
Cheese Sandwich Policy?

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Sep 10, 2007

What do you guys think of this? I find it strange that some of the parents of the cheese sandwich recipients are so upset. The parents should pay their balance or ask for help with the free lunch program!

We had a similar policy in my elementary school... pb&j sammies for kids who had a unpaid balance. I don''t think it was embarrassing for the students because at that age, we hardly noticed things like that about our peers so they were never teased.
Aparantly we are still doing well enough in this country to be able to find THIS to complain about.

Ridiculous! Your children aren''t starving. They are being fed... and news flash, in some states, schools are CLOSING (in AZ they are) because of lack of $$$ in the budget to even pay for staff and electricity. They should be happy they have a school, and are getting fed at all.
Date: 2/26/2009 3:13:52 PM

What do you guys think of this? I find it strange that some of the parents of the cheese sandwich recipients are so upset. The parents should pay their balance or ask for help with the free lunch program!

We had a similar policy in my elementary school... pb&j sammies for kids who had a unpaid balance. I don''t think it was embarrassing for the students because at that age, we hardly noticed things like that about our peers so they were never teased.
We had the same policy at my school growing up. I think those parents should be thankful that their kids are getting some sort of lunch! It''s not like they are pulling them out of line and just starving them.

I don''t think kids were ever teased about getting the pb&j sandwiches, but I know I avoided them at all costs. I used to HATE pb&j sandwiches, so that was my only reason for making sure I had money in my backpack or brought lunch from home. :)
Date: 2/26/2009 3:30:15 PM
Author: Definitely, Maybe

Date: 2/26/2009 3:13:52 PM

What do you guys think of this? I find it strange that some of the parents of the cheese sandwich recipients are so upset. The parents should pay their balance or ask for help with the free lunch program!

We had a similar policy in my elementary school... pb&j sammies for kids who had a unpaid balance. I don''t think it was embarrassing for the students because at that age, we hardly noticed things like that about our peers so they were never teased.
We had the same policy at my school growing up. I think those parents should be thankful that their kids are getting some sort of lunch! It''s not like they are pulling them out of line and just starving them.

I don''t think kids were ever teased about getting the pb&j sandwiches, but I know I avoided them at all costs. I used to HATE pb&j sandwiches, so that was my only reason for making sure I had money in my backpack or brought lunch from home. :)
Heck, that is what the kids with the brown bags from home were eating!!! (PB&Js)
I do feel sorry for the kids if they are being singled out, but, what is the district going to do? Times are tight for so many people, companies, and yes, for the government, too. What I do NOT understand is the parents complaining. They should be teaching their children to be grateful for what they are given - not fussing that what their children are given is given in the wrong way. BAH...The entitlement attitude drives me nuts! This is my biggest concern with hand out programs. People begin to think money grows on trees.
this is being discussed in atw.
My mom is a "lunch lady"

You would not believe the story she has of parents and how rude they get when a phone call is made reminding them that their child has once again come to school without the required money to pay for their lunch.

My mom pays for 2 to 3 children''s lunch (she works in an elementary school) every day because if not, they get peanut butter sandwich and milk. Some of the kids come back saying that they are still hungry and it breaks my mother''s heart so she pays for it.

Then she''ll call to remind the parents that the children need to be sent to school with money and she gets cursed out.
Date: 2/26/2009 3:52:46 PM
Author: crown1
this is being discussed in atw.
Yup, we''ve already been all over this topic since yesterday in the Around the World thread - come join us over there!
Date: 2/26/2009 4:01:02 PM
Author: fieryred33143
My mom is a ''lunch lady''

You would not believe the story she has of parents and how rude they get when a phone call is made reminding them that their child has once again come to school without the required money to pay for their lunch.

My mom pays for 2 to 3 children''s lunch (she works in an elementary school) every day because if not, they get peanut butter sandwich and milk. Some of the kids come back saying that they are still hungry and it breaks my mother''s heart so she pays for it.

Then she''ll call to remind the parents that the children need to be sent to school with money and she gets cursed out.
That is so appalling - your mom sounds like a great lady with a generous heart - it just goes to show how welfare and entitlements didn''t make the poor grateful and striving - just lazy and rude.
Date: 2/26/2009 4:01:02 PM
Author: fieryred33143
My mom is a ''lunch lady''

You would not believe the story she has of parents and how rude they get when a phone call is made reminding them that their child has once again come to school without the required money to pay for their lunch.

My mom pays for 2 to 3 children''s lunch (she works in an elementary school) every day because if not, they get peanut butter sandwich and milk. Some of the kids come back saying that they are still hungry and it breaks my mother''s heart so she pays for it.

Then she''ll call to remind the parents that the children need to be sent to school with money and she gets cursed out.
aww that is so sweet of your mom. I do feel sorry for kids like that. Although, like Miranda said they should be taught to be thankful for what they get, I don''t think little kids understand WHY they don''t get the same treatment or more food.

I guess I should head over to ATW. ;)
My thoughts? At least they are GETTING a meal!!!! And that''s rather nutritious as well, fruit, cheese, grains and milk? Come on... If you can''t afford it then be happy your child isn''t going hungry
My kids' school has this policy. . .my kids ONLY buy lunch on Friday as a treat and usually, they sent a notice home when the kids buy the lunch that puts them in the negative $2.25! I guess if I didn't pay at that point, they'd give both kids cheese sandwhiches, however, I always do pay when the negative balance note arrives so even with the -$2.25, my kids are given the gross chicken nuggest, or whatever. I'm not sure why they don't inform me when the balance is at 0.

We can look up online, but I always forget since hot lunch isn't a regular part of our routine.
If I couldn''t afford to pay for school lunches and didn''t apply for the free program, I think I would just be happy that my kid was getting fed at all!

Someone that poor should be the ideal candidate for the free lunch program, so are they just not bothering to sign up? Besides, the school allows them 10 delinquent lunches, so it''s not like the parents miss one payment and the kids get cut off. They get 10 free hot lunches first!

And I totally agree with oobie that most kids wouldn''t even know what was going on or bother to make fun of it (at least not for more than a few minutes)

People are ridiculous
Personally, I LIKE cheese sandwiches!!! Either pay up, or stop whining!!!!
I would feel sorry for the kids who felt they were being singled out, but the fault lies with the parents who just expect their kid to get lunch without paying for it, not the school that is generously providing a free meal.
We don''t have food plans at all where I live in Canada. My daughters had to bring their own lunches throughout elementary school. I''m not sure what I think about this issue for that reason. If you didn''t send a lunch, your kid didn''t eat, period. No back up plan whatsoever. I think it''s pretty generous to offer this lunch, and I can see how the whole system must get abused in the US.
As I said at ATW...

I feel bad that children are being singled is not their fault that their parents can''t/aren''t paying...and I believe there needs to be more subtle way to feed the kids rather than pulling them out in front of their peers to give them the "poor meal".

However, the age old saying rings true here...beggars can''t be choosers. If the budget only allows for cheese sandwiches, then cheese sandwiches it will be. If you are depending on the school district to feed your child, and they are offering a certain meals because that''s what they can afford, then the parents need to be thankful there is even an option outside of starvation.
How much does a school lunch cost these days?
I agree, these kids ought to be grateful they''re getting fed at all! Generally in Oz you either bring your own packed lunch from home or if its a boarding school - they will provide lunch to the boarders only. So if you (or mum) didn''t make your lunch you just go hungry!!! Tough love.
Date: 2/26/2009 9:55:58 PM
Author: pennquaker09
How much does a school lunch cost these days?

A gigantic wheat wrap with meat and veggies of your choice and a pile of potato chips is $3.25 at my school. Milk is another $0.35, I believe.

We also serve pizza, a hot meal, soups, and other things. The pizza is $1.50 a slice, and the hot meals are $3.25 for the main dish, two sides, and a milk.

I didn''t pack a lunch the first year I taught at my current school. Those wheat wraps are really good.
Date: 2/26/2009 9:55:58 PM
Author: pennquaker09
How much does a school lunch cost these days?
In my kids' district it's $2.25 for regular, and then for reduced, K-3rd it's free and 4-12th it's .40. For a family of four, the income has to be under $38K to qualify for free/reduced.

If you google your district, you can see the prices for the school your children will attend.
Date: 2/26/2009 3:52:31 PM
Author: Miranda
I do feel sorry for the kids if they are being singled out, but, what is the district going to do? Times are tight for so many people, companies, and yes, for the government, too. What I do NOT understand is the parents complaining. They should be teaching their children to be grateful for what they are given - not fussing that what their children are given is given in the wrong way. BAH...The entitlement attitude drives me nuts! This is my biggest concern with hand out programs. People begin to think money grows on trees.

I agree.

Schools in my area are laying off teachers left and right. $45,000 in unpaid lunches would just barely pay the salary of one of our first-year teachers with only a bachelor''s degree. Will these parents complain when their kid is in a class with 40 other students because the school had to lay off more teachers? Probably.
Date: 2/26/2009 11:28:01 PM
Author: Haven
Date: 2/26/2009 9:55:58 PM

Author: pennquaker09

How much does a school lunch cost these days?

A gigantic wheat wrap with meat and veggies of your choice and a pile of potato chips is $3.25 at my school. Milk is another $0.35, I believe.

We also serve pizza, a hot meal, soups, and other things. The pizza is $1.50 a slice, and the hot meals are $3.25 for the main dish, two sides, and a milk.

I didn''t pack a lunch the first year I taught at my current school. Those wheat wraps are really good.

ouch I though .85 cents was expensive back in the day when they raised it from .50
I don''t understand why these parents that can''t afford to feed their children aren''t eternally GRATEFUL that their child is being fed for FREE... (while the school district is going into extreme debt)
what do they want?? a steak dinner??? lobster??

but noo some girl''s life is ruined and she''s embarrassed to ever go back to school cause she has to eat a cheese sandwich for lunch? puhhleeze..

how about instilling some graciousness (instead of entitlement) in your children...
Our school has this policy. It''s kind of embarrassing for kids. My sons, who are in middle school have helped out a friend or two with their own lunch money if the friend is going to get a cheese sandwich. Also, I hate when parents don''t send money on field trips. Especially if the bus is stopping at McDonalds. My sons best friend had no money and my son offered to buy him lunch when they got to Mc.D''s but they ended up on different buses. I had given my son a $20 bill so he couldn''t just give his friend a few dollars. I also know this same kid was sharing my sons lunch with him a few times because he didn''t have money. The family isn''t poor so I don''t know what''s going on, but I don''t feel comfortable mentioning it to his mom.
Date: 2/27/2009 8:06:55 AM
Author: makemepretty
Our school has this policy. It''s kind of embarrassing for kids. My sons, who are in middle school have helped out a friend or two with their own lunch money if the friend is going to get a cheese sandwich. Also, I hate when parents don''t send money on field trips. Especially if the bus is stopping at McDonalds. My sons best friend had no money and my son offered to buy him lunch when they got to Mc.D''s but they ended up on different buses. I had given my son a $20 bill so he couldn''t just give his friend a few dollars. I also know this same kid was sharing my sons lunch with him a few times because he didn''t have money. The family isn''t poor so I don''t know what''s going on, but I don''t feel comfortable mentioning it to his mom.
Your sons are very nice to share their lunches and $ with their friend... either the cheese sandwich or your children''s hand me downs, they are still being fed. It is a sad situation, but I think when people know what a struggle it is, and find a way to get through it, they will make something of themselves. I think there are always ways for kids to look down at others. I went to a school where if you bought the school lunch it meant that your mother worked... and you were looked down upon for THAT. And school lunches ended up serving Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Pappa Johns, etc just to get more kids to BUY the school lunches. There is always something....
Date: 2/27/2009 8:06:55 AM
Author: makemepretty
Our school has this policy. It's kind of embarrassing for kids. My sons, who are in middle school have helped out a friend or two with their own lunch money if the friend is going to get a cheese sandwich. Also, I hate when parents don't send money on field trips. Especially if the bus is stopping at McDonalds. My sons best friend had no money and my son offered to buy him lunch when they got to Mc.D's but they ended up on different buses. I had given my son a $20 bill so he couldn't just give his friend a few dollars. I also know this same kid was sharing my sons lunch with him a few times because he didn't have money. The family isn't poor so I don't know what's going on, but I don't feel comfortable mentioning it to his mom.
Do the field trip kids have lunches brought from home? Some parents may not want their kids eating McDonald's and may not give them money for that reason. At my sons' school they sell ice cream and one day a week and I volunteered for that. TONS of kids bought ice cream bars, but some just hovered around me pouting and I ended up buying about 20 ice cream bars for kids (including a few that helped me out) and a day later, it turned out that one of the moms *complained* to the school nurse saying she doesn't give her daugher money because she specifically forbids her child from eating sweets at school! The child is having his/her "caloric intake" monitored.
Ok when did Pb&J and cheese sandwiches become poor people food??? Personally I won’t let my son eat school lunch as I think it is disgusting (hope not stepping on anyone toes). I send him with Pb&J all the time my, son adores them. Why if a parent can not afford to buy a lunch why not pack it????? I think these parents are rude thank heaven that the school is giving their child something to eat.
Date: 2/27/2009 11:14:46 AM
Author: Macie
Ok when did Pb&J and cheese sandwiches become poor people food??? Personally I won’t let my son eat school lunch as I think it is disgusting (hope not stepping on anyone toes). I send him with Pb&J all the time my, son adores them. Why if a parent can not afford to buy a lunch why not pack it????? I think these parents are rude thank heaven that the school is giving their child something to eat.
Yep, school lunches are discusting. I forget which book it was that I read (Fast Food Nation?), but it stated that the worst-of-the-worst beef is sold to the companies that distribute the school lunches! According to that book, McDonald''s is higher up on the pecking order than the schools.
So, with that in mind, the parents who aren''t paying up on the lunches are doing their children a favor!!!

PB&J is what my son eats every day I think it makes the most sense because it doesn''t need to have an ice pack with it. My other son often eats ham sandwiches (because he doesn''t like peanut butter) and that works out just fine too, but he lugs around the small ice pack (which he never complains about
My mother was a lunch lady too before she retired, and she fielded so many awful calls. They also had one of the sandwich for non-bringers/no money kids policies and towards the end they almost eliminated the program because so many parents caught on that it was free so they would just not give their kids food or money and then take them to McDonald''s after school!
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