
"Chain" cleaning services


Dec 31, 2006
Hi :)

Does anybody have any experience with chain cleaning services like Merry Maids, etc.

We want to gift someone who is having their 2nd baby with a gift card for a cleaning service and I am looking for some recommendations.

You may want to check Yelp to get an idea of what people think of the chain services. It's a great idea and very generous of you to do. If you have a cleaning service that you use, maybe you can make arrangements for them to clean your friends home? Just a thought. I have done this in the past, commissioned my housekeeper to go to a friends home to to a good cleaning for them.
My mom used Earth Maids and Merry Maids and had good results. A coworker of mine had a baby and her parents bought her Merry Maids and she loved it.
We gifted a seriously ill family member with a few Merry Maids visits. Overall, I think it was well worth the expense. They did a nice job.
Hey guys - not sure if I should start a new thread on this - i did find a couple of cleaning services in their area and i'm looking into them.

Meanwhile though we wanted to send something to them while they're in the hospital, they're scheduled. What do you think would be nice? This is their 3rd baby.


Or something else entirely? At a loss for what to send, or if even to send to the hospital...would it be better to wait until they are back home?

(ETA and of course thank you for all the suggestions you gave - as always, they helped!)
If it were me, I would not want any "stuff" at the hospital. Carrying out all of your personal belongings is a pain and things are likely to get overlooked and maybe even misplaced. Here are some suggestions I have/things I like to receive:

- something special for the baby. With your third you get so much less which makes sense but it's nice for baby to have something special. I love to give/receive personalize blankets. My kids are 5 and 3 and still use theirs. I know some people see this is frivolous but I think it's special.
- gift card for restaurant with take out
- a casserole or something easy they can pop in the oven for a meal or two
- personal products for mom. I felt kind of gross when I left the hospital. Taking a shower in my own house with nice products was well...nice.
- along those lines maybe gift card for mom to a massage or pedicure - if she likes that kind of thing
- a small gift for the older children. When my kids get something new no matter how small they can be entertained by it for hours. That might be a welcome distraction when bringing home a new baby. In preparation for a blizzard lately I made my 3 and 5 year old a craft box with small toys (think target party favors) and they loved it! Entertained them for 3 days while we were trapped inside.

I'm sure the others will have some good ideas too. Your friend is lucky to have someone so considerate!
puppmom|1461784402|4024253 said:
If it were me, I would not want any "stuff" at the hospital. Carrying out all of your personal belongings is a pain and things are likely to get overlooked and maybe even misplaced. Here are some suggestions I have/things I like to receive:

- something special for the baby. With your third you get so much less which makes sense but it's nice for baby to have something special. I love to give/receive personalize blankets. My kids are 5 and 3 and still use theirs. I know some people see this is frivolous but I think it's special.
- gift card for restaurant with take out
- a casserole or something easy they can pop in the oven for a meal or two
- personal products for mom. I felt kind of gross when I left the hospital. Taking a shower in my own house with nice products was well...nice.
- along those lines maybe gift card for mom to a massage or pedicure - if she likes that kind of thing
- a small gift for the older children. When my kids get something new no matter how small they can be entertained by it for hours. That might be a welcome distraction when bringing home a new baby. In preparation for a blizzard lately I made my 3 and 5 year old a craft box with small toys (think target party favors) and they loved it! Entertained them for 3 days while we were trapped inside.

I'm sure the others will have some good ideas too. Your friend is lucky to have someone so considerate!

Thanks so much puppmom for your ideas!

We were JUST talking right before you posted, and decided that the takeout thing would be really cool. And could be part of a "bigger" thing too, like if we decide to send a basket or something.

I also LOVE your idea of a small gift for the other little ones - even just a gesture, but yes, practical too.

The casserole would not be good even if I lived closer because I have no idea how to make one nor would you want to eat it if I did. :lol: (but really, a lovely idea anyway).

The personal products I like too - the only thing that makes me hesitate is whether she might have allergies or something. BUT - if I stay fragrance free could be cool too.

Massage...hmmm...that could be cool. We really wanted to do something for the parents you know? So I'm going to file this one as a definite possibility too.

Something for the baby is also really nice - and I think if you personalize it makes it special where maybe otherwise it might be considered a little frivolous. I'm going to look up personalized blankets and see what I come up with. Again, as part of a basket or something it could be really cool.

Thanks again so much. You gave me some out of the box ideas that could be really nice! :wavey: