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Dec 23, 2004
Good morning.

Guess I am starting the thread today.

I''m keeping my good week going -- I met with my trainer for an hour this morning. We''re doing weights only for a while so I can get some nice muscle tone. I think something''s wrong with me though -- I felt like my workout was a little easy.
I didn''t have that jelly feeling in my arms when we were done. It''s sort of like in order for a workout to be productive, it needs to hurt.

I had a little setback last night though -- the dinner that was delivered to me (Zone Diet) was something I don''t like and it looked kind of gross so instead of making something healty, I went out to dinner with my bf. I was good and had fish -- but it was a huge portion and I ate almost all of it. Also, I had a HUGE martini and a glass of wine. Hello calories. I really need to stop drinking during the week. But I do love my martinis.

How did the rest of you ladies fare today?


Feb 4, 2005
ammayernyc- you are doing so well!!! regarding your workout, at the end of each set did you feel like you couldn''t lift another but recovered from that feeling rather fast? if so, I would guess that you''re making very good progress...if was really not as intense as you needed tell that trainer to kick your butt next time!

wish I had good news to report but was stuck at the office until 11 last night- bf had my SUV and got stuck out east & it took him forever to come get me...and I over slept this morning, so no workout for me today! I''ll be getting a lot of walking in this weekend and next week I''m committed to going to the gym every day next week!

and my ring and "official" proposal may be postponed until Sept (which seems like a lifetime away) so I still have time to loose weight for pictures

Buena Girl

Feb 25, 2004
Great job ammayernyc!

ff- Sorry to hear about the proposal being delayed

njc- I think you posted the other day about sore muscles? I wanted to mention that I've been told that the most important time to stretch is immediately after you workout. I think stretching right after is supposed to help keep your muscles from tightening or contracting or something?? I do it and it seems to help me.

blue chica- Have you tried the new large fruit bowl w/ yogurt at Wendy's? It's delic. and very satisfying!! Great for vegetarian fast food on the go.


Mar 6, 2005
I am new to this forum...but I really need to drop about 54lbs.... I have been working with a trainer 7 days a week since January and old went from 158 up to 173. I have told my bf that I didnt want to get engaged until I was 130 or less (my goal is 119-121). How much do ya''ll think varitry matters? Hmm oh well I think I will try e-diets see if that goes better then the nutrionist did. Good Luck Ladies.


Sep 10, 2004
ohmygosh... i just want to die i am SO sore today.
Ive been sore before (many, many years of year round sports HS and college), but im in so much pain i want to cry and/or throw up. Sorry for being so graphic, but ive hardley eaten anything all day and have moved as little as possible. Just sitting in my chair typing kills my back/shoulder/arm pit area!

I did go to the gym last night and walked on the treadmill and worked my way up to my normal walking pace, thats how crazy sore i was. Then after about 10 min i tried to stretch, that was even really hard. I rubbed some icy hot all over and got the FI to get my shoulders and back when i got home.

Im glad i worked out with a trainer, and i was able to do everything while i was at the gym, i just dont see this as improvement. I feel its more of a set back. I dont think ill be able to lift again until Saturday at the earliest.
I guess this kinda goes along with Amm''s post about not feeling that she worked out enough. How do you figure out the happy medium of just enough?!

Im DEFINATLY going to start stretching right after lifting. Ive never been so miserable before in my life!!!


Dec 23, 2004
Oh Njc, I''m so sorry! I''ve been in that type of pain before -- it''s horrible.

Take some Alieve or Advil. Also, I find that baths can help loosen me up too. Heating pads can also work.

Strech as much as possible as often as possible. This will help your muscles loosen up and you won''t be in as much pain.

On the opposite front, I think I need to tell my trainer to step it up. I do four sets of 10 and he has a tendency to tell me when I ask him to add more weight that I have three more sets to go and am I sure I really want to do that... I guess I have to be more insitent.

I think all this working out is catching up to me though... I''m so tired right now that I can barely keep my eyes open.


Apr 15, 2004
NJC ~ oh, I feel for ya, that''s the pits to be that sore!! I remember last year after a particularly grueling lower body workout... good grief, getting on and off the toilet was like the most excruciating form of torture for me!!! I seriously thought I''d end up ripping the door handle off of the door from trying to use it as leverage to hoist myself up... Keep stretching & using the treadmill if you have the chance & take a couple of Advil or Alieve like Ammayernyc suggested. It will bet better though, as your muscles begin to adapt to being worked out more. If you continue to be sore with the same amount of intensity after your workouts, definitely discuss it with your trainer. And listen to your body. If you''re still in a lot of pain on Saturday, ask your trainer to reduce the intensity a bit.

Ammayernyc ~ I always have a hard time feeling like I got a great upper body workout. One thing that my trainer did that I still try to be concious of, was to ask me during my first set of something, what level of intensity I felt like I was working at on a scale of 1-10. For example, if I was doing 4 sets of bicep curls, around the 5th rep of the first set, she would ask me how that felt. Usually I would say a 6 or 7, which was good. By the last rep of the 3rd set (having increased weight, decreased reps) I was feeling a level 10 intensity (in other words, there was no way I could do one more rep). Then for the fourth set we would decrease the weight slightly but go back up in reps and still remain at a level 9 or 10 intensity. When I work out by myself now, I really try to keep that intensity scale in my head. I''m not sure if any of that make sense... Definitely talk to your trainer and say that you would feel okay increasing the weight and yes, you''ve got 4 sets, but you shouldn''t be able to easily complete all 4 sets. And, if you can''t complete all 4 sets, or all of the reps on the last set, then that''s fine, do as much as you can because I bet the next time you will be able to do so.

Okay, after all that rambling... I spent 40 minutes on the arc trainer & did 4 sets of 25 reps of 4 different ab exersizes!!! Man, I hope I feel that tomorrow!!
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