
Does/Did your BF know what kind of proposal you would like?

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Feb 20, 2006
For those of you already engaged, did your bf know what kind of proposal you wanted before the actual proposal?

What about you LIW''s? Does your bf have an idea of what you would liike?

I mean, does he know if you want it private or public? Have you given hints to any details?

It just dawned on today that hopefully that special time is coming soon, and I have no clue what he might do. I really still think we will get engaged over the holidays, but we will have no time alone. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be filled with family. And on New Year''s Eve, my 8 year old son will be wherever we are. I just don''t think I''d like it to happen in front of family. I think I''d rather it just be the two of us. Then again, I''m sure I will be so happy that it will be ok to happen anywhere... it''s just if I had my preferences, I''d rather be alone. I''m sure he has no idea I feel this way as it has never been discussed. I don''t want to just come out and tell him because I have taken an oath as to not bring up engagement until after the first of the year when hopefully the wait is over. Do you think since he knows me so well, he''ll know what I''d like? Should I break my oath and give subtle hints??

although i am sure i will be happy with whatever happens, i have personally told my bf what i would NOT like in a proposal. over the summer we were at a sporting event and a guy proposed to his girlfriend right in front of us. i immediately looked at him and said "NEVER DO THAT TO ME!". i think he got the hint!

what i have done is use examples of "friends at work" who got engaged. i would make up stories of a girl at work whose bf proposed in front of her whole family. then i comment on how i would hate if that happened and give some reasons why. i feel like that is as subtle as can be expected, but lets him know that i would hate a public proposal, or one in front of friends and family. not that i would say "no", but it is just a matter of preference. i am sure there are loads of women who would love the idea of a public proposal. to each his own...

best of luck on your upcoming engagement!
i was one of those LIW''s who never discussed this stuff w/my bf...we never discussed what kind of proposal, what kind of ring, what kind of wedding..which really added to my waiting angst, but made for much more of a surprise, which I love.
For us, we were together so long (3yrs, living together over 1) that he knows me v. v. well. So it''s just obvious that I wouldn''t want a public proposal or would at least feel uncomfortable. I think he knows how I am, so built it around that. Same goes for the ring. I''m kind of conservative and like classic, tasteful things..and the ring goes along with that. Which I still need to take a pic of btw!! must be getting excited, have you dropped any hints?
My DH is shy, so I knew the proposal would be private. We chose my stone and setting the afternoon he proposed so the element of suprise was nonexistant. He proposed in our favorite restaurant in Chicago (we live in San Diego), after dinner he simply said "will you marry me?" and I said "we already picked out the ring what do you think?" to which he replied "I want to hear you say yes." So I obliged him. It was very simple and sweet and I really didn''t care how he did it, I was just glad that we were engaged.
I wouldn''t mind a public proposal. But NOT in front of family. Wierd huh?.. lol I would prefer just the two of us, nothing elaborate.

He does not know. He doesn''t know what kind of ring I would like. Not sure if he will ask me.
Although I have given hints about the ring... "I haven''t worn yellow gold since the 80''s...." and "I sure like her ring.." etc... I haven''t given any hints ever about a proposal. It just didn''t occur to me. I *think* he would know me well enough to plan something I would like though. We were best friends for years before we started dating, and have been dating 3 years. I still think my "friend at work" may get engaged soon in a horrific way that I can describe with disgust.

I forgot.. my friend did engaged a week or two ago and I did comment on the lovely proposal of: "I paid it off at the pawn shop today, here it is!" So, he at least knows NOT to do that.
I told him I wanted something with just the two of us, and that''s what he did.
I second the idea of making up a friend who got engaged in a way you would hate and describing it to him. In the same way, you could talk about someone who got engaged in a manner you would like and gush about how lovely that must''ve been, etc. If he is thinking about proposing he will be glad you gave him these subtle hints. I do think guys stress out about making it perfect and perfect for him may be different than perfect for you! so the more knowledge he has, the better!!!
I'm a current LIW. I haven't ever told him, but he knows... whenever I share friends' engagement stories, he always reacts in the same way that I do. My old roommate was proposed to in a crappy restaurant in Chinatown with the ring hidden in a fortune cookie. My reaction was, ummm... "how sweet?" (subtext: how incredibly tacky
). His reaction? "EW!"

He always says the right thing about other proposals, "I would never do it in public like that," "I would never make you hike before getting your ring," "It's perfect when it's so private and sentimental". It would be nice if all guys would know their GFs well enough by the time they propose that they'd know the perfect way to do it (if only!).

Hopefully we'll find out soon just HOW much he can read my mind on that subject
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