
D vs F colour, can you tell the difference once mounted?


Apr 3, 2014
Hi, I was looking at these in a jewellery store, .5-.75 RB (which is the range I want) and I thought I could see the difference quite easily, which goes against everything I have read about the comparison between these two colours, especially with RB. Neither stone was ideal, but the D was a GIA ex ex ex, the other ex vg ex. I don't have more specs on the individual stones, I'm not actually interested in either of them as I'll be getting a super ideal from GOG.

So, do you think it was just in my head that I could see the difference? The mount is a 6 claws platinum mount that I will be getting. As for my preference I do like the really icey white look, but I don't want to pay for a D simply because it is a D on paper. I am wondering if the store lighting played a part, or cut quality. Though I would have expected the cut quality difference to be minimal since they were both GIA ex and they were both under a lot of halogen lights, masking the difference in their cut quality. I'd just like to point out that this goes a little beyond just not wanting to pay extra for something I can't see, GOG's range is also limited for D's from .5-.75. If you want to know why I want to buy from there it's because I am going to NYC next year for a holiday so I want to stop by there (and they have a good rep obviously!).

Thanks for any input.

P.S. I know about how the colour is graded (face down etc), but I still *thought* I could see a fairly big difference, though my partner couldn't.
only if next to each other and only maybe
treasurehunter|1411562999|3756214 said:
only if next to each other and only maybe

Thanks for the reply :). I imagine if they weren't side by side I probably couldn't tell the difference either.
From my experience, cut makes a very big difference. They may both be GIA ex but one maybe cut better since GIA ex cut covers such a big range. I have an F superior cut H&A from GOG and went to a jewelry store and saw a GIA ex D stone that was a .25 ct smaller and my F looked whiter/sparklier.The salesperson was very surprised and had to double check that he had the right stone.
Just_Starting|1411560389|3756194 said:
Hi, I was looking at these in a jewellery store, .5-.75 RB (which is the range I want) and I thought I could see the difference quite easily, which goes against everything I have read about the comparison between these two colours, especially with RB. Neither stone was ideal, but the D was a GIA ex ex ex, the other ex vg ex. I don't have more specs on the individual stones, I'm not actually interested in either of them as I'll be getting a super ideal from GOG.

So, do you think it was just in my head that I could see the difference? The mount is a 6 claws platinum mount that I will be getting. As for my preference I do like the really icey white look, but I don't want to pay for a D simply because it is a D on paper. I am wondering if the store lighting played a part, or cut quality. Though I would have expected the cut quality difference to be minimal since they were both GIA ex and they were both under a lot of halogen lights, masking the difference in their cut quality. I'd just like to point out that this goes a little beyond just not wanting to pay extra for something I can't see, GOG's range is also limited for D's from .5-.75. If you want to know why I want to buy from there it's because I am going to NYC next year for a holiday so I want to stop by there (and they have a good rep obviously!).

Thanks for any input.

P.S. I know about how the colour is graded (face down etc), but I still *thought* I could see a fairly big difference, though my partner couldn't.

Maybe you are one of those colour sensitive souls that can spot the difference between these colour grades, it happens occasionally, it is true cut quality can make a difference. It is said it is more difficult to tell the difference once mounted, it's something to bear in mind for yourself but you are in the best possible position going to GOG in person, they will give you all the time you need to be sure and compare before you purchase. I would keep looking and comparing meanwhile each time you are in a jewellery store, then you will see if a pattern emerges that you can consistently tell the difference between colour grades.
Thanks Diamondbug that's good to know :). Also thanks Lorelei, good advice.
I can usually spot a D. Even when mounted. It's weird. But D's are different. They stand out to me.
I wouldn't be able to tell, but I would go down to the F to get a bigger diamond!
I've owned a 2.05 D and a 3.01 F, and yes I could see a difference when mounted.
If you are not going until next year tell GOG what you are interested in (and the time frame) and see if they can bring in an
F or two in the size you want for you to pick from. They may required a small down payment to bring in specific stones for you.
Gypsy|1411569616|3756291 said:
I can usually spot a D. Even when mounted. It's weird. But D's are different. They stand out to me.

Same here. The difference is subtle, but it's there.
How about compromising with an E?
Its a subtle difference but you can notice it.
quaddio|1411580394|3756420 said:
How about compromising with an E?

I have an E and love the blue/white nature of it, but when placed beside a G, there was a quite a difference. I suggested to the gemmologist that maybe the G just needed to be cleaned. He was 'eager to please', cleaned the stone, but there was no difference. :eek:
Very interesting replies thanks. Good to know it appears to not just be in my head lol :). My partner is happy with a diamond within the .5-.75 range, this must seem crazy by the size of the diamonds a lot of people on here have but she thinks anymore than that is too big lol (that's good for my wallet). So, I can afford a D VS2 .75 if it came to it, but I think she would most like a .6 D-F VS2-SI1 (eye clean). As already indicated not going until next year so pointless picking out specific stones right now, though I have looked for fun of course. I would definitely be interested in a D, E or F. I wasn't sure if with ideal cut diamonds a mounted D could be picked out against a mounted F (at this carat weight) but it seems from your experience it can. I may decide to go for a D if I can get it.

I will consider putting in a request for a stone with the specific parameters above closer the time and see if they can accommodate it. I would rather avoid a down payment due to the hassle of international transfers but I understand if it is necessary. I will discuss this with them :P.
I have been able to tell the difference between a D and an F when laid out in front of me in a store, and the F I bought is clearly different to the CZ's in the other half's dress jewellery that she never wears (and which I understand are usually D colour - they almost look blue!).

I would have preferred an E or a D in a money-no-object scenario but budget / size / colour / clarity trade offs are nearly always restricting buying exactly what one wants! lol Not only that, I think the *very* slight warmth to an F in some flat lights means it looks like a diamond and not like a too-good-too-be-true simulant, although I would take the chance with a D if I was in the position to ;) :D

If she only wants a smaller size, max out the colour and stay above a VS2 and it will look flawless, especially if it's an Ideal cut! :)

Wink of High Performance Diamonds has a Crafted by Infinity 0.73 F VVS2, though, which I think looks great... :sun:
This is my new ring. Just got it on Monday. I chose all 5 stones by myself. I'm very picky on the spec. There are 3 D color exexex ideal cut, 1 E color exexex ideal cut and 1 F color exexex Table 59% in this ring. Could u spot which one is F and E?

In the daylight.

From my opinion, I agree with ooohshiny that if she want that size, better choose D color. Because F is F. And D is D. I can also spot the different. Now I regret I better chose D instead of F. But between D and E, it's very close. My E color is E+ and it is very similar color to other D color stones.
Yes, I can usually spot a D as it's striking due to its blueness.
I have a very few clients who can, most can not.

I also have many clients who prefer a hint, or more, of color.

I have found that when diamonds are placed in a slotted tray for selection and nothing is said about any of the diamonds, that G - H - I colored diamonds are picked as often as D - E - F colored diamonds.

I have also found that the better cut the diamond, the harder it is for most people to see the difference in the top color diamonds.

Wink|1411643594|3756752 said:
I have a very few clients who can, most can not.

I also have many clients who prefer a hint, or more, of color.

I have found that when diamonds are placed in a slotted tray for selection and nothing is said about any of the diamonds, that G - H - I colored diamonds are picked as often as D - E - F colored diamonds.

I have also found that the better cut the diamond, the harder it is for most people to see the difference in the top color diamonds.

Face up, I really do think ideal cut completely nullifies worries about colour - the F-colour CBI stone I bought is like a torch in low light, bright white light being returned, even in non-direct, dim lighting, like a dingy (spelling?) room, and I rarely see any obvious tint in it! I even saw what looked to be perhaps an L-colour stone in a shop window the other week - it was a proper rock, at least 3 carats, yet face-on it was white as anything and it was only once you got to perhaps 60 degrees off face-on that the tint was noticeable as being quite a strong tint. Mount something like that in a bezel or solid 'cup' setting (for want of a better word) and I doubt anyone could tell what colour it was graded at! :sun:
I'd recommend going to a local jeweler and asking the sales rep to show you stones so you can do a comparison.

Ask for 2 stones both with the same cut, clarity grades and similar sizes . One should be D. One should be F. If possible, they should already be set in the same style of ring. If it's a ring style you like, even better.

Have the jeweler show you both, but not tell you which is which. This is important, the experiment should be blind to eliminate bias. See if you can tell. If you can, then it's real. Otherwise it's in your head.