
Dinner tonight..

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Jun 26, 2008
So, I decided to make engagement chicken for dinner tonight. SO and I had a wonderful week visiting his family and it just feels like everything is falling into place. Hope the chicken turns out well and maybe a ring will follow in a few weeks. We will see!
Good luck with your chicken!!
Good luck!
Good luck with the e-chicken!
:) I loved that post.
I''ve thought about trying the engagement chicken. You''ll have to let us all know how it goes. (I mean how it tastes too)
Okay, so he LOVED the chicken, let''s see if it works. It''s a very zesty lemon pepper recipe, so it''s not for everyone. The meat was incredibly tender and juicy. I found the recipe in Glamour, but they have it online. Hope it works for someone else on here like I hope it will work for me!
Ok so I must say I''m intrigued with this engagement chicken...So I went and found the recipe and I plan on giving it a try.
However...I''m not the greatest cook in the world so lets hope that it doesn''t have the opposite effect

Anyway CG what did you serve with it? The picture showed red skinned potatoes and asparagus...neither of which I have a good recipe for...any suggestions?
Glad he liked it!

You boyfriend JUST the other day asked me if I will ever make him meat for dinner. (Im a vegetarian so I don''t really make meat.....) anyway we have had this conversation once before that I wont make a whole chicken or turkey, etc. But that maybe make some stuff.

My point is, he LOVEESSSSS lemon pepper chicken. I really don''t want to make that stuff but I think there are ways around not having to "handle" the meat. So.... do you have the recipe handy? I may do this sometime soon since he just asked me about it. He would love it!
Glad the recipe is good! I''ve wondered about that. Good luck!
HAHA let''s all make engagement chicken and see what happens!!

Dreamgirl, I can relate to you with the whole meat thing. I''m technically not a vegetarian, but I really only eat chicken and shrimp but only when we go out to eat or someone else prepares it.
Under no circumstances will I handle raw meat - I can barely stand the sight of it, it grosses me out so much (yes, I''m crazy). so this may be a problem. I may have to trick him into making engagement chicken for himself.. hehe.. would that work??

Good luck Cosmo_gal - keep us posted!
I tried the engagement chicken recipe about a year ago, and I belive the 3 month deadline for it to work was Jan. 1st, so obviously it didn''t work for me! But, BF has been shopping seriously for the diamond and setting, so I may just have to give it another try! Maybe it will speed up the process! =)
When I first read your post I thought to myself "ya, if we''d all be so lucky to have our boyfriends propose just by making a meal for him!" And then I read the actual story behind the ''engagement chicken.'' I think I''m going to try it the next few weeks!

Can you buy a whole chicken with the giblets already out? I''m not a vegetarian either but the idea of sticking my hand inside a chicken makes me want to vomit... Can''t wait to try it!
I''ve made this recipe before, but I usually modify it with a butter and spice rub under the skin on the breast. It''s sooooo tasty, and it makes the whole house smell wonderful. As I believe the Glamour article states, it''s less about what you cook and more about making the guy something a wife would make. For you veggie lovers or meat-squeamish LIWs, bypass the chicken and just cook or bake something your guy likes. What about a hearty Sunday breakfast or a dessert?

My sweetie is already very marriage-minded and hopes to be ready to propose in about a year. He will happily eat anything I cook - he raves about my meals and baked goods to his family and buddies.
I cook all the time, so he gets spoiled.
He gets most impressed when I bake with fruit I handpick: apple pies made with apples from his own fruit trees, or blackberry cobbler made with berries from my parents'' home.
Okay, here''s the recipe..

* 1 whole chicken (approx. 3 lb.)
* 2 medium lemons
* Fresh lemon juice (1/2 cup)
* Kosher or sea salt
* Ground black pepper

Place rack in upper third of oven and preheat to 400 degrees. Wash chicken inside and out with cold water, remove the giblets, then let the chicken drain, cavity down, in a colander until it reaches room temp (about 15 minutes). Pat dry with paper towels. Pour lemon juice all over the chicken (inside and outside). Season with salt and pepper. Prick the whole lemons three times with a fork and place deep inside the cavity. (Tip: If lemons are hard, roll on countertop with your palm to get juices flowing.) Place the bird breast-side down on a rack in a roasting pan, lower heat to 350 degrees and bake uncovered for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and turn it breast-side up (use wooden spoons!); return it to oven for 35 minutes more. Test for doneness —a meat thermometer inserted in the thigh should read 180 degrees, or juices should run clear when chicken is pricked with a fork. Continue baking if necessary. Let chicken cool for a few minutes before carving. Serve with juices.

As for the chicken, I don''t know where you are in the world, but I got a Perdue chicken with the giblets in a little baggie. Some brands keep the neck attached, like Tyson, so I would avoid those for this purpose. I''m not sure if they sell chickens without the giblets, but the bag is probably your best bet. It''s really not that bad.
I think it''s nice when they bag up the giblets, too. Otherwise, I get nervous that I forgot something in there!
sounds yummy!! i have yet to try this myself, i''m going to wait as long as possible and hope he bites!!

i hope it worked!! let us know if you catch any special twinkles in his eyes over the next few months!
Date: 10/15/2008 4:50:25 PM
Author: Namaste
Dreamgirl, I can relate to you with the whole meat thing. I'm technically not a vegetarian, but I really only eat chicken and shrimp but only when we go out to eat or someone else prepares it.
Under no circumstances will I handle raw meat - I can barely stand the sight of it, it grosses me out so much (yes, I'm crazy). so this may be a problem. I may have to trick him into making engagement chicken for himself.. hehe.. would that work??
ha! Totally me!!! But I don't eat the stuff so you could imagine how sickening it is to me..............

Thanks for the recipe cosmo gal! I'll think about making it... lol!
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