
Does this seem a little weird for a vendor to have this on their page?


Nov 16, 2015
I don’t normally write comments about such things but I found this to be very off putting today. I was looking up something to help a person with their CAD and a Leon Mege page came up. I was just scrolling through trying to read some information. Most of it is informative about things I already know about what makes his hand forged work so great but there are some section’s that made me pause. This one in particular....i know he does beautiful work and I have read some good and bad thread’s about his personality over the year’s. This was just weird though:



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Aug 22, 2012
He's a snob. He can write what he wants on his pages but I can choose not to spend my $ with him. I had an LM and it was lovely but he is still a snob. His emails responses to inquiries are too.


Aug 21, 2018
Based on that page, "snob" isn't the word I would use. I think inappropriate, definitely. It's the sort if self assurance some of our politicians have. Love them or hate them. o_O


Nov 16, 2015
Based on that page, "snob" isn't the word I would use. I think inappropriate, definitely. It's the sort if self assurance some of our politicians have. Love them or hate them. o_O
It is disturbing and I am surprised he hasn’t been asked to take it down. There was also more as the page went on.

It is funny that you mention the political climate. He is an immigrant from Russia who started a successful business in New York City....a city built on the back’s of poor immigrants. The irony does not escape me.....

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I feel I was looking for a designer & read this on their page, it would be game over for that vendor immediately. I think it’s in really, really poor taste.


Aug 18, 2013
While completely inappropriate for a business website, I actually thought it was quite tongue in cheek funny.

@cmd2014 - while I hear what you're saying, it ceases being funny when he puts a photo of a customer's ring up on his web site, then says how much he hates it and how he only made it because the customer insisted. I'm not sure if *that* specific page is still there, but I remember my jaw dropping open when I saw it and thinking how I'd feel, were it my ring!

My mother would have used a good, old fashioned word to describe him. She'd have said he was rude. She'd have been right, too.


Jun 8, 2008
Perhaps he follows the adage "there is no such thing as bad publicity" as this is bringing him into the PS discussion once again.

When I read of his background and read of his behavior I sometimes SMH. No question the man is talented but the question is would one want to work with him given the examples we know of his bad behavior. I remember reading about the time he held a PSer's stone hostage for quite a long time. :(sad

There are a number of talented artists who can create masterpieces IMO. Lucky for us we can choose the artist who best suits our unique needs.


Apr 13, 2018
Jokes about class or the poor....Yeah I find those less funny.
Especially in his line of work.
Theres a time and a place for those kinds of jokes if done right but what he wrote doesnt qualify.

To be honest I'm quite shocked. I've never looked into him for work myself but I always left it open to possibility.
Not sure Id like to support him now if he thinks hes better than others because he doesnt use the above metals/materials.

Also....isnt that the definition of a snob?
Thinking one is "above" others simply because of material wealth or attributes?


Mar 26, 2006
I am always so surprised when I see things like this from his site. I'm 99% certain* I met him at one of the PS GTG's in Vegas several years ago and I had a very nice conversation with him. It's hard for me to reconcile this kind of thing with the man I had the chat with.

*Does anyone else remember meeting him? I mentioned it to another PSer a while ago (who was not there) and they had a hard time believing that LM was at a GTG, but I really do think he was there. If it wasn't him, I still had lovely conversation with someone else entirely... and that someone has been living in my memory all this time as LM. :lol:


Jan 9, 2015
Uhh, I randomly scrolled through a few sub sites after I followed the thread about PS.
There's a paragraph in a very condescending tone in most of them... :roll


Mar 23, 2013
I think he’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

lol! Yes, he has some stuff on there that is just strange and rude (i.e. chubby pears are just outright ugly, round diamonds are plain vanilla diamonds, etc., plus some more stuff that is actually offensive). I don't think I'd ever want to work with him, but there is a vendor for everyone. I guess some people don't mind it though, because he's still in business.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
lol! Yes, he has some stuff on there that is just strange and rude (i.e. chubby pears are just outright ugly, round diamonds are plain vanilla diamonds, etc., plus some more stuff that is actually offensive). I don't think I'd ever want to work with him, but there is a vendor for everyone. I guess some people don't mind it though, because he's still in business.

Guess I won’t be asking him to reset my chubby pear anytime soon :lol:


May 11, 2013
In reading with customers have said here influenced me on using their services. Specifically, there was a poster when I first started reading PS - FrankieTX??? I believe who had 3 halos made and the one everyone liked the most and the best vendor to deal with was Victor Canera, I think the other vendor was S Kirsch. All the halos were beautiful but the Canera was the most beautiful and best made.. so that influenced me on who I would ever use for a ring. I've dealt with GOG(AVC), B2B, Whiteflash, all have been happy experiences, so I have not had a ring made because once I did with an out of business jeweler in Austin and it was HORRIBLE. So I tend to shy away from having a ring made, once bitten, twice shy.
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Sep 23, 2017
@Tekate just curious who was the jeweler in austin?

I've never met leon mege but just based on his website he seems like one of those people who can vary between darkly funny and abrasive. Not everyone's cup of tea. I see people at work like that a lot, they get away with grating on people because they are insanely talented in some area and I guess that is a similar dynamic here. I do think some of the stuff on his site is funny, I can see how some of it would be offensive.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
In reading with customers have said here influenced me on using their services. Specifically, there was a poster when I first started reading PS - FrankieTX??? I believe who had 3 halos made and the one everyone liked the most and the best vendor to deal with was Victor Canera, I think the other vendor was S Kirsch. All the halos were beautiful but the Canera was the most beautiful and best made.. so that influenced me on who I would ever use for a ring. I've dealt with GOG(AVC), B2B, Whiteflash, all have been happy experiences, so I have not had a ring made because once I did with an out of business jeweler in Austin and it was HORRIBLE. So I tend to shy away from having a ring made, once bitten, twice shy.

It was @frankiextah I remember her resets :love:


May 28, 2017
It is good that Leon is no where near the only artist who can make a nice ring for those getting engaged or upgrading. I wouldn't call him a snob. The word I would use is no where near as polite as snob.


May 11, 2013
C Kirk Root, bludiva, also, I bought a plantinum setting and accompanying platinum wedding band from Gallerie Jewelry store.. this story is funny/sad.. I really was disappointed and disliked the setting that Root made, so I went to Gallerie to look at settings, so the owner brought out this set that he said a woman walked away from, decent price for a platinum set with baguettes, my only not real liking I said to the owner was it had a cathedral setting, not my fav but it was fine, so off we go to move to Maine, I fly back for something and pick up the rings and the owner comes out - proudly showed me the setting all ready for me and he says "I had the bench get rid of the cathedral setting" so I looked at the ring and I did not like it, this was in 15.. but I took it because I was moving and I didn't want to get into a hassle.. another lesson learned - BE SPECIFIC - that jeweler was a nice man, his wife was AGS certified, the diamonds were lovely in the settings, BUT he changed it without asking me!!!! 2.3K imho down the drain.. live and learn, the Kirk Root debaucle was horrible, I contracted for them to make a 14K white gold and platinum head ring with baguettes, so 3 months later after calling calling calling they said it was 'almost' finished and to come in tomorrow, so off I go, I finish paying, get a change to look at it, and it was a POS.. baguette hanging lower than others, not round, I mean it was really really horrible, I wore it till I got my husband to okay a rese and then I went to Gallerie Jewelers and proceeded into that mess, the man at Gallerie said that when they set the baguettes in the Kirk Root ring they cracked the diamonds - he didn't even want to buy the setting :( after these 2 stories and a few others I found PS and have never looked back.. I'm still not sure I would ever have a ring made.

So, you thought you would get a short answer :) never with me!

Added: both owners of the 2 jewelry stores above mentioned died, one - Root - of cancer and the Gallerie owner was murdered by 2 contract killers that his 19 year old son paid for. Sad stories both.

@Tekate just curious who was the jeweler in austin?

I've never met leon mege but just based on his website he seems like one of those people who can vary between darkly funny and abrasive. Not everyone's cup of tea. I see people at work like that a lot, they get away with grating on people because they are insanely talented in some area and I guess that is a similar dynamic here. I do think some of the stuff on his site is funny, I can see how some of it would be offensive.


May 11, 2013
It was @frankiextah I remember her resets :love:

This is why I find Mr Mege's comments unsettling about PS, this woman was thorough (and wealthy I'll bet!). That post had me a PSer from that moment. I truly believe that this group who help ARE helping others. There are honest jewelers I believe who support this site.


Sep 23, 2017
C Kirk Root, bludiva, also, I bought a plantinum setting and accompanying platinum wedding band from Gallerie Jewelry store.. this story is funny/sad.. I really was disappointed and disliked the setting that Root made, so I went to Gallerie to look at settings, so the owner brought out this set that he said a woman walked away from, decent price for a platinum set with baguettes, my only not real liking I said to the owner was it had a cathedral setting, not my fav but it was fine, so off we go to move to Maine, I fly back for something and pick up the rings and the owner comes out - proudly showed me the setting all ready for me and he says "I had the bench get rid of the cathedral setting" so I looked at the ring and I did not like it, this was in 15.. but I took it because I was moving and I didn't want to get into a hassle.. another lesson learned - BE SPECIFIC - that jeweler was a nice man, his wife was AGS certified, the diamonds were lovely in the settings, BUT he changed it without asking me!!!! 2.3K imho down the drain.. live and learn, the Kirk Root debaucle was horrible, I contracted for them to make a 14K white gold and platinum head ring with baguettes, so 3 months later after calling calling calling they said it was 'almost' finished and to come in tomorrow, so off I go, I finish paying, get a change to look at it, and it was a POS.. baguette hanging lower than others, not round, I mean it was really really horrible, I wore it till I got my husband to okay a rese and then I went to Gallerie Jewelers and proceeded into that mess, the man at Gallerie said that when they set the baguettes in the Kirk Root ring they cracked the diamonds - he didn't even want to buy the setting :( after these 2 stories and a few others I found PS and have never looked back.. I'm still not sure I would ever have a ring made.

So, you thought you would get a short answer :) never with me!

Added: both owners of the 2 jewelry stores above mentioned died, one - Root - of cancer and the Gallerie owner was murdered by 2 contract killers that his 19 year old son paid for. Sad stories both.

omg i see their advertisements...someone has continued the company as kirk root designs....and wow we visited gallerie while ER shopping. i had no idea that happened how incredibly awful.


May 11, 2013
@bludiva pretty sure I'm coming back to the Atown area to live for 1/2 the year anyway.. we will have to have a meetup! :)


Apr 20, 2017
I recently bought a bead set eternity by LM (ordered online so limited communication). Comparing it to my VC band, the craftsmanship is flawless on both. I would definitely love to work with VC after reading all the reviews here. I think I would be terrified to even call LM though!


Feb 2, 2016
It's embarrassing really, maybe he thinks it's funny but it really just makes him look bad.

What is that saying....better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Seems appropriate for this thread.


Nov 16, 2015
I think if he wanted to link more informal blog posts about his personal views...fine. This is on his business website on the types of bands he offers. I can appreciate dark humor but if you don’t want to make these kinds of bands, then just say you don’t. It is condescending and if you are just the ‘average’ person who is not familiar with this work or talent, if feels so inappropriate. The entire page equates a man’s economic status and what he can afford to buy a woman to how long the marriage will last. Many people already feel bad enough that they can’t afford to buy the ring of their dreams without somebody rubbing it in. I know he is considered ‘high end’ and I can afford to use him but after reading this, and a lot of other questionable statements, I just wouldn’t.
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