
Diamonds and Safety

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Sep 16, 2006
I was riding the train home from school last night at about 10 p.m. and there was a girl sitting near me talking on her cell phone. She was holding the phone with her left hand, and she had a sparkly e-ring on. I admired it and then I thought "I wonder if that would make her a target for crime at the time like this."

So, my question is: Do any of you, especially those with larger diamonds, ever feel like your ring would draw attention in a bad way and maybe affect your safety when you are traveling alone, espcially at night? Or have you or anyone you know been robbed (god forbid) because of the ring?

There is a previous thread about there somewhere, but I''m having trouble finding it.

I don''t have a large diamond, but sometimes I do think it''s a little dangerous wearing one. I live in LA and since I don''t have a car, I am often waiting for public transport and sometimes I have to walk around at night. I tend to walk fast with a serious look on my face, but I sometimes turn my ring around and palm the diamond when I am feeling unsafe. I think it''s important to be aware of your surroundings when you are a woman and especially when you wear jewelry. Keep the phone conversations for when you are safe, and spend your time watching and looking for trouble around you.
I see people w/ huge rings on the bus and train here in NYC all of the time. I have heard of people turning their rings around though so all people can see is the band.
I do turn my ring around sometimes when I''m alone and out at night. You never know what nut you''ll run into out there.
it depends on how i feel at the time like how comfortable i feel in the situation. if i am alone walking in a dark area or whatever, i turn it inside towards my hand...sometimes if i feel uncomfortable in an area i turn it into my hand, sometimes if we are out walking at night. even with greg with me. but if i am around a ton of people and i am going to be around a ton of people in a public place, i tend to not worry about it. i mean if you have a bigger rock and wear it, you can''t worry about that all the time. just try to be smart and safe at the same time but yet not paranoid. i guess i figure people want your rock they will get it regardless so just be ''aware'' i think and that is the best you can do..knock on wood!
I live in the city and would be a little worried if I had a larger diamond e-ring. But thats just me :)
My center stone is .65 so it doesn't stand out too much.
Yes, I do worry about it. And when I travel I wear only a plain band. Not even fakes because fakes make you a target too if they look real.

I often leave my ring at home if I''m going somewhere I don''t know.

And if I lived in the city I would want a smaller ring than I have now
I worry about it when I''m in a very urban part of town where people kill for shoes, much less a diamond worth tens of thousands more...

DH doesn''t like it when I don''t turn it around when I happen to take the subway. (I hate smudging the table!) But hey, it''s better than being hurt while being robbed. I really love my diamond, but it''s insured & we can always get another one. It''s the possibility of being hurt for the diamond that is really worrisome.

Sometimes I feel really uncomfortable when people zero in on my ring and stare. I always check to see if I''m being followed out of the mall or wherever. Many times, people have been followed home and robbed or eventually been burglarized. So please be careful this holiday season! It''s the time when robberies and burglaries spike.
My diamond is not large by PS standards but by local standards it is, so when I''m alone when it''s dark or taking public transportation, I turn it around or keep my winter gloves on. I don''t worry when I''m not alone though.
My sister works for the FBI and they had a presentation recently on personal safety. I guess the gist of it was that robbers will target you by your bling, but not necessarily for your bling. If they see you have something nice, they won't necessarily rob you for the jewelry but for something else they assume the jewelry must lead to, if that makes sense.
Logan, good info. Do you tone it down on jewlery or ring size because of her advice?

I wonder if they target you by car as well? I live in an affluent neighborhood in a large house. Most of my neighbors and other moms at the school have really expensive cars, lexus suvs, mercedes suvs, bmw suvs, hummers, land rovers etc. I drive a Honda minivan. So I figure if someone is going to follow you home, wouldn''t they target the $70,000 car and not the $34,000 car?

I have a fear of driving an expensive fancy car that I would be car jacked and with kids in car seats I feel much safer in a boring minivan.

I also figure they are more likely in my neighborhood to try and break into the homes with the really expensive cars in front than the boring generic minivans.

Am I wrong on this or does this make sense?
For the record I'm a man and occasionally also rotate the stone into my palm.

I imagine when I get the 2.26 set I'll be more careful.

Lucky it is an asscher, which look small for their weight.
I have a 1.33, which is small by PS standards but huge for my poor inner-city neighborhood. When I first got the ring, there were a couple of times when I got home late, by myself, and I actually slipped it off and put it in my pocket. I''ve definitely spun it around too. I don''t worry that much, because most of the "bad guys" know me and know I live here, but still... there could always be an outsider running around. I don''t, and won''t, drive a flashy car. I NEVER walk carrying my cell phone because it''s amazing how many people get mugged for their phones here just because they''re visible. And I don''t think I would upgrade my stone anytime soon... definitely not while living in inner-city Baltimore!
My hubby freaks out when I wear my ring on trips. I feel like I want to enjoy it and though it is large I wanted to be able to wear it most of the time. I do sometimes leave it home but not often. I have turned it around on occasion or put my hands in my pocket, but figure it is insured and I will hand it over in a heart beat if need be, my life is not worth fighting over a ring!
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