
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi Haven,

I also love Luca. Milo used to be my fave, but hubs is not totally on board and if we go with something not 'normal' (his words, not mine), then Luca is his favourite. I like it because it is Italian but without being SUPER Italian (as hubs is Italian/British and I'm straight Canadian).

I love the name Phillipa - if you have a girl, you will still be on the front end of the trend (if it turns into one) and from what I understand, if you are going to give your kid a 'trendy' name, you want to be on the upswing :-)

Come on girls - let's talk names!

ETA: Eliam is pronounced "EL-ee-am" like "Liam" with an "EL" at the front. I've always loved the nn Eli. So adorable (and hot as an older adult haha)
Muffdog--Ooh, I really like Eliam now that I know how to pronounce it. I was thinking it was el-LIE-um, sort of like Elias with an /s/ at the end. Me likely.

I only know two children named Luca in real life. One is the seven-year-old son of a former colleague. She's Greek, and the rest of her kids have Greek names, so I always assumed it was a Greek and an Italian name. The other is the infant daughter of a former HS friend. I've never heard it for a girl before, but it's kind of sweet, too. I do prefer it for a boy, though. And I think it will sound really good with a big Italian surname.

Now that I think about it I really love the name Milo. I love Henry, but we have so many young Henrys in our neighborhood, that it seems like it's becoming very popular. There are two particular Henrys, both around two-years-old, that I walk past every late afternoon with my dogs. Most days they run outside with a parent to play with the pups. I always say to my dogs, "Are you guys ready to play with Henry #1" and then about ten minutes later, "Here comes Henry #2!" It is a super sweet name, which is probably why it's becoming so popular again.

You make a good point about staying ahead of the trend. A part of me doesn't really think Philippa will become very popular here, but name trends seem to be so random that you never can tell. I've been reading the Baby Names board on and I'm shocked to see so many people citing Cordelia and Clementine as favorite girl names. I love both of those names, but never thought they'd be popular. Especially Clementine.

ETA: DH really wants to name a son Jobin. Have you ladies seen I LOVE YOU, MAN? Yeah. We speak in movie lines in our family, which has clearly rubbed off on DH. But while the name itself doesn't sound bad, I kind of like it, I can't imagine ever telling the poor child where we found his name. :cheeky:
Haven|1334955138|3176553 said:
Muffdog--Ooh, I really like Eliam now that I know how to pronounce it. I was thinking it was el-LIE-um, sort of like Elias with an /s/ at the end. Me likely.

I only know two children named Luca in real life. One is the seven-year-old son of a former colleague. She's Greek, and the rest of her kids have Greek names, so I always assumed it was a Greek and an Italian name. The other is the infant daughter of a former HS friend. I've never heard it for a girl before, but it's kind of sweet, too. I do prefer it for a boy, though. And I think it will sound really good with a big Italian surname.

Now that I think about it I really love the name Milo. I love Henry, but we have so many young Henrys in our neighborhood, that it seems like it's becoming very popular. There are two particular Henrys, both around two-years-old, that I walk past every late afternoon with my dogs. Most days they run outside with a parent to play with the pups. I always say to my dogs, "Are you guys ready to play with Henry #1" and then about ten minutes later, "Here comes Henry #2!" It is a super sweet name, which is probably why it's becoming so popular again.

You make a good point about staying ahead of the trend. A part of me doesn't really think Philippa will become very popular here, but name trends seem to be so random that you never can tell. I've been reading the Baby Names board on and I'm shocked to see so many people citing Cordelia and Clementine as favorite girl names. I love both of those names, but never thought they'd be popular. Especially Clementine.

ETA: DH really wants to name a son Jobin. Have you ladies seen I LOVE YOU, MAN? Yeah. We speak in movie lines in our family, which has clearly rubbed off on DH. But while the name itself doesn't sound bad, I kind of like it, I can't imagine ever telling the poor child where we found his name. :cheeky:

Yeah - I see the trend of olden days names on the naming boards, but again, I don't think those ppl are reflective of the general population. Most people don't spend hours on Nameberry and think that names like Finnian and Oleander are their top two choices. Which is why I don't mind picking a name that is popular on some of the naming boards because I think that means that we will be on the upwards trending side of a name.

If I were having a girl, I could totally see myself picking a boys name for her. I'm bad like that. Because now that we are having a boy, I am PISSED whenever I hear of a girl taking a fully masculine name (i.e. Luca or Elliot). Boys names are hard enough without having to worry about them turning over to girls. Riley? Emerson (which incidently I love for a girl). All of those -SON names are BOYS names people. Stop stealing!***

***Of course, if I ever have a girl, I'll be right there with you flipping the proverbial BIRD to all of the soon to be moms of boys who are struggling with names hahahah

Jobin -other than the movie, is that a 'real' name? What does it mean?
PS - I think Clementine is cute, but the obvi nickname of CLEM turns me off.
Haven|1334955138|3176553 said:
Now that I think about it I really love the name Milo. I love Henry, but we have so many young Henrys in our neighborhood, that it seems like it's becoming very popular. There are two particular Henrys, both around two-years-old, that I walk past every late afternoon with my dogs. Most days they run outside with a parent to play with the pups. I always say to my dogs, "Are you guys ready to play with Henry #1" and then about ten minutes later, "Here comes Henry #2!" It is a super sweet name, which is probably why it's becoming so popular again.

We're between Henry and Elliott for baby A and this is the reason I think we lean more towards Elliott these days. Henry is just so trendy! I really love it but I'm not sure I can get over its popularity.

Muff - I really love Eliam too :love:

Since we're talking about names, I have a question about middle names. DH is considering switching baby B's middle name from Alexander (which I love) to Eugene (which I love the sentiment behind but don't love the name). His reason is that Oliver and baby A have family middle names but B won't and he'll feel left out. Do you think he would feel left out or he'd rather have the better name?
Hi girls. Long time, no chat! No way to properly catch up, so will just jump in.

First, long overdue CONGRATS to S&I! :appl: Welcome to the world Alexander Isaac! He is so adorable, and great name! Hope you're doing ok in newbornland.

Second, welcome to MONKEYPIE! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: Soooo happy to see you over here. And yes, you will look back on that picture and think- oh my, I was so skinny. You look great!

Hi to everyone else. I'm just chugging along at 35 weeks, not much to report. Baby is measuring fine, fluids are fine. She was breech but seems to have turned, so that's good.

We've done nothing to prepare for this little one, and now that I'm 5 weeks out, starting to feel nest-y. Need to set up a crib, get a glider, changing station, monitor, diapers, miracle blankets, sound machine and onesies. That should cover it. Oh and rent a pump. Pack a bag.

OH AND A NAME. That's right, we have no name. I think I've considered every single name that exists in a reasonable form or familiar language. Either it's too popular or it sounds bad with our last name. I'm over it. I think I overwhelmed myself with information, and need to step away from the baby name blogs and books.

Haven- Pippa was on my list before I got pregnant and before that Pippa sashayed down the wedding aisle. I too loved Pippi and my mom always said she saw a daughter of mine as spunky like her. Sigh, stupid celebrities taking all the good names. :cheeky: FWIW, I don't think you are going to run into many Phillipas IRL. Pippa is trending in a certain name-obsessed culture, but not in the local parks. And nameberry is a weird little culture. Lots of the "popular" names on there you won't hear much IRL. But be careful, spend too much time over there and you start to think certain names are quite normal that most people would go huh? ;))

Muff- I love Eliam and Jack and Milo. Luca I hear here and there and it's growing on me. But I bet it would sound fantastic with an Italian last name! I think Henry is adorable (was on our short list for O) but I do hear quite a lot of Henrys at the park and school.

Anyone want to give me a girl's name, I will be forever grateful.

No names that start with A (doesn't sound good with our last name that starts with A).
Feminine but not too girly, but with some spunk
Nothing trendy or unique spelling
Trying to stay out of the top 50 popular names (this is our problem)
Last name is 3 syllables, so needs to be short or at least have a short nn
Our son's name is Oliver, if that helps


Kunzite- I don't think he'll care at all, esp since he's a boy. :cheeky: If I were him, I'd be mad you stuck me with Eugene rather than Alexander. Oh gosh, now you're going to tell me that's your DH's name and I'll have to take it back. Eugene is ok, but I think Alexander is a smashing middle name!

Muff- Exactly on the nameberries! I come up with some very um, interesting combinations after being on there too long. My DH is like what? And yes, exactly how I felt when I had O. Before I would have loved a more masculine name for a girl, but it totally annoyed me when I was trying to name O! Now I feel like b/c his name is so identifiably male, I don't want a unisex name for a girl. What would your girl name be? Maybe I can steal it. :cheeky:

And I do know a girl named Emerson, nn Emmy. Which I love, but Emerson for a boy would be awesome, esp if you are a poetry fan. Oh well!
Muff- I also think Coen is cute. There was a poster on here when I was preggo with a Cohen, and he was so cute. I do hear quite a lot of Finn's these days, FWIW. I do think it's adorable though. It was on our list for awhile with O.
The name game! We find out in about 3 weeks so I'm really excited and thinking about names.

China - I totally feel you on hating everything. Our last name is Polish, unusual, starts with an S and ends with a K (has a strong T in the middle too) and it seems like all the boy names that I like and aren't super popular have strong S, K or T sounds or I don't like the flow with our last name. I think next to an older sibling it must be so much harder! I don't know if I'll reveal our name choices (we're basically settled for both girl and boy at this point), I know everyone is supportive here but it might be a little secret for DH and I until the baby arrives. I'd love to hear what you ladies think though because our choices are definitely unusual!

The names I think of for your girl using Oliver and an A last name are:

these 2 are my top 2 girls names - in a previous relationship my partner totally vetoed them both so my cats have them! Otherwise I would totally be pushing for Emily if I were having a girl.

-Zora (a ending but it's a good spunky name, unusual but not too weird. I love the Z names!)
-Zoe or Zoey?
-Madison (fairly gender neutral maybe not feminine enough but a friend of ours has a little girl named Madison and it's really cute 'on her' if that makes sense)
-Elizabeth (I don't know the stats but I bet really classic names like this are going down in popularity with the current retro and super customized names being both so trendy)
-Vivian (kind of echoes the v sound in Oliver)

I need to get off here and get to packing and getting ready to move. See you all soon!
Misseachelk - I love the girl names you suggested especially Emily! So gorgeous. From your list I also love Zoe, Hannah and Vivian. Great choices!!

My last name is Polish so I understand how hard matching a name could be. I can't wait to see what u picked!
Muff- I meant to say earlier, I hear Luca but not IRL, so I don't think it's too popular at all! And I don't think I've ever heard Eliam. I love it.

missrach- Now I'm curious about your names! Will you share after the fact? Thanks for the ideas! Emily is my sister. My DH really likes Charlotte, and I used to, but now I'm lukewarm. I don't know why, it's lovely and fits. I think I'm just lukewarm on all names right now. Going to run some of these by DH though, maybe something will stick!
Hi, Monkey! Your bump is barely there, but with that tiny torso you'll pop in no te ;) I had maybe 5 inches between my bust and navel, if memory serves me correctly. It's true- theres no place to go bit OUT. These days I laugh at my early bump pics.

Names: I adore all these classic names! Keep Em coming- the naming process is fun and challenging. Our little girl will be named Eloise. Middle name is TBD. Options are as follows (and I'll add that our last name is German, starts with an S, ends with an "en" sound and is two syllables):

Eloise Leslie S (my dad's mid. name)
Eloise Anna S (recently deceased grandma's 1st name)
Eloise Layla S (My fave song)


(and more to come later- currently on iPhone and should be grading papers)
ChinaCat|1334957068|3176582 said:
Kunzite- I don't think he'll care at all, esp since he's a boy. :cheeky: If I were him, I'd be mad you stuck me with Eugene rather than Alexander. Oh gosh, now you're going to tell me that's your DH's name and I'll have to take it back. Eugene is ok, but I think Alexander is a smashing middle name!

I was thinking the same thing. It's GFIL's middle name and he doesn't even like it! Since I told DH he could choose I'll have to find a way to gently guide him back to Alexander! :devil:

For girls with Oliver I like:

PPM - I like them all but I think Anna is my favorite.
Naming is so much more fun than heartburn, gas and aches and pains, huh?!

OK, you guys only know me in the online world so I've decided to spill our choices! We won't be telling a soul IRL until the baby arrives.

Dun Dun Dun.

girl - Kenly Elizabeth

Kenly is my middle name - it's a family surname from my Dad's side, and I love it. Only downside is sometimes being called Kelly, but I love that it's super unique without being weird or hard to pronounce. A few years ago there was a contestant on Project Runway with the name, but hers was spelled Kenley. DH and I both LOVE Elizabeth, since it gives so much flexibility - she can decide to be called Liz or Beth or any number of other nicknames later in life if she wants to. Growing up Rachel (un-nickname-able) I like having some options.

And BOY - Zoran Edward

We were originally going to use George Edward, but after mulling it over for a long time it just didn't zing us. I floated Zoran thinking DH would hate it but he likes it! I find it masculine and somehow classic while still very unusual. Edward is a family name and again, has lots of options if he decices to use a nickname.

My first girl choice (well behind Emily and Charlotte LOL) would have been my Dad's mother's name - Genevieve, but DH hates it, too grandma for him, and I think it may become one of newly trendy retro names. My Dad wanted to give me that name too, but his grandmother was also named Genevieve and she and my Mom had a tough relationship, so she nixed it. Maybe someone here will use it??? My grandmother used the nickname Gen (pronounced jsut like Jen) and I like that a lot too.

Hope you like our picks!
rachel - I love Kenly :love: When O was in the NICU he shared a room with a Kenley (she was a doll!!). I worked in Alaska for a few summers and I had some coworkers give me the nickname McKinley (as in Mt. McKinley) so I have a certain fondness for it too :))
Ughh, I used to love thinking of names for future babies, but now that the decision is actually upon me, I don't even want to think about it! A lot of names sounded good in theory, and I've gone through a series of favorite names in past, but now I'm just not sure that I "love" any of them or can really imagine permanently giving my child them as a name. If this little one is indeed a boy, which we think it probably is based on the NT scan, we have a name in mind. It's been used as either a middle name or first name for at least three generations of my DH's family. I actually really like the name, because it is masculine and normal but relatively uncommon. My only problem is that I'm not a fan of the likely nickname (think a certain famous character in Gone With the Wind). Not sure if it would be the first or middle name yet, and DH is SO not ready to be serious about name brainstorming yet. I made him promise that once we find out the sex for sure, he will participate in a non-joking manner. If it's a girl, uff, I'm in trouble because nothing just seems quite right. Crossing my fingers our ultrasound tech's prediction is correct.

Rachel, Kenly is a cute name, especially because it has some meaning for you.

PPM, my cousin's little girl is named Eloise. She's adopted from China, and is the cutest little girl. I think the name is darling. Of the middle name's you're considering, I think I like Anna best.

China, Charlotte's a cute name, and it gives you lots of nickname options. I also have a sister named Emily, and I have another cousin who named her daughter Charlotte. I have 18 cousins, and most of them are married with kids, and several of them have taken names that I used to like, including: Clare, Blair and Barrett for girls and Brooks and Henry for boys. Oh well.

Kunzite, you have an even tougher job coming up with two names! I also much prefer Alexander to Eugene, no offense to anyone. Are there any other family names other than Eugene you could compromise with?

Muff, you have a nice list of names, and some of them are unusual but not too weird or anything. I've always liked the name Griffin, but it almost rhymes with our one syllable last name, so that's out. I always thought I'd be able to pick a name really easily, but I'm guessing I'll be coming down to the wire on deciding as well. DH and I are not good with making timely decisions!
**Invades Pregnant PSers thread**

I don't know how un-PC this is..but if possible I'd like to ask a question of you pregnant ladies. :wavey: If it's not acceptable, I'll go away. :saint: Did you have more CM than usual leading up to your BFP? I am reading differing things in my internet research on the issue, so I thought I would poll you kind ladies and see what you say. :read:
SarahLovesJS|1335134654|3178009 said:
**Invades Pregnant PSers thread**

I don't know how un-PC this is..but if possible I'd like to ask a question of you pregnant ladies. :wavey: If it's not acceptable, I'll go away. :saint: Did you have more CM than usual leading up to your BFP? I am reading differing things in my internet research on the issue, so I thought I would poll you kind ladies and see what you say. :read:
To be honest, I have no memory of what my CM was like before my BFP...
SarahLovesJS|1335134654|3178009 said:
**Invades Pregnant PSers thread**

I don't know how un-PC this is..but if possible I'd like to ask a question of you pregnant ladies. :wavey: If it's not acceptable, I'll go away. :saint: Did you have more CM than usual leading up to your BFP? I am reading differing things in my internet research on the issue, so I thought I would poll you kind ladies and see what you say. :read:

Everyone is different but I had no noticeable change. It would be awesome if you got a bfp your first try but just keep in mind that your cycles off BC will be different from your cycles on BC and it takes awhile to figure out your own patterns. Good luck!
SarahLovesJS|1335134654|3178009 said:
**Invades Pregnant PSers thread**

I don't know how un-PC this is..but if possible I'd like to ask a question of you pregnant ladies. :wavey: If it's not acceptable, I'll go away. :saint: Did you have more CM than usual leading up to your BFP? I am reading differing things in my internet research on the issue, so I thought I would poll you kind ladies and see what you say. :read:

Sarah, yes, definitely. With both of my pregnancies. That was really my only 'symptom.'
Sarah, I really can't remember! We were not seriously TTC, and I just didn't really pay attention to anything besides what day of my cycle I was on when we BD. I wouldn't say I really had a 2WW...I was a day late which never happened in my 22 years of menstruating, so I tested because of that plus having had sex when I ovulated. Now AFTER I tested and got the positive, I started noticing (and it's never decreased) increased discharge so maybe I just didn't notice it before I really *knew* I was pregnant. Good luck TTC!
SarahLovesJS|1335134654|3178009 said:
**Invades Pregnant PSers thread**

I don't know how un-PC this is..but if possible I'd like to ask a question of you pregnant ladies. :wavey: If it's not acceptable, I'll go away. :saint: Did you have more CM than usual leading up to your BFP? I am reading differing things in my internet research on the issue, so I thought I would poll you kind ladies and see what you say. :read:
I did! It was lotiony or creamy, and there was lots of it. This was the most unusual symptom for me, because I usually had no CM for the last week+ of my cycle. I hope this is a POSITIVE sign for you, Sarah!!!!
My sense of smell kicked into high gear about one week into my TWW, too. One day I got very upset with DH because I was convinced that he filled our pepper mill with whole cloves instead of whole peppercorns. It smelled so strange, and the closest thing I could pinpoint was cloves. He was perplexed, and then when I got my BFP I realized I was probably just picking up on a new scent in the pepper that I'd never noticed before. That hasn't gone away, either. Today I dumped an entire load of his clean clothes onto the floor of the laundry room because I was certain they were dirty--they still smelled like his deodorant. He said sense of smell must be my new superpower because he couldn't smell the deodorant at all, he had just washed them all. Oops. :halo:
Just wanted to say thank you all! Like Monkey said, it's our first who knows whether it is an actual symptom or attributed to backlash of post-bc. I will say that this afternoon evening my smell sense started going crazy. We walked into a restaurant and this one guy's plate of pasta hit me in the face smell-wise. I smelled the marinara, the was weird. Everyone else had burgers, but his pasta felt like it was attacking me, lol. And when DH opened the cat food container I wanted to throw up. Either way, could still be my mind going crazy on me!! My OPK also went positive again today..which either means I didn't actually O last time, early PG, ..or it's defective. I have read that it's doubtful OPK would pick up HCG before a pregnancy test, so I'll just keep trying and testing. Thanks everyone! And keeping you all in my thoughts for a healthy and safe 9 mos (or less if you have less left).
Hi ladies. Just a quick post to say that Charlotte Elizabeth arrived yesterday, 22 April at 6pm exactly, weighing 8lb5oz and measuring 54.5cm long. We are both healthy and doing well. I will come back to post my birth story and photos when i am home from hospital on Wed.
bobbin|1335153082|3178192 said:
Hi ladies. Just a quick post to say that Charlotte Elizabeth arrived yesterday, 22 April at 6pm exactly, weighing 8lb5oz and measuring 54.5cm long. We are both healthy and doing well. I will come back to post my birth story and photos when i am home from hospital on Wed.

Popping back in (I'll go away, I promise) to say congratulations and what a beautiful name!!
SarahLovesJS said:
Just wanted to say thank you all! Like Monkey said, it's our first who knows whether it is an actual symptom or attributed to backlash of post-bc. I will say that this afternoon evening my smell sense started going crazy. We walked into a restaurant and this one guy's plate of pasta hit me in the face smell-wise. I smelled the marinara, the was weird. Everyone else had burgers, but his pasta felt like it was attacking me, lol. And when DH opened the cat food container I wanted to throw up. Either way, could still be my mind going crazy on me!! My OPK also went positive again today..which either means I didn't actually O last time, early PG, ..or it's defective. I have read that it's doubtful OPK would pick up HCG before a pregnancy test, so I'll just keep trying and testing. Thanks everyone! And keeping you all in my thoughts for a healthy and safe 9 mos (or less if you have less left).

Just as an FYI- opks can turn positive at any point in your cycle. It's normal for your LH to fluctuate, especially towards the end of your cycle. For what it's worth, I used an opk after I got a BFP and it was negative.

And yes, I had lots of creamy cm before AF was due. I got my BFP early (9dpo) and basically had creamy cm from that point. Hope that helps!
bobbin said:
Hi ladies. Just a quick post to say that Charlotte Elizabeth arrived yesterday, 22 April at 6pm exactly, weighing 8lb5oz and measuring 54.5cm long. We are both healthy and doing well. I will come back to post my birth story and photos when i am home from hospital on Wed.

bobbin|1335153082|3178192 said:
Hi ladies. Just a quick post to say that Charlotte Elizabeth arrived yesterday, 22 April at 6pm exactly, weighing 8lb5oz and measuring 54.5cm long. We are both healthy and doing well. I will come back to post my birth story and photos when i am home from hospital on Wed.

Congrats bobbin :appl: :appl:
Congrats bobbin!!! I love love lover her name, and I can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics when you get back home!

And thanks everyone for all your well wishes and congrats. I've been reading them, but just hadn't had time to come back and thank everyone individually. We've been having some issues with latching and a jaundice scare last week, so that's been keeping us quite busy. Once we get over this jaundice bump, I'll feel much better. I'm also waiting to hear back from a lactation consultant to help teach me how to get Alex to latch on correctly/deeper so he isn't causing blisters on my nipples. Ouch. We did a newborn photo shoot yesterday afternoon, so I'll come back to post those pics once I get them.

Hope everyone is doing well and happily baking away!
OMG BOBBIN!!! Congratulations on the safe arrival of Charlotte! Sounds like a long (tall) supermodel type ;) Enjoy this magical time, it is so, so special :love:
Congratulations, Bobbin!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: