Friday, with a 24-hour in-advance appointment. Oh... and the remainder of the balance is due...

Hmm... I live in CO. The salon is in OH. My mother & father work full-time Mon-Fri.

My mom called the salon to "chat" with them, as they did not provide us with ANY of the details within the letter at the time of purchase. It was a total shock. Fortunately, one of the shop managers told my mom that she could come in on Sunday... but tried to tell her that she needn''t inspect the dress because THEY already do it. Hahaha... Yeaaahhhh... My mom said, "Oh, that''s great. I will inspect it too before making the final payment. And I would like to compare it to the sample dress that PilsnPinkysMom tired on."

Don''t get me wrong-- this place has been great otherwise... And this isn''t necessarily a BAD thing that''s happening-- they just kept us a bit out of the loop. Has anyone else ever heard of receiving a wedding gown, from out of the country, 24 days after purchase? I sure haven''t. Oh well.

Fingers crossed it''s the right dress & in perfect condition!!
I hope it is perfect!
How exciting... you have your dress!!!!
I have heard of that. It might have been a dress that was over ordered, someone ordered the wrong thing, or someone no longer needed the dress. I''ve been lead to believe that in cases like that the dress is kept and when the next order for that exact dress comes in it goes to that person. One of the bridal shops I tried dresses on told me that sometimes happened. I was looking at a dress and was told that the shop had cancelled an order on exactly the dress I was looking at so the turn around would be quicker because they''d just restart that order the other person cancelled. It would have cut months off my waiting time for that particular dress. Not sure if that''s common practice but the dress has to go to someone, right?

Or it could be dodgy and they could be trying to sell you the sample dress.

It''s a pain, especially since the balance is now due early, but better too early than late. I hope all goes well with the dress.
What Addy says makes sense. Good luck. I hope it''s perfect!
How exciting that it is ready! Hopefully it is perfect. That''s one less thing to worry about

I have to say, I think part of the long lead time is to try and convince brides to plunk down money ASAP. When my friend was looking for a dress, it was amazing how much quicker we were able to get it when we told them that the wedding was two months out, so if it was going to take 6 weeks, great, otherwise, we''d have to go elsewhere. Suddenly, it would be available AND she didn''t pay a rush fee.
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