
Caylee Anthony Memorial Service....

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Dec 16, 2007
Well, in about 4 minutes (at 10 est/9cst) the memorial service for Caylee Anthony will begin.

What a long, painful road it has been getting here...this little girl deserves to finally rest...
It has been a long road. The media has been saturated with this story. Do you think that it will fade at all after the memorial service? I don''t.
I''m watching it as I type. It''s very touching, very sad. I think the family needed to do this with the community in order to bring closure, and it was the right thing to do. I hope now that we can put our focus on the mother and the trial and let the other family morn in peace. Yes, they have their faults, they have their problems, and they may also be guilty of hiding facts about this, but this will have to come out in the trial.
Do I think that this case will now go quietly? No. It can''t. People are genuinely invested in Caylee, they have prayed for her, held out hope, lost hope and mourned when she was found. For many of us who have followed the case from the start, losing sight of it now would be like leaving a book unfinished.

I believe now that we are finally going to "move forward" in the process of longer will it be the case of missing little girl Caylee...but, the trial of baby killer, Casey Anthony. The case will take on a fresh look, it will be more technical and less emotional. At least, that''s my predicition.

I believe that now we will be able to focus 100% on getting to the bottom of things...the energy once spent searching, and speculating will now be directed towards facts and figures and bottom lines. I think we''re going to learn a lot more about the Anthony family as a whole, and the blinders of grief will be gone.
Did you hear the Casey statement that she made regarding the services? She had all of these demands and wanted the services to be kept private with just family.
i could not watch the funeral because my uncle was having brain surgery yesterday, i did however tape Nancy Grace and caught some of it. the whole thing is so heart breaking. this beautiful bright eyed little girl-dead- because her mother wanted to party. I don''t agree and understand a lot of what george and cindy have done and how they handle things..but yesterday as i watched George i just felt such devestation for him. i DO hope that this will have brought them some sort of grief and closure. and i DO hope that eventually they come to terms with what their daughter has done as well..

Lee..whole ''nother'' story
Date: 2/11/2009 9:47:33 AM
Author: cbs102
i could not watch the funeral because my uncle was having brain surgery yesterday, i did however tape Nancy Grace and caught some of it. the whole thing is so heart breaking. this beautiful bright eyed little girl-dead- because her mother wanted to party. I don''t agree and understand a lot of what george and cindy have done and how they handle things..but yesterday as i watched George i just felt such devestation for him. i DO hope that this will have brought them some sort of grief and closure. and i DO hope that eventually they come to terms with what their daughter has done as well..

Lee..whole ''nother'' story
He is protecting Casey..and will continue to do so.
what was the deal with the coded message during the frigon service...and the kissing of his wrist. wtf is wrong with him. i don''t believe the incest stories between him and casey..but seriouly? he skeeves me out.
Date: 2/11/2009 11:08:31 AM
Author: cbs102
what was the deal with the coded message during the frigon service...and the kissing of his wrist. wtf is wrong with him. i don''t believe the incest stories between him and casey..but seriouly? he skeeves me out.
Okay, confession time...I didn''t watch the memorial service on television because I was I don''t know what the coded messages were all about at all...however, as far the incent relationship goes
. I don''t know.

On one hand, that''s totally repulsive and disgusting. But, on the other, it does happen.

Lee seems completely dead set on defending and protecting Casey. I understand that they are siblings and close...I have sisters, I get it. However, if one of my sisters was suspected of murdering and throwing away my neice...and, the evidence was mounting against her proving that it was true...I think I''d face the facts.

The whole family has been completely brainwashed by Casey...she''s like a reality vaccum...she just sucks it all away and leaves behind what she wants...
from the clips that i saw last night lee was saying CMA i love you CMA i will fulfill my Promise...blah blah blah. of course CMA stands for Caylee Marie Anthony as well as Casey Marie Anthony. People actually think that Lee is Caylee''s father..i guess because of the name Casey and Lee put together. its all just sick and sad and jut wish that that little girl was alive singing you are my sunshine.
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