
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

thanks PLP. I will also remember that a good amount of weight is located on my chest, now, not just my rear end!
Holy moly!! Look at this PS baby boom!!

Huge congraulations to ChinaCat, Kunzite, and (hopefully by now) Missy!! I hope you are all enjoying your babies!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Choro, congrats on getting to full term. Did you get all your finals taken care of and in order? Did you get your grading in? I got mine in on Monday and just have to deal with some appeals. DH had a dream before I got pregnant that we had a girl, however, his family is tops at producing boys, so I am just not sure.

PetitePoire, hopefully you are having more luck getting comfortable. I hope that your pelvic bones are wide enough for labor. I suppose it is better to know now than to labor for hours only to wind up having a c-section anyways. Congrats on being full term!

Dani, how was the baby moon? It is still pretty cool where I am so Miami beach sounds fantastic. Any proper bump yet? I am starting to fill out a bit.

PnP: You are so brave to bare your nips in front of all those strangers! I am sure your production will be just fine. I am sure the weird factor of having strangers pawing at your boobs didn't help with the lactation. It will be more natural with the baby.

good to hear that the contractions are subsiding, but bed rest. . .ugh. Do you have some books or a series or two you have been looking forward to catching up on? That should make it more tolerable. How did your follow-up go? Hoping for a super tight cervix.

RachelK; Congratulations on your little girl!! How awesome! I am glad you enjoyed your party and everyone had a great time. And, you look great to someone who doesn't know what you weighed before your got pregs. I wouldn't worry about it at all. I am excited to know and to learn your name options.

Looking great, stephbolt!

MP: Congratulations on your little boy with perfect little parts. Isn't it actually cool that they don't fit on the screen for good whole shots anymore? It does make cute US pics harder to get, but the DVD sounds great! Good luck with the great names hunt! I am not quite ready to think about having a newborn yet, but a friend gave me "Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn" by Simkin, Whalley, and Keppler. She highly recommended it. My mom also got me the Sears library based on a rec from a cousin. I also have an anterior placenta and it did make me feel movements later than some pregnancy books/apps said I would, but I do notice them pretty regularly now. In fact, bubs kicked DH in the face the other night while he was laying on my lap. It was the first time he felt it move, so that was really cool.

MerryMary: Looking great at 39 weeks! Your baby is almost here!! I love both your name choices! I hope your BP stays down until you make it to delivery. Can't wait to see your baby!

Monarch, Alexandra is beautiful! I am happy to hear that you and she had a mostly positive birthing experience.

Cute bump, mayerling! I didn't know that about the blood count and epideral, so good luck getting it up. A veggie diet sounds wonderful.

AFM: I think I am starting to bump a bit. This is from about 4 days ago, and I swear I am significantly bumpier now than I was then. It is nice that my belly is catching up with my boobs, which have grown from already huge to cartoonish. I had to shop online to be able to get bras in my new embarrassing size. I am also finally feeling bubs on a regular basis, which is pretty cool. And, I think DH and I have decided to go ahead with the private scan to learn the sex. We are wavering back and forth between two nursery designs, though both are gender neutral (we think). We close on our house in two weeks (!!!) and I am three weeks away from the 3rd Tri. DH and I decided to wait until the 3rdT to buy anything baby, so I am excited to be in our new house and start shopping for some goods. katamari.23w.jpgkatamari23w.jpg
Wow, love the bump pics, you ladies are looking phenomenal!!! I KNEW I was going to miss being pregnant (sob)! My husband and I were talking about all of it tonight between discussions of wills and appointing guardians and crappy stuff and he said "I told you you would love being pregnant!". I don't remember him saying that but I told him he was right anyway. He certainly enjoyed hearing that (don't they all?!). Best of luck to everyone. It is so hard to let go of this thread and move into newborn to twelve months! But I guess I will see you all there soon anyway!
Anxiously awaiting news from Missy!
Oh, my recovery is going much better, thanks to those who inquired. Less pain every day, today I just felt bruised instead of stabbed! I vacuumed and was able to do a lot of chores plus we took A to her newborn appt and it went really wel. She is testing at a 2-3 month level due to her muscular capability (has lifted her head almost since birth etc) so that was pretty cool!

Edited for spelling!
Hi everyone!! I'm back!!!

First off, Congratulations to ChinaCat & Kunzite!!!! And Missy, I'm thinking about you and hope all is well!! Check in with us when you can!!!!

How is everyone else feeling?? Kata- you look great!!! I don't know, sometimes I think I have a bump, other times I still think I just look a bit chubbier. I think most strangers at this point would think I was just chubby, except when I was in my bathing suit in Miami, my hubby said I definitely look preggo. Speaking of Miami, it was great, but I wont lie, it wasn't as good as it typically is!! I couldn't lie out that long without getting overheated, couldn't do a lot of walking, and generally just felt very large and in charge:( I was also nervous that if something were to happen I was so far away from home. Oh well, it was nice to get away though for a few days and enjoy some time alone with the hubby. Don't think we'll be doing that again for a long time :confused:

Rachel- congrats on your little girl!!! So exciting!!! And I love that cake- it looks very yummy!!!!! Kata- best of luck with your house closing!!! I hope it all goes well!!!!

Monarch- Glad to hear you're feeling better!!! Take it day-by-day!!!!

Its almost Friday everyone!!! Have a great day!!! :appl: :appl:
Good morning! I am happy to report that my appointment went well. My cervix is still closed and long. My OB said she isn't really worried about the contractions at this point since they obviously aren't productive. She said as long as they stay irregular it's okay. She even said I can basically live my life normally except for working out (duh) and taking meds every 6 hours. But to come in if contractions become more frequent, painful, or regular.

Still measuring 3 weeks ahead, so I'll be getting a second growth u/s at my next appointment (in two weeks). I'm very excited to see if it's a big baby, a ton of fluid, or a combination of both.
Congratulations to ChinaCat, Kunzite, and Missy!! I hope you are all enjoying your babies!! :appl:

Choro: yay on being full term. Did you get your grades yet? I'm sure you did great!

PetitePoire: I hope you are comfortable-all this 30+ week uncomfortable talk is making me worry I won't be able to sleep or get comfortable when I get that far.

Dani: I bet you had a great trip. How was it traveling pregnant? I'm getting ready to do so in about 2 weeks so I'd love any tips/advice you can spare. I have a 5 hr flight and plan on bringing my knitting...hopefully I don't make any mistakes since I'm not to the point where I can fix them! LOL!

PnP: My husband would have freaked having someone pumping my nipples-lol! But I'm sure after I get further along and the midwife does more hands on actions he'll just have to get over it :) Did it hurt at all?

AMC: good to hear that the contractions are subsiding, but bed rest. . .ugh. Your in my prayers and hopefully the rest of the pregnancy is smoother than the past little bit for you. HUGS!

RachelK;Congratulations on your little girl!! How exciting-I love the way you revealed it. Everyone keeps asking if we are going to find out the gender-and I'm still set on not finding out (only had one dating ultrasound at 7w5d with no plans on getting another one unless needed). His younger sister has 3 (2 girls and a boy in the middle) and he is SO cute (they are all but he's just so hands on and smart-4 yrs old tinkering with tools/etc) but my dad only has 2 grandsons (9 &7) and I know he'd love a granddaughter-but my mom already has 4 granddaughters and a grandson from my older sister (she'd done now lol) and so they really will be happy if I have a boy :)

Looking good steph!

MP:Congratulations on your little boy! I'm glad that everything looked good on the US :) I wish we had gotten the picture at 7w5d for ours (they didn't tell us until after we had paid that we needed to pay more and he was running late to go to work and we didn't have time to go grab more cash...I'm thinking of seeing if they can print one out later-but I'm doubting it). It would be nice to have though-a DVD would be even cooler since it probably has sound!

MerryMary: 39 weeks! Your baby is almost here!! I can't wait to hear your birth story and see pictures of your LO :)

Monarch: Alexandra is beautiful! I am happy to hear that you are recovering well and that she is doing well :)

Mayerling: Looking great! I'm not sure I can handle an all veggie diet though-I like my hamburgers (actually-I craved them earlier in the pregnancy and ate one everyday for like 5 days lol. I felt silly but man-every time I had options in front of me I just wanted a cheese burger!)

Katamari: Congratulations on closing on the house soon-we closed on ours March 16th and we're so happy to have it done so we can be ready for the baby. There was/is a ton of cleaning/etc to do since it was a foreclosure-I hope being in your 3rd tri almost that there isn't to much prep work to make it livable :)

As far as myself-I'm still going. I haven't gotten sick in a couple of weeks-but I still haven't felt the greatest. I'm really wanting to get off my anti-nausea meds but the nights I've forgotten it I've woken up not feeling the greatest. Not horrible-but a noticeable difference. I think I still have my yeast infection (TMI I know) but I hate antibiotics and haven't gotten to pick up my probiotics yet-probably will on Sunday. I finally am getting into seeing the midwife on the 19th-which will make it close to 8 weeks since I've seen her and although I'm not happy about it-I'm sure things are progressing smoothly since the baby is moving a lot and I am eating/walking/feeling fine. It's just a few days before our honeymoon that I will see her and I will probably see her soon after we return.

We have a ton of yard/house work to do in order to get ready for family/friends visiting and our summer housewarming/wedding reception. I sent out an Evite and man-I love that site. I can add things to bring/guests and RSVP-all right in one place! I highly recommend it :)

My DH said I've gotten bigger (pop wise) and I'm not happy with my weight gain either. Not that I can blame the weight itself-I had 2 bridal showers and the cake/etc was really good. I do my best to eat healthy but starting at 108 and now close to 125 and I'm 22w4d puts me at ~3lb gain per month-average that until the end and I'll be right at a 30lb gain. Which I know is okay but if my boobs get any bigger (that seems to be where all the weight is going I swear) I'm going to topple over. I'm really not *that* worried about it but I hope I can wear my wedding set the entire pregnancy-the good news is I have a nice artcarved gold band I usually wear on my middle finger on my right hand-so if I do to that point I'll put them on a necklace and wear my band.

Does anyone else have balance issues? It's like my belly and my boobs make me front heavy and I just tilt over the wrong way a bit and I have to catch myself from toppling over! I'm sure I look like a goofball-yesterday I started up the stairs-didn't get a good enough start-stepped back down and I'm not even that big yet! :roll: :lol:

On a more fun bling note I order a really cool necklace that has a musical property to it. They are called Mexican bola or harmony balls or baby chimes. Here is a site I found with good prices (the other ones I've found cost quite a bit more but I'll link them)

Here is a photo (not of the one I got-I got one dark blue with dolphins on it) and the description

Harmony Ball Pregnancy Necklace.

Did you know baby inside the mother womb can hear sound starting 20 weeks.

The harmony ball pendant makes a nice soft chiming sound when moved. With the 36 inches long necklace reaching the belly area. The peaceful chiming sound will be heard by the baby in the womb.

When the baby is born, he/ she is already familiar with the chiming sound. Hearing the same sound may give the baby comfort and sense of security.

Our long 36 inches necklace is designed to be able shorten easily. After the baby born, the necklace can be worn high during nursing.

Here are some on ebay

If you google it you can find quite a few of them-different styles/kinds

I hope I didn't miss anyone-continued thoughts and prayers all :)



harmony ball.jpg
amc- I'm glad you OB isn't worried about the contractions. I'm sure that's a bit reassuring. Did they say when they/you should worry? Will you be checked more often?

Dani- I'm glad you trip went well, despite the heat. Everything feels 10x worse being pregnant I think.

Katamari- You look great! Unfortunately, my boobs haven't received the memo that I'm pregnant- so I'm quite jealous that you are wanting the opposite!

MissRachel- Congrats on team pink! Your gender reveal party looks like a ton of fun. I've gained about 30lbs so far by week 37. My appetite has slowly gone down though, so I'm not sure how much more I'll gain. It's something that stressed me out in the beginning, but once I hit 27 I quit worrying. Sure, I have my days when it scares me how much of gained, but like PPM said- your body is going to do what it needs to do.

Monkeyprincess- Cute pics! That's so sweet of your DH to send you flowers. :)

Hi to everyone else! Missy- I hope everything is going well! Can't wait to hear from you.

AFM- 37w2d. This week is crawling. I've started walking after dinner and it helps me to sleep a little better. I've slept between 5-7 hours NON STOP (as in no waking up to pee!!) the past two nights. Knock on wood that it stays that way for at least a few more days. I'm attaching a (scary/creepy/etc) picture from the scan this week. I was expecting it on radiography paper, not like this--- but it's interesting so I thought I'd share! It's like a picture from a science book.The Dr. said the baby should fit, so that's good to know.

vintagelover229|1339090901|3211278 said:
Mayerling: Looking great! I'm not sure I can handle an all veggie diet though-I like my hamburgers (actually-I craved them earlier in the pregnancy and ate one everyday for like 5 days lol. I felt silly but man-every time I had options in front of me I just wanted a cheese burger!)

Hi Vintage. I think there's been a misunderstanding. The doctor wasn't saying I should *only* eat green vegetables. He was just trying to say I should make sure my diet includes green vegetables. There's no way I'm suddenly going to turn vegetarian.
Petite, WHOA! That *is* a cool and creepy picture! I think my DH would have freaked out if he saw that, but I would've like seeing it since E's head was too big to fit. What do I ask for if I wanted to get that scan? I think if we have a #2, I'd want to know if the head would fit so I can know ahead of time if I can do the VBAC or if it'll be a c-section.

Also from Missy's deafening absence she must be busy with her LO. ANyone know if it was a boy or girl?
Petite- OMG, that is super creepy, but so cool! Technology is amazing! As for now I'm still on the normal OB schedule- every other week for now, and switching to every week at 36 weeks.

Vintage- thanks! An uneventful 10 weeks would be awesome. I was able to wear my rings until around week 24, at which point the E-ring had to come of. After that I was just wearing the band...until yesterday, when it was WAY too hard to take off. So I think it will stay off for the duration. I'm bummed, not just because I love my rings, but because I don't like being pregnant without a wedding ring! I know, that's dumb...but still...I haven't had any balance issues, but I have noticed I'm starting to lean back a bit more to compensate for the belly. And I'm starting to waddle. It's interesting, sometimes I feel like my back is super-swayed, and then I realized that that's just how it is for now...I can't really straighten it.
PP, wow, that is amazing technology! I agree though, I'm a little creeped out by it. Glad to hear that as of now, it sounds like you'll be able to deliver the old-fashioned way.

Vintage, I'm taking my first (and probably only) plane ride of the pregnancy next week too. According to my doctor, there is nothing to be concerned about as far as the plane ride, but to drink plenty of water and get up once in awhile. Hope you have fun. Where are you going?

amc, that's good news. At least you'll get to see the baby again, and hopefully he's not as big as you suspect.

Dani, welcome back. We're heading to Arizona next week, and I'm pretty sure that if I want any pool time, it will have to be early in the morning since it is supposed to be around 105-ish. I got a maternity tankini from Old Navy the other day, and I couldn't help but laugh at myself when I tried it on.

Katamari, I can definitely see the start of a bump, although I see what you're saying about not entirely showing yet. It will happen soon! It's funny you mention the bbs thing. Like PP, my bbs have not gotten the memo. I went from a barely B to a full B, but the bump far exceeds them. The other day, a pregnant co-worker of mine observed that her bump is bigger than mine, but mine actually looks bigger because her bbs stick out so much farther than mine. I think it's true! Hers are seriously ginmormous, so the bump has barely caught up!

Rachel, I knew it! Congrats on your little girl. I too am not thrilled with my weight gain either. I think I'm up 15 pounds at 22 weeks. My doctor made me feel better last week though because she's not worried about it, and she'll let me know if she thinks it's a problem later on. I do know that I could afford to cut back on carbs and sweets, but it's so hard to say no these days!

AFM, nothing new. I'm this close to ordering bedding, but I'm having trouble commiting. It's cute and baby-ish in light blue and green, and not very themey, so it will be easy to decorate around and baby will have a nice and serene room. We have yet to make any baby purchases other than a few outfits, and I'm starting to get antsy to get some of this taken care of. I'm just so indecisive, and DH has not been in a hurry to start looking or help me decide.

LC- here its called a "pelviscan." I tried googling "pelvic scan" to see if that translated right, but it doesn't show the same pictures... I honestly I had never heard of it, but it is nice to know- even though it doesnt guarantee a certain type of delivery. Hopefully for #2 you can get one.

Monkey princess- I sure I hope I can deliver the old fashioned way. Now it's just a waiting game to see! Is the bumper in that crib set breathable? If so it is the cutest bumper ever! I've only seen plain white ones and wanted a cute one.

AMC- glad to hear you're on a normal schedule. That must mean everything is Ok.
mayerling: Whew! I'm glad you can eat other things other than greens :) I mean I love veggies but I couldn't do it exclusively-especially pregnant!

Petite: That picture is freaky and cool at the same time. I mean-it's nice to know that the head fits an all...but the whole bone coloring and everything made me do a double take.

MP: We are going to Vancouver/Vancouver Island/Whistler for 15 days for our honeymoon. It's going to be a lot of fun-a lot of driving-and ton of activities but also a few days of relaxation. It will be nice to have one more trip (we haven't really done anything like this before-nor this long) before the baby arrives. Where did you say you were going? I HATE going to the bathroom on airplanes. Just hate it. And I know the moment I get on that plane I have to go. I have a rule-if I think about peeing (even if I just went a minute before) I try to go again cuz I know I'll just think about it for 15 minutes and then get out of bed and have to go. :roll:
I really like the set that you are considering-what is the other one you can't decide between?

Does anyone mind sharing their weight gains at certain parts of their pregnancy they are at? I'm actually a pretty good eater normally-but when we didn't have a stove...well...yeah I ate a lot of junk. We have quite a bit of junk in the house (oreos/chips/ice cream) but the oreos are still unopened from over a month ago-I still have ice cream from over a month ago and a bag of chips lasts at least a I tell myself I can't be doing TO bad if it's lasting that long. I think the biggest issue is my DH is working late so we don't get to eat until after 9pm. I KNOW that isn't good for you at all-but I don't like eating without him since it's the little time we get to spend together during the week. I'm sure that hasn't helped my weight gain.

My MIL scale is always messing with me so I won't know my actual weight gain until I go see the midwife on the 19th. I'd really like to not gain anymore weight-and thankfully I don't look big at all-I haven't had random people stop and say "when are you due" can't be that bad right? I really need to get out and walk more-but I'm so lazy during the day. Even though it's beautiful outside I don't really like to leave the house. I'm sort of a recluse lol.

The worst part is my gf gave me 2 pregnancy excersizing videos she swears by. But we have no TV set up since we are doing renovations we didn't want to pull it out of the box. I *could* do it on my lap top but who wants to watch a video on a 17" screen? I already can't see worth crap and I'd have to wear my glasses and find my mat :? See? Lazy lol.

It is nice enough I could go for a swim but the lake is super cold still. I also look funny in my swim suit since it doesn't quite fit since it's not maternity. I'll post a couple of shots from 10 days ago (already?!) but I'm quite embarrassed by them lol.


Monkey, don't feel bad about not getting any nursery stuff done. Ethan's nursery wasn't mostly done (still not done actually) until he was about 10 wks old. And FIL was coming up that's what got my butt in gear to get the curtains etc up. You have time to figure things out, as long as you have a DH that's willing to either watch the baby or do the work himself. I had an awesome sister that helped.
Vintage- I don't mind sharing. I've gained a lot- I want to say I'm at 28lbs. I actually lost a pound between my last appointment and this one. I'm 30 weeks but am measuring 33, so that makes me feel a bit better. Except that in the next 10 weeks I think I'm supposed to gain like a pound a week or something? That's sort of scary. But hey, whether I end up gaining 35lbs or 40lbs, I'm still going to have a lot of weight to lose...Oh, and I was about 20lbs heavier than I would have liked when I got yeah, I have some weight loss ahead of me.
PetitePoire|1339103231|3211402 said:
Monkey princess- I sure I hope I can deliver the old fashioned way. Now it's just a waiting game to see! Is the bumper in that crib set breathable? If so it is the cutest bumper ever! I've only seen plain white ones and wanted a cute one.

PP, it is called a "fresh air" crib liner, so it supposedly allows air-flow unlike other fluffy bumpers. I will probably order it as part of the set because it is so cute and put it up before baby is born and while he is still sleeping in a bassinet in our room, but then take it out when he starts using the crib (at least until he is much older). I'm just way too paranoid about SIDS to take any chances. It's made by soothe time I think.
That's a really cute set MP!

Hi everyone, it's been a caRAZY busy last 2 weeks, I'm sorry I've been MIA! HUGE congrats to Monnie, China, Kunzite, and I assume Missy! Monnie, Alexandra totally does look like you in that recent pic you posted! Adorbs!

Well, we found out we're having a GIRL last week! It was so surreal, I thought and DH really thought (or maybe it was wishful thinking :cheeky: ) that it would be a boy, so it was weird to mentally transition. But obviously we're over the frickin moon excited for her arrival! Pink and purple 4 lyfe! The next day DH talked to his cousin and they realized that every eldest child on his side back a few generations has been a daughter, so it makes sense that we're just following tradition! ::)

I've started really feeling her move now; she likes to tap dance on my bladder in the afternoons, naughty girl!

As for weight gain, I'm up 6.5lbs as of last week, but I don't know if that's accurate. I think that's from my second appointment, since they'd lost my chart after the first one. :confused: At any rate, I've had people say I look farther along than 21 weeks, and the opposite. Whatever! I just eat when I'm hungry. Today I had cookies for breakfast and McD's for lunch...oops!

Okay back to work for's my 20 week contribution, but I don't think it's changed much this week! Oh, except for my belly button migrating outward. Dammit! Haha.

21w today!

Monarch, Alexandra's outfit is too cute!! aaarg, makes me want to try for a second one already to dress her up!

Kunzite, wow, they were WAY off on their weight :o Is that normal? I'm so glad that it went smoothly for you! How are they doing? And how is your recovery?

Missy, hope you have a smooth, great delivery!

Steph, what did the midwife say? Did you get an internal?

missrachelk, that is the most brilliant gender reveal I've heard! And so jealous about the girl. I'm still only drawn to cute girl stuff!

Katamari, Vintagelover, Haven't finished grading yet :p The last final exam is next Monday so I'll have tons to do next week as well. I really don't understand how pregnant full time professors get through this. I wouldn't have been able to pull this off if I had to lecture everyday.

AMC, so glad your contractions are non threatening! Enjoy the rest of the ride :appl:

PetitPoire, that is the coolest pregnancy picture ever! I want one. Good to hear your baby will fit.

Loving everyone's bump!

AFM, 38w1d. My maternal instinct is non-existent. All my focus are on things I want to do before the baby comes. I'm eating at all the fancy places I've always wanted to try and meeting my friends before I have to shelter myself. I'm bummed out because I haven't skied or ridden on roller-coasters when I had the chance. I'm scheming ways to go berry picking. How much more selfish can I be?

We have name candidates now. *sigh of relief* I had a list of 60 (!!!) names and it was stressing me out. We finally narrowed it to about 6. Yay! I now feel comfortable enough to wait on it until he's born. We'll look at his face and call him...Jack or something off the list probably :cheeky:
Nausea has returned! Last week it was so bad I almost pulled over my car to puke in the bushes :knockout: I was lucky enough to have very mild morning sickness in my first trimester, so I guess this is payback? It's not really that bad, but I'm in self-pity mode because I wasn't expecting it at this stage!

Among my friends I'm the least interested in the baby's progress...I declined the previous two internal exams, and my friends gasped in horror. My logic is whether the baby is close to popping or not, there is nothing I can do about it anyway, so why bother. My midwife said that she wants to check next week though, so I'll let her have that.
Missy, I'm anxiously waiting for updates. Enjoy your baby!

Choro, I can understand how it's important to do everything you'd like to do before the baby comes.

Petite, that is such a cool picture and I still think it's immensely useful. I wish they would provide that scan in other countries as well.

Vintage, I don't mind sharing my weight gain at all. I started keeping track of my own weight at 26 weeks because they would never weigh me in the UK. The measurements are in kg. I started out at 50.5kg.
26 weeks: 57.3
27: 57.3
28. 57.8
29: 57.8
30: 59.2
31: 58.9
32: 59.6
33: 59.5
34: 60.1
35: 60.8

Sunny and Rachel, congrats on having a girl!

Amc, I'm glad your cervix is still long and that baby is staying put.

AFM, nothing much to report. Now that I've hit 35 weeks I've been thinking more and more about how nice it would be if I could have the baby by the end of June and before I hit 40 weeks. It's been getting warmer and I don't know how I'm going to last another 5 weeks. I've also been doing a lot of laundry, trying to get all the baby stuff ready before his arrival. Anyway, keep baking those babies!
Petire Poire, the hospital tour is so strange! It's weird to think that's where your baby will be born! That's so interesting about the scan they had done, but glad things look good and baby should fit no problem.

PPM, wow, your BF class sounds so much more detailed than the one I did - we basically had a nurse reading from a book, and saying, oh, the answer is always to just feed the baby when they want it to get your supply up, don't worry about pumps/flat nipples/twins/etc...all of which people in the class were asking about. But yeah, I don't know how I would have felt about having my boobs handled in front of the other ladies anyway, so maybe it's for the best! I know the feeling about alternating between go go go and exhaustion, I seem to do that to myself all the time now!

Mayerling, you look great!

AMC, glad you found a ped you like and your cervix is holding steady.

MP you have such an adorable little bump and love the shot of baby! That bedding is adorable too!

missrachel, love the gender reveal party and congrats on team pink! FWIW had a similar weight freak out in the middle of the second tri, and my midwives suggested I stop weighing myself entirely at home and get on the scale backwards in their office, and we wouldn't discuss weight unless there was a problem. They have stayed true to that and only mentioned it once recently, when I had a really sudden jump, and then only in the context of being concerned about pre-e and making sure I was watching for any other symptoms. And I still don't know my exact number. Since I stopped seeing the number my BP in office has been much better too, I think I was stressing myself out every time and doing the math of...ok, I've gained x lbs in y weeks so if I project that out I will gain z lbs total and so on, just no good for someone with some history of body issues anyway. I focus on eating well most of the time and working out 3-4 times a week, knowing my body will do what it needs to do otherwise.

Katamari, you look great! Good luck with the house closing and getting started with shopping!

Glad you had a great trip Dani!

vintagelover, see my loooong comment to rachel on weight above. Hope you enjoy your trip! You look great btw, love that vintagy bathing suit!

sunnyd, congrats on team pink! You look fabulous!

choro, congrats on narrowing down the names! Too funny that you want to go berry picking this weekend, I just told DH yesterday that I want to do the same! Maybe it's some weird 9 month preggo craving? DH thinks I'm insane. I have been freaking people out by telling them I actually am fine with staying pregnant a few more weeks, I have so much I still want to do! I think it's totally ok to want to enjoy some of the last few days without a LO around. My midwife didn't do an internal so I'm right with you having no idea where I am.

AFM 38w today. As I just said, midwife didn't check me this week, she said they generally don't do internal exams on low risk patients before the due date, because (a) they hurt and (b) they don't necessarily give you any info on when baby is coming. They said the only sure ways to know you might be having a baby soon are your water breaking, or contractions that are getting longer/stronger/closer together. So until one of those things happens or I go significantly past due, we just wait! I'm ok with that, making lists of other things I want to finish up since most of the baby stuff is done now! I washed all our cloth diapers last night, going to put the finishing touches on the nursery artwork this weekend, but other than that we are ready for baby!

Missy, can't wait to hear about your LO's arrival! Hope everyone else is doing well and ready to enjoy the weekend!
Monkey, I love it! We did an owl "theme" in DS's room but the actual bedding was Skip Hop Mod Dot. I still love it. Now that we know what N's actual interests are (trucks, trucks and more trucks) we might change it soon or move him to another bedroom and decorate for his likes. If we have another (fingers crossed), I would totally use the same nursery again. Check out the nursery thread - I think I posted there.

Oh, and Etsy has the BEST decals and accessories once you pick your bedding.
Bedding is next on our list, I'm trying to decide what we should get! A set, or just pieces. The quilt is more for cute decoration, yeah? No a sheet and maybe a blanket? Oy.

Where are you all finding cute bedding, besides the usual suspects (BRS, Target)?
sunnyd|1339180620|3211962 said:
Bedding is next on our list, I'm trying to decide what we should get! A set, or just pieces. The quilt is more for cute decoration, yeah? No a sheet and maybe a blanket? Oy.

Where are you all finding cute bedding, besides the usual suspects (BRS, Target)?

We found ours on amazon, but ended up buying it from some random website. We wanted a safari theme, but so many of them have tons of dark brown, and I didn't want that. Here's what we ended up getting-
AMC, so cute! They have that (or something REALLY similar) on display at our local BRU and it's adorable!
Hi Ladies! I wanted to announce the arrival of our baby GIRL, Lauren Emily, at 12:52 am on Thursday morning June 7th! She weighed 6lbs, 9oz and is 19.1 inches long. I will come back with a picture as soon as we are home!
Okay mamas, I have a few minutes to finally post some pictures before I head back up to the hospital.

re the weight discrepancy, when they estimate weights based on u/s they use head measurements. It turns out Mile's head measurement is in the 90% and Elliot's is in the 10%! That's why they were off so much. My little Miles just has a giant head :cheeky:




Kunzite, they are BEAUTIFUL! I :love: their hair! They look like they sleep so peacefully. I hope that continues! I'm on the fence as to whether or not they look like O? Do you and DH see resemblance?
amc80|1339180869|3211964 said:
sunnyd|1339180620|3211962 said:
Bedding is next on our list, I'm trying to decide what we should get! A set, or just pieces. The quilt is more for cute decoration, yeah? No a sheet and maybe a blanket? Oy.

Where are you all finding cute bedding, besides the usual suspects (BRS, Target)?

We found ours on amazon, but ended up buying it from some random website. We wanted a safari theme, but so many of them have tons of dark brown, and I didn't want that. Here's what we ended up getting-
That's so cute!

Congrats Mary! Welcome Lauren!

Kunzite they are too precious! Thanks for the pics!
Yay, exciting updates. Congratulations on the arrival of Lauren, Merry! Hope everything went well!

Kunzite, wow, what adorable babies! Hope they are doing well and can come home soon! Funny about the larger head thing. I can't tell from these pictures, but maybe in person the head discrepancy is more obvious. BTW, do you know for sure whether they are identical? certainly look it in these pictures.

Sunny, yay on your girl news! As far as bedding sites, I love some of the bedding on Land of Nod's website. They have my second and third choices. And if you look at a website called Baby Supermall or something like that (google it), they have a ton of different sets, and you can search by gender and other categories. That is actually where I saw the set that I posted yesterday.

Steph, Choro, Muffdog and PP, looks like you're all in for a race to the finish!
sunnyd|1339185546|3212021 said:
Congrats Mary! Welcome Lauren!

Kunzite they are too precious! Thanks for the pics!

Big ditto! I love the name Lauren.

Kunzite, so adorable!