I keep dreaming of two people in particular from the past. Does that happen to you? It can get a little annoying! I was very attracted to someone 12 years ago but realized he wasn't for me. But I dream of him every so often, and last night was the longest dream yet! It's never sexual, but we're just together and having a nice time hanging out. In waking hours I swear I never think of this person and am quite clear that once I got to know him, he wasn't my type in terms of interests or character. He was all the things I'm not attracted to in a man - no education, bad manners etc - but physically he was very good-looking.
And I also dream of a childhood friend - again, I never, ever think of her during waking hours and she also turned out not to have the world's most upstanding character, but we did have laughs together in our youth. Of course, these dreams lead me to look up these old friends online, and they're fine - married with kids, living their lives, etc. When I dream of them, I wake up feeling a bit empty. I had a deep, intense love in college 25 years ago but I never dream about him, not ever, even though I have looked him up online, too.
I wish my dreams about these two people would go away. I never think about them when I'm awake. They happen once every few weeks or months and I find it a little upsetting to keep being reminded of people from the past. The only thing they have in common is that if I'm honest, I cared more for them than they did for me. But they were years and years ago, and I see that our characters weren't at all suited, and I have no desire to actually be in touch with them.
I dream of my departed loved ones, too, but I think that's natural - I loved them, they loved me, and it's nice to see them in my dreams.
But people from years ago, who I dropped out of touch with for good reasons? Man, just go away!!
Anyone else have unwanted dreams of recurring people from the past? Especially people whose characters you couldn't think well of once you got to know them better, but had previously liked a lot.
If anyone has found a technique to make annoying recurring dreams disappear, I'd be glad to hear it. I wouldn't care if I never dreamed of these two again, and if I didn't dream of them, I'd never think of them.
And I also dream of a childhood friend - again, I never, ever think of her during waking hours and she also turned out not to have the world's most upstanding character, but we did have laughs together in our youth. Of course, these dreams lead me to look up these old friends online, and they're fine - married with kids, living their lives, etc. When I dream of them, I wake up feeling a bit empty. I had a deep, intense love in college 25 years ago but I never dream about him, not ever, even though I have looked him up online, too.
I wish my dreams about these two people would go away. I never think about them when I'm awake. They happen once every few weeks or months and I find it a little upsetting to keep being reminded of people from the past. The only thing they have in common is that if I'm honest, I cared more for them than they did for me. But they were years and years ago, and I see that our characters weren't at all suited, and I have no desire to actually be in touch with them.
I dream of my departed loved ones, too, but I think that's natural - I loved them, they loved me, and it's nice to see them in my dreams.
But people from years ago, who I dropped out of touch with for good reasons? Man, just go away!!
Anyone else have unwanted dreams of recurring people from the past? Especially people whose characters you couldn't think well of once you got to know them better, but had previously liked a lot.
If anyone has found a technique to make annoying recurring dreams disappear, I'd be glad to hear it. I wouldn't care if I never dreamed of these two again, and if I didn't dream of them, I'd never think of them.