
Did you grow up in the 80''s?

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Mar 8, 2003
I ask this question, because I had a rather serious (lol) conversation with a friend at work that indicated her fiance wears a gel in his hair called LA LOOKS? I and every other guy (born around my time 1975) seems to have used this and still does. She thought I was crazy until she asked her Fiance, and he said "LA LOOKS OF COURSE". We continued to ask other people we work with and they said the same. Do all guys who grew up in the 1980's wear this? I still do and I am 31 years old. I live in this just a MA thing..or everywhere?


Perhaps I should start a poll?
I might have aged some in the 1980''s, might have grown a bit too...

But "grow up" in the 80''s. You''ve got to be kidding. I''m just a big kid... That''s all; and that''s all I''ll ever be.

i am lmao

i can verify that this is not just a trend in MA!

too funny.
I was an "aqua net" 80''s gal myself....

I''m lucky I have still have hair.
what state Belle?
k- i just asked FI if he ever used la looks hair gel. he looked at me with a sweet reminesent grin and said yeh. hehe.
BUT, i'm happy to report he has MOVED on! and no longer sports that gel.
only $3.00 each...what could be better!

I think most guyst think this way...worked...still works.
I grew up in the 80''s and no, I don''t use LA Looks. Never have. Never knew anyone who did. Lots of people used Aqua Net.

Dunno if it''s cuz I''m from LA so it seemed weird to use a product called "LA Looks." Then again, LA Gear (the shoes) were really popular at school for a while.
Yep, we grew up in the 80s. DH never used LA Looks, but, I sure did. How else can you get waist length crunchy scrunchy curls and HUGE bangs? We''re in CA. was an eastcoast thing then... because LA was cool???
LOL!! I was an 80''s child, but I don''t wear hair gel. My fi used to buy LA looks hair gel for a while, but now he wears clay instead...I guess we are all grown up.
So I was an 80s gal, thankfully FI never used that. He used whatever his sister had. I don''t know if that is better. :)

Codex:LA Gear! I remember all the cool tags that came with those kinds of shoes! LA Gear on an LA girl!! Memories! I just bought another pair of ''Roos. Anyone remember those? With the zipper or velcro pocket big enough to hold a quarter?
Date: 11/29/2006 7:50:43 PM
I ask this question, because I had a rather serious (lol) conversation with a friend at work that indicated her fiance wears a gel in his hair called LA LOOKS? I and every other guy (born around my time 1975) seems to have used this and still does. She thought I was crazy until she asked her Fiance, and he said ''LA LOOKS OF COURSE''. We continued to ask other people we work with and they said the same. Do all guys who grew up in the 1980''s wear this? I still do and I am 31 years old. I live in this just a MA thing..or everywhere?


Perhaps I should start a poll?

My DH is 31, and so not the hair gel guy, but he totally uses LA Looks. I seriously think that the brand is kept alive by guys around my age. I think that he "found" it in high school and has been too cheap to ever explore another brand!
I just ran to our bathroom and he spent 3.99 on a BIG bottle of it- at True Value!
Date: 11/29/2006 7:57:39 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I was an ''aqua net'' 80''s gal myself....

I''m lucky I have still have hair.

I must confess that I am guilty of my share of the Depletion of Ozone...
Date: 11/29/2006 9:43:54 PM
Author: MINE!!
Date: 11/29/2006 7:57:39 PM

Author: TravelingGal

I was an 'aqua net' 80's gal myself....

I'm lucky I have still have hair.

I must confess that I am guilty of my share of the Depletion of Ozone...

I'm right there with you!!! You should see my high school year book picture--my hair was teased and sprayed to such a degree that it extends beyond the ends of the photograph!
I look like there is a lion somewhere back in my family tree, and the whole hairdo would have stayed put through a hurricane...
Date: 11/29/2006 9:49:09 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Date: 11/29/2006 9:43:54 PM

Author: MINE!!

Date: 11/29/2006 7:57:39 PM

Author: TravelingGal

I was an ''aqua net'' 80''s gal myself....

I''m lucky I have still have hair.

I must confess that I am guilty of my share of the Depletion of Ozone...

I''m right there with you!!! You should see my high school year book picture--my hair was teased and sprayed to such a degree that it extends beyond the ends of the photograph!
I look like there is a lion somewhere back in my family tree, and the whole hairdo would have stayed put through a hurricane...

OMG FOTFLMOA!!!! I just sprayed milk out of my nose... (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

I can totally see that!!! LOL LOL LOL

I remember someone once telling me that my picture looked like Fozie Bear. My bangs were curled and sprayed and curled and sprayed and my hair was just windproof!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL....

It was hilarious.. I will have to find that picture tonight and laugh some more...
I went to HS and college in the 80's and althought I remember seeing this product in the drugstore, nobody that I was aware of used it.

But that being said, the 80s was a big time for gel and mouse. Spikey hair, big hair, and of course the ultimate 80's look long, big hair with huge bangs. Yup that was a look I sported in HS and would like to forget about. OK, maybe into my freshman year too.

And I still have all those extra pierced holes in my ear from the 80s I regret.

I grew up and went to college on the east coast so it was definately available.

edited to add, I see you asked about guys, well my brother did not, my male friends did not that I was aware of, nor my HS or College boyfriend.
Date: 11/29/2006 10:50:29 PM
Author: asscherisme
I went to HS and college in the 80''s and althought I remember seeing this product in the drugstore, nobody that I was aware of used it.

But that being said, the 80s was a big time for gel and mouse. Spikey hair, big hair, and of course the ultimate 80''s look long, big hair with huge bangs. Yup that was a look I sported in HS and would like to forget about. OK, maybe into my freshman year too.

And I still have all those extra pierced holes in my ear from the 80s I regret.

I grew up and went to college on the east coast so it was definately available.

edited to add, I see you asked about guys, well my brother did not, my male friends did not that I was aware of, nor my HS or College boyfriend.

Oh yes... three extra holes in my left, one extra in my right. Damn, will these things NEVER grow closed?!?
Oh yeah, I was an 80's teen and I used L.A Looks.
My product of choice was the mousse that made my spiral-permed curls "crunchy!"
Dee Jay, we are ear twins LOL. Yup, 3 in the left and 2 in the right. They are there for life. Funny thing- I was at Starbucks the other day and in line I overheard 2 women in line behind me in their mid to late 30''s (my age) talking about how when they got their second ear holes their father''s about killed them and how they wished they listed and took out the holes then to close up. I''m not one to bust in on a strangers conversation ever but I was dying to say something to them LOL. I think there are a LOT of us out there regretting it.

But hey, it could be worse, it could be tatoo regret! To those who have them and love them great for them, but I''m glad I never went that route.

The 80''s were all about assymetry. Rememeber those awful assymetrical haircuts? Actually, Rosie O''Donnel sported one a few years ago after her talk show ended.
Date: 11/29/2006 11:00:15 PM
Author: asscherisme
Dee Jay, we are ear twins LOL. Yup, 3 in the left and 2 in the right. They are there for life. Funny thing- I was at Starbucks the other day and in line I overheard 2 women in line behind me in their mid to late 30''s (my age) talking about how when they got their second ear holes their father''s about killed them and how they wished they listed and took out the holes then to close up. I''m not one to bust in on a strangers conversation ever but I was dying to say something to them LOL. I think there are a LOT of us out there regretting it.

But hey, it could be worse, it could be tatoo regret! To those who have them and love them great for them, but I''m glad I never went that route.

The 80''s were all about assymetry. Rememeber those awful assymetrical haircuts? Actually, Rosie O''Donnel sported one a few years ago after her talk show ended.
I am right there with you. I have a couple friends with neat tattoos in the lower back area, and I think it looks really good on them, but I''m glad I haven''t gone there!
Date: 11/29/2006 11:00:15 PM
Author: asscherisme
Dee Jay, we are ear twins LOL. Yup, 3 in the left and 2 in the right. They are there for life. Funny thing- I was at Starbucks the other day and in line I overheard 2 women in line behind me in their mid to late 30''s (my age) talking about how when they got their second ear holes their father''s about killed them and how they wished they listed and took out the holes then to close up. I''m not one to bust in on a strangers conversation ever but I was dying to say something to them LOL. I think there are a LOT of us out there regretting it.

But hey, it could be worse, it could be tatoo regret! To those who have them and love them great for them, but I''m glad I never went that route.

The 80''s were all about assymetry. Rememeber those awful assymetrical haircuts? Actually, Rosie O''Donnel sported one a few years ago after her talk show ended.
Another 3 on the left, 2 on the right here!:0 You know it''s funny-I actually wore some earrings in my second holes the other day since I just bought some new studs and thought "why not?" I had at least three people comment, "WOW! How many holes do you have in each ear!" I guess it was surprising since I''m so conservative now, and sadly enough, for a moment in time I felt like a bad-***! hehe so silly...

Anyway.. LA LOOKS! Blast from the past! My brother rocked this product into the early 90''s in South Jersey during his spiked hair phase, but I don''t think he still does. I''ll have to ask him at lunch tomorrow!
How funny. You bad ass with our second set of earrings. In the 80''s I felt so cool with those extra piercings. Now I feel silly. My kids are young and snuggle up with me at night when I read to them and my 7 year old is little miss detail. She always seems to be looking at my left ear. My kids have commented numerous times how silly it looks with all the holes. Gee thanks. My husband did not notice until years into our marriage. Mr observant there.

We have this great handiman guy and he has too many tatoos for my taste. He is about 30ish. The other day he came over to fix something and he is now sporting peirced eyebrows. I had trouble talking to him without my eyes staring at those eyebrows. I had to focus on not staring. My 7 and 10 year olds though blurted right out to him why he had that metal in his face. Nothing like kids honesty right?? He just smiiled and did not answer them.
Date: 11/29/2006 8:39:28 PM
Author: mtrb was an eastcoast thing then... because LA was cool???
Nope--I grew up in OR (graduated in ''89!) and LA Looks was IT.
Date: 11/29/2006 7:56:32 PM
Author: belle
i am lmao

i can verify that this is not just a trend in MA!

too funny.

Even my Husband has been known to use LA Looks/ Locks...whatever it''s called
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