
Do you ever feel ambivalent about buying jewelry?


Dec 17, 2008
I dont know whats wrong with me. :roll: All year long I drool and lust (in a good way) over everyone's new jewels and
now that I have the opportunity to buy something I feel ho-hum about it. Anyone ever feel this way? Is there a cure?
Any suggestions?
Yes indeed. I buy in phases, and some things are just out of my reach, so I'd rather admire from afar. I'm always looking and learning about jewelry, but I don't always want to buy.
Don't worry. It happens to everybody.

I felt the same way around my birthday this year, and I spent a few weeks looking listlessly online while nothing caught my eye. Finally I decided to just check something off my list and get a baguette band, if I could find one in-budget. So I ordered one off eBay, and ... it was AWFUL. Burnt diamonds, terrible condition. While I was schlepping it down to I.D. Jewelry to see if it could be fixed, I stumbled across a carre band that I fell in love with, and, boom! Jewelry-lust reborn.

And, for that matter, while I was buying it, I fell in love with my ruby bracelet in the same shop, which I went back for in May; and while I was paranoically hunting to make sure I'd gotten a good deal, I stumbled across the 4 carat square-emerald cut eternity that I just bought (at the time, I convinced myself that I didn't really need a thumb-ring. Crazy-talk!). So, my advice?

Just keep an eye out until something makes your heart sing. It's not like the jewelry is going anywhere (though I know rising diamond prices can make it feel that way): there's always going to be a good deal out there somewhere. Just give yourself time to find it!
It really does. GOG is looking for a small pear for me for me right now. I wouldn't be able to afford it if it wasn't for the gift certificate I won and the $100 PS 10k gift. And I know I want it-- I've been wanting it for a long while, but just right now I'm pretty ho hum about the whole thing.

If it wasn't that I know that I want a pear I wouldn't even be buying it. I find I make better purchase decisions and I get more satisfaction out of a piece if I am really excited about it.

Right now I'm perfectly happy living vicariously through others and helping them with their purchases.

It will pass. Maybe you should hold off for a while? Or maybe you'd get more joy out of a vacation? I know personally that sometimes while I love jewelry, a vacation or redecorating a room in the house can be a lot more satisfying way to spend the money.
I've felt this way for a few years now! I got burnt out over time. This year (2011), I've only purchased three items and all were under $50 each! lol I guess I moved onto other interests (we just moved into a new home last week, so my focus is on house decor!)
I think all my interests come and go in waves.
I feel the same way. For me, it's knowing that what I could buy for $2k this year.. is going to be a lot smaller or less in quality than a year ago.

So, I focus on other things.
This year is strictly about admiring things from afar for me, and I'm fine with that. I did buy some minor silver pendants and chains, but I don't think that went over $150 for the year. I may even take off next year too. Like MC, we're putting a lot of time, energy and any available funds into the house. Plus my DH is unemployed, but that's not as huge a factor because I just don't feel the urge to buy anything at all right now. I'm sated for now and it feels good.
Maybe you don't know (or haven't found) exactly what you want yet?
Ok, so maybe I am normal. I was begining to wonder! It would be nice to wait until I really feel in love with something
but I'm worried about diamond and gold pricing me out of getting anything! The recent increases are a killer!

I thought I wanted a 7 or 9 stone with 15 pointers (RHR) but since I already have a 5 stone wedding band with 16 ptrs
I'm sort of feeling like its just more of the same. :(sad

I'm going to keep checking ebay and maybe I'll fall in love with something old (at a really great price).

Keep your fingers crossed...
I feel this way about buying - for me the hunt is more exciting. There are only a few things I really want to own... otherwise I am content to live vicariously through other people.
tyty333|1313020270|2988184 said:
Ok, so maybe I am normal. I was begining to wonder! It would be nice to wait until I really feel in love with something
but I'm worried about diamond and gold pricing me out of getting anything! The recent increases are a killer!

I thought I wanted a 7 or 9 stone with 15 pointers (RHR) but since I already have a 5 stone wedding band with 16 ptrs
I'm sort of feeling like its just more of the same. :(sad

I'm going to keep checking ebay and maybe I'll fall in love with something old (at a really great price).

Keep your fingers crossed...

Y'know, sometimes, the things we think we want just aren't quite as ... exciting ... once the possibility of them becomes real. I thought I wanted to get another pear to match my pendant, to make into dangly earrings, but now that it's a reality? Meh. I'd rather use that money for, oh, a crescent brooch ... or a delicate seed pearl choker ... or a vintage rose-cut watch. Sky's the limit, you know? So follow your impulses, definitely hunt around, and see what catches your fancy! Shopping vintage definitely gives you a little bit of an out from the rat race: a lot of dealers are still okay with charging what they paid +markup, instead of elevating their prices to match the recent increases; I mean, my last two pieces I found in February, and their cost hadn't changed at all when I got them. Fingers - and toes! - firmly crossed.
When I'm ambivalent, it usually means that I don't see a final finished product that fits the image from my dreams. It takes me a very long time to find something I really like, and I usually have a strong sense of what that is so I can be really picky.

Gypsy, once you set your pear in your dream setting you may feel that excitement again.
sphenequeen|1313027531|2988258 said:
the hunt is more exciting.

This is why I love PS. I love searching and contemplating various pieces of jewelry but don't necessarily want more.
Yes!!! I find that I will lust after different pieces but when it comes to actually pulling the trigger, I start to lust after something else.
sphenequeen|1313027531|2988258 said:
I feel this way about buying - for me the hunt is more exciting. There are only a few things I really want to own... otherwise I am content to live vicariously through other people.

Very true!!!
Amys Bling|1313063129|2988443 said:
Yes!!! I find that I will lust after different pieces but when it comes to actually pulling the trigger, I start to lust after something else.

Totally this! Which is forcing me to learn patience so that I don't end up with pieces that I don't really love....
Oh yeah, all the time. I very rarely actually buy any jewelry. I love looking at the beautiful pieces on here, and learning all about it, but while I admire others jewelry I seldom see anything I actually really want for myself. I never actively go looking for stuff, I just sit back, browse, and wait for something to scream "take me hooooooome!" at me.
centralsquare - I kind of like the first one but I'm not really a step cut girl. I dont really like the cluster look of the second
one. If I could do it with a single diamond in the center of each halo I would be happy...but then I wouldnt be able to
afford it! :cheeky: Thanks for the suggestions!

So, I inquired about an ebay item that only had 2 hours before bidding ended which wasnt enough time for me to
make up my mind. The item didnt sell and I asked the buyer to let me know if they were going to re-list it. They
said yes...but due to the price of gold going up they had to raise the price on my concern is coming true.

Its not re-listed yet but I'll let you know how much it goes up. :(sad
Oh gee whiz...well, hopefully it's not much more expensive!
Me! I do now, after having made numerous mistakes (yes I have to admit it) purchasing smaller pieces which I ended up not wearing and giving away or selling off. That, plus the horrible price increases of late.

Now, if I see something I lust after, I think about it, then think about it some more and then some more. I ask myself if I really *need* it or *want* it. Obviously, one never *needs* jewellery, so my answer has been no to my "wants", then I force myself not to think about it. So far, it's been working really well.

Yeah, so if you're ambivalent about something, it's likely to be not something you really really really want. My advice is sleep on it, take your time thinking about it, and then NOT think about it for a while. After that, go back and see if you're still enamoured with it. If after all that time waiting and thinking and not thinking, you're still in love with it, then yes by all means, get it and come back and show us!
tyty333|1313071727|2988512 said:
centralsquare - I kind of like the first one but I'm not really a step cut girl. I dont really like the cluster look of the second
one. If I could do it with a single diamond in the center of each halo I would be happy...but then I wouldnt be able to
afford it! :cheeky: Thanks for the suggestions!

So, I inquired about an ebay item that only had 2 hours before bidding ended which wasnt enough time for me to
make up my mind. The item didnt sell and I asked the buyer to let me know if they were going to re-list it. They
said yes...but due to the price of gold going up they had to raise the price on my concern is coming true.

Its not re-listed yet but I'll let you know how much it goes up. :(sad

I'm kind of fascinated by this. I mean ... it's not like it sold at the original price, so ...?
OMG. NO! :bigsmile:

I was sitting at home, minding my own business today, when I got a letter from HMRC (the people who take 40% of my income in the name of taxation....). It said they'd made a mistake, and would have to be returning quite a lot of it to me.

My first (and I mean FIRST) thought was "ooooooh! This cheque actually looks like a pink diamond band if you squint hard enough..."

So no, I honestly don't think what I'm feeling could be called ambivalence. ;))
Jennifer W|1313081421|2988617 said:
OMG. NO! :bigsmile:

I was sitting at home, minding my own business today, when I got a letter from HMRC (the people who take 40% of my income in the name of taxation....). It said they'd made a mistake, and would have to be returning quite a lot of it to me.

My first (and I mean FIRST) thought was "ooooooh! This cheque actually looks like a pink diamond band if you squint hard enough..."

So no, I honestly don't think what I'm feeling could be called ambivalence. ;))
:lol: Funny, that! My mom decided her random $6K check looked just like a 1.3 ct OEC straight off the bat. No ambivalence there either!
I do. But I just take it to mean I have not found the right thing yet.
Circe|1313081154|2988611 said:
tyty333|1313071727|2988512 said:
centralsquare - I kind of like the first one but I'm not really a step cut girl. I dont really like the cluster look of the second
one. If I could do it with a single diamond in the center of each halo I would be happy...but then I wouldnt be able to
afford it! :cheeky: Thanks for the suggestions!

So, I inquired about an ebay item that only had 2 hours before bidding ended which wasnt enough time for me to
make up my mind. The item didnt sell and I asked the buyer to let me know if they were going to re-list it. They
said yes...but due to the price of gold going up they had to raise the price on my concern is coming true.

Its not re-listed yet but I'll let you know how much it goes up. :(sad

I'm kind of fascinated by this. I mean ... it's not like it sold at the original price, so ...?

I know, right? Maybe I should tell them I'll buy it at the original price. Well its relisted...the price increase
was $54. I guess I can live with that. I had asked the seller for a hand shot but they said they were
out of town and couldnt get one for me right now (hmm, is that suspicious???). So...I have to decide
how bad I want it. I'm worried about it not looking like enough bling to make me happy...a hand shot
really would have helped.
Jennifer W|1313081421|2988617 said:
OMG. NO! :bigsmile:

I was sitting at home, minding my own business today, when I got a letter from HMRC (the people who take 40% of my income in the name of taxation....). It said they'd made a mistake, and would have to be returning quite a lot of it to me.

My first (and I mean FIRST) thought was "ooooooh! This cheque actually looks like a pink diamond band if you squint hard enough..."

So no, I honestly don't think what I'm feeling could be called ambivalence. ;)) are definitly NOT having my problem! Love it when I get unexpected money!!! :lickout:
For me the hunt is fun. Finding the right diamond/s for a project is fun, but ownership is key! I LOVE having a selection of white gold and yellow gold pieces to chose from everyday.

The only time I felt ambivalent about jewelry was when I was really really sick and I actually said the words out loud, "even having a 3 ct. G VS2 wouldn't make me feel better right now". My husband look at me like I was cracked.