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Feb03Bride said:Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? And how do you snap out of it? Do you continue the pity party or are you proactive in changing what is making you feel that way?
kama_s said:I used to, quite a fair bit. I come from a shity family background, and I always wished I had a mum or a father who genuinely cared for and supported me. I would wallow in self pity all the time. I'd engage in retail therapy (with money I didnt have!) or bury my nose into school books to push it out of my mind. One was fantastic for me, the other not so much.
I haven't felt sorry for myself in a very long time now, because everytime I feel like things aren't fair, I think about how freakin' lucky I am. I have a great education with an awesome job, an utterly amazing husband and luckily no financial, health or relationship issues. By the time I've run these thoughts in my head, I feel pretty darn foolish for feeling sorry for myself. Especially considering how there are so many who aren't half as fortunate and have bigger everyday worries than my silly pity party du jour.
thing2of2 said:I wouldn't say I ever really feel sorry for myself because I know my life is pretty awesome and I realize that even when I'm feeling like a pity party. But when I'm unhappy about something I'm definitely proactive. I might complain, but I also do something about it.
For example, I didn't like my last job, so I applied to every job that I was qualified for that sounded remotely interesting. I also took advantage of my benefits (free grad classes) to help make myself more marketable. And when I got too negative I focused on the great benefits, the foot in the door, etc. Now I have an awesome, higher paying job that I love, and I wouldn't have gotten it without that crappy job.
Elrohwen said:I felt sorry for myself a lot when I was in a horrible job and was miserable all the time. There was really no snapping out of that one until I left the job and was unemployed for many months. Funny enough, most people feel sorry for themselves while being unemployed, but I felt great for the most part! I guess it was so much better than where I was that it was a relief. Now I'm in a new job and sure things are stressful and I'm tired at the end of the day, but I never feel sorry for myself anymore.
I guess I don't really have a secret - for me it seems to be situational. When I'm really miserable and things aren't getting better, I find it hard to turn off the pity party. The rest of the time though, I'm pretty much pity free. If I feel tired or stressed or whatever, a change of scenery by going home and having a glass of wine (and hanging out with the bunnies) is usually enough to snap me out of it.
Kaleigh said:Yes right now, going through a hard disorder I find myself feeling sorry for myself.. I try to remember all the many blessings I have in my life, so that helps me get out of it. And the many friends I have that are supporting me in this difficult journey.
But before this?? No, I really didn't. Yes I could have. So many losses, and tough times. Abuse etc... But I learned to forgive and forge ahead... Like what's the point, you have to make your life what you want it t be. No one can do that for you but yourself...
But this hit out of no where.. I think I am beyond the pitty part, now I am just pissed.... LOL!!!!
The glass is still half full , and am trying to keep my chin up.
Amber St. Clare said:hmmmWell, I've been unemployed for over 2 years and that is a CONSTANT source of "POOr ME", especially during the day when everyone is working. BUT my shrink has helped me see that even tho I don't have a job my standard of living hasn't changed, I have good health insurance and my husband has been very supportative. I just wish I could get my keister off the couch, my face out of the computer and my body out of the house and find something in the malls, even if it's just seasonal.
somethingshiny said:I have thrown the occasional pity party, but generally, I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm pretty optimistic and my glass is usually half full. I don't really have to make an effort to be content. It's a great blessing. Even as a child, I didn't know how bad it was. And, looking back on it, I do so mostly with a grin because it made me who I am, and honestly, I like me. I'd choose me to be friends. That being said, there are definitely things I'd change if I could, but I feel I've learned from every event in my life so there's that positive again.
I recharge every day and I think that has something to do with my demeanor. Every day I read. Even if Lily has been up until 3am screaming, when I finally lay her down, I pick up a book. I need that time more than I need sleep. It's weird to think that considering I'm running on so little sleep right now and I'm really my best if I have 8-9 hrs a night, but I have to have that little bit of "me" time.
As far as little things going wrong, people upsetting me, etc. I address it head on and then get over it. I'm not one to hold a grudge and I have no room in my life for hatred.
OUpeargirl said:I used to throw myself some pretty good pity parties. As I've gotten older, I've learned to be more sarcastic and I find things that used to upset me humorous.If someone says something rude to me I laugh it off. When friends blow me off, I make other plans. My outlook on life has definitely changed for the better.
When I do get down, I will do something just for me.. Watch a favorite movie and do my nails, read something frivelous, or grab drinks with a girlfriend.
princesss said:Yup. Feeling pretty sorry for myself right about now. Just a general dissatisfaction with life. I'll let you know when I figure out how to get out of it.
Kaleigh said:Feb03Bride said:Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? And how do you snap out of it? Do you continue the pity party or are you proactive in changing what is making you feel that way?
If you feel like sharing we are here for you....
Yssie said:Yes, and I know I'm not good at snapping myself out of my pity parties, though in the last year or so I've learnt to force myself to slow down, breathe, and look at the bigger picture much more effectively.. it's getting to that realization that the dramatics and catastrophising is - well, just that, and in the end it doesn't fix anything and it doesn't make you feel better about anything.
Though it might take a tub (or several) of orange sorbet.
Zoe said:Yes, I feel that way at times. I know it doesn't do any good to wallow but I do, especially depending on the situation. I am very grateful for the things that have in my life, but sometimes even thinking of those things aren't enough to snap out of it right away.
Feb03 -- thinking of you...I wish I knew how to help.
lknvrb4 said:Yes, I do feel pretty sorry for myself a week or two every other month. I sometimes wonder if pms is the culprit. I quit a nice office job because the price for daycare for three kids was killing dh and I. I have my own home daycare now and get down about it. I miss adults, dress clothes, my heels, looking all done up everyday, feeling professional. Now I sit home with three year olds for 10 hrs a day.
Porridge said:Hmm I don't so much feel sorry for myself as I am very lucky but I can be too hard on myself and get myself down that way. However, I've addressed this over the last year and I haven't gotten into that rut in months. The most successful technique for me was to think "these bad thoughts are entirely useless" and then distract myself. Being proactive is definitely the best way out, but I know that sometimes its hard to get your a$$ in gear!