
Calling cards, how do you feel about them?

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Jan 21, 2004
Recently a friend of mine had a set of calling cards drawn up. Completely a throw back into an old era, but she lunches a lot and meets lots of people on a regular basis that she needs to network with. However, it's on a social level and NOT work-wise. She does a lot of work with charities, and socially is connected for her husband and family.

My point, I considered doing this, but at the possible threat of seeming too silly? I like the formality of it, and frankly the practicality. I am not one to lunch and work at charities (I have to work and make a living...
) But I often meet interesting people that I would like to keep in touch with, and not mix it with work.

Honest opinion, what do you know about "calling cards" conventions andhow do you feel about it?

I just hate pulling out my cellphone and doing the number exchange where the calling card is faster, more convenient and more organized and presentable?
Are you talking about somebody simply handing you their card with their phone number on it? I don''t "lunch" but I am busy and have trouble finding places to write down numbers right away and am not great at programming my phone. If someone I wanted to contact handed me a card with their number I would find it helpful. I would stick it in my purse and if I wnated to all them, would dig it out and then record the number somewhere else for future use. If she wants to do it, then why not??!!! I think its cute.
I know a lot of people who use calling cards. Some are self-employed and some are employees. Cards come in handy for occasions when you meet people you''d like to stay in touch with socially or for possible future business dealings.
Hey Asscherisme! Well, they would be for me. MY friend had hers made up out of the US, and they are simply the nicest things I have ever seen. Way out of my budget but impressive for what she needs... double sided and thick and printed in a very strange way but stunning.

and I found an article on the history of it. Interesting...

Calling Cards article
That''s exactly my purpose. Socially and possible future business, but not connected to my "job" per se...

Madam Bijoux, any suggestion on a good place to get a finely crafted calling card made? Regular business cards look cheap and tacky at the printing places, and after seeing my friends'' card, I am a bit sad to say most stuff printed in the US has horrible card stock and what isn''t still have cheap printing...

Any ideas?
could you just make business cards instead? that would seem more professional than just a name and number.
I had some cards made up, -actually I had 3 different versions printed up for different reasons. One was silly, and the other was cute, and then I had another one printed up that says something like ''a gift for you'' with my name on it. It seems like I give alot of gifts, and I never had a card or they were so expensive. This way I tuck my card in with the gift. The calling cards are great also at stores when I have to leave my name for something, and I find that people I give them to love them. It is a chance to have a little fun, as business cards can be so stuffy.

The card you choose does not have to be fancy. There is a very cute website called , and there is lots of other stuff out there.
Oh my lord Gail these are so cute! I do need something serious, but I am HONESTLY loving this one! How funny is that?!

I have one girlfriend who could seriously use it too! I''ll tell her!!

Jcrow, a business card says I want your business. A calling card says I am interesting in getting to know you. There are some types of business that you do not want to cram business down their throats, or the card is thrown on a pile of business cards right over the shredder. Business takes weeks, months and lots of socializing to get a good rapport with people. The kind of thing you build over time.

For me a business card is too pushy, and I also don''t like the look of them. Small, white, cheap paper, shiny lettering.

Anyone ever seen American Psycho? I feel like Bateman in the business card scene....

But your card speaks volumes. For example, I got a card from a very high-end company member, and gave it to a friend. My friend commented on how seriously cheap it looked and how a big company like that could print such junk. I had the same conversation over a friend at a party whose card was so sumptuous and elegant that everyone had been talking about how "cool" it was... it makes an impression, often your first and most lasting one...


I sell new construction, and I am in the process of designing some cards that are sorta serious-a woman holding a blueprint in her hands and a cell phone. The cards aren''t for all my clients, but for the ones who have a fun side, but also are seeking me out for the serious job of building their home. When I have handed out my other cards, they always ask where I got them, as woman are usually the ones I deal with eventually.

I don''t remember what line of work you are in, but I think you could do something serious, yet not so stuffy.
I think they are a good idea. I don''t know about on line - but many good jewelry stores will have a selection to choose from - also, any fine paper/stationary store. You can choose your card stock & method of printing. Keep in mind - the thicker, rag paper w/ engraved lettering will be significantly more $ than thiner paper with raised lettering. Many cards are just printed today. IMHO, if you don''t go with an engraved thick rag paper, I like the one''s that are printed if they have some color or fun logo. If you go too high end, it can set a tone - that could be a good thing or a bad thing.
I adore nice stationery, and love calling cards because you can put your contact information, including email if you want to be in the modern age, and pick a lovely font etc. I think they are nice, and it is akin to handing out a business card (all your information handy) without the implication of business. I think it is a great thing to have some in your bag when you go out socially...I had some by Crane a while back and I think it is a nice way to give your information to someone. Beats a scrap of paper in your purse or the back of a cocktail napkin!
about 15 years ago i had some made for my daughter. very nice. i think victorian papers was the name of the company. i''ll check to see if i can find more. i love social calling cards and think you would be very happy with them.
victorian papers still exsists and is part of victorian trading co.. i do not know if the quality is still the same but when i ordered it was excellent. their 800 number is on the website. hth.
I just had some made up for exactly this purpose. Many times it is nicer not to have someone''s whole work information but instead give out a more personal card with contact information tailored to social uses.
I have them. I use them. And I love them.
When I took early retirement and didn't have business cards anymore I had what I call "personal cards" made with my address, phone and cell numbers, and e-mail address. I have found that they come in very handy. I had a local printer make them up for me and they look great.
Nicrez and everyone, please do not link to sites you are not sure about, the one Nicrez linked tries to install AtiveX control which may not be safe ETA: to YOUR computer.
Thank you.
Sorry to be so brief before. I also traded in biz cards for calling cards when I became a stay @ home mom almost 7 years ago. I think Cranes are lovely, but I went to a wedding invitations shop and had calling cards, stationary and note cards made. Invitation shops have tons of beautiful choices for ink, paper, and designs. I think calling cards are classic not silly.
Date: 3/12/2007 2:59:11 PM
Author: Pricescope
Nicrez and everyone, please do not link to sites you are not sure about, the one Nicrez linked tries to install AtiveX control which may not be safe ETA: to YOUR computer.
Thank you.

SORRY! I didn''t get any sort of weird pop up ad, but then again, my computer is like an iron beast, nothing gets past her...SORRY!!!

And, I am now completely in love with the idea of getting matching stationery...which is dangerous. I was in Papyrus yesterday to buy a pocket pen...I came out with $150 of''s a vortex!
I have a weakness for personalized stationary, so I feel your pain. I think you could get a wardrobe for around $100, if you shop around. Probably not Papyrus at that price but not Kinkos either.
Nicrez, one of my addictions is stationery, and it has to be engraved. I tend to go with Crane, I have done up different motifs and color combos and I love to write notes.

I did a gorgeous grouping recently...I did three sets, one in pale pink, one in a light aqua blue and one in sage green, all were cards, not notes or sheers (I like cards better for some reason). I did my name in Kona ink, lined the envelopes in Kona, and did a really pretty scroll under my name.

Then I saw this card by Crane, pale green, with an orchid. The orchid was white, with a pink center, in a copper pot. I got that, lined it in copper, and did my name in copper ink. I LOVE them.

I also like nice pens. Whenever I have to write a note, I love it, I get out my nice paper and pens...there is something so nice about getting a note on nice paper...
I love them, I use them.... I''ve just done my own, nothing fancy.... but it is so convenient to have all of that info down already!
Date: 3/12/2007 12:16:52 PM
Author: Nicrez
Oh my lord Gail these are so cute! I do need something serious, but I am HONESTLY loving this one! How funny is that?!

I have one girlfriend who could seriously use it too! I''ll tell her!!

Jcrow, a business card says I want your business. A calling card says I am interesting in getting to know you. There are some types of business that you do not want to cram business down their throats, or the card is thrown on a pile of business cards right over the shredder. Business takes weeks, months and lots of socializing to get a good rapport with people. The kind of thing you build over time.

For me a business card is too pushy, and I also don''t like the look of them. Small, white, cheap paper, shiny lettering.

Anyone ever seen American Psycho? I feel like Bateman in the business card scene....

But your card speaks volumes. For example, I got a card from a very high-end company member, and gave it to a friend. My friend commented on how seriously cheap it looked and how a big company like that could print such junk. I had the same conversation over a friend at a party whose card was so sumptuous and elegant that everyone had been talking about how ''cool'' it was... it makes an impression, often your first and most lasting one...
I have a business card also but I *love* it... it is "full bleed" so the whole thing is a dark red on the front and I did a graphic design that looks like a character of me (I drew it on paper, scanned it, fiddled with it in photoshop) and I''m not really doing that business anymore, but I want to redo the cards for personal because it is SO handy and they are way cuter than my cheapo printed calling cards that I did. Anyway, I just printed mine at kinkos but I did the entire design myself in paintshop and they used a pdf to print it and it looks *way* better than just a plain old card from kinkos. I can paintshop graphics pretty well but I can NOT photoshop pictures for diddly!!!
Nicrez, Oh my gosh, I just saw American Psycho last weekend of all things. I recently saw batman (I''m way behind on my movies LOL) and decided that Christian Bale is super hot so I went on my netflix accounts and decided to seek him out in other movies. What a creepy and disturbing movie!! That and the machinist also.

But on topic, that business card scene is too funny. And yes, all the talk about stock paper reminds me of that scene. And the font choice etc.

This thread is making me want calling cards. I love stationary too. Nice stationary. I think with email and cell phones, letter writing is a dying form of communication. However, I have some older aunts and relatives who are not online who love letters. And I make my kids write to them for practice writing (they are in elementary school) but I''m off topic here again :)

Have fun picking out your card. After thinking about it more and reading the thread, I think its a great idea!
Date: 3/13/2007 10:54:12 PM
Author: diamondfan
Nicrez, one of my addictions is stationery, and it has to be engraved. I tend to go with Crane, I have done up different motifs and color combos and I love to write notes.

I did a gorgeous grouping recently...I did three sets, one in pale pink, one in a light aqua blue and one in sage green, all were cards, not notes or sheers (I like cards better for some reason). I did my name in Kona ink, lined the envelopes in Kona, and did a really pretty scroll under my name.

Then I saw this card by Crane, pale green, with an orchid. The orchid was white, with a pink center, in a copper pot. I got that, lined it in copper, and did my name in copper ink. I LOVE them.

I also like nice pens. Whenever I have to write a note, I love it, I get out my nice paper and pens...there is something so nice about getting a note on nice paper...
You do know that what you wrote was literally kryptonite for me...

Your stationery sounds exactly like what I want! Can you be my consultant?! From watches (which I now defer to you), as well as stationary, you have my vote!

So Crane''s is the option of the moment yes? I just hate that you can''t customize with them all too much... Why is it hard to find good quality paper here?

Cehra, your cards sound so cool! I neither have the artistic ability, nor the patience for such a thing. Back when I was younger I would have had a field day with those, but then again, I didn''t need them then really! Kinkos was my best friend in school, because I would copy and laminate EVERYTHING! I am so paper based, and yet i LOVE technology. Weird.

Nothing says caring like getting a letter in the mail on nice stationery! I have a few friends I "correspond" with, but as of late, I think for my next friendly gathering at my house, I will send out hand written invites on the adorable dragonfly cards I got at Papyrus! :D

Any new companies anyone can find for high quality paper and printing that is customizeable? Even online, if you have ordered and the quality is good...
I have Crane and a couple of other companies. I do sort of customize my things, picking motifs, monograms, etc...I am so crazy about stationery that I probably have at least 15 boxes of it. I almost never can find the copper plate, either, so I have to get a new one each time, I always try to keep it in a safe place and I almost never remember where that is! I love elegant script and nice color combos, things that are a bit unexpected too. I love getting letters, and while I love to email etc, I think it is so nice to write a nice note to someone. I think kids should also be encouraged to learn to do it, I just do not always think an email is the appropriate means of communication. My son complained so much about writing thank you notes for his bar mitzvah, it was a big task, but I thought he needed to do it properly...which took some doing on my part!
I ditto DF on the engraved part.
uses photstock and prints them at photo quality but you have to do the art work yourself.
Friend of mine does them with his pic and phone number on it for his business.
would be cute as a calling card.

Your pic on one side and info on the other.
The gloss cards are water-proof.
Date: 3/16/2007 10:09:37 AM
Author: strmrdr
uses photstock and prints them at photo quality but you have to do the art work yourself.
Friend of mine does them with his pic and phone number on it for his business.
would be cute as a calling card.

Your pic on one side and info on the other.
The gloss cards are water-proof.
You know these are such a great price...some might think it cheesy, but....wouldn't they make great Save The Dates?! I'm not cheap - I'm frugal
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