
Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why not?


Apr 28, 2008
I have some I haven't posted--the main reason is because I'm terrible at photographing jewelry; a secondary reason is because the CS board can be pretty critical, so I'd rather not post some CS's and FCD's there, and it doesn't seem like there's a better fit for those stones elsewhere. What about you?
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes. Laziness.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

I don't own any diamonds currently (sold them in hopes of a holy grail colored stone).

I opted out of sharing my current stones on CS because of potential criticism. NOT because the people there aren't great, but because I have gone through multiple purchases and exchanges to get the perfect spinel/sapphire trio and I quite literally can't afford to second guess what I have. If I share and someone sees a flaw, well... I will dwell on it!
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes because I have things that are projects that are unset and also because I am not sure for security/safety reasons how intelligent it is to post everything everyone owns on P/S.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes, because of a few reasons: too lazy, my taste is generally not the PS norm, and a lot of people who I thought were my friends and whom I've posted to and commented on their pieces for years didn't reply to my last SMTB thread, so I don't feel like posting another. Kind of hurt my feelers. Not a big deal though, as taking pics and uploading takes a lot of time!
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes, because they're crappy pre-PS diamonds.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Good question!

And yes - most definitely. Diamonds and colored stones.

Why not? For all the reasons already listed. Too lazy to photograph them and not very good at taking pics. They never look like they do IRL to me. Plus the last time I tried to upload a photo I did it wrong (on the old PS) and I got a note from the Admin. No biggie but I don't remember what I did wrong so I don't want to do it again!

Mainly though, it's because I get them for ME. And I want to love them for the beauty I see in them and not have others comments dancing in my head.

I was thinking of posting a pic of my Spinel necklace because the bezel is wonky and I'm not sure if I should send it back to be fixed... but I don't want to out the vendor or get into a long post about it. So I've just held onto it and tried not to focus on perfection. Sorry for the tangent!
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes, I have pieces that I haven't posted and will never post. Security, period. I've been to get-togethers and have used social media with my real name connected to PS and it just doesn't seem like a wise idea to document my entire collection on the internet. The last time I posted anything of real value was my PS 10k gift. After that, eh, not worth it.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Laila619|1399601007|3668794 said:
Yes, because of a few reasons: too lazy, my taste is generally not the PS norm, and a lot of people who I thought were my friends and whom I've posted to and commented on their pieces for years didn't reply to my last SMTB thread, so I don't feel like posting another. Kind of hurt my feelers. Not a big deal though, as taking pics and uploading takes a lot of time!

I don't think you should take that personally, I missed a couple of threads a while ago with pics of friends new treasures (not your new rings which were lovely btw) and it was because I was away on holidays dealing with a sick mother. I also missed answering back to comments in one of my own posts because I had to go away just after I posted it.... My point is people get busy and come and go from here, and by the time they are back the threads move on..... lots of the people that have been on here a long time go and reappear and they frequently find/notice things months later that they initially missed!!!!
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Thanks arkieb, you're a sweetheart!
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Lil Misfit|1399601049|3668795 said:
Yes, because they're crappy pre-PS diamonds.
I wouldn't if I were you, b/c too many diamond Snobs here... :lol:
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes, it's such a big website that I miss a lot...

There are things I haven't posted. Reasons are that usually my pictures don't capture their beauty well and that I am shy about posting some of them because I worry "they're not good enough" as the cut looks nice but they're not up to "Pricescope standards." :cheeky:
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Elliot86|1399599609|3668780 said:
I don't own any diamonds currently (sold them in hopes of a holy grail colored stone).

I opted out of sharing my current stones on CS because of potential criticism. NOT because the people there aren't great, but because I have gone through multiple purchases and exchanges to get the perfect spinel/sapphire trio and I quite literally can't afford to second guess what I have. If I share and someone sees a flaw, well... I will dwell on it!
Is it really that bad over there?... :bigsmile:
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

I do, but I find it difficult to upload pictures to PS.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes. Diamond bands and colored stones. I don't know if I'll post my next project.

And CSers can be a bit cray cray. Speaking as a CSer.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Maybe a bit.

Mostly because my pictures are awful (NEED to get a camera!) but also partly because it is a public forum and I don't want to be too specific about what I do or don't have. I've got no problem with the posters here, but I do worry about the bunches of guests and those who don't post. I'd rather share some here but not be too specific about anything including jewelry, house layout, etc. Same reason I didn't post pictures in the "show me your house" thread.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

arkieb1|1399603742|3668824 said:
Laila619|1399601007|3668794 said:
Yes, because of a few reasons: too lazy, my taste is generally not the PS norm, and a lot of people who I thought were my friends and whom I've posted to and commented on their pieces for years didn't reply to my last SMTB thread, so I don't feel like posting another. Kind of hurt my feelers. Not a big deal though, as taking pics and uploading takes a lot of time!

I don't think you should take that personally, I missed a couple of threads a while ago with pics of friends new treasures (not your new rings which were lovely btw) and it was because I was away on holidays dealing with a sick mother. I also missed answering back to comments in one of my own posts because I had to go away just after I posted it.... My point is people get busy and come and go from here, and by the time they are back the threads move on..... lots of the people that have been on here a long time go and reappear and they frequently find/notice things months later that they initially missed!!!!

Laila, I agree with arkieb! Please don't take it personally. For example, I haven't been checking many of the threads on PS because I haven't been feeling up to par so I have been coming here just checking out hangout mainly to vent and just take my mind off things but show me the bling hasn't been on my radar too much these days and when I do have the energy to at least go check it out I don't always have the energy to post my oohs and ahhs because I am so exhausted. So please know that it is probably a harmless reason like this for most people. I love all your bling!!! :love: And you too!

To answer the question yes, I have lots of bling I haven't shared. Mainly because I don't have a camera and I take crappy pics on my phone and probably would with a camera too since I haven't owned a camera for over 30 years and I know a lot has changed since polaroid. :cheeky:
Also I have used up all the pic space on 3 photo bucket accounts and don't feel like opening a 4th because I am forgetting all my passwords haha. Technology is not second nature to me so everything takes so much longer.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

FrekeChild|1399611453|3668884 said:
Yes. Diamond bands and colored stones. I don't know if I'll post my next project.

And CSers can be a bit cray cray. Speaking as a CSer.

Maybe, but we love cray cray! I mean, aren't we all a bit cuckoo being here and loving jewels the way we do? It's charming and nutty all at the same time.
Love all you CSers. :appl:
(even if it is a bit intimidating to people like me who know nothing still about colored stones except that I :love: them and the PSers who post their pics of them!)
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Laila619|1399601007|3668794 said:
Yes, because of a few reasons: too lazy, my taste is generally not the PS norm, and a lot of people who I thought were my friends and whom I've posted to and commented on their pieces for years didn't reply to my last SMTB thread, so I don't feel like posting another. Kind of hurt my feelers. Not a big deal though, as taking pics and uploading takes a lot of time!

Please don't jump to that conclusion, because it may not be true at all. I know that I usually look at only 2 subforums every day: Rocky Talky and Hangout. The traffic on SMTB has slowed 'way down from what it was in the early days, and I keep forgetting to go in there and look. I don't visit SMTB very often, actually. Perhaps it's the same with some of your friends. Discussion boards everywhere have slowed down as Facebook and texting and "other" siphon off participants.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

TooPatient|1399615734|3668893 said:
Maybe a bit.

Mostly because my pictures are awful (NEED to get a camera!) but also partly because it is a public forum and I don't want to be too specific about what I do or don't have. I've got no problem with the posters here, but I do worry about the bunches of guests and those who don't post. I'd rather share some here but not be too specific about anything including jewelry, house layout, etc. Same reason I didn't post pictures in the "show me your house" thread.

Yes I feel much the same way, I don't mind the P/S members knowing where I live most are really wonderful people with a similar passion but there are some days when we log on here and there are more lurkers than there are members and you have to wonder who is reading this.... I think for personal safety and security there is going to be a not too distant day when either all our personal pics need to get wiped (mine are on here too) or every person needs to join up and become a proper member to view the site.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Lil Misfit|1399601049|3668795 said:
Yes, because they're crappy pre-PS diamonds.

Yep same reason here!
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

arkieb1|1399633915|3668935 said:
TooPatient|1399615734|3668893 said:
Maybe a bit.

Mostly because my pictures are awful (NEED to get a camera!) but also partly because it is a public forum and I don't want to be too specific about what I do or don't have. I've got no problem with the posters here, but I do worry about the bunches of guests and those who don't post. I'd rather share some here but not be too specific about anything including jewelry, house layout, etc. Same reason I didn't post pictures in the "show me your house" thread.

Yes I feel much the same way, I don't mind the P/S members knowing where I live most are really wonderful people with a similar passion but there are some days when we log on here and there are more lurkers than there are members and you have to wonder who is reading this.... I think for personal safety and security there is going to be a not too distant day when either all our personal pics need to get wiped (mine are on here too) or every person needs to join up and become a proper member to view the site.

I wish that every person viewing Pricescope had to join to view. That would go a long way in providing more comfort to many posting I think. Sure that doesn't mean it will be 100% safe but it will be safer and at least that is something yanno? Administrators- can you consider this please? Making it a prerequisite to viewing that one must join and give their verifiable personal info as home address and phone number. I would be willing to pay a yearly fee to help cover any extra cost to doing this and I bet other members would be willing to do so too.... if it would mean more safety in posting here.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Not everything I have is posted. The things I wear the most have been posted - my earrings, my engagement ring and my wedding rings. I haven't posted them because I'm either not sure about them and may get rid of them on LT or the like, or they're little things that aren't thread worthy. Mostly they aren't thread worthy.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Yes, three or four pieces. Lazy, just didn't feel like it, I don't know. I guess I just felt they weren't that interesting and probably not the kinds of things that PS'ers really like.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

arkieb1|1399633915|3668935 said:
I think for personal safety and security there is going to be a not too distant day when either all our personal pics need to get wiped (mine are on here too) or every person needs to join up and become a proper member to view the site.

This sounds like an excellent idea. I never really thought about the amount of money being talked about here - - - to an outsider it would seem as though 'most everyone here has an endless disposable income :lol:
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

I take horrible pictures, have a black cased iPhone which tends to cause a ton of obstruction and I just don't have the time to take pictures (need a decent background, proper lighting, and lack of time itself). As it is, I check CS first, then if time permits, I browse Hangout and RT. I almost never visit SMTB and the other subforums. For privacy reasons and personal safety, I do not post pictures of myself or my family here, do not mention where I live and avoid using my real or nicknames (other than Chrono) online.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Jimmianne|1399645525|3669027 said:
arkieb1|1399633915|3668935 said:
I think for personal safety and security there is going to be a not too distant day when either all our personal pics need to get wiped (mine are on here too) or every person needs to join up and become a proper member to view the site.

This sounds like an excellent idea. I never really thought about the amount of money being talked about here - - - to an outsider it would seem as though 'most everyone here has an endless disposable income :lol:

If that was in place, I would never have joined. It was only after reading some of the forums that I decided I wanted to be part of the PS community.

It is also so easy to lie about identity stuff that I would not feel any safer and would not post any more than I do now. FWIW, I also wouldn't give pictures and details of everything to anyone IRL either. Pictures where I may be wearing a piece or people noticing things over time is okay. I just don't feel good about anyone knowing complete soecificsspecifics

There are two people who have a pretty good idea of all the details. One is my jeweler (who helps with appraisals etc) and the other is DH. Insurance has a flat coverage so no itemized listing. Attorney has blanket "jewelry" for now.
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

missy|1399635186|3668943 said:
arkieb1|1399633915|3668935 said:
TooPatient|1399615734|3668893 said:
Maybe a bit.

Mostly because my pictures are awful (NEED to get a camera!) but also partly because it is a public forum and I don't want to be too specific about what I do or don't have. I've got no problem with the posters here, but I do worry about the bunches of guests and those who don't post. I'd rather share some here but not be too specific about anything including jewelry, house layout, etc. Same reason I didn't post pictures in the "show me your house" thread.

Yes I feel much the same way, I don't mind the P/S members knowing where I live most are really wonderful people with a similar passion but there are some days when we log on here and there are more lurkers than there are members and you have to wonder who is reading this.... I think for personal safety and security there is going to be a not too distant day when either all our personal pics need to get wiped (mine are on here too) or every person needs to join up and become a proper member to view the site.

I wish that every person viewing Pricescope had to join to view. That would go a long way in providing more comfort to many posting I think. Sure that doesn't mean it will be 100% safe but it will be safer and at least that is something yanno? Administrators- can you consider this please? Making it a prerequisite to viewing that one must join and give their verifiable personal info as home address and phone number. I would be willing to pay a yearly fee to help cover any extra cost to doing this and I bet other members would be willing to do so too.... if it would mean more safety in posting here.

I LOVE this idea. Tons of upside, little downside. I think RT and CS could remain public, but "chatter" forums like Hangout and BWW where people tend to share personal information and pictures are ideal candidates for requiring registration to read or participate!

I would also love to see some sort of "template" wherein screen-name and PriceScope are displayed on every photo posted in SMTB. I don't know if that could be easily automated or if it would be easier to simply require that participants take care of it themselves? It isn't foolproof by any means - most watermarks are easily removed - but it would certainly make it easier to identify pictures re-posted on Pinterest, and I've been shocked by how many unscrupulous vendors just carelessly lift and paste photos exactly as they are to eBay, Facebook, etc.!
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

Missy, you're a doll and I love you and your gorgeous honkin' OEC too!! I'd love to borrow it sometime. :naughty: :bigsmile:
Re: Do you have diamonds that you haven't posted to PS? Why

And to answer the original question - yes, I too have pieces that I haven't posted on PS.

I love sharing new pieces with like-minded magpies, and I love seeing others' pretties!!! :bigsmile:
I don't share family heirlooms as I neither want nor need them critiqued; I don't share some of the pieces others have gifted me for the same reason. I hesitate on sharing truly one-of-a-kind jewels as I do feel very strongly about respecting modern designers' rights to sole ownership of intellectual property and custom execution, and knowing that some PSers - let alone the unregistered remainder of the wider PS audience! - don't share my views is inhibiting.
I do, however, always share pieces made by PS vendors!!