
Congratulations to Haven on 10,000 posts!!!!

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Well, right now Haven is at 9997 posts but I thought it would be nice if she was able to post her 10,000th post here with us!

We have all loved your insight, wisdom, humor, and gorgeous sparkles! Congrats and here is to 10,000 more.
Congratulations, Haven! I always love your posts-here's to 10,000 more! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Congratulations, Haven!

I look forward to the next 10 000!
Congrats Haven!!!

You can be counted on for thoughtful, insightful posts, good humour, and a kind word when needed ::) You are definitely an asset to PS, hope you keep posting for many years to come!

:appl: :appl: :appl:
Congratulations to the most bad-a$$ ettiquette maven on PS! I love your posts, and hope to see many, many more from you.
Congratulations!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I am another who enjoys your posts tremendously. You are always kind, interesting and most of all very, very stylish!!
To your next 10,000!
Congratulations, Haven! You are certainly an asset to PriceScope! Here's to 10K more! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Woohoo, Haven! Congratulations! You're one of my favorite posters, and I always look forward to seeing what you have to say: glad it's a case of quality and quantity!
ΥΑΑΑΑΑΑΥΥΥΥ Haven!!! Congrats on the 10,000 posts :appl: :appl: :appl: We all love you around here :appl:
Congrats Haven! you are a gem to PS. :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Here is to another 10k!
Congratulations, Haven!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Thought any more about doing a particular set of pics for hubbeh lately??? :Up_to_something: :naughty: ;))

Always a pleasure to read Haven's posts--congrats!

Congratulations Haven!!!!! I always enjoy your posts!
Sigh. I hate coming into a thread late. I hate having nothing new or interesting to add to the discussion. I had thought that I might actually be the one to start the thread for your 10,000th posting, Haven, but I was obviously asleep at the wheel.

I can add that in addition to enjoying your intelligence and your anecdotes, I tremendously enjoy your good grammar (and your being a grammar buff) and your being a thoughtful, insightful reader who likes to discuss the books she reads. It gives me great pleasure to read what you write about books and about words.

You are kind of an all around good kid and a thoughtful, wise soul. I am glad to consider you a friend.

Big hugs,
Yay!! Congrats! :appl:
ohhhhhh... congratulations!! :appl:
Congratulations haven! :appl:
LADIES! Thank you so much for this thread (Amy!) and for all of the sweet and wonderful things you've posted.

For someone who is often accused of having no emotions, I am feeling very overwhelmed with gratitude and warm fuzzies right now.
You are all too generous. I thank you for being so gracious and open to me and my numerous opinions. I really feel like a won a very exciting prize right now--membership in a community filled with the most wonderful and thoughtful people. ::)

I popped in for a quick break from a very trying day, and this was the exactly what I needed to perk me up. (I'm giving students their results on an exit exam, and more than a couple have shed some tears. :blackeye: It's so hard to be the one to have to give them news that they don't want to hear about their course placement.)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I was seriously considering a trip down to the cafeteria to buy some overly indulgent treat as a little pick-me-up to get through the afternoon, but now I no longer need it. Thank you so much. Really.

ETA: This was my ten thousandth post, exactly. Woo hoo!
ETA2: Amy, we must have been posting at the same time. Thank you so much for starting this thread. 8)
I hope Haven shows up here to post her 10,000! :wacko:

Yay Haven!!!
Congrats Haven! With your new wedding set, you're in good shape to post another 10K around here!
Haven, many congratulations!!! I always enjoy reading your posts, whether it is for your humor or gentle kindness.

Also, I am in :love: :love: with your new wedding set
Wow Haven! Congrats! I always love reading your posts. I remember "finding" you on the LIW/BWW and have been following your posts since. Here's to another 10K! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Yay Haven! Congrats! I always enjoy your posts. :appl:
Congratulations Haven.
Now, it's on to 20,000.
Love your post Haven...Congratulations!
Congratulations, Haven!!! :appl: :appl:
Congratulations, Haven! I've always enjoyed reading your posts! May you have 10,000 more!
Yay,lady!!! You know I heart you, so here's to 10k more!!!Congratulations! !!:)