
Daylight Savings Time Change

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Oct 17, 2003
I was completely unaware of the change occurring this year for daylight savings time (for those states that observe it).

On March 11 clocks spring forward and on Nov 4 they fall back.


Sep 26, 2006
Wow, AmantdeChat, you are REALLY on the''s only Feb. 1 and you''re already getting ready for March 11.


Jan 25, 2005
Guess my calendar got printed after the dates were changed...mine are correct in the calendar!


May 5, 2006
Wow I didn''t know about this. Cool. =)


Oct 30, 2002
YAY! I love daylight savings time...woo hoo.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I like when it stays lighter, later. That always makes me happy. Be sure to bump this thread to remind us all in a month!


Jun 17, 2005
So it is earlier, thank god!!

Not to sound really lame, but how can we arbitrarily move it? And how can some places not participate? I never really understood that either happens in the scheme of things or not, I just do not see how one state can say, no thanks...we pass!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 2/2/2007 12:58:01 AM
Author: diamondfan
So it is earlier, thank god!!

Not to sound really lame, but how can we arbitrarily move it? And how can some places not participate? I never really understood that either happens in the scheme of things or not, I just do not see how one state can say, no thanks...we pass!

When I looked into going to Purdue I remember they don''t practice DST. I thought that was kind of odd. I am under the understanding that it all started b/c of farmers. Seems like we don''t really need it now. Still kind of fun when we gain an hour of sleep.


Jun 17, 2005
I love to gain the hour but I hate when it gets dark early. But I still do not see how you can chose for it to get dark earlier or not, seems like we all would be dealing with the same environment, right?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I totally agree. I remember when I lived in Colombia and my family in WI we were one hour off for HALF the year and the same after DST in WI. Too strange.


Jun 17, 2005
Thanks! I do have a masters degree but this one is eluding me!

PS: That cat bouncing around is CRACKING ME UP every time I see it!


Jan 21, 2006
Date: 2/1/2007 5:27:35 PM
Author: Bunnifer
Wow, AmantdeChat, you are REALLY on the''s only Feb. 1 and you''re already getting ready for March 11.
Ditto...I usually don''t figure it out until the next day when my alarm clock doesn''t match my cell phone LOL!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 2/2/2007 12:37:01 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I like when it stays lighter, later. That always makes me happy. Be sure to bump this thread to remind us all in a month!
I HATE daylight savings time. I would much rather have it light in the morning.... it is so hard to get kids to go to bed when it is light until close to 10pm!!!!!


May 24, 2005
Date: 2/2/2007 3:10:49 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/2/2007 12:37:01 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I like when it stays lighter, later. That always makes me happy. Be sure to bump this thread to remind us all in a month!
I HATE daylight savings time. I would much rather have it light in the morning.... it is so hard to get kids to go to bed when it is light until close to 10pm!!!!!
Very true Cehra. And it''s hard for ME to go to bed. Can you imagine what it must be like in Alaska when the days are light 20+ hours? Really cool, but at the same time, what a discrepancy between summer and winter! I wonder how they manage to get their kids to sleep enough. Mine want to be up for an hour after it gets dark. It''s also a bit of a pain when you want to sleep in but it''s light at 6:00 am and you can''t make yourself sleep even though you have the time and the opportunity.

I am ready for a bit more light, though. We were driving home from a family get together last Sunday and my 9 year old said, "Hey it''s 6:00 and it''s still light!" It gets dark around 5:15 on the shortest days here. It''s nice to have it be light longer -- it''s perfect between the middle of February and April!


Nov 19, 2004
Wow, isn''t that like a whole month earlier for it to start?

I''m in Indiana (home of Purdue) and we just started doing daylight savings last year for the first time in 30+ years. I could swear it was April last year.....

It''s nice on the fringe months but not in the middle of summer. It was still light at my house at 10:30pm. It was nearly impossible to get the kids to bed and I found that I kept doing stuff later so I was getting to bed later and wound up with no down time. I''ll definitely need to get a plan for this year to make it better.


Feb 17, 2006
Congress changed it as part of an energy bill two years ago. They had to wait until 2007 for it to kick in, presumably because calendars for 2006 were already printed when they passed it in 2005. It starts earlier and ends later from now on, or until they change it again. They can move it because they put it in place in the first place!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 2/2/2007 9:41:48 AM
Author: sumbride
Congress changed it as part of an energy bill two years ago. They had to wait until 2007 for it to kick in, presumably because calendars for 2006 were already printed when they passed it in 2005. It starts earlier and ends later from now on, or until they change it again. They can move it because they put it in place in the first place!
energy bill - that is just SO stupid!!!! Okay first of all people are no longer bound to farm times needing the kids around after school to work... and if they are - then adjust your LIFE to the CLOCK!!! People work all hours of the day - at work at 4am, 6am, 8am, 10am.... coming home all hours as well. That ONE hour isn''t going to make any difference. If you want the kids out earlier, start them at 7am. This artificial moving of the clock just bugs me to no end and the justifications of it are all ridiculous.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
bull hockey that it was to benefit the farmers. farmers have traditionally farmed by light of day no matter what time the clock says. additionally, i know of know dairyman that changes his clocks and the time s/he milks the cows. remember, this change was before industrial agricultural. industrial agriculture is mechanised and no longer requires daylight as that is provided in stockyards by manmade lights and electrical timing controls it.

it certainly did give the upper class more daylight time in which to golf.....and the rest of us to shop.

i too hate it. this is about a month earlier than was traditional. imo, keep it simple and select one or the other and leave it that way.

movie zombie


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 2/2/2007 10:15:16 AM
Author: movie zombie
bull hockey that it was to benefit the farmers. farmers have traditionally farmed by light of day no matter what time the clock says. additionally, i know of know dairyman that changes his clocks and the time s/he milks the cows. remember, this change was before industrial agricultural. industrial agriculture is mechanised and no longer requires daylight as that is provided in stockyards by manmade lights and electrical timing controls it.

it certainly did give the upper class more daylight time in which to golf.....and the rest of us to shop.

i too hate it. this is about a month earlier than was traditional. imo, keep it simple and select one or the other and leave it that way.

movie zombie
yes - if they''re going to insist on bumping the clock instead of life - fine but LEAVE it that way. Its just silly... I think it is *important* for our bodies to go through natural cycles and I dunno about anyone else, but before, in april, right prior to DLS was my favorite time when the mornings were bright!! Now it''s just gonna still be dark in the am and I''m gonna be so unhappy.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
Date: 2/2/2007 10:37:20 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/2/2007 10:15:16 AM
Author: movie zombie
bull hockey that it was to benefit the farmers. farmers have traditionally farmed by light of day no matter what time the clock says. additionally, i know of know dairyman that changes his clocks and the time s/he milks the cows. remember, this change was before industrial agricultural. industrial agriculture is mechanised and no longer requires daylight as that is provided in stockyards by manmade lights and electrical timing controls it.

it certainly did give the upper class more daylight time in which to golf.....and the rest of us to shop.

i too hate it. this is about a month earlier than was traditional. imo, keep it simple and select one or the other and leave it that way.

movie zombie
yes - if they''re going to insist on bumping the clock instead of life - fine but LEAVE it that way. Its just silly... I think it is *important* for our bodies to go through natural cycles and I dunno about anyone else, but before, in april, right prior to DLS was my favorite time when the mornings were bright!! Now it''s just gonna still be dark in the am and I''m gonna be so unhappy.
yes and yes again!

are we related.....or should we be?! were we friends in a past life?! geez, the times we''ve been on the same page recently is simply amazing.....!

movie zombie


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 2/2/2007 10:57:33 AM
Author: movie zombie

Date: 2/2/2007 10:37:20 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/2/2007 10:15:16 AM
Author: movie zombie
bull hockey that it was to benefit the farmers. farmers have traditionally farmed by light of day no matter what time the clock says. additionally, i know of know dairyman that changes his clocks and the time s/he milks the cows. remember, this change was before industrial agricultural. industrial agriculture is mechanised and no longer requires daylight as that is provided in stockyards by manmade lights and electrical timing controls it.

it certainly did give the upper class more daylight time in which to golf.....and the rest of us to shop.

i too hate it. this is about a month earlier than was traditional. imo, keep it simple and select one or the other and leave it that way.

movie zombie
yes - if they''re going to insist on bumping the clock instead of life - fine but LEAVE it that way. Its just silly... I think it is *important* for our bodies to go through natural cycles and I dunno about anyone else, but before, in april, right prior to DLS was my favorite time when the mornings were bright!! Now it''s just gonna still be dark in the am and I''m gonna be so unhappy.
yes and yes again!

are we related.....or should we be?! were we friends in a past life?! geez, the times we''ve been on the same page recently is simply amazing.....!

movie zombie
LOL!! Well... you know, I went this am to look for your ring pics and went ALL the way back (you''re right - you took *forever hahaha) and I kept reading all of these wonderful liberal articles and was thinking - oooh I like her!!! :D

the other Jake

Nov 9, 2006
Its really funny cause they are moving the time around based on the assumption that people days revolve around daylight. Some group did a study and it showed that tv times actually had more of an impact on the way people planned their lives significantly more than the daylight outside. What a mess over nothing...


Feb 17, 2006
It has nothing whatsoever to do with farming. The rationale behind it is less use of energy because people are spending more waking time during the sunlight... you don''t need to turn the lights on immediately when you get home, etc... It also means children have less chance of walking to and from school in the dark, or at least that''s what I heard. I don''t really pay attention to that, but I do pay attention to the fact that I have more time to enjoy myself outside of work during DST and I enjoy it very much. The winter is dark dark dark... sunny when I leave for work but dark when I get out. not cool with me.

I read that this is just a study to see how people like it, so if you really hate it, write to your congressperson.


Feb 17, 2006
Just read this, which I think is really funny:

Halloween Trick-or-Treaters
Through 2006, Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. ended a few days before Halloween (October 31). A new law to extend DST to the first Sunday in November will take effect in 2007, with the purpose of providing trick-or-treaters more light and therefore more safety from traffic accidents. Children’s pedestrian deaths are four times higher on Halloween than on any other night of the year. For decades, candy manufacturers lobbied for a Daylight Saving Time extension to Halloween, as many of the young trick-or-treaters gathering candy are not allowed out after dark, and thus an added hour of light means a big holiday treat for the candy industry.


Oct 30, 2002
i remember a year or two ago during the energy crisis we had here in CA they were talking about making it permanent so that people would use less energy like lights and similar to help with the energy, i woulda been so jazzed if that was the case. i don''t get up til 8am, so it''s always light and we go to bed at 11pm, so it''s perfect for us (its all about US!)...we get max lightage in our daily lives. i could see how if you have kids it might be harder to get them to go to bed if it''s light out (light at 10pm, woah thats crazy! for us i don''t think it''s ever past 8:30)...

the biggest thing about winter i hate is how dark it gets at like 4pm. if it was at least 5pm it would be mentally so much better for me. i hate leaving work in the dark.


Feb 17, 2006
Date: 2/2/2007 3:10:49 AM
Author: Cehrabehra
I HATE daylight savings time. I would much rather have it light in the morning.... it is so hard to get kids to go to bed when it is light until close to 10pm!!!!!
Where do you live that this is a problem? I know it''s common in Europe, but sunset is around 8 pm in my neck of the woods.... all depends on Latitude I suppose. Just be glad you don''t live in Alaska.

And it may be tough to get the kids to bed, but think of all the extra time you could be outside drinking margaritas! That''s what I love most about summertime and DST! Being OUTSIDE! During the winter I don''t even get to see my backyard in the daylight.


Nov 28, 2006
I love winter. Changing the clocks is just wonky. It''s not going to be sunny when you come home from work every day of the year, and I think we should go with the natural order of it all.


Oct 30, 2002
lol sumbride i totally agree re: being outside drinking, we have a ton of bbq''s and attend a ton during the summer months and there is nothing like chilling out on your patio drinking sangria or a margarita and chowing on a burger at like 8pm with the sun just going down, haha! i wish it could be like that all the time. i am definitely happier when it''s bright/light out.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 2/2/2007 1:57:12 PM
Author: sumbride
Date: 2/2/2007 3:10:49 AM

Author: Cehrabehra

I HATE daylight savings time. I would much rather have it light in the morning.... it is so hard to get kids to go to bed when it is light until close to 10pm!!!!!

Where do you live that this is a problem? .

I grew up in Ohio and it was light until 9:30-10:00. I remember not having to come home until the sun started to set and it was like 9:00.

I actually like daylight savings. I live in TN and it still gets dark around 8-8:30 which is my kids bedtime so it''s fine. I''d much rather get up in the dark than leave work in the dark. I hate when it starts getting dark at 4:00-4:30.


Feb 17, 2006
Date: 2/2/2007 2:31:16 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 2/2/2007 1:57:12 PM
Author: sumbride

Date: 2/2/2007 3:10:49 AM

Author: Cehrabehra

I HATE daylight savings time. I would much rather have it light in the morning.... it is so hard to get kids to go to bed when it is light until close to 10pm!!!!!

Where do you live that this is a problem? .

I grew up in Ohio and it was light until 9:30-10:00. I remember not having to come home until the sun started to set and it was like 9:00.

I actually like daylight savings. I live in TN and it still gets dark around 8-8:30 which is my kids bedtime so it''s fine. I''d much rather get up in the dark than leave work in the dark. I hate when it starts getting dark at 4:00-4:30.
Hmmm... I wonder if it has to do with your position within the time zone as well as the latitude. No idea...
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