
Does EVERYTHING have to be a video?!?


Mar 26, 2006
Argh! I am about to give up on the internet! There is almost nothing you can click on these days that doesn't take some sort of video format, which is particularly annoying if you aren't expecting it and you've suddenly go someone talking to you from your phone or computer. One of the worst sites is CNN. EVERYTHING I've clicked on lately goes to video. Are there no articles that can be JUST READ left out there?!?

OK... vent over... :cheeky:
blame twitter and youtube.
It is why I muted the sound.

One night I was not expecting it, and almost hit the ceiling.
Yes I hate this! Plus it makes the page take longer to load and then the video pops up and follows you while you scroll. Hate it!
To add to the vent, I also don't like it when you click on a news story headline on Huff Post for example, and it takes you to the original source which requires a subscription to read such as NYT :angryfire:
I agree. If I wanted to watch a video, I'd have gone to the tv or youtube! It takes twenty times longer to watch a video than to just read the article, but you get less information. And for me, I retain information much better if I read it versus when I hear it, so it's even worse. Then of course there's the "can't sleep and am trying to read some articles in bed but forgot to turn my sound off and a video starts autoplaying and scares the bejeezus out of my sleeping husband" issue.
It's "forced-view" advertising. You can use AdBlock to work around a lot of these.

ETA: literally JUST had a meeting with Comcast sales reps about this channel. The number thrown out was 90%. I personally think it's bullshit, especially because it skews viewing numbers. Just because the video is playing by force doesn't mean the consumer is actually watching/listening to it. The numbers are inflated but I suppose if sales increases weren't there it would matter more. It's also super lazy imo. If you can't come up with an ad campaign that actually grabs people in the first 3 seconds, you basically suck.
I've got AdBlock on my computers at home but I can't install anything like that on my work system unfortunately. I guess I should just mute my work computer sound, but when I've got multiple windows open across both screens I like to get the ding when an email comes in, especially if it's something I'm waiting on, if I don't have room to also have email open.

This is all particularly disturbing to the CB now that I've given up sleeping through the night and either buy things off of ebay (which is quieter, but more expensive!) or catch up on the news at 2 am on my phone. The poor unsuspecting sleeper has been jolted awake more than once, LOL.
Dee, can you send email notifications to your phone instead? That might be a solution so you could mute your work computer. I know, we are inundated at all times of day/night and it seems to be the price we pay for being able to have the world at our fingertips.
Dee*Jay|1481733792|4107174 said:
Argh! I am about to give up on the internet! There is almost nothing you can click on these days that doesn't take some sort of video format, which is particularly annoying if you aren't expecting it and you've suddenly go someone talking to you from your phone or computer. One of the worst sites is CNN. EVERYTHING I've clicked on lately goes to video. Are there no articles that can be JUST READ left out there?!?

OK... vent over... :cheeky:

This is a HUGE HUGE bug of mine for about a year now, just yesterday I shut off video on my chrome browser.. the box is still there and it still follows but it's empty.. I can right click to run if I want.. I find it most annoying, what happened to reading? I guess millenials would rather watch than read? this phenomena is most acute on the news websites...
Tekate|1481741541|4107229 said:
Dee*Jay|1481733792|4107174 said:
Argh! I am about to give up on the internet! There is almost nothing you can click on these days that doesn't take some sort of video format, which is particularly annoying if you aren't expecting it and you've suddenly go someone talking to you from your phone or computer. One of the worst sites is CNN. EVERYTHING I've clicked on lately goes to video. Are there no articles that can be JUST READ left out there?!?

OK... vent over... :cheeky:

This is a HUGE HUGE bug of mine for about a year now, just yesterday I shut off video on my chrome browser.. the box is still there and it still follows but it's empty.. I can right click to run if I want.. I find it most annoying, what happened to reading? I guess millenials would rather watch than read? this phenomena is most acute on the news websites...

Yes! Even Bloomberg is getting bad, and I work in the financial industry so I actually go on there with more frequency than any other site.