
Coalition in the works (CDN Content)

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Oct 18, 2007
Interesting! I know next to nothing about Canadian politics but that seems very high drama!
I am not big into politics but i am liking the democratic drama forming here. I am not a tory supporter, but even friends of mine who are admit that Harper has basically shown his true colors these past couple of weeks--that of an arrogant bully. I think a coalition will be ''messy'' (with the bloc, the lack of a strong liberal leader and the timing) but i do think that it is the sign of a healthy political system. Harper won the minority with seats in the house but really something like 60% of the country did not vote for him. He can''t go off operating like he has a majority in our current economic conditions.
I can''t wait to see how this unfolds.....

JAS12: I agree, Harper can''t get away acting like he''s doing any longer. I think the biggest thing out of all of this is that we have one party on the Right who got 30% of the vote, and a minority gov''t, and 3 parties on the Left that got 60% of the votes. So Canadians tend to go left anyway. I think if the parties on the Left would have said 6 weeks ago that they were going to unite and act as one during these rough time they may have gotten more votes, instead of mud-sling at one another, and now coming together as One...

Anyway they signed off on the Coalition yesterday, so the next few days are going to be interesting! I eagerly await what''s going to happen!

Just listening to The Current on CBC this morning (luv that program). Most would agree that Harper has made some colossal mistakes of late. i guess we just have to wait until approval is given by the GG
Stay tuned
I am not completely sure if a coalition would work, but what I do know is that 38% of the vote doesn''t give the Tories any more legitimacy to govern than any other party. That, and the fact that Harper is an arrogant bully and he needs to be out before things spiral down anymore.

In ideal situations a good coalition would do wonders for a country.
Thanks for posting this, Snow! Since the October election, I haven''t been closely following what''s been going on back home. Things could become very interesting!
Yes...thanks for posting this Snow!!! It''s such an exciting time in Canadian politics and history right now. I can''t wait to see what unfolds in the next week!

I have always been an NDP supporter at heart but I often vote Liberal. I''m VERY excited about the prospect of having 6 NDP candidates in the cabinet!!!
Guess we are at a stand still until the GG decides what''s going to happen... Can''t wait for Monday!
I really hope she doesn''t suspend parliament, I feel at times like these the last thing we should do is let parliament go on vacation for 2 months!
I''d love to hear what other PSers think about the possibility of a coalition government. I mean, who''s ever heard of this before?!?!?! 4 parties joining together in a reverse mutiny (ie. not jumping ship but hopping on together)?!?!

I just read on the Globe & Mail that the ''best name for the coaliton'' was awarded to: New Libs on the Bloc.
Date: 12/3/2008 10:57:07 AM
Author: sammyj
I''d love to hear what other PSers think about the possibility of a coalition government. I mean, who''s ever heard of this before?!?!?! 4 parties joining together in a reverse mutiny (ie. not jumping ship but hopping on together)?!?!

I just read on the Globe & Mail that the ''best name for the coaliton'' was awarded to: New Libs on the Bloc.
OMG, that is freaking hilarious! Love it!
Date: 12/3/2008 10:57:07 AM
Author: sammyj
I'd love to hear what other PSers think about the possibility of a coalition government. I mean, who's ever heard of this before?!?!?! 4 parties joining together in a reverse mutiny (ie. not jumping ship but hopping on together)?!?!

I just read on the Globe & Mail that the 'best name for the coaliton' was awarded to: New Libs on the Bloc.

HAHA Love the New Libs on the Bloc!

As for what we all think about the coalition.... wellll not to get to political, but Canadians voted for these 3 (4?) parties, they got 60% of the vote. We chose these men and women to represent us up on the Hill, so now we'll have to see what they do. If they bomb, they won't get re-elected, if they succeed they'll be heros...

We also need a majority gov't here. These are not times to be wishy washy in the house of commons. If we kept the minority gov't it would be really hard to get anything pasted. And the new budget that the PM came out with was just pathetic, no stimulus, denying the right to strike, striping the parties of their funding, what did Harper think was going ot happen? The left was just going to sit back and take it?

anyways that's my 2 cents... i'm just fascinated by the history that is happening right before us...
Date: 12/3/2008 9:58:12 AM
Author: ~*Snow*~
Guess we are at a stand still until the GG decides what's going to happen... Can't wait for Monday!
I really hope she doesn't suspend parliament, I feel at times like these the last thing we should do is let parliament go on vacation for 2 months!

And the new budget that the PM came out with was just pathetic, no stimulus, denying the right to strike, striping the parties of their funding, what did Harper think was going ot happen? The left was just going to sit back and take it?
Now THAT is one thing I find highly undemocratic. ONE single person has the power to decide the fate of this coalition. How is this democracy?

And I agree with the pathetic budget Harper came out with - no mention of the economy, and more importantly, no mention of how he is going to fix things with the countless people who have lost their jobs in the recent months. Did he really expect no opposition? Classic bully - he made changes to things that would benefit him and his party and when people protest he throws tantrums. Also, for someone who's screaming out the word undemocratic, he himself was involved in talks of a coalition back in 2004. Hypocrisy, much?
New Libs on the Bloc---OMG. Luvin it!!

Kama--the GG is, as i understand it more or less responsible for ensuring everything is kept constitutional. It is a ''cheques and balances'' role (someone correct me if i am wrong) The decision is made by the parties and the GG gives the go ahead.

Anyone listen to the address by Harper this evening? That man has zero charisma and seemed almost nervous. Unfortunately neither does Dione. Ugh. I wish the Libs had time to elect a new leader.

This is an exciting time for CND politics (when normally the words ''exciting'' and ''canadian politics'' would be an oxymoron
I actually want, rather than force, myself to pay attention
A lot of ppl are a little nervous about the country''s future heading into uncertain times but Canada has one of the healthiest economies in the world and is really rather stable so i don''t think we should panic yet. Who knows what this lead to?
So, which way do you think the GG will go?

1.) With Harper
2.) With the coalition
3.) New election

I think it''s option #3.

CDN: I doubt they'll call for another election. Why? Because a) there STILL wont be a majority vote - the bane of having a mulit-party system b) 6 weeks ago we voted, and the Tories got in, it's not going to be any different 6 weeks later and c) it would be a BIG waste of money, especially if the left is crying economy.

Jas12: I would much rather choose Dion over Rae or Ignatieff. In fact, the only one reason I am not happy with Dion coming in is the fact that come May, he will be replaced by either of the above two bumbling idiots.
Kama, you raise a good point. My thoughts were that even though another election would be troubling for a lot of Canadians they would at least have been given the right to hold those (they feel responsible for this mess) accountable.

I'm curious, what are people's thoughts on what would happen if the GG sides with Harper? (ETA: who on the opposition will work with the Conservatives, especially after Harper's most recent attacks on the 'Liberals', 'Socialists', and 'Separatists'?)

On the flip side, if she allows the coalition to proceed, do you think the western population would support it? Is the average Canadian 'ok' with BQ having more power?

I *think* I heard on the news yesterday that there is a good chance that the GG will side with Harper and prorogue the Parliament until mid-January. Don''t take my word for it though. I also say on Global news that on a viewer poll, 46% voted that they want another election. Personally, I think that would be a waste of time, money and resources because like kama said, we won''t have a majority, and like Jas12 said, we won''t have a Liberal leader who instills enough confidence in the public for the vote to sway left. In a nutshell, an election wouldn''t accomplish anything!!!

I also personally prefer Ignatieff to Dion as Dion has been widely criticized for his ''bumbling'' and the media and the public have only been able to focus on this, rather than his actual platform, since the election campaigns began in September! But Gerard Kennedy was my #1 choice for liberal leader. Too bad he''s not running again.
Parliament has been prorogued until Jan 26th. Then next day Harper is going to put forward the new budget, which in turn is also a confidence vote. So if Dion and Layton and show that they some sort of leadership skills and can keep the coalition together and that they are serious until Jan 27th, there is a very good possibility that they will put forth a non-confidence vote.
Date: 12/4/2008 10:42:57 AM
Author: CDNinNYC

Kama, you raise a good point. My thoughts were that even though another election would be troubling for a lot of Canadians they would at least have been given the right to hold those (they feel responsible for this mess) accountable.

I''m curious, what are people''s thoughts on what would happen if the GG sides with Harper? (ETA: who on the opposition will work with the Conservatives, especially after Harper''s most recent attacks on the ''Liberals'', ''Socialists'', and ''Separatists''?)

On the flip side, if she allows the coalition to proceed, do you think the western population would support it? Is the average Canadian ''ok'' with BQ having more power?

The Bloc acctually won''t offically be part of the coalition. They have agreed to support the coalitions'' decisions for the first 18 months of the 30 months but will not hold any seats or have any say really. Atleast this is what i''ve understood from the agreement they all signed.
Guess we are back to waiting

I hope this gives the Libs time to temp. or permanently elect a new party leader. I don''t think Dion has the ''pizzaz'' to lead (and it is more a matter of when, rather than if he will be replaced)

Snow, the conservatives deliberately make it sound as if the Bloc is literally part of the coalition, so your distinction is important--they are supporters. As I understand it, this is quite common but is being made out to sounds as if it is the end of world.
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