
Christening gowns on older boys?


Apr 28, 2008
Is it weird for an older baby boy to wear a christening gown (as opposed to a suit or romper)? My son will be almost 10 months when we get him christened. I have several family gowns he could wear. They are all a bit frilly and girly, but not overly so. My question is, do you find it odd for an older baby boy to wear a gown? Almost every little boy christening outfit I see in stores is a suit or a little shorts and vest set. It seems like gowns are for girls only. I wondered if it's weird for boys to wear gowns these days? Thanks for your thoughts.
Hi Laila, I think it'd look absolutely adorable for a 10 month old dressed up in all white. But to be honest I haven't really thought about it much. What do you think your son would be most comfortable in?
If using the family gown is important to you, then keep the tradition going. He's still a baby, he's less than a year old.
Hey Laila! I had a gown for Anderson's baptism and I'm so happy I did. I did not want a romper or suit either. I wanted a classic look, and it was really pretty. I've attached a picture...I cropped out people's faces, but you get the idea. I will say that out of all the other baby boys that were baptized that same day, we were the only ones with a gown. I fell in love with one from Strausburg (I think that's the name of the store) but it was almost 200 dollars! Meresal had a gown for her baby boy as well if you do a search. He was under a year old and hers was really pretty too. Can you post some of the ones you have?

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Thank you for weighing in, lliang chi and swingirl! :wavey:

Lanie, I LOVE Anderson's gown! It's so elegant and beautiful. (Love your pink dress too.) A is such a sweetheart. Unfortunately, I don't have any good pics of the two family gowns I have for Luke, but I'm attaching a picture of a very similar style gown so you get the idea. They are definitely a bit more girly compared to Anderson's gown. I think A's gown is PERFECT for a baby boy--I wouldn't hesitate to have Luke wear one like that at all. I guess I'm worried my family gowns are too girly and frilly. But I suppose it's not really a big deal since it's tradition. I just assumed the new thing is to have baby boys in little suits now, since that's all I've seen in stores.

I have an uncle whose christening gown was used for both of his children and all 10 of his grandchildren. It isn't as frilly as the one you posted, but definitely on the girly side. It was important for them to use the same gown and no one said anything negative about it. If you want to use it, you should.
here are a couple of pics. he was 2 months so sorry he isn't older but the link I posted above is for an older baby.

eta: LANIE, your son is adorable!!!!!


Skippy, what beautiful pics!

I love that gown!
somethingshiny|1313676718|2993333 said:
I have an uncle whose christening gown was used for both of his children and all 10 of his grandchildren. It isn't as frilly as the one you posted, but definitely on the girly side. It was important for them to use the same gown and no one said anything negative about it. If you want to use it, you should.

I think you're right, shiny. I should just use it, because I'll probably end up regretting it if I don't.
Thanks!!! I would use the gown for your son; I love the one you posted. To me a Christening gown for a boy reminds me of Old English style or old Roman Baptism's; very regal and beautiful :love: :appl: If you do do it; I would love to see pictures. I sooooo want to do it but the gowns are crazy expensive. My sister was lucky enough for her in laws to make them by hand.
I think gowns are just fine on baby boys. My son wore a family heirloom gown. My mom and her 4 brothers and sisters wore it for their baptisms as well as myself, my brother, and all of my cousins. It was really important to me. My son was 3 months old when he was baptized so he was still little, but I do think your son will be fine. If it's important to you then it's the right thing to do!
Skippy123|1313690255|2993515 said:
I sooooo want to do it but the gowns are crazy expensive. My sister was lucky enough for her in laws to make them by hand.

Oh I hear you. That's the other perk about using the family gown and not having to buy a little suit--it's free! :lol:

Good luck with whatever you decide for your twins!
O wore a gown to his and he was past 1. :cheeky: Tradition in my family a well. Go for it!
Thank you ladies!

I think I'll go for it. He will look so darn adorable!
Laila619|1313774154|2994334 said:
Thank you ladies!

I think I'll go for it. He will look so darn adorable!

YAY!!!! Please post pics after!!! :appl:
Thanks for posting the link Skippy!

I loved having C in a gown, especially one with such meaning.
I see that you do plan on using a gown but just wanted to jump in and say I agree that its perfectly acceptable! We bought a slightly unisex/tiny bit feminine long gown with the intent of all of our children wearing it whether girl or boy. I think long gowns are best for any child who isn't yet walking (for obvious reasons) but I'm sure some kids wear them even after they are walking so I don't think age matters too much.

And just for anyone who found this thread through a search for christening gowns, here's where ours is from: :bigsmile: