
Chinese Lunar calendar for gender prediction


Mar 30, 2009
Just for fun, I entered my DOB and age into some sort of gender predictor for the 2011 year. My ONLY months to conceive a boy this year were January, and November and December. Otherwise, according to this calendar, I will be conceiving girls girls girls!

Did anyone actually use this? Or did anyone find its predictions to be true?

DH and I want to start TTC in August, so I'm reading every little thing I can regarding ovulation and getting pregnant. I don't care what we have in terms of gender, but I find gender prediction methods fascinating. I've also been reading up on the Shettle's method.

Tell me about your experiences if you had a gender preference or tried different methods to conceive a gender! I'm interested to know if there is any credibility in these methods ;)
I am SO watching this thread. We will be having one more baby, and I want a girl so bad I can taste it. It will be the first girl of this generation on either side of the family.

I did check the Chinese calendar when I was PG with Micah, and it was correct. Lots of other ladies in the PG thread said it was wrong for them, though.
I saw this calendar in one of my pregnancy books, I think it was The Bump?

According to the calendar, we'll be having a boy, which was what I wanted before actually getting pregnant (now I don't care at all, I really do just want a healthy baby). Using my mom's age and the month I was conceived, I was supposed to be a girl. So that worked. But according to the calendar, D was also supposed to be a girl. So while my book states that the calendar is 90% correct, it's only 50% correct in our family :)

I was planning to use the Shettles method, but got impatient with getting pregnant, so we ended up doing every other day. I did make sure we BDed on O-day, just to make sure there were some fast swimmers in the race, but who knows what we'll end up with :) I never bought any Shettles literature...the only info. I had was from TCOYF, plus my husband thought it sounded silly, so I wasn't terribly gung ho. If we had been trying for a girl rather than a boy, I probably would have forgotten about it altogether.
The calendar was correct for us.
Very interesting! Ultimately, I want a healthy baby of either sex. But I've always dreamed of having a little boy...I want a boy SO BAD! I'm wondering if I should hold off TTC until November/December to stack more cards in our favor.... :cheeky:
The Chinese Gender/Lunar calendar is, like most wives' tales, correct about 50 percent of the time. ;)) Different online calendars exist and give different results, so they're about as accurate as tossing a coin.
E B|1310576891|2968135 said:
The Chinese Gender/Lunar calendar is, like most wives' tales, correct about 50 percent of the time. ;)) Different online calendars exist and give different results, so they're about as accurate as tossing a coin.
Yeah, that's what I figure. It seems like a lot of people say that it predicted wrong for them, about 50/50.

I'm actually more intersted in the accuracy of Shettle's method...I remember that Hudson Hawk was successful with her attempt. Some doctor's say that the Shettle's method can actually prevent you from getting pregnant, as well (too much to adhere to?).
I just checked again and the online calendars say a girl for me--interesting, the Bump book definitely says boy. Prana, if it helps, LC and I are both 30, so if we go in for our anatomy scans in October and we're both having girls, then we'll tell you to hold off until November!
Working backwards, the Chinese lunar calendar prediction accurately predicted I'd be a female. I do tend to think it is chance though that is correct.

I've heard that when the Shettle method was tested, it actually showed the opposite of what it predicted to be true. For example that those aiming for a boy with the method had a higher than the average population for conceiving a girl and a slightly less significant bump for boy when trying for a girl compared to the general population.
NewEnglandLady|1310579288|2968171 said:
I just checked again and the online calendars say a girl for me--interesting, the Bump book definitely says boy. Prana, if it helps, LC and I are both 30, so if we go in for our anatomy scans in October and we're both having girls, then we'll tell you to hold off until November!

I read somewhere that you don't use your normal age, you have to use your lunar age...which is slightly different...
It was wrong for me.
Yes, I've heard so many theories contradicting the Shettle method, but I've also heard a lot supporting the method. Obviously there's no scientific way to predict or choose gender, unless it's via IVF.

I'm gonna go figure out my lunar age and see what happens. I'm 28 in regular years. :wacko:
I did the Chinese gender predictor using my lunar age, at it said girl. My little Sophia will be here in a few weeks :bigsmile:
It was accurate for me. :) I really wanted a boy too.
I think it's total bunk, but it's fun!

For what it's worth, a Chinese fortune teller (I think the same one that gave us a list of lucky wedding dates to choose from) predicted that my husband would be a girl.
amc, thanks for the insight--you're right, I guess my lunar age is 31. Still predicting a girl, though :)
My lunar age is 29, and it says that if I conceive when I would like to try to conceive, that I will have a boy. Only time will tell.
Apparently, if I conceive right after my wedding, it'll be a girl. If I conceive on my honeymoon (around Christmas), it'll be a boy.
It predicted a boy for us. It's a girl.
It predicts that if we get preggo any time btw now and next year, it will be a girl. Well, I guess we'll find out when we start TTC in a few months!
It was wrong for me, but my SIL was correct on both hers and she totally believed in it when TTC #2 to make sure she had a girl (I think she fubbed it a bit, because conception date for #2 would have been on the edge of boy/girl).
it was correct for me having a girl. we didn't go with any method other than bd-ing every day before, on and after ovulation because I was pretty desperate to get pregnant again after I had a miscarriage. I wouldn't recommend using any method because sometimes trying to get pregnant is difficult enough without all the added pressure of influencing sex of the baby.
prediction was wrong for me with both pregnancies
It predicted my son correctly, but my daughter incorrectly.

My husband predicted both kids correctly though :D
50% correct for us. Correct for my DD, wrong for DS. We didn't do anything differently to conceive our DD and DS.
if you want a boy you :naughty: during the AM hrs and if you want a girl you :naughty: during the PM hrs... ;))