
Deliberate rental truck crash into people NYC


Feb 29, 2012
unfolding now
Just shocking. Hope all NY PSers are ok.
That's my favorite running route: south along the West Side Highway on the bike/running path and turn right along the water at Chambers near Stuyvesant High all the way to the tip of Battery Park and back. Most people running or on their bike, including me, would have had their headphones on so they would be caught unaware if a truck came up from behind :(2
8 dead
IMG_2493.PNG Suspect
I heard Mayor De Blasio; Governor Cuomo and Police Commissioner O'Neill speak. It seems certain that it was an attack by someone who was pro-some faction of Islam. People are implying it may be someone wanting to support ISIS, but I do not think they know. The man is 29 and still alive. No one is saying whether he is an American citizen or not. It was clearly intentional and terrorism. He rented a truck at Home Depot to do it.
This just makes me sick.
Thoughts and prayers outgoing for the victims and their families.
The Halloween Parade will still take place with extra security. Forza NYC!
I hope all of our P/Sers, their friends and family are safe. My first thought was oh no, not again. I wish we lived in a world where people didn't feel the need to do these things to each other.
I always worry the initial terrorism is a precurser to more events later, like on 9/11.
Scary stuff. My dd lives in Manhattan and I've asked her to be extra aware and to lose the headphones please. He apparently recently lived across the river in Paterson, NJ. I questioned why he attacked there rather than more high profile locales as they originally said he was from Tampa, FL. But I guess he did know the area.
So sad and scary. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen more of this in NYC.
I'm so sad. I work a few blocks from there and sometimes walk there over my lunch break. A lot of my co-workers have also run/walk in that area. My daughter's best friend goes to Stuyvesant along with a number of other kids from her middle school. My heart and prayers go out to everyone.
RIP poor victims.
It's awful. I empathize because I have been a pedestrian most of my life. Too much life being lost.
So awful! Too many innocent lives lost.
One thing that bothered me is that police said he had multiple issues with police in many states, but he managed to pass all of Uber's background checks. Makes me leery of using uber when these people can get through their 'rigorous' background checks.
So thoughts are with the victims, families, friends, people of NYC, and the US.:cry2:
I live a few blocks from here. Frances and I cross there every day around that time to go to the dog run between pier 40 and leroy st. Monday as we were waiting for the light to change to cross the street I looked at the planted divider between the roadway and the bike lane and thought how easily a car could fly into the bike lane if there were an accident. Since the next day would be halloween I decided we would skip the dog run that day. Today we did go back. The bike lane was roped off from Charleton st, but we were able to get through to the dog run. News cameras were all lined up pointing down the bike path straight to world trade...There are a lot of traffic police expediting the intersections that have needed them desperately for months. In the local coffeeshop and corner grocer no one is talking about it. With the scandals, the outrageous fortunes, the psychos like the guy in Vegas and the one in Washington with the mustard gas hair, have we become so inured to disaster and the seemingly boundless capacity for people to be evil that we hardly notice? It is as though we live in a constant state of alarm and imminent death. Everyday the particulars change while the baseline is a condition combining detachment with paranioa, except paranoia is unfounded fear and this is real - detached anxiety without the campiness of zombies or jaded pre-teens. I am putting my loft on the market. Not to run away from the terror, but to go where laissez-terrorisme is not the new normal. I don't mean to fault my fellow zombies, if we are shell-shocked it is from the shells. Nor am i giving up and surrendering the land, just aspiring to being a moving target.
I live a few blocks from here. Frances and I cross there every day around that time to go to the dog run between pier 40 and leroy st. Monday as we were waiting for the light to change to cross the street I looked at the planted divider between the roadway and the bike lane and thought how easily a car could fly into the bike lane if there were an accident. Since the next day would be halloween I decided we would skip the dog run that day. Today we did go back. The bike lane was roped off from Charleton st, but we were able to get through to the dog run. News cameras were all lined up pointing down the bike path straight to world trade...There are a lot of traffic police expediting the intersections that have needed them desperately for months. In the local coffeeshop and corner grocer no one is talking about it. With the scandals, the outrageous fortunes, the psychos like the guy in Vegas and the one in Washington with the mustard gas hair, have we become so inured to disaster and the seemingly boundless capacity for people to be evil that we hardly notice? It is as though we live in a constant state of alarm and imminent death. Everyday the particulars change while the baseline is a condition combining detachment with paranioa, except paranoia is unfounded fear and this is real - detached anxiety without the campiness of zombies or jaded pre-teens. I am putting my loft on the market. Not to run away from the terror, but to go where laissez-terrorisme is not the new normal. I don't mean to fault my fellow zombies, if we are shell-shocked it is from the shells. Nor am i giving up and surrendering the land, just aspiring to being a moving target.

I don't blame you. The reason I don't live in New Orleans any more is because of crime. You don't need to explain your reason for moving away...
So awful! Too many innocent lives lost.
One thing that bothered me is that police said he had multiple issues with police in many states, but he managed to pass all of Uber's background checks. Makes me leery of using uber when these people can get through their 'rigorous' background checks.

Uber doesn’t use rigorous background checks. This is what they check for:

If you’re leery of using the service now, wait a few years til they start using driverless vehicles, I guess. Ive used Uber all over the place and I feel a lot safer using the app (I always let someone know when I’m riding, it’s part of the app now) than I do some rando cab.
Uber doesn’t use rigorous background checks. This is what they check for:

If you’re leery of using the service now, wait a few years til they start using driverless vehicles, I guess. Ive used Uber all over the place and I feel a lot safer using the app (I always let someone know when I’m riding, it’s part of the app now) than I do some rando cab.
I usually prefer uber over cabs, but I really hate the idea of getting into a car with someone who wasn't properly vetted lol. Uber is still 'new' up here, and they made such a big fuss over how much training/background checks/etc are done.
I cannot wait for driverless vehicles! (sorry threadjack over)
We LOVE Uber.