
college studentd?

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Feb 9, 2007
who thinks school just sucks right now....i dunno i just cant seem to focus or work to my best you know...what do you guys do or what did you guys do i need focus do i focus?? arg

oph i went to declare my major the other day and meet with an advisor....did anyone else have a mini panic attact after you declared casue i was like whoa i actually did it im actually majoring in psych and minoring in sociology crazy!! and even more crazy... im finishing in a year and a half or soo!!!

so is anyone else thinking school is just not cool right now? anyone got some encouraging advise for us strugglers??

arg so stress i spelled students wrong in the title!!! sorry i had a french comp due tom. and i just finished it and now im hoped up on red bull!!
At the point where I was graduating from community college and switching over to university, I had a panic because no one would take all my credits, I would have lost another year.
Since I spent two years prior to that studying in England, the credit transfer didn''t equate to much either, so I would have been going to school for 3.5 for basically nothing! Not to mention I would have graduated until I was 27. I definintely cried, and at the point I wasn''t panicing about my major, at the point, I didn''t care what I majored in, as long as I could keep all my credits! So I ended up keeping all my credits doing online school and I will be getting my BA in management in 6 more months. Not bad to complete the rest of the two years in 1 year and 4 months.

BTW, What do you see yourseld doing with your degree? Are you going on to get your MA? Generall with psych you need higher degrees to get anywhere with it.
A friend of mine graduate has her MA in psychology and it making under 30k, I thought that was pretty terrible since school teachers about here start at 40k with a MA!
i do plan on going back hopefully after one year of experiance...honestly im not sure what im going to do with it i know i want to work with young adults but im not sure how im still going over my options......but it sucks!
I had several panic attacks all through undergrad, but maybe that was because I was in nursing school. It will definitely all work out!
I never really had panic attacks in college... I saved those for after graduation when I realized how poor I was gonna be!
(just kidding
. Well.. sort of.)

Don''t worry too much about the whole declaring a major thing... the majority of people end up doing something totally unrelated to their degree and in most cases, it''s the actual degree that counts (bachelor''s) rather than your emphasis. (This is, of course, less true the higher your degree.) Besides, Psychology is one of those good-for-most-any-job degrees, like Communications. You can always change your mind about where you want your career to go!

I''m generalizing, of course, but really you don''t need to worry. You''re already doing yourself a big favor in this world by getting an education, so don''t stress too much about the fine points of it!
I''m just stressed in general over the coursework... I''m a 3rd year engineering physics major (why yes, it IS as hard as it sounds
) I just got through summer internship stress (but I did land a great position through the NSF!) and there''s little to recover from that before I need to start visiting grad school this May to check them out and when to take my various GREs and everything else!

All I can say is I''m grateful there''s only one midterm left between me and spring break!
3rd year intended math/econ checking in.

i haven''t declared yet...that''s what I''m panicking about.
Don''t panic, you can always change your mind. I changed my mind many times. I wanted to major in about 8 different things, and finally focused on 1 (or 2 plus a minor...but whatever). Plus well over 1/2 of college students don''t enter lines of work that have anything to do with their degrees. I don''t know the exact percentage. But, there are a lot of fields out there that just want to see that you could deal with the kind of work load that college requires--some jobs will even send you back to school (and pay for it) so that you can advance in your carreer. I have been out of college for about 2 years, and let me tell you, after about a year, you will forget about all the stress that came with classes. I know that classes can get in the way of college, and that it is super hard to focus, but you will get through them. Just put forth the effort, and have fun checking them off your list as you finish them.
I completely understand where you're coming from! I have ONE more quarter before I graduate and senioritis is hitting me hard! What's worse is that for this last semester, I'm taking 22 units so I cannot afford to be lazy. This quarter, in which I took 18 units, stressed me out a ton! Definitely try to get as much sleep as possible and enjoy your weekends. That helps me, at least.
its soo good to know that im not alone...and that im not the only one whose been through this...schools a pain and i knew that the day would come where i had to line up my priorities and focus on whats most important so this weekend i did that and it was one of the hardest weekends ever because...i had to tell my amazing bosses that i no longer would be able to work during school and i would have to leave them.... but since theyre so nice and since i brought in most sales in the last couple months and ive been there the longest they have decided to give me 2 months off so that ican focus on school arent they amazing?!
Totally understandable, but it''s great you have bosses that respect your desire to put school first! I seriously can''t see how people can work full time and still be a full time student - I''m taking 18 credits (6 classes which my adviser warned me about but I didn''t listen...) and work just 10 hours a week and still feel like I''m always either working or should be working on homework or studying or something
The only person I know in my major who did work full time while an undergrad is on her 7th year right now because it''s soooo hard to do it!

(I should not that it''s 2:15 in the morning and I''m taking a break from my calculus homework due at 10am
Date: 3/5/2007 12:18:06 AM
Author: emilina22
its soo good to know that im not alone...and that im not the only one whose been through this...schools a pain and i knew that the day would come where i had to line up my priorities and focus on whats most important
You're definitely not alone, virtually everyone who goes through college gets stressed about the same things once in a while. Even people who never attend college have to deal with stress over life planning as well as aligning priorities. You're in the company of, literally, billions!
-cherry vanilla i know exatcly how all nighters feel even if im just in my second year and i dont have too many hours and thats only casue of the classes i choose...all requirements meaning i need amazing grades....arg they suck but life goes on and i cant wait to cross them off my to do list....
I know exactly how you feel. I did a science degree and have returned to university to do veterinary and its so hard studying all the time and trying to work to be able to afford going to college. I just wish I was graduated again and working full time. It will be worth it in the end though!
You''re not alone, Emilina! When I was in undergrad the best thing I did was find a study buddy and get into a study routine. We met up every night, studied in the same place, and brought lots and lots of study snacks. I can still smell the burnt microwave popcorn . . .

I feel like I''m STILL in the same boat, as I''m teaching full-time and working on my second master''s. I still have a study buddy and a routine, it is absolutely the best thing I ever did. If someone else is waiting for you to study, there is definitely more accountability.

Good luck! All of the hard work is well worth it. You will always have your education. (Sorry, I can''t help it, what do you expect from an educator?)
i cant wait to finish its exiting but then i have those days where i feel like i cant do it but when i see that i am getting 100''s on assignments and i get good reports its like can do this im not as dumb as i feel i am.... an education is always something because i know that no matter what ill alwasy have that degree even if i just get my BA its ok with me...alor of people are in school becasue of the future money but to me its not about the money its about knowing that ive come this far and ive accomplished something you know? its never been about the money....
I graduate in two months (w00t!) and just want to be DONE already. And I got done with school in three years... sigh. I am actually on pricescope right now to avoid writing out my paper topic, lol!

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