
Do You Ever Dream About Jewelry At Night?


Nov 6, 2011
So, in my dream last night my dachshund dog, Auggie, who died about 5 years ago now, was wearing a collar that had two beautiful OECs on the ID disc. In my dream I was commenting to my husband about how much fire they had and when he's gone wanting to make another piece of jewelry out of them to remember him by.

So this morning it made me wonder if anyone else had dreams about jewelry and/or educating people about jewelry. As much as I love bling, this is the first time I recall ever actually dreaming about it. Anyone else?
I dream about designs I would love to make, quite regularly.

I have nightmares about jewelry when I am about to spend an amount I feel is too much and start feeling guilt. Usually dreams that I lost the jewelry or it was stolen.
I frequently dream about jewelry!
I have reoccurring dreams about sapphires.
The dream is always that I am looking at trays and trays of sapphire rings, but I never seem to be buying one!
I always wake up disappointed.
I actually have about 8 sapphire rings, so I don't know what's up with these dreams.......
@stracci2000 Interesting! I'd be curious to see if a professional would interpret it as indecision in other areas of your life.

@LLJsmom Right? I love his work. Nice dreams to have.

@JrJ You create jewelry with your own designs or use a jeweler to create your images?
If I remember correctly yes I recently did. I think I remember waking up feeling quite cranky because it wasn't real! Lmao
This is a true story. I recently had an 8 hour surgery. o_O When I woke up I anxiously thought I had bought a new very expensive ring that my husband had no idea about. Surgeon said I was running my mouth off. Funny thing is, the oxygen saturation thingy was taped to my ring finger so I think that’s what made me think I had a new ring. :lol: PS it wasn’t very attractive! Lol
So yes, I do dream about jewelry. Lol
Intriguing question...

I almost never recall dreams, but do remember a very vivid one of wading through piles of red & blue, surprised at my own growing bored of the miracle,
I once dreamed I found a treasure chest of beautiful jewels and jewelry fit for a queen. I remember waking up and being very disappointed that it was just a dream.
I had a dream once that I looked down and the diamond out of my ring was missing and I felt sick, then I realized it wasn’t my ring I was looking at so I felt a lot better. Not sure whose it was though!
The short answer is YES indeed I do. Some days it feels all I do is dream about bling day and night. And I like to make my dreams reality. My poor dh.:lol:

Yes, I do dream about diamonds, but they're always unpleasant ones! It usually involves me buying a large diamond ring, and during the dream the stone keeps getting smaller and more included lol.
Yes! I have dreams that I look down and my diamond is gone! It’s happened more than once! I think I would have a heart attack! My insurance company doesn’t give you the money...they replace the diamond with a diamond they pick out for you! A nightmare for sure! :eek2:

All my waking hours are spent dreaming of jewels--at night I need a reprieve! lol

In my dreams I ALWAYS get a really hideous engagement ring :lol:
I had a dream once I broke into my brother's house and stole his wife's jewelry. She is an antique hoarder (no exaggeration) so she has lots of beautiful things.

For the record the only thing I have ever stolen IRL was a balloon :halo:
All very interesting stories and dreams. Thanks for the sharing so far. Glad I'm not alone.
@Sandeek, I hope you are feeling better after your surgery. :wavey:

@StephanieLynn, when I was a little girl I really wanted one of those stretchy, skinny silver bows they put on cheap gifts at a drug store around Christmastime. I thought it would look pretty on my Barbie. Well, I didn't have money to buy the gift, so I took the bow off the gift. I was with my older sister, who found out that I had taken it because I wasn't smart/sneaky enough to keep it hidden, and she took me back into the store to the manager in order to give it back and apologize. Very embarrassing, but I learned an important lesson that day!
LOL I do pretty often. About lost diamonds, crushed rings, delayed shipments, and once about a ring covered in chocolate. But more than dreams I wake up at 3am thinking of ideas for customer service issues and how to resolve them well. Sometimes it is a GREAT solution. :idea::cool2:
No jewelry dreams, plenty about horses and dogs though. And of course the recurring one where I am Gene Hackman in a cop movie. :lol:
LOL I do pretty often. About lost diamonds, crushed rings, delayed shipments, and once about a ring covered in chocolate. But more than dreams I wake up at 3am thinking of ideas for customer service issues and how to resolve them well. Sometimes it is a GREAT solution. :idea::cool2:

Ivory tower dreams!! Keep up the good work!:appl:
@Vera W, Yes, I suppose if you work in the trade it probably would happen a little more frequently. I know I've had work dreams, and I wish my work dreams were about jewelry.

@redwood66, Gene Hackman? :lol-2: Loved him in Hoosiers. I need more details though. Why Gene?
@Vera W, Yes, I suppose if you work in the trade it probably would happen a little more frequently. I know I've had work dreams, and I wish my work dreams were about jewelry.

@redwood66, Gene Hackman? :lol-2: Loved him in Hoosiers. I need more details though. Why Gene?
LOL. I have no idea. I do love him and have seen every movie he's been in for decades. It is so freaky to know that it is me and know that my face looks just like Gene Hackman chasing bad guys through a hedge maze. Just crazy. :lol:
@redwood66, I suppose it beats my recurring dream of being back in school and either forgetting my locker combo, which class I'm supposed to be in, or not having written that research paper/not prepared for final exam that is like 80% of the grade. Yours sounds way more fun!