
Conflict Diamonds (A Matter of Ethics)

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Apr 22, 2003
Does anyone have know how to tell if you are buying a conflict diamond?

Conflict diamonds, or blood diamonds, are rough diamonds mined in conflict zones that are used by armed groups to finance conflict and commit grave human rights abuses.
Buying conflict diamonds is very unethical. It contributes to the murder, rape and torture of innocent people in other countries.

But how can you tell what you are getting? Does anyone know any good sites that list stores that sell only non-conflic diamonds? Help!

I am new to this site and have learned so much from reading all of your great info. Since I have been doing research for a future diamond buy I have come across info on conflict diamonds. I know for myself that I want assurances from whoever I buy my beautiful sparkly, that they are not conflict diamonds. My husband thinks I'm crazy for being cautious about this, but I need a clean conscience. I have enclosed a current newssite my husband found about the problem. Maybe we won't have to worry about it much longer.

In my research I have found many venders who have disclaimers specifically about this issue
I suppose the only way to be sure is to discuss it with the vender in your search for your sparkly. My how complicated things have become

Blue Nile has a disclaimer in their legal policies section. See it at the bottom of any of their pages. I knew I saw it somewhere

I have seen others venders with disclaimers as well.

I'm glad you brought the subject up it is important and not so many folks know about the politics of diamonds. I saw a very detailed report recently about al-quiada's links to diamonds
I can't find the article again. It seems to me it was out of an Antwerp site. But,I think it was published by New York Times. It seems a certains mines diamonds where not showing up in Antwerp as they normally did and authorities were notified. Apparently nothing was done with the info. Very enlightening reading, if I find it again I'll pass it on. You do seem knowledgable about the subject

I'm surprised I'm the only one who responded as I am a newbie here, and it is such an important issue for the industry.

Good luck in your search.

Thanks for your reply. That website looks like it will be very useful. It is also good to know that there are others aware of these type of issues.

I am surprised that more people aren't concerned about issues like this. It seems these days we vote will our dollars and help make changes with what we buy (and what we don't buy). And with diamonds being such a pricey item, it seems people would want to research these types of issues more. After all a few weeks ago people were pouring out French wine and changed the name of French fries to freedom fries just because some French people didn't agree with some Americans.
With conflict diamonds people are supporting an industry that causes innocent people die, be tortured and raped.

Thanks again for the useful info. If you find anymore good sites, please let me know. Thank you!
This is an issue about which I'm concerned as well. I'm entertaining the idea of buying a non-diamond engagement ring but am not sure if the same ethical problems apply to other precious stones (sapphires in particular). Does anyone have any info on this?
Conflict diamonds are well-publicized but really constitute a small percentage of diamonds. However, if it's a concern, there are a couple of ways you can go. The simplest is to buy Canadian diamonds. There are other brands that claim to have a guarantee of origin, such as Rand diamonds.

You can go with colored stones, but, again, that can bring up a whole set of other ethical concerns depending on country of origin. But then, we all pick and choose when to lay down our ethics.
You should feel worse about wasting your money on luxury items when so many people in THIS country are without proper food and shelter.

For me, I usually purchase Canadian Diamonds since I'm proud to be a Canadian, and also I know for sure that the diamond is not a Conflict Diamond.

Hiya Furthermore...

I can think of one sure way ...

Buy an OMC, OEC or Transitional cut.

I'm sure those cuts are old enough to have had their own set of conflicts, but at least the principals are now gone from this earth. They appear to be somewhat cheaper as well.


I agree on the cross border traffic. I find it very saddening. People will do anything to aquire that most transient of (or whatever color your denominations are) paper.

To elaborate just a bit on Furthermore's post on "Cross Border Traffic" ...

Here's a piece I found on the net today.

"The stark uncertainties brought on by a civil war raging in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1998 are thankfully now subsiding, but the sale of conflict diam ond from the Congo is still a burgeoning business, and king-pins of diamonds, De Beers were linked to this unwelcome activity last month through a report compiled by a group of independent analysts. The scramble for diamonds in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been blamed for fuelling war and instability in many African nations and with official diamond exports of some $400 million a year, its easy to see their reasons.

The report is up for discussion by the U.N. this month and indicates tainted diamonds have been filtering through consumer channels via two of De Beers clients (sight holders) which are in breach of international guidelines. De Beers spokespeople are outraged by the contents of the document and thus far are yet to receive clarification on a number of point's they're raised in their defense."

The best way would be to buy Canadian. They compete very nicely to any other diamond offering the same attributes (AGS Report, Gemprint, laser inscribed, etc.). Visit , there are others too if you need more to search.
Best of luck in your hunt.
Hiya Dave...

I totally agree, go Australia, or Canada, or anywhere but Africa...

It's a shame, but life is worth more than any diamond.

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