
Creating a « peaceful spot » in your home :)


Jun 14, 2020
The background is in my « Hope Box » thread, I’m not going to ramble again :) !

A little spot that brings you a feeling of serenity, given the way you organized and/or decorated it, when you look at it or are in it :)

I did mine these past few days : I am a postgraduate student in a small studio, so my options were a bit limited :). I chose two shelves over my desk. They were **full** of clutter, all of the stuff I didn’t know where to put or have the time to sort out. Well, I finally did sort them all out, piece by piece, which in itself made me feel better, as I put them all away in other organised places.

This left the shelves almost empty.
I bought (for very little money) two little cotton woven pale pink baskets (one of which will be my « Hope Box »), three tiny plants, and purple fairy lights :). And I spread them out with plenty of space in between. Underneath that, over my desk, I got a multi-canvas of a happy blue beach with palm trees :).
And that was it :).

I feel peaceful looking at it :) (which as a student, I do all the time as I am always at my desk :), and it is also facing my bed :) )

Do you have a little peaceful spot ? :)



Mar 13, 2004
When my eldest left for college 2 years ago, I converted his gaming room to my home office….painted it a tranquil grayish blue and added some peaceful paintings. Even when I’m not working, I sit in my office to read, FaceTime with parents, or just nap (sofa has a nice pull out bed) 3D417663-77BC-443E-84D2-007C19AC81BC.jpeg


Aug 14, 2009
That is so lovely! I have a prayer/meditation room. I come here to light incense every morning and it makes me feel so relaxed and peaceful...


Gorgeous. Really gorgeous. Beautifully done @xsouzie ❤️

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
The background is in my « Hope Box » thread, I’m not going to ramble again :) !

A little spot that brings you a feeling of serenity, given the way you organized and/or decorated it, when you look at it or are in it :)

I did mine these past few days : I am a postgraduate student in a small studio, so my options were a bit limited :). I chose two shelves over my desk. They were **full** of clutter, all of the stuff I didn’t know where to put or have the time to sort out. Well, I finally did sort them all out, piece by piece, which in itself made me feel better, as I put them all away in other organised places.

This left the shelves almost empty.
I bought (for very little money) two little cotton woven pale pink baskets (one of which will be my « Hope Box »), three tiny plants, and purple fairy lights :). And I spread them out with plenty of space in between. Underneath that, over my desk, I got a multi-canvas of a happy blue beach with palm trees :).
And that was it :).

I feel peaceful looking at it :) (which as a student, I do all the time as I am always at my desk :), and it is also facing my bed :) )

Do you have a little peaceful spot ? :)


I feel very inspired by this
You have done really well, thank you for showing us what can be done in a smal space
we only have one living room and the bedrooms are still full of moving boxes

Before we brought our house i had visions of converting a warbrobe into a reading knook but the way this house was built back in the late 1950s no space is wasted, no space is surplus and we are lucky to have actual wardrobes for actual clothes!

But we have a flat section i had hoped would be garden by now

i want some thing similar to this - just not looking like an old fashoned outside loo


Jan 14, 2003
My bedroom. I went with pink and gray which I know is super trendy right now, but the colors felt right. I just love being in my room. The pillows, sheets and the mattress are so comfortable. I have a white noise machine to drown out noises and it’s just my space away from all my kids. It’s really my favorite spot in the house!
i still don’t have curtains but I like having the sunlight come in.


Oct 30, 2018
Also my bedroom, it's not super flattering right now but I was just thinking that during such a difficult time in the world how lucky I am to be surrounded by things I love in my house! I live alone, but whenever I feel kind of lonely I just go around the room looking at the things I gathered to feel cozy and happy again!

I have a very comfortable queen size bed and amazing comforter and mattresses, and I also have my computer desk as well as a diffuser and some scented candles. My bling boxes are also in my bedside cabinet. I spend the most time in my bedroom, and once all the doors are closed it really feels like my nest!


Aug 14, 2009
The spare bedroom is my space.

I can’t possibly share photos because it looks like a tornado just went through. But there’s method in the madness in there.

It’s the only room in the house the animals aren’t allowed into. Sometimes I’ll camp out for a couple hours just to get away from them… White noise machine drowns out any objections from outside. When the kittens were small they were able to sneak in under the door, that drove me a bit crazy - I was very happy when they got too big for that!
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