
Class pet passed away

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Mar 16, 2006
Sounds like a rough week for the PS critters.

My class hamster Betty passed away sometime today while I was at school. I had taken her home over Christmas break and hadn''t brought her back yet because she wasn''t feeling well. I am only a little upset, but I worry about my students. The kids will be so sad. She had her own homepage on my school site and they loved to send her questions and play with her when she was at school. Poor Betty.

Awww, so sorry about Betty. What grade do you teach? Maybe you can get a new Betty in a few weeks. She looks like such a cutie from your pic.
Oh, poor Betty. Glad she was at your house and not the classroom when she died though. If the kids are old enough to understand, maybe it would be a good time for a unit on death? Is that ok with your school? My niece grew up on a farm and she handled pet death very well, but it always shook me up when I was a kid. Still does, actually.
oh, she was so cute; I am sorry
Poor Betty. I''m sure she was a very loved little critter. I also wonder if this would be a good (definitely sad, but good) thing for the kids to learn, that Betty lived a full and wonderful life but it was her time to go.
Date: 3/5/2007 7:33:46 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Poor Betty. I''m sure she was a very loved little critter. I also wonder if this would be a good (definitely sad, but good) thing for the kids to learn, that Betty lived a full and wonderful life but it was her time to go.

Very well said FG. I''m sorry to hear about Betty, Equ!
Thank you for your posts, everyone. I teach middle school, and the 12 and 13 year olds will probably not have as hard a time with this as would a younger group of students, but they will still be upset. I may wait and see about getting another hammie next year for the classroom, as I do like having a pet in there for the kids to interact with during the school year.
I am so sorry, equ!!!
It HAS been a rough week for PS pets. I''m sorry to hear about Betty.
Oh no, poor Betty. She was so photogenic and gorgeous. I had hamsters as a kid and I was forever upset when they died. Maybe you might consider a Chinchilla next time, they are lots of fun, and a great size for the kids to handle and they come in all sorts of colors. Their fur is incredibly soft (frequently used for fur coats, but we won''t go there). I always think they''re like a cross between a squirrel and a guineapig. Kids love watching them clean their fur by rolling around in a box of silver sand, they also live for approx 20 years, unlike hamsters which only live 2-4 years. I''d highly recommend chinchillas, they are very clean and don''t smell.

So sorry about Betty Equi

Great suggestion about a Chinchilla Min, they do make great pets and are very entertaining to watch.
Sorry equestrienne, it''s always hard. But i wanted to say thank you for having a "class pet" especially for those kids who can''t have a house pet for some reason.
I think its wonderful that you had a class pet for your students, and I know that they will Betty'' passing hard, just as you are. ((HUGS)) But I can tell that she was very loved (beautiful girl, too) and that she touched the lives around her wtih joy. Its a good legacy.
Awww, sweet Betty, she is a real cutie pie, I''m so sorry. This really has been a rough week for our pricescope pets!

My condolences for the loss of Betty.
awww, that''s really one cute hamster!
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