
Cat owners...Ear canal removal anyone?

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Mar 15, 2004
It's a total long shot...but I figured I'd ask...Anyone had a cat with ear disease? I just can't get a break and actually get a healthy cat LOL...Vinny had a CT scan done after months of trying to figure out the problem....I opted to hold off on it to see if a last attempt might help him....

The scary thing is the facial paralysis...So wondering if anyone has experience?

I'm betting his blood work comes back FIV+ like his step brother did...FIV cats get a lot of ear problems...But who knows.

P.S. Get pet insurance! We cancelled ours. Idiots.
I''ve never had a cat with this, but, I''ll be keeping you and sweet Vinny in my thoughts. Is the problem chronic infections? Poor baby...
When I was working in the vet surgery, they did about 4 of these operations a month and they were all successful. The actual op sounds a bit nastier than it actually is and there are quite a lot of stitches put in, but well worth it if your kitty is getting continuous problems.
Thanks for the vibes...About 6 months ago he stared shaking his head...Husband said it was nothing...but a *mother* knows :) Nothing worked and they called from the CT scan while he was still under....They don't know what happens...He doesn't really get infections but it's just a chronic inflamation with gunk, etc....

I'm exhausted and can pick him up tomorrow. Big props to Vinny for managing to POOP and PUKE all over himself in the carrier for the second time this month on the way to the vet. LOL....There is a nice towel with a big turd and some second hand cat food in it on the side of the road on the LIE.... (I NEVER litter, but extreme times call for extreme measures LOL)..Thank god hubby came with me THIS time ....
Bee- can you tell me about the paralysis....Does the temporary kind happen all the time....I''m worried e/t it''s temporary hopefully...Also, I''m going to the best place on Long Island but wondering if I can find a "specialist" in the city...Is there really any particular type of specialist who would do this...or is this something all surgeons do? Thanks!
I didn''t know that was possible, but if it works I hope it''s an option.

And I totally don''t blame you on the towel. Hopefully it''s 100% cotton and will disintegrate!
By the aroma of it all, I think it already HAS disintegrated LOL....

Yes, I was totally shocked this could be done. I''m just happy they diagnised him..but am hoping it''s not a sign of FIV. My Scotty had horrible ears from it all...
MMM I have no experience with ear disease in cats, but I do hope Vinny gets better. Poor guy.

I don't mean to threadjack, but while we're somewhat on the topic, which pet insurance did you guys have? I have been looking into it...Chloe is 11 and I worry about it. VPI seems good but is expensive, whereas the insurance from is cheaper BUT...they only cover a 'condition' for remainder of your coverage year and then you're uninsurable. ie. If your cat gets cancer 8 months into your yearly coverage, you get the cancer coverage for 4 months and then they won't insure you for the next year because you have a 'preexisting condition.'

ETA: Poop and puke are decomposible so it's not realllly littering, is it? LOL.

My dog (12 yrs old) had her ear canal removed about 6 months ago. She had a large tumor that had grown in her ear drum and into the canal. The vet actually told us that he did a lot more of this type of procdeure on cats then on dogs. When we first got her back she looked BAD.... huge shaved area, one bottom lip totally drooping and one eye unable to blink. The first few weeks she had trouble eating because of her lip and we had to watch her eye since she loves running into bushes but couldn''t blink to protect her eye. Now about 6 months later her lip is mostly back to normal, maybe a bit of sag and her eye is squinty when she first wakes up but adjusts within a few min. We were very scared of the surgery and it''s after effects but are sooo thankful that we did it. It took a lot of TLC and babying when she first came back but it was so worth it to have her for a few more years.

Hi MMM. I have no advice or insight to offer, just wanted to say that I''m sorry you are having such a run of bad luck with your babies. But I am praying for good news for your Vinny! ((HUGS))
Our cat O.J. had terrible ear problems. The vet said he had some tumors and polyps that needed to be removed. They were blocking to get the correct "ventalation" (for want of better word) to keep bacteria from growing. I don''t think they had to remove his whole ear canal though. He came through the surgery fine. We had to keep in a dog cage so he was not free mobile for a couple of weeks (inner ear concerns). The vet said that was going to be the hardest part. Dang, if that cat didn''t take to it & it became his permanent choice of housing.
He lived many years after that. Died at around 17 years.

Good luck - hope he comes through this fine!
Hey sorry I didnt see your second message beforehand.

With the facial paralysis, I had a look at some of my books this morning and it seems to affect approx 5-10% of animals. This occured with one cat that I was looking after but it was only temporary and within a week, the paralysis was gone. The main nerve of the face basically wraps around the base of the ear canal and if its bruised or damaged during the op, it can cause their eyes to not have the ability to close, and other things like their lips hanging to one side. It also seems to be mainly temporary in the majority of cases. Are you getting both ears done at the same time? A lot of times, it will occur in the other ear too if their are problems in one. If it occured in my cat, I would get the op done. Your kitty will feel so much better afterwards-it does look pretty gruesome when you come to collect them, but once its healed up he will be fine.

Hope your kitty gets better soon!
Thanks so much for the info guys....You''re starting to make me feel better...Vinny is such an alpha male and bully around the home, but at the same time, he is SO ultra-sensitive...I kid you not, the SIGHT (not sound) of a bowl of popcorn freaks him out LOL...And he always ends of pooping himself, and throwing up in the carrier...So I can just imagine what he''s be like after 3 days at the vet after the surgery...But I guess it just has to be done...Ugh. Well, he''s on drops now to see how he does- I wasn''t quite ready to have it done when they called me during the CT scan....I probably should have, so he won''t need to be sedated and traumatized again....

THanks so much guys! You rule! Head bonks!!! :)
Just a thought if it's convenient for you - we were able to visit O.J. while he stayed at the vet. He seemed to really enjoy the visits. I should have known then that he was already feelin the love for his "cage". He didn't try to escape or complain - just purred.

edited to add: you kitty's surgery sounds more serious than O.J.'s - but it seemed like they do like to keep an eye on them with inner ear stuff. They said he could go home a little earlier because I bought a dog cage (large wire on we "decorated") to confine him and he wasn't axious about being confined.
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