
Does your SO like all of your jewellery?


Jul 28, 2008
Or are there any pieces that he/she is not so keen on? The reason I ask is that I have had a feeling for a while now that Mr L doesn't like my Art Deco ring, it was a combination of my 30th birthday present and something to celebrate our second child who we had a difficult time conceiving. Although I chose the ring myself he was with me and I just assumed he was as happy as I was with it but in the car today he said that he didn't like it because it was too square there were too many small diamonds which made it too 'obvious'.

Now this is my fault because I asked, and then I told him to be brutally honest because I wanted to know - he is normally very tactful. But I think I was secretly hoping he would say that he did like it. I realise that this is ridiculous but now I feel differently about the ring!!! I am a pretty strong personality and I don't normally need approval on things but because it signifies a special time in our lives I feel that we should both like it. I'm being an idiot aren't I?

Aside from my moan, I would be interested to know if you own anything that your SO dislikes and if you care if he likes it or not :lol:

Jennifer W

Jun 18, 2010
I don't know. I never asked, because I don't care. ;)) I choose and buy my own pieces, so I don't have to please anyone except me. I'll assume he likes the rare piece we did choose together, but beyond that, I don't know.

ETA, if you feel that it is something that is symbolic to both of you and you want him to like it, then how about choosing another piece together? :twisted:


Jun 8, 2008
My dh likes all of my jewelry but if I had reset my ER with a halo he would *not* have cared for that at all as it isn't his preference. Originally I did want to halo my ER but due to my dh's opinion I chose not to though to be fair he always said it was up to me completely. Now I am glad I didn't but if there was a piece of jewelry I fell in love with that dh didn't like I would probably still purchase it. *If* I fall in love with a piece that is...otherwise if I am undecided dh could swing my vote if you KWIM.

One thing he did not listen to me on was the shape for my ER. He knew I loved emerald shaped diamonds (but I also love rounds) before we got engaged but he always made his preference very clear for round. He is a traditional type guy who prefers the sparkle of round. But if I ever can afford an emerald shape diamond in the size I want and would be able to trade my round in I would do it in a heartbeat probably. The trick is finding one I love in every way and being able to afford it!

So while my dh likes all of my jewelry it is not important enough to him that he has to so if I find something I love it would be no problem for me to purchase.


Nov 12, 2004
Ditto, Missy. MH loves all my stuff, but there was a point that I was considering re-setting my EC into a halo setting, or just trading my stone in for a cushion with halo. He was adamant about me not doing that, he doesn't like halos, and he likes EC's more than cushions. I'm happy that he loves all my jewelry, as I think he has great taste and would be upset if he didn't (especially my e-ring). :))


Apr 30, 2005

Funny, years ago (when he wore a round ACA) and I bought my asscher the first words out of his mouth were, "Uhm, square diamonds are for girls".
He changed his tune when I gave him an Octavia. :lol:


Oct 20, 2007
I don't know. I don't ask, he doesn't say. I've asked before and it ruined it a bit for me; I'm not making that mistake again. He comments sometimes that they are sparkly and that's really all I want.


Dec 30, 2006
Whenever I have been looking at rings and I ask my hubby to give an opinion he always says 'its your ring, does it really matter what I think?' and I think he is right. He doesn't have to wear it, look at it or love it. Its for me. Its not like we are choosing a car or house or something that he would have to like. :))


Jul 7, 2004
He could probably not care any less. As long as there's no more expenses related to them for a LONG LONG TIME.


Nov 24, 2006
LOL, I just asked my husband that question!!! :lol: He said, what? so I asked him again! These aren't the types of questions I ask him anyway, but he said yes, you look pretty when you get dressed up and put on your diamonds,etc! He likes them! lol

Then he asked me if I like his power tools :lol: I guess it depends on the ones he is talking about. ;-) totally joking, sort of. . . :rodent:

eta. hubby asked one of the twin babies if he likes mommy's jewelry! Now I am getting teased. hehe I am glad hubby and the twins approve! :D


Dec 17, 2008
ame|1316296130|3019674 said:
He could probably not care any less. As long as there's no more expenses related to them for a LONG LONG TIME.

Ditto....I think he is happy if they make me happy!


Jun 30, 2010
I think he likes it all, but even if he didn't, I wouldn't really mind. I own and wear what I like. :)


May 12, 2011
Lottie UK|1316291835|3019641 said:
Or are there any pieces that he/she is not so keen on? The reason I ask is that I have had a feeling for a while now that Mr L doesn't like my Art Deco ring, it was a combination of my 30th birthday present and something to celebrate our second child who we had a difficult time conceiving. Although I chose the ring myself he was with me and I just assumed he was as happy as I was with it but in the car today he said that he didn't like it because it was too square there were too many small diamonds which made it too 'obvious'.

Now this is my fault because I asked, and then I told him to be brutally honest because I wanted to know - he is normally very tactful. But I think I was secretly hoping he would say that he did like it. I realise that this is ridiculous but now I feel differently about the ring!!! I am a pretty strong personality and I don't normally need approval on things but because it signifies a special time in our lives I feel that we should both like it. I'm being an idiot aren't I?

Aside from my moan, I would be interested to know if you own anything that your SO dislikes and if you care if he likes it or not :lol:

Lottie, I also have an Art Deco ring that my SO hates because it's too big and square, however, I LOVE this ring, it's a beautiful deep pink spinel. It kinda bothered me at first because he commented it was ugly, but now I don't care, sod him :lol:
He's had some definite ideas for my E-ring, likes/dislikes but he's given me a lot of creative freedom with it really, he just wants me to be happy ultimately :)
It would bother me if he disliked my E-ring...


Sep 17, 2010
My SO "doesn't see the appeal of diamonds." :confused: :confused: :confused:

He is much more interested in colored stones so it's not like ALL jewelry is lost on him. That said, he doesn't have any interest in white diamonds. He's not wild about FLY or FY diamonds either, BUT, that said, I've taken him to the Leibish page and he was very impressed with the rainbow they had to offer. Things were going really well and then...he saw the prices. Darn, and I almost had him there, too! :tongue:

Miss Sparkly

Jan 2, 2010
He only cared about one and actually asked me to sell it because the corners were sharp and would scratch him :(sad


Nov 27, 2007
I let DH have some say in, like, my e-ring settings- and I've let him veto settings I was considering if he didn't like them. But the rest of it? I don't ask, he doesn't tell! :lol: He just rolls his eyes mostly if I expound upon jewelry. Poor boy! Very abused, he is.

If it's not your e-ring? Meh, don't worry about it. He isn't wearing it after all! Bear in mind, when we have guys come on PS and say "I love this setting, I'm getting it as a surprise for my GF!" usually they're hugemongous channel set mega-metal monstrosities. Guys like manly looking jewelry I think. Thank god most of us have a say in what we wear and get, right? :devil:


Aug 12, 2005
I'm sure there are some things in my jewelry armoire that he wouldn't like. But, he has tons of stones and finished pieces that I don't care for either. We just don't talk about it!


Jun 29, 2011
I didn't think he cared in the least, but when I told him I listed my Bob Kast/Daniel M tourmaline ring, he got quite upset! I had no idea he had an opinion on the thing, one way or the other. Funny how that works!


Oct 5, 2006
Mostly he does and mostly I couln't care less either. I'm the one wearing them, not him. I tend not to ask him for his opinions, but he does volunteer them. He didn't like the 4.649ctw studs initially but has now finally admitted I look "nice" with them on. He did absolutely *hate* a pair of dangly earrings I had and I made the mistake of buying them despite his protest and subsequently I sold them. From then on, if he does protest on any piece of jewellery (as in him volunteering his unsolicited opinions) and esp if he does it more than once, then I def do not buy it.

I just don't want him to hurt my ears, all that nagging! :tongue: :))


Jan 9, 2006
I know he likes my e-ring because he picked that out himself, but as for everything else, if he knows I like it, he's happy. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever asked his opinion on my jewellery! He's a laid back kind of bloke. If I asked what he thought of a particular piece of mine, I'd probably get a shrug and a "yeah, s'orrite" :bigsmile:


Sep 3, 2009
I don't care whether he does. He doesn't have to wear them; I do. He has no interest in gems or jewelry whatsoever, so why would I ask, much less acquiesce to, his opinion? His taste in women's clothing isn't something I'd follow either -- he hates bright colors & pattern, as well as black & brown. That, beige & a few pastels. Yuck!

The only time I asked was about a little less-than-half-carat heirloom ring. "'s a little BIG, isn't it?" he responded. Would you want an ignorant moron like that deciding what you wear? :D


Feb 12, 2011
We picked out my e-ring together and he absolutely had an opinions I know be approves. As for other stuff he is my fashion consultant. I am always walking around with two shoes or two earrings asking which looks better. He has said " I don't care for those". I put them away and wear them when I am not with him if I still like them.


Mar 1, 2011
DH loves my recent reset (diamond halo ring)! He thought the original was too plain--glad he finally voiced an opinion!


Feb 27, 2007
Most of my jewelry we picked out together so I know he likes them anyway. I doubt that he cares that much either way.


Apr 26, 2007
Let me put it to you like this: my husband is the most understanding of gentlemen (you want to buy a what? would not be an unreasonable reaction to some of my requests), but there's a reason I pick my own presents.

He likes most of the jewelry that we've picked out together: I tend to go for fairly mimimalist, Deco-to-modern pieces, not too potchke'd with (so probably somewhere within the continuum that LGK noted of guys liking Great! Big! Settings! without pave or the like). But he's absolutely horrified by some of the stuff that my folks have given me over the years: I have one paraiba ring with a 7 carat center-stone and something that's juuuuuuuuust sufficiently larger than a halo to make the whole thing count as a cluster-ring that actually makes him wince with discomfort.


I was inspired by the recent push-present thread to think it would be nice to get something I could eventually pass on to my son as an heirloom - on his 21st birthday, or his college graduation, or his wedding, something. It's just hard to think of things that I could wear for 20 years that, a) a young man would also want to wear, and that, b) a young man would want to wear in twenty years. So I thought and thought and thought, and hit on the idea of getting a guy-sized Cartier Tank or Roadster - classic, elegant, and fairly indestructible.

My husband? He thought it might look a little too femme, between being a shape guys usually don't wear, and what he imagined to be a petite size. So his counter-suggestion?

Defense rests. Men are crazy.



Oct 5, 2006
Circe|1316366148|3020171 said:
Let me put it to you like this: my husband is the most understanding of gentlemen (you want to buy a what?), but there's a reason I pick my own presents.

He likes most of the jewelry that we've picked out together: I tend to go for fairly mimimalist, Deco-to-modern pieces, not to potchke'd with (so probably somewhere within the continuum that LGK noted of guys liking Great! Big! Settings! without pave or the like). But he's absolutely horrified by some of the stuff that my folks have given me over the years: I have one paraiba ring with a 7 carat center-stone and something that's juuuuuuuuust sufficiently larger than a halo to make the whole thing count as a cluster-ring that actually makes him wince with discomfort.


I was inspired by the recent push-present thread to think it would be nice to get something I could eventually pass on to my son as an heirloom - on his 21st birthday, or his college graduation, or his wedding, something. It's just hard to think of things that I could wear for 20 years that, a) a young man would also want to wear, and that, b) a young man would want to wear in twenty years. So I thought and thought and thought, and hit on the idea of getting a guy-sized Cartier Tank or Roadster - classic, elegant, and fairly indestructible.

My husband? He thought it might look a little too femme, between being a shape guys usually don't wear, and what he imagined to be a petite size. So his counter-suggestion?

Defense rests. Men are crazy.



Nov 27, 2007
Circe|1316366148|3020171 said:
Let me put it to you like this: my husband is the most understanding of gentlemen (you want to buy a what? would not be an unreasonable reaction to some of my requests), but there's a reason I pick my own presents.

He likes most of the jewelry that we've picked out together: I tend to go for fairly mimimalist, Deco-to-modern pieces, not too potchke'd with (so probably somewhere within the continuum that LGK noted of guys liking Great! Big! Settings! without pave or the like). But he's absolutely horrified by some of the stuff that my folks have given me over the years: I have one paraiba ring with a 7 carat center-stone and something that's juuuuuuuuust sufficiently larger than a halo to make the whole thing count as a cluster-ring that actually makes him wince with discomfort.


I was inspired by the recent push-present thread to think it would be nice to get something I could eventually pass on to my son as an heirloom - on his 21st birthday, or his college graduation, or his wedding, something. It's just hard to think of things that I could wear for 20 years that, a) a young man would also want to wear, and that, b) a young man would want to wear in twenty years. So I thought and thought and thought, and hit on the idea of getting a guy-sized Cartier Tank or Roadster - classic, elegant, and fairly indestructible.

My husband? He thought it might look a little too femme, between being a shape guys usually don't wear, and what he imagined to be a petite size. So his counter-suggestion?

Defense rests. Men are crazy.
:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o
:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o
and a
:shock: :shock: :???: for good measure.

Totally speechless. OMG. Whoa! Yeah, OK, what. Was. He. THINKING?

I mean, I remember DH proudly giving me a puffy pig shaped bath scrubby our third or fourth xmas together. Because, yanno, I totally love pigs and pink? (Um, not either by a long shot- I mean maybe if it were a puffy black *bat shaped* bath scrubby I might get it, but...? I suspect it was mall-induced insanity on the 24th of December at about 10PM :roll: ) And I had to unwrap it in front of his parents and manage *not* to smack him reflexively. It was difficult!

But that. That WINS. Something, I'm sure.


Aug 14, 2009
Circe|1316366148|3020171 said:
Let me put it to you like this: my husband is the most understanding of gentlemen (you want to buy a what? would not be an unreasonable reaction to some of my requests), but there's a reason I pick my own presents.

He likes most of the jewelry that we've picked out together: I tend to go for fairly mimimalist, Deco-to-modern pieces, not too potchke'd with (so probably somewhere within the continuum that LGK noted of guys liking Great! Big! Settings! without pave or the like). But he's absolutely horrified by some of the stuff that my folks have given me over the years: I have one paraiba ring with a 7 carat center-stone and something that's juuuuuuuuust sufficiently larger than a halo to make the whole thing count as a cluster-ring that actually makes him wince with discomfort.


I was inspired by the recent push-present thread to think it would be nice to get something I could eventually pass on to my son as an heirloom - on his 21st birthday, or his college graduation, or his wedding, something. It's just hard to think of things that I could wear for 20 years that, a) a young man would also want to wear, and that, b) a young man would want to wear in twenty years. So I thought and thought and thought, and hit on the idea of getting a guy-sized Cartier Tank or Roadster - classic, elegant, and fairly indestructible.

My husband? He thought it might look a little too femme, between being a shape guys usually don't wear, and what he imagined to be a petite size. So his counter-suggestion?

Defense rests. Men are crazy.

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ;(

Oh good grief. That is beyond hideous.


Jul 28, 2008
Circe|1316366148|3020171 said:
Let me put it to you like this: my husband is the most understanding of gentlemen (you want to buy a what? would not be an unreasonable reaction to some of my requests), but there's a reason I pick my own presents.

He likes most of the jewelry that we've picked out together: I tend to go for fairly mimimalist, Deco-to-modern pieces, not too potchke'd with (so probably somewhere within the continuum that LGK noted of guys liking Great! Big! Settings! without pave or the like). But he's absolutely horrified by some of the stuff that my folks have given me over the years: I have one paraiba ring with a 7 carat center-stone and something that's juuuuuuuuust sufficiently larger than a halo to make the whole thing count as a cluster-ring that actually makes him wince with discomfort.


I was inspired by the recent push-present thread to think it would be nice to get something I could eventually pass on to my son as an heirloom - on his 21st birthday, or his college graduation, or his wedding, something. It's just hard to think of things that I could wear for 20 years that, a) a young man would also want to wear, and that, b) a young man would want to wear in twenty years. So I thought and thought and thought, and hit on the idea of getting a guy-sized Cartier Tank or Roadster - classic, elegant, and fairly indestructible.

My husband? He thought it might look a little too femme, between being a shape guys usually don't wear, and what he imagined to be a petite size. So his counter-suggestion?

Defense rests. Men are crazy.

Wow!! :lol: :lol: :lol: That watch is incredible, I agree with LGK. That choice should win him some kind of prize.


Jan 18, 2009
That's hilarious!!


Sep 30, 2007
you know, in the last million years that ive worn jewelry and dated some pretty great women ive had to learn not to care to much about what they or their family think about my jewelry wearing habits or style.Ive dated some that have really gotten into my jewelry obsession and some that have never dated a guy that wears more then just a watch.One problem about dating someone is when they give you a piece of jewelry and want you to wear it 24/7 and so there are a few hurt feeling when they relize that it will be worn but not everyday so that other pieces get equal wear :bigsmile:
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