
CZ policy


Aug 1, 2010
i am a relative new comer and am interested in the policy of not discussing cz's. Why? Not that I have any desire to discuss them, but I just want to be a good pser and follow protocol. Thanks =)
Welcome to PS. It's a diamond forum, so Cz's are not to be discussed. If you have any other questions use the report button and ask the admins.. Hope you enjoy your time here, it's a lot of fun!!
Uhhh, its a diamond forum? :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:
yeah, I get that it's a diamond fourum April Baby thanks for your "uhhhhhhh help."
I learned the hard way the other night - CZ talk means instant thread deletion. Not ifs, ands, or butts. And other than it being "policy" I don't really have any other reason for you.

Oh and welcome. Don't let the snarks get to you. A lot of it is just lost in translation and *hopefully* not intentional.
This is my shot in the dark guess on this...

While I'd love to think that PS exists so we can all sit around and chat about nothing, it probably is actually supposed to be a money making venture in some sense for someone. Even as a non profit, it needs some funding just to exist. So diamond vendors pay to advertise, and it wouldn't be very polite to let posters say, "Hey, get a CZ instead! There's lots of different levels of quality and your friends won't know!" Then boom! Someone somewhere loses the diamond sale.

What I never really figured out was why for the longest time we couldn't talk about pearls....
This thread presents a few different perspectives on it:


(plus you can ask questions there, if you have any)

My personal best guess is that sims are currently prohibited as discussion topics because any debate about CZs or moissanite or whatever tends to derail into a flamewar about ethics and politics really quickly, so in general those threads don't offer a lot of substantive value and do tend to hurt people's feelings.
I've always really liked that we don't have sim talk on here. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's because it makes me feel -> :praise:


(but I do think it makes PS "a cut above." ::) )
Ignoring the "policy" which is not my decision.

I would think less of the forum if it brought in a CZ (edit) section. I could go down to Argos (local catalogue shop) and pick up a silver CZ set and post in SMTR or the equivalent - would you ooooh and aaaah over it? I wouldn't. There is no point to it.
Yeah. Totally not a fan of.. sims.. or fakes. There are other sites for that. I expect to see real diamonds here.
AprilBaby|1289788264|2766165 said:
Uhhh, its a diamond forum? :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:

she wasn't being snarky - look at the emoticons next to the reply - they stand for "cheeky." She was just joking around with you, i'm pretty sure.
violet3|1289843664|2766771 said:
AprilBaby|1289788264|2766165 said:
Uhhh, its a diamond forum? :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:

she wasn't being snarky - look at the emoticons next to the reply - they stand for "cheeky." She was just joking around with you, i'm pretty sure.

Newcomers may not understand that yet. It's probably best to be a little more sensitive about that kind of stuff. Just sayin.
Autumnovember|1289849501|2766936 said:
violet3|1289843664|2766771 said:
AprilBaby|1289788264|2766165 said:
Uhhh, its a diamond forum? :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:

she wasn't being snarky - look at the emoticons next to the reply - they stand for "cheeky." She was just joking around with you, i'm pretty sure.

Newcomers may not understand that yet. It's probably best to be a little more sensitive about that kind of stuff. Just sayin.

I completely agree that newbies may not understand and that care should be used in responding to them, which is why i posted. I just thought it would be helpful for the OP to know it probably wasn't mean spirited.
thanks for the replies guys...I was pretty sure I knew why but it never hurts to ask. And bye the way Steal...I would NEVER DREAM of oooing and ahhhing over a sim! :cheeky: