
Custom or Alter?

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Oct 22, 2005
Which do you guys think costs less in the long run?

Option 1: Ordering my Casablanca dress to my exact measurements which will be 120.00 more for custom. My only fear is that I fully intend to padd up the top and want to make sure there''s enough room to add a little enhancement.

Option 2: Ordering my Casablanca dress in a 6 and having them take in the top and the hem some.

I guess I just have no idea alterations cost usually and am wondering if it is worth it to spring the extra now for the custom measuring or later for alterations? It''ll be a simple bustle and taking in at the bust.


Jan 21, 2006
I would try on the dress with a type of bra that gives you as much padding that you would want and then buy the dress that corresponds to *those* measurements. As far as alterations go...I''m not sure how much they cost, but if there is beading, lace, or rouching (sp?), it can get expensive...probably more than $120.


May 1, 2006
Date: 2/16/2007 8:02:44 PM
Which do you guys think costs less in the long run?

Option 1: Ordering my Casablanca dress to my exact measurements which will be 120.00 more for custom. My only fear is that I fully intend to padd up the top and want to make sure there''s enough room to add a little enhancement.

Option 2: Ordering my Casablanca dress in a 6 and having them take in the top and the hem some.

I guess I just have no idea alterations cost usually and am wondering if it is worth it to spring the extra now for the custom measuring or later for alterations? It''ll be a simple bustle and taking in at the bust.

Hi Sweetpea ~

I''m not sure what would be best. My dress is also by Casablanca, and the shop where I got my dress told me that Casablanca will cut a dress to the proper length and include the bustle for no extra charge. Now, maybe my shop ''pads the price'' of the dresses a bit so that it is kind of already built in, but I thought I paid a reasonable price for the dress (under $800).

My dress came in earlier this month, and Casablanca screwed up and didn''t cut it to the proper length (thankfully it was a few inches too LONG and not too short), so the shop owner is hemming it for me at no extra charge. The dress did come with the double bustle, though. My measurements were pretty close to the size 4 measurements, but it is still slightly big and needs to be taken in a bit at the waist and the chest and I am having bra cups sewn in. The seamstress is charging $40 for this, which I think is extremely reasonable.

I would ask your dress shop how much alterations would likely be for the dress, and try to base your decision on that. I''m not sure how much people usually pay for alterations, but $120 doesn''t sound like too much.

Good luck!


Oct 22, 2005
thanks so much K and turtle!! The dress does have lace and beading and I'm getting 2 different opinions from 2 different stores. One says order the 6 and alter it and the other says custom do it (it will be just over 800, very reasonable, when all is said and done this way -- the custom measurements and length are an additional $120 at the store I was talking to about it).

One store really advocates custom, and the other does not...the store that does advocate it actually won an award a couple years ago from doing the most custom pieces, so they must gain something b/c they are losing on the alterations.

I guess partly I'm debating between which that thinks custom is the way to go and one that does not. The difference in cost is only $20 between the stores, so I'm trying to choose whether or not I want custom.

By the way -- my dress in MA is 300 - 500 MORE expensive than in MI. That's so wierd to me, how the heck do bridal stores figure out how much they're going to charge. For instance, the one store in MI charges way less for Casablancas than MA, but way more for Maggies than MA.


ETA: the reason I'm comparing store prices is b/c I was debating whether I should order the dress in MI and fly it home with me for the wedding, or order it in MA and fly home for alterations...the price pretty much made the decision on the state. Now I'm deciding on the shop.


Jan 21, 2006
Date: 2/16/2007 8:45:04 PM
Author: *~Sweetpea~*
thanks so much K and turtle!! The dress does have lace and beading and I''m getting 2 different opinions from 2 different stores. One says order the 6 and alter it and the other says custom do it (it will be just over 800, very reasonable, when all is said and done this way -- the custom measurements and length are an additional $120 at the store I was talking to about it).

One store really advocates custom, and the other does not...the store that does advocate it actually won an award a couple years ago from doing the most custom pieces, so they must gain something b/c they are losing on the alterations.

I guess partly I''m debating between which that thinks custom is the way to go and one that does not. The difference in cost is only $20 between the stores, so I''m trying to choose whether or not I want custom.

By the way -- my dress in MA is 300 - 500 MORE expensive than in MI. That''s so wierd to me, how the heck do bridal stores figure out how much they''re going to charge. For instance, the one store in MI charges way less for Casablancas than MA, but way more for Maggies than MA.


ETA: the reason I''m comparing store prices is b/c I was debating whether I should order the dress in MI and fly it home with me for the wedding, or order it in MA and fly home for alterations...the price pretty much made the decision on the state. Now I''m deciding on the shop.
Which store gave you a better impression and which do you feel you can trust more? Also, you could read reviews on and see if anyone has said anything about the two tailors. This might help you make your decision. Honestly, you''ll probably be fine either way. I wouldn''t worry too much about it. I''d just go with your gut with the store you get a better feeling about.


Nov 12, 2006
Sweetpea~ I''d be worried that even if you order the custom gown, you''d still need a little thing here or there alterered and then you''d have payed the custom charge plus new alteration fees. I don''t know when your wedding is but what if your measurements fluctuate just enough to make what is a perfect fit now, not so perfect in x weeks/months?

I suppose, tho, that paying the custom fee now at least offers you the chance to not have to alter it while getting the normal size 6, you will undoubtedly need alterations.

And definitley wear your chicken cutlets, bra, corset, heels, or whatever to the fitting so the custom measurements include the extra boobage, midsection and correct length :)
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