
Covering Tattoos For Wedding??


Dec 8, 2011
So I am in a wedding in June and we had our first official bridal meeting this Saturday. During the meeting, the wedding planner mentioned that we will have out tattoos covered up. I have never heard of this. I have been in 4 weddings, including my own and have never once been asked to cover anything up. Also, the bride has tattoos! Is this a new thing? I don't even think it's the bride's doing, but more the wedding planner. At this point, the bride is super stressed out, so I didn't want to mention anything to her about it.

Also, they were talking about having a make-up artist do everyone's makeup and if we didn't go that route, we would need to buy the colors needed. I'm totally fine with having the makeup artist do it (depending on the cost, that is) but should the colors we have on us depend on our skin coloring? Not ever color looks good on every person...


Mar 18, 2007
Plannerzilla, much? This all seems a little extreme.


Dec 8, 2011
Right!! I was a little taken aback with everything. I don't know how to address this without coming off seeming like the jerk bridesmaid who isn't willing to compromise. If they cover my tattoo on my shoulder, I'm going to have a dragonfly shape with no freckles, which is going to look weird lol...Also, I'm the only white girl in the wedding, so I'm worried that the makeup colors are going to be a little overpowering on me. I don't know what the colors look like yet, so this is just an assumption, but I wouldn't put on the same eye makeup as the bride and wouldn't expect her to wear the same makeup as I wear because it just wouldn't be flattering for either of us.


Oct 5, 2010
I think you are going to have to ask the bride. I know she's stressed out, so find a way to say Hey, I will do whatever you want me to, but this seemed unlike your style and I just want to double check.

Cause if this is at the bride's direction, you have to suck it up or bow out, but if this is the planner jumping in and making decisions it needs to be nipped in the bud.


Oct 2, 2008
aviastar|1360000240|3371992 said:
I think you are going to have to ask the bride. I know she's stressed out, so find a way to say Hey, I will do whatever you want me to, but this seemed unlike your style and I just want to double check.

Cause if this is at the bride's direction, you have to suck it up or bow out, but if this is the planner jumping in and making decisions it needs to be nipped in the bud.
I agree with this. If it doesn't sound like something your friend would want -- it's worth asking her. Just find a way to do so without inflicting more stress if possible!


Jul 23, 2012
audball|1360007643|3372100 said:
aviastar|1360000240|3371992 said:
I think you are going to have to ask the bride. I know she's stressed out, so find a way to say Hey, I will do whatever you want me to, but this seemed unlike your style and I just want to double check.

Cause if this is at the bride's direction, you have to suck it up or bow out, but if this is the planner jumping in and making decisions it needs to be nipped in the bud.
I agree with this. If it doesn't sound like something your friend would want -- it's worth asking her. Just find a way to do so without inflicting more stress if possible!
Haha i wouldnt be allowed in a wedding with that rule! I cant wait i paid a heck of a lot for a work of art back piece and i want everyone to see it in my wedding.
wedding.though my fi has a really poorly done one cheap tattoo, not so happy about that in my wedding

it.i wonder if its the church? Is she jewish? I tbink thats a thing in their religion


Dec 8, 2011
She's not overly religious (some sort of Christian variation though...possibly baptist), nor is her FI. I am actually friends with her FI and I'm in the wedding based on his request. (Don't get me wrong, she is a sweetie though!). I don't have anything crazy, but I have a dragonfly on my upper left shoulder that will show, one on my foot and one on the side of my left wrist. She has one on her collar bone and a few others, but I think they will be covered with clothing. I guess I just think that if you want someone in the wedding, you take them for who they are. I wouldn't have even thought to ask my girls to cover up. I totally will cover if it's a request from her though, but you better believe I'll be going to the bathroom and removing all the cover up after pictures are taken. I already had this talk with DH that he'll have to do my back lol

Neilseel - I think a whole back piece would be a fun thing to show off! May have FI's touched up or covered with something better?


Jul 23, 2012
StacylikesSparkles|1360009492|3372130 said:
She's not overly religious (some sort of Christian variation though...possibly baptist), nor is her FI. I am actually friends with her FI and I'm in the wedding based on his request. (Don't get me wrong, she is a sweetie though!). I don't have anything crazy, but I have a dragonfly on my upper left shoulder that will show, one on my foot and one on the side of my left wrist. She has one on her collar bone and a few others, but I think they will be covered with clothing. I guess I just think that if you want someone in the wedding, you take them for who they are. I wouldn't have even thought to ask my girls to cover up. I totally will cover if it's a request from her though, but you better believe I'll be going to the bathroom and removing all the cover up after pictures are taken. I already had this talk with DH that he'll have to do my back lol

Neilseel - I think a whole back piece would be a fun thing to show off! May have FI's touched up or covered with something better?

stupid phone, its my FI's sister who has one, my FI doesnt even have one.
The one on my back takes up about 80% of my back. Its done by a very fantastic artist, and the cost refects that :blackeye:
I think if tattoos like I, and most of us here think of jewelry; in those regards my back piece would be a leon mege 5 stone and her green heart with hand (you know that Celtic symbol that are usually on rings) is... well, something not that :lol: :lol: :lol:
its like, not colored in well and needs to be touched up and the lines are not smooth, not quite a scratcher but it needs to be fixed.
But yeah my back tattoo (along with smaller ones i have on my collar and wrist) will be showing and i am totally embracing it! Its a part of me and the wedding is suppose to be celebrating that, i figure.
My friend also has a fabulous one going up her left side chest and shoulder ( sort of ) octopus tentacles with carnations intertwined. I think i might have her wear a one shoulder specifically to show it of because that was done beautifully as well.
his sister on the other hand will get a dress that specifically covers her few ones up, because i dont find them beautiful, nor well done

but sorry i could talk about tattoos for a while, regardless, i would have them ask if thats the churches policy, if not, i mean... how do they expect you to cover it? a shawl? large gold cuffs on your wrist? Makeup to cover that doesnt really work and its noting to last all day anyways.


Jul 27, 2011
Is this for pictures or a place of worship?

How about a bolero? Can you imagine hugging someone and getting make-up on their clothing? hands?

I have gotten two boleros from alex bridal not for tattoos, but moreso because my upper arms were more flabulous than fabulous. :naughty:

Will the bride be having a make-up trial? Can you tag along and ask the make-up artist during the consultation?


Oct 11, 2011
From reading on other wedding forums, this is a fairly common thing. Sometimes the bride wants it and sometimes the church requires it. Strikes me as weird regardless.

Nielseel, do you have pics? I love back tattoos. Arm and leg tats, not my thing, but on your back, YES.


Dec 8, 2011
The wedding is actually at a hall (Martin's West), which is actually really nice (I haven't seen it, but I'm told it is, anyway), but no church ceremony. They are doing ceremony and reception in the same place. The bride picked a different dress for each bridesmaid and the dress she chose for me is strapless. They mentioned covering the tattoos with makeup (which I do NOT want to be rubbing all over people!) and since this seems to be a super particular wedding, I'm assuming no shawl, bolero or cover-up, other than the makeup.

Pinto - That is a great suggestion about tagging along if the bride does a makeup trial. I need to ask her about that! :)

I second Distracts; Nielseel, we need pictures! :wavey:

Funny thing; so during our bridal meeting, we were talking about how the bridesmaid are all getting their hair done the day before the wedding and how we'll all be staying in a hotel close to the wedding/reception venue. I told the people that since I'm not from the area, I would need recommendations on a hair person that can do my hair on the day of the wedding...they looked at me like I had 2 heads and the groom's mom said (No freaking lie) 'SLS, can't you just sleep sitting up?' :-o Um, no and even if I did do that, my hair would be greasy the next morning and walking down the aisle would be like taking a walk of shame with my hair all a mess! Bahahaha...that was the most hilarious thing! :lol: I don't think they counted on white girl hair and the fact that I can't do too much prep work aside from mani/pedis, which they are also particular about lol


Jul 23, 2012
distracts|1360055159|3372609 said:
From reading on other wedding forums, this is a fairly common thing. Sometimes the bride wants it and sometimes the church requires it. Strikes me as weird regardless.

Nielseel, do you have pics? I love back tattoos. Arm and leg tats, not my thing, but on your back, YES.
Ill see what i can find. Ive had 10 hours of work done on it so far, and so its only got the linework and about half the coloring done... When i get home ill post some but it's still a work in progress :roll:


Jan 9, 2008
If the tattoo does need to get covered with makeup, it's probably the type that folks use to cover birthmarks etc; it won't rub off - it will need makeup remover to get that sucker off for sure!


Dec 8, 2011
I haven't talked to the bride about this yet, but I still find it weird. Plus, as I mentioned earlier it is going to be really funny to see a spot on my back with no freckles because they covered up my tattoo lol


Mar 14, 2009
Can you get an eyeliner/lipliner that's freckle color and have somone put your freckles back?

I'm sure the photographer will be able to photoshop out anything that looks weird.


Dec 8, 2011
HopeDream|1362846848|3400615 said:
Can you get an eyeliner/lip liner that's freckle color and have someone put your freckles back?

I'm sure the photographer will be able to photoshop out anything that looks weird.

That seems like too much work lol...I doubt, very highly that I will worry about it that much. I'm sure I could, but that is WAY too serious lol


Dec 8, 2011
I just found out that we (the wedding party) will be doing the Harlem Shake at the reception...this wedding is already a lot of work! :errrr:


Oct 5, 2010

And, as a side note, because you mentioned about the hairdresser, maybe just double check that there will be tattoo covering makeup that is appropriate for your skin tone? I doubt freckles even crossed anyone's mind...


Dec 8, 2011
aviastar|1363020704|3401999 said:

And, as a side note, because you mentioned about the hairdresser, maybe just double check that there will be tattoo covering makeup that is appropriate for your skin tone? I doubt freckles even crossed anyone's mind...

lmao...I got a message from the groom this weekend that someone will be teaching us...oh goodness gracious! It's going to be entertaining, to say the least! DH told me I'll need at least 2 glasses of wine to loosen up and make this happen lmao :lol:

ha! Yeah, I definitely don't think they planned for freckles! I will have to check with the bride on this...great suggestion though!


Sep 22, 2011
Tattoos are a very personal thing obviously - but I think that it is TOTALLY reasonable for a bride, even one w tattoos, to want yours to be covered during her wedding. (sidenote -if she knows you have it, which she may not have, why didnt she just give you a more-covering dress?) I don't think this is a "love me, love my tattoos" situation because YOU choose to live w those tattoos. Of course, she could have chosen someone else to be in her wedding. What if your best friend had a tattoo of a huge <insert thing thats disturbing/inappropriate here> and it was YOUR wedding??

As a future bride with tattoos and bridesmaids with tattoos, I will not be asking them to cover-up their visible tats (though I am providing them all with makeup/hair services and they may if they wish (which they wont)). That just isnt important to me - bc I know what their tattoos are and I think they are fine. However, if someone had something I didn't like, I would ask them to cover it up. Its my wedding, after all and these pictures are ones I have to look at and live with the rest of my life. I can't imagine any of my bridesmaids having an issue either way. And while I agree that there is a big difference between a huge swastika/penis/rebel flag on someones back and an innocuous dragonfly, I think the bride is entitled to have you cover either of them up. I think this is normal - just look at any bridal makeup page- they will ALL have rates for tattoo coverup.

To be honest, I think the biggest issue here is that there are cultural differences between you and the bride/rest of the wedding party. If you thought they would have all the right colors (both cover-up and eyeshadow, etc) and it was all being provided to you, this might seem totally fine - after all, all the BMs' tats are being covered.

But you know, just my 2 cents..


Sep 23, 2011
Lmao, I thought I was wonk for not agreeing w everyone's posts. I have my tat, and I love it. But there's a time and a place for it to show. I wouldn't want any of my BMs sporting pieces on my big day. ESP not those huge chest pieces. I don't want any grandparents or more conservative family members fainting.

If someone agrees to be a BM, they should abide by the bride's wishes. Otherwise, drop out of the wedding party. No big deal.


Dec 8, 2011
I'll cover the tattoos if it is really that important to her. I was a bride not so long ago and it was STRESSFUL enough without having a bridesmaid disagree with any of my decisions. I'll still think it's weird though lol...the thing is, my bridesmaids DO have tattoos and I don't like half of them, but I love the girls that they are on! It never even crossed my mind to ask them to cover anything up. Different strokes for different folks, I guess ;-)

And there is a bit of a cultural difference, but the main thing I've noticed with this wedding is how out of the loop I am. I tried to keep my girls super informed on everything and I have no real idea what is happening with the wedding. Hell, I wasn't even 100% sure of the date until I asked the groom a few weeks ago. I don't know the prices for anything, I'm unsure of times/dates and I have no contact information for any of the other bridesmaids. Of all things that have been going on with this wedding, I think that is the most frustrating. Thank goodness I can vent about it here because I REALLY don't want to stress the bride out any more than she already is. I've checked on her a few times via text and she is always stressed. I am so thankful I'm past the wedding craziness though!!


Dec 8, 2011
Ok, so I sort of feel like a jerk for complaining about this wedding. I just got an email from the groom (my good friend) that they are postponing the wedding. The good news is that I won't have to deal with the craziness I was complaining about. The bad news is that I have already bought a bridesmaids dress. Even worse news, my friend freaking postponed his wedding!! He said there are some things he needs to work through before he gets married. Well, better now than after they're married.


Oct 2, 2008
FancyPantsSparkles|1368713148|3448148 said:
Ok, so I sort of feel like a jerk for complaining about this wedding. I just got an email from the groom (my good friend) that they are postponing the wedding. The good news is that I won't have to deal with the craziness I was complaining about. The bad news is that I have already bought a bridesmaids dress. Even worse news, my friend freaking postponed his wedding!! He said there are some things he needs to work through before he gets married. Well, better now than after they're married.
Hope everything is ok! But you're right, better now than after they're married.


Dec 8, 2011
Thanks, Aud! He didn't want to go into details, but knowing him like I do, I think I have an inkling about what it's really involving.
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