
Crazy MIL - it''s long

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Nov 18, 2007
I knew my time would come and boy, did it!!

I feel guilty posting her entire psycho email on here, so I will just give bits and pieces of it. I also vented plenty about it to my mom and friends this weekend, but I couldn''t NOT post something this significant on PS.

First off, we are one of many that did not include children on the invitations. We left it a grey area and when family and friends called asking if kids were invited, we had a couple of different things we said. For immediate family, we said "yes, absolutely". For friends we said "If possible, get a babysitter so that you can let loose and stay the entire time. If that''s not possible, we''d love for them to be there." I will admit that we''ve made a couple of little mistakes along the way here, so don''t bite my head off. I''ve already scolded myself on these things. We didn''t include anyone on the inner envelope except the head of household, ie: Mr. and Mrs. or Mr. _____ and guest. We didn''t include older children (teenagers) or children in college. This slipped my mind, actually. Of course we want these older kids to come and we''re making the calls to let family know this. There''s only 2 cases of this, so it''s not the end of the world.

We just decided not to include any children on the invitations, but I regret that now.

Putting that aside, MIL lost her mind and sent myself and FI an email. She started off with a buffer (a lame one, IMO) about how pretty our invitations were and how great my handwriting is. Then she starts on how no one has asked her opinion on anything to do with the wedding and she has not felt the need to speak up until now. (I have tried to include her on everything I can, but she lives 4 hours away.) She says people have been calling her asking about the children situation. She goes on to say how I may not have an understanding of family because I have no siblings. We are causing a rift in the family if we''re not inviting kids and if we just want to throw a "drunk party" then to let her know. She goes on to name specific kids (neices and nephews) that would love to see us get married. The parents of these particular kids, KNOW their kids are invited. She lists all these families and how each of them have already prepared to come and she made it sound like people were hurt and upset. She then complains about our couples shower that was thrown together last minute in Houston. She knew she couldn''t make it, yet she was upset that no one on her side was invited. Keep in mind, FI''s family lives 4 hours away and they had just traveled to our engagement party a couple of weeks before. We didn''t even want a shower. She starts to bring up my bachelorette party and how none of FI''s sisters are invited. It''s going to be a slumber party type deal with friends only! I''m not even inviting anyone on my side of the family. I really doubt his 40 year old sisters would want or be able to make this.

Basically, this is the deal. I realize that you should invite people even if you know they can''t make it. I did this with the wedding invitations. For everything else, I did not. FI seemed to blow that off as well. The point is, she has no idea what she''s talking about and she crossed the line. She continued so say things that are simply not true and made it sound like all these people were hurt. After his siblings heard about they email, they all called or emailed me to tell me that they did not complain about a thing. They explained to me that MIL is crazy and does this before every single wedding.

I was so upset and can''t remember ever feeling so angry. She made us out to be children haters, party animals, you name it. After I brought the email to FI''s attention, he did what he needed to and called her. I''ve never seen him talk to his mother like he did, but it was valid. She realized what she had done and apologized. He told her to reread her email, which she did and sent an apology email (all in CAPS)

It stressed me out beyond belief...and I probably overreacted. I just don''t have anyone in my family that would do such a thing. FI says to understand the source..she''s older, lives away from everything, and is bored. She sits and brews over things, then types an email and sends it without reading it first. It''s not the first time she''s done this, but I hope it''s the last for me!


Dec 30, 2006
Whats that saying.... ''You can pick your friends, but not your family''....

What a shame that she has behaved so badly. It really doesn''t help when you are stressed enough over details and arrangements. I hope she has learned her lesson from this and stays out of the planning from now on.

I hope I''m not like that when my kids get married


Nov 18, 2007
Date: 6/16/2008 9:25:53 AM
Author: Maisie
Whats that saying.... ''You can pick your friends, but not your family''....

What a shame that she has behaved so badly. It really doesn''t help when you are stressed enough over details and arrangements. I hope she has learned her lesson from this and stays out of the planning from now on.

I hope I''m not like that when my kids get married
Oh I know. FI blamed some of it on her age. I hope I don''t get like that with age!!

I think she learned her lesson. My FI is the oldest and last child to get married (9 kids total). He is the "golden boy" of the bunch and NOT the right one to upset. She had her tail between her legs to say the least.


Apr 6, 2006
It sounds like she apologized for her behavior. And you admit you didn''t handle it the best way. So be done with it now, otherwise it''ll spoil your wedding, follow you into your marriage and basically make your life miserable.

Speaking as a parent of marriage-age children, we take ownership for a certain amount of our kids'' behavior. It doesn''t matter whom is paying for the wedding (most guests don''t know who paid for what), when your kids are getting married the wedding reflects on the parents since a wedding really is a blending of 2 families. She was most likely embarrassed that people got their feelings hurt. And guests shouldn''t have to ask if someone''s invited, it should be clear because it''s embarrassing to have to ask.

I hope you can resolve your feelings and develop a tolerable relationship with your FMIL. She''ll be around for a while.


Jun 13, 2006
Date: 6/16/2008 11:22:06 AM
Author: Courtneylub

Date: 6/16/2008 9:25:53 AM
Author: Maisie
Whats that saying.... ''You can pick your friends, but not your family''....

What a shame that she has behaved so badly. It really doesn''t help when you are stressed enough over details and arrangements. I hope she has learned her lesson from this and stays out of the planning from now on.

I hope I''m not like that when my kids get married
Oh I know. FI blamed some of it on her age. I hope I don''t get like that with age!!

I think she learned her lesson. My FI is the oldest and last child to get married (9 kids total). He is the ''golden boy'' of the bunch and NOT the right one to upset. She had her tail between her legs to say the least.
You''re lucky she only does this at weddings and then appologizes. My FMIL has yet to appologize for any of the really nasty things she has said about me or my FI and I doubt she is going to.
The point is not that FMIL''s often suck, but that they are frequently inevitable and that your FI handles her well, which is did. This truely makes the difference.


Nov 18, 2007
Date: 6/16/2008 11:48:49 AM
Author: swingirl
It sounds like she apologized for her behavior. And you admit you didn''t handle it the best way. So be done with it now, otherwise it''ll spoil your wedding, follow you into your marriage and basically make your life miserable.

Speaking as a parent of marriage-age children, we take ownership for a certain amount of our kids'' behavior. It doesn''t matter whom is paying for the wedding (most guests don''t know who paid for what), when your kids are getting married the wedding reflects on the parents since a wedding really is a blending of 2 families. She was most likely embarrassed that people got their feelings hurt. And guests shouldn''t have to ask if someone''s invited, it should be clear because it''s embarrassing to have to ask.

I hope you can resolve your feelings and develop a tolerable relationship with your FMIL. She''ll be around for a while.
People didn''t get their feelings hurt. She twisted things around. His siblings assured me of this.

FI is a 44 year old man, so this wedding isn''t a reflection on his mother at all.

As far as guests not having to ask if someone''s invited, I see your point, we did not want to come out and say no kids at all, so we didn''t. I''ve heard of plenty of brides making that a grey area. Maybe it isn''t the best route to take, but that was our choice.


Apr 6, 2006
You didn''t do anything to deserve her treatment. She''s wacky but will remain your MIL.

And your FI''s age has nothing to do with it. She still is the mother-of-the-groom. It''s her interpretation anyway, not anything real.

She''ll probably flair up now and then and you''ll have to learn to live with it and not let it get to you.


Nov 18, 2007
Date: 6/16/2008 1:04:04 PM
Author: swingirl
You didn''t do anything to deserve her treatment. She''s wacky but will remain your MIL.

And your FI''s age has nothing to do with it. She still is the mother-of-the-groom. It''s her interpretation anyway, not anything real.

She''ll probably flair up now and then and you''ll have to learn to live with it and not let it get to you.
I''m a forgiving person and I know we all make mistakes. I''m already past it, but it''s my obligation to share it with my fellow PSer''s.

I know what MIL''s can be like...I''ve been there. I just need to develop thicker skin, as FI says.


Mar 23, 2005
Date: 6/16/2008 1:20:37 PM
Author: Courtneylub

I''m a forgiving person and I know we all make mistakes. I''m already past it, but it''s my obligation to share it with my fellow PSer''s.

I know what MIL''s can be like...I''ve been there. I just need to develop thicker skin, as FI says.

What a wacky situation. It sounds like you have (wisely) moved on. I give you credit for that, I have a tendency to hold onto things!!

Weddings can bring out the craziness in people. It sounds like she has had her moment! I see a couple of good things here - FI immediately came to your defense, she has apologized, and his siblings have assured you that there is not a problem.

I''m sure you will rehash this event in your mind, but all you can do now is move ahead. You have remedied the invite situation, so I wouldn''t give it anymore thought.

Enjoy the rest of your wedding planning!
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