
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Oct 30, 2002
btw PG i meant to say love your strategy on getting baby to make an entrance. i am sure DTD will be the last thing on my mind at week 39 BUT if what my coworker and a few others have said and it helps, i might sign up haha. and damn on the stetch marks. i am totally genetically prone and have them from puberty, so i am not holding out too much hope i will escape unscathed.

re: the catheter and epi, i can def see that because if you can''t really feel what''s going on, peeing might present a challenge. but yeah, not fun..i didn''t even want to think about people who have to go home with one in or have issues. yikes...who knows in 30 years that might be me with my weako bladder.
i feel better today than yesterday so baby steps...i am hoping it''s just a sensitivity flare.

PG and viz...sending you guys LABOR DAMMIT vibes...! also viz, mandy said the same thing re the kids trying to punch their way out right before labor so it might be verrry soon! bake something tonite!

i had a great dream last nite, well it was weird. i dreamt that somehow related to my hospital visit on sat, the baby came early. but i felt nothing even though they told me it was vaginal delivery (oohkkay). they just placed him in my arms and he was 6.5 lbs and full term and had two small vampire fangs growing in the back of his mouth. i thought they were cute. he was super happy and chubby and i had to call greg and tell him the baby was here and we had nothing ready at home, so here is what he needed to get before we could go home (CAR SEAT! and DIAPERS!). and at some point in the dream *I* was rushing around BRU buying necessities. anyway. glad we are working on the nursery because obviously i have some sort of mental anxiety about the baby coming early and not being ready.

my mom is also convinced the baby will come early because i am ''getting really big''...thanks mom. the dr did say i was measuring 1.5 weeks ahead as of last week so we''ll see. i am tall but short-waisted meaning that my legs are what is really long, not my torso. if the baby IS a very large one, he will run out of room sooner than one might expect just looking at me. sooo we''ll see what my body has up it''s sleeve. while a few weeks before 40 would be nice, i have a feeling this guy is comfy banging around in there and won''t wanna come out that easily.

ginger..your story made me laugh so hard and i had to read it to greg. he was like she should have said ''get your own beer''...HAHAA.

when is everyone advised to do kick counts? my dr said around 28 weeks but in my ''discharge'' papers from sat they said to look for 10 every 2 hours. i might be a few weeks early to do so but i figured why not just see... sometimes he is super active and i get 10 in one hour but sunday he was slower and it was more like every 3 hours. this morning in 20 min i have had like 10. interesting for sure. he kicks or punches 3-4 times in one bout sometimes so it seems like 10 every 2 hours isn''t much?


Mar 20, 2003
Well, since I'm all TMI these days, I'll say that I don't know if it's the relaxin or the perineal massage or the lack of a subconscious fear of preterm labor or what, but DTD yesterday was way better than any other time during pregnancy when I was really just throwing DH a bone out of sympathy. Not that it was anything like super fun non-pregnant DTD, but it wasn't at all uncomfortable for me and therefore was nice bonding time. Even DH commented that it was the best we'd had since before we got knocked up. I'm all for getting back to the levels of DTD done while trying to get pregnant if it will help get this baby out!

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, I'm trying to think of what kind of stockings to get. Should we get Mom, Dad, and Claire, or use our first names? Does anyone recommend any websites with classic personalized stockings? Mine growing up were just red felt from the little stand in the mall with the names written in glitter, so my expectations are not high -- in fact, I'd like the red bottom with white top for nostalgic reasons. I just want to make sure it's a well established website so I can get matching stockings for future sibling(s).

So yesterday DH kind of awkwardly asked me what my best set of earrings and necklace were. I wasn't sure what he meant by "best." Well, he did say, what I would wear if I were going out for a fancy evening. That's a tough question since when going out, I might wear a pair of gold hoops that obviously cost less than my diamond studs, which I wear so often. This is all very mysterious. And then he rattled off what he knew about me finding my studs and asked about my solitaire pendant. I'm a little afraid that he might feel like he has to get me a push present, not that I'd complain. I found (but swear that I did not open!) a document on our computer which was entitled "PhoenixgirlAnniversaryPresent" when I was searching for a document to attach to an email (very sneaky title, DH, although to his credit I don't think I could find it again if I tried). Our 5 year anniversary is early/mid December. Hmmm. So half of me hopes there really is some kind of push or anniversary present on the horizon, but the other half of me hopes he doesn't feel pressure since he just got me a journey diamond pendant for my birthday and we need to save money these days, especially since I'll go about 7 weeks unpaid.

ETA, Mara, funny about the baby with fangs!

I don't really understand the whole kick count thing either. There have been a few times throughout the pregnancy when I thought, oh no, I haven't felt the baby in a while! But as soon as she moved I felt better. I feel like I could drive myself crazy lying around for two hours trying to count her movements. And no, 10 in 2 hours does not seem like much based on how active she is when she's on the move. It's been a few weeks since I've really had to worry about not feeling her because she's always doing something in there. And if I'm scared, drinking lemonade usually gives her the hiccups.

I guess the part I don't understand/think might be too stressful on moms is the part about determining if your baby is moving less. If you haven't felt your baby move at all for a few hours, by all means that's really scary and I'd get straight over to the doctor's. But are you supposed to keep these elaborate charts just to notice that she's moving 20% less than she used to? Because I thought babies were supposed to move less at the end. If she's moving at all, she's alive . . . what are we really worried about? Strain on her heart? Infection? Hypertension? That's why I try not to worry once I feel her do anything.


Aug 8, 2005
phoenixgirl -

re: stockings, haha, i''ve already been thinking about christmas stockings too. the ones i had growing up had my mom + dad''s first name on them.


Aug 8, 2005
has anyone tried using the chinese lunar calendar to predict the baby''s gender?? here''s a link


Jun 15, 2006
Thanks, Ginger and RPS for sharing your thoughts on weight gain. Logically I know it''s what my body is meant to do and I just need to let go of it (it''s the one thing that has upset me about being pregnant). I am lucky to have a husband who says things like "You sure are skinny!" and "There''s no way you''ve put on 18 lbs." Thank goodness for him, and all of his patience.

Viz and Phoenix, I know you''re getting anxious, I hope labor begins very soon for both of you.


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 10/19/2009 11:32:00 AM
Author: jcrow
has anyone tried using the chinese lunar calendar to predict the baby's gender?? here's a link
It says girl for me, but if I do DH's, then it says boy.

Mara- LOL! Fangs?!? I love it. Also, I tried to get a picture of my "belly" this weekend. There is absolutely nothing, but a little pouch below my belly button that I have always had.
We went to dinner with another couple this weekend, and the wife if about a month ahead of me on her second child. She has gained 15 pounds and is actually wearing maternity clothes! She gave me friendly crap the entire night.


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 11:32:00 AM
Author: jcrow
has anyone tried using the chinese lunar calendar to predict the baby''s gender?? here''s a link

Nooo! I have decided I don''t like it - it says I am having a boy and I am convinced it''s a girl in there lol.

I have heard mixed things about the lunar calendar, with some people having babies that proved it right and some that proved it wrong. I think it''s just superstition


Aug 23, 2005
great! i've already eaten half of my lunch and it's not even noon!

LOL about the baby w/fangs... i have to say i'm a little sad i didn't experience all of these 'crazy' dreams that we PG women are supposed to have. AND i've had only a few 'naughty' ones
i thought we were supposed to get those like every night.

PG - i have to laugh about DTD. i know DH is a liiitttttllleee freaked out b/c he knows baby is so close to exiting but, god love him, he mustered up the strength to take this horse out to pasture one more time. i gotta say, i think that might be our last go until we are given the all clear at 6 weeks pp.... but am i soooooooo looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. good idea about packing up those maternity clothes you *know* you won't wear again... ohh, something to do tonight instead of sitting on the couch praying for contractions.

mandy - loved your birth story! i can't wait to join you on the other thread!!!! and, of course, see lots and lots of pictures of the boys! too cute!

mara - i thought the same thing about this little one being super active after reading mandy's story... but, alas.... nada

and so sorry to hear about your saturday... NOT a fun way to spend a weekend day.. so glad it turned out to be okay.

i'm probably missing a ton of what is going on.... shame on viz. i feel a little me-centric today... forgive.

so, since we are getting, like, silly close to the end i made DH sit down and discuss names *again* last night. we have about 6 names written down to take to the hospital, but i'm starting to think i really don't want to make a hasty decision in the fit of hormones - we'll end up naming this baby 'buddy' or something.

and .... much to my dismay

DH told me last night that he absolutely did not like leo
my top contender for months!

his top pick (and, i will say... a fav of mine for awhile) is charles. let me back up.... when i say that charles is a fav of mine it is a little misleading. really, i only like the nn of charles - "charlie" - spelled charley. DH went off on this tangent that we can't name our baby a nn and should give him a 'proper' name like charles - which i don't like.

PLUS, charles was both of his grandfather's name. it's not that i don't want to pay tribute to his grandparents, i just wanted to give baby a name that was *his* - as neither of them went by 'charlie'.

anyhoo, during our discussion DH agreed to name baby (if we choose this name) Charlie - but spelled with an 'ie and not 'ley. in all of that rambling here is my question. do you think it's weird to name a baby just charlie? and which do you like better charlie or charley?

the reason i liked spelling it charley is b/c i thought it looked less like a nn than when it's spelled with an 'ie (but DH thinks 'ley looks girlie). the middle name will be joseph.


sorry about all of that..... my mind is like a bowl of jello lately.

oh re: kick counts... i didn't have to do them until week 32 - and i noticed the # varied from my doc and the hospital. i was supposed to get 5 in an hour 2x a day. not to be morbid, but there is a very good reason for doing this... and yes, it's as awful as you would think. my m/w has way too many stories of women who, if they would have come in even a day earlier, would have had healthy babies. i always took the count to heart and my m/w didn't mince words when she told me to go to the hospital to get monitored when i had trouble getting this little one to cooperate. another case of better safe than sorry i guess.


Nov 13, 2007
Viz, I'm sorry, but I think I agree with your DH.

I would go with Charles Joseph, and just call him Charlie. I have a friend that does this, and not one person calls him Charles in a public setting. It has always been Charlie. Admittedly though, I am NOT a fan of "nn's", so I'm am probably partial to the oppo side on this one.

The -ley also kind of looks feminine to me when written out. Maybe because it reminds me of Carley.

What I have been doing when thinking of names, is imagine the name at the bottom of a formal business letter. What would you infer if you had never talked to or met this person?

Charley Joseph Charlie Joseph Charles Joseph


Feb 17, 2007
Sorry Viz-I am with your DH too. Give him the full name-I hated having a name that is really a nickname (although now it''s becoming more popular as a first name) as a child. Just be clear with people that he goes by Charlie.

Charles is much more distinguished for someone older-think about if he were applying for a job or something. Charlie is a MUCH younger sounding name. Great for a kid-not as great for a lawyer or a doctor, etc.

I''m not a fan of "off" spellings either. Just makes it harder on everyone. I do LOVE Charlie just the way it is though!


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 1:17:30 PM
Author: neatfreak
Sorry Viz-I am with your DH too. Give him the full name-I hated having a name that is really a nickname (although now it''s becoming more popular as a first name) as a child. Just be clear with people that he goes by Charlie.

Charles is much more distinguished for someone older-think about if he were applying for a job or something. Charlie is a MUCH younger sounding name. Great for a kid-not as great for a lawyer or a doctor, etc.

I''m not a fan of ''off'' spellings either. Just makes it harder on everyone. I do LOVE Charlie just the way it is though!

Ditto this. My name is sort of an "off" spelling, and without fail, EVERYONE misspells it. It''s something I have hated since I learned how to write my own name.

My uncle''s name is Charles and he only goes by Charlie too


Oct 30, 2002
i did the lunar calendar and it said boy. BUT then i saw another one and did that one and it used my 'chinese birth year' which added one year to me and then it was a girl. so it just depended on which calendar i used. when we plugged in 3-4 coworkers into the same one that said boy for me, it was right on ALL of them for what they had had, so i figured that was the right one to use. plus i felt like it was boy anyway.

btw PG...stripping of membranes sounds NOT FUN. i hope that it doesn't come to that.

viz...trampoline time!!! re: the name.. i agree re: not being all hormonal and choosing BUT a lot of moms swear by seeing the kid first and then making the decision. naming him charlie... name him whatever you want is what i say. the whole nickname thing... i have a friend who named her son Jake and his full name is not Jacob, it's just Jake. though that said, i like Charles instead of Charlie. then i think his nickname can develop how he wants. you can start with ie but maybe over time he wants to be called Chuck.

the kick count thing is a little freaky...i guess that is why they don't want you to really start doing them til there is more of a pattern established? i was easily thinking, jeez so yesterday he was less active, if i was paranoid i could freak out. but i know there are days when he just seems less active and other days when he is playing soccer in the tummy. so i would think it also has to do with your nugget's 'habits' as well? it is crazy to think that there can be problems where one day makes a difference but i know it's true too. even in today's day and age, it's all still a risky business.

and lol re the fangs ... the funny thing in the dream was they didn't bother me as much as the fact that he was here and we were NOT READY. fangs be darned.

re: stockings...PB has super cute ones and they personalize but their designs change every year. my mom made me mine from felt and sequins when i was little and i LOVED that gaudy thing...i think i still have it. there are some online stocking places too, i had a friend who got like 8 personalized for her family last year for about $150 i want to say? don't know which one she used though.

since we're missing xmas with the nugget this year, i figure i will worry about them next year.


Aug 23, 2005
oh no... i *really* *really* don't like charles. and i don't think i can name my baby a name that i don't like just b/c it's more proper.

we may be back to 'buddy'


Mar 20, 2003
Viz, maybe in the midst of the worst of the pushing you can shout out, "For the love of all that is good and holy, please let me name this baby Leo!" See if that works.

I don''t really have an opinion on Charley vs. Charlie vs. Charles other than to say that I feel like Ross'' girlfriend was named Charlie near the end of Friends, so I associate it as being more of a girl''s name if the name isn''t actually Charles. So people might assume he''s a lady at times.


Mar 16, 2005
We got some really cute red velvet stockings from Pottery Barn with our names on them. They have since changed their styles, so we will be ordering 2 different ones from Pottery Barn Kids with the boys name on them. We will order them after Christmas, b/c they put them on super clearance, although they sell out pretty quickly!


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 10/19/2009 3:04:40 PM
Author: steph72276
We got some really cute red velvet stockings from Pottery Barn with our names on them. They have since changed their styles, so we will be ordering 2 different ones from Pottery Barn Kids with the boys name on them. We will order them after Christmas, b/c they put them on super clearance, although they sell out pretty quickly!

PB is where i got ours a couple of years ago. i got the green + cream velvet ones on super clearance... like $5 each or something crazy. i was hoping to scoop up a red one too, but they ran out even though it went into my cart + paid for it. i was eventually refunded. then the next year they didn''t carry the same ones. big boo. BUT, this year, i see they''re back!! i''m racking up on the red ones this year! that way i''ll have a set. not sure i''ll put names on them? or if i do, i guess it will be some place locally.


Oct 19, 2005
I think we also got the red/cream ones, and you just reminded me I need to get one for Piper. Ours say "Amber" and "Paul".


Jan 29, 2007
Mandarine, your boys are beautiful!


Nov 14, 2004
Weight gain
Glad most of the ladies here have dr/middies who aren''t overly concerned with weight gain. My dr is pretty strict on weight gain, but had been more lax with this pregnancy. My dr. gave me little lectures when I gain too much for the month with my first pregnancy. With this pregnancy, he had been comparing my weights to the last pregnancy and hadn''t have a issue as long as the overall weight isn''t way more than last time. At my last appt, I was up 15lbs at 23 weeks. He said I was a few lbs more than he would like for this pregnancy, but it''s ok.

I got one when I got the epi, but they took it out as soon as they took me up to the recovery room about an hour after M was born. I remember going pee, and my legs were still kind of numb. So I never felt the catheter going in or out. DH had to look away when the nurse was putting it in.

Kicks count
I never did them b/c my dr never told me to do them. He would just ask me if the baby was moving at my appointment and to call him if I don''t feel the baby move the entire day.

Chinese Gender Prediction Chart
You are supposed to use your lunar age and the lunar month for conception. It''s kind of complication. There was one website that did the lunar calculation for you... Let me see if I can find it. Anyways I got mixed results last time, so I don''t know.

Glad it wasn''t an infection.
LOL baby with fangs.

Don''t let your dr stress you out with the weight gain. You definitely need more if you start out smaller. I know it''s hard b/c I usually stop snacking on unhealthy foods when my dr makes a comment. But I also pick it back up. LOL.

LOL on your beer story. You were a good sport. I''ve went with DH to get wine and beer before, and even with DH, people were looking at me funny.

Viz & Phoenix
Lots of labor vibes to you ladies. Come on babies.

No, no big reveal. Hopefully this Friday.

I like Charlie more than Charles, but I don''t think if I could do Charlie as the name.


Mar 20, 2003
For about ten hours after dinner last night and until this morning, Claire only made these little feeble movements. I thought, oh no, this is what I get for talking so confidently about kick counting, etc. I still felt her regularly, but her movements were just little jabs here and there, not wriggles or rolls or kicks.

Every time I woke up in the middle of the night I thought about how quiet she was, but she was still moving regularly enough that I could count more than 5 movements before falling back asleep. This morning I alarmed DH, and we decided to see what she did after breakfast. At that point, she was almost back to her usual self, and I counted 10 bigger movements in about 4 minutes, including bladder jabs and rib kicks and my favorite, the combination of both.

The night before she had been so unusually active, treating my bladder like a trampoline, etc., that I think that also skewed my perception of how she usually moves. [ETA: I guess I should say treating my bladder like a punching bag since it's her head/arms down there, not her legs.]

I totally want to err on the side of safety, but ten movements in four minutes seems like a definite no on calling the doctor, right? I feel and see her right now. She's got her butt up in the air on my left side and she's shimmying back and forth.

My Mayo Clinic guide says, "It's normal for the vigor of your baby's activities to decrease somewhat during the last few days before birth. It's almost as if your baby is resting, storing energy for the big day. But generally, the number of movements shouldn't drop a great deal." I'd like to think that's what's happening . . . she's resting up for her big arrival!


Aug 23, 2005
OMG PG.... girl! i can empathize with EVERYTHING you just wrote. the little movements were what really concerned me and made me call my M/W last week. but, a movement is a movement - at least according to the doc and hospital. they even suggest drinking some juice and laying on your left side to get your count. but encouraging about what the mayo clinic says. my LO (after being crazy active saturday and sunday) has also gone more subtle. maybe it''s getting close!! anyhoo, i did the EXACT same thing last night.. thinking how quite he was being in there every time i woke up. i''m only supposed to get 5 kicks/hour 2x a day. so even if she''s sleeping most of the day as long as you are getting them either in the morning or when you are resting at night.. that would be totally fine with my M/W.

everyone... still here... still working
. i did, however, drop down to 1/2 days this week. i realized yesterday that i was nuts thinking i could work a full 10 hour day. i was sooo tired at 2:00 that i just decided to not push my luck and take the rest of my vacation etc. our vacation re-ups in feb. so i don''t know why i thought i should hang on to any of it
. and since my FMLA will start *for sure* next thursday - my induction date if baby doesn''t come on his own... i still have enough time saved. so, at least i can ''enjoy'' this time a little more and not be so paranoid that i''m going to go into labor at work or that i would have wasted my last days of ''freedom'' before baby at work... who wants that?

yesterday i even baked some banana muffins thinking that would get things going...nope.... do i need to bake something bigger and more grand? like a baked alaska or something? souffle?



Apr 23, 2008
Date: 10/20/2009 9:13:41 AM
Author: vizsla
yesterday i even baked some banana muffins thinking that would get things going...nope.... do i need to bake something bigger and more grand? like a baked alaska or something? souffle?


Chocolate cake! It worked for TGal lol.


Mar 20, 2003
Viz, good for you for using your leave! Do you have enough to take whole days off if you want to too? Either way, I''m glad that you''re relaxing a bit. I keep thinking about how glad I am that I am off now even if she''s late. I am a total control freak/perfectionist when it comes to my job, but I haven''t been thinking about it at all. If anything goes wrong with my substitute''s flight home today or if he feels too jetlagged to come in tomorrow, there''s a reasonable chance that no one will show up to teach my classes tomorrow, and I only left plans through today. But I don''t care at all! Not a single bit! Not my problem!

Thanks for the reassurance that a movement is a movement. If I notice that she doesn''t reach 5 kicks per hour, I''ll definitely call, but at this point I think that what will happen if/when I call is:
*I''ll go in for fetal monitoring.
*They''ll say she''s probably fine, but let''s induce you just in case.

My doctor''s office seems so easily persuaded to induce that I want to make sure I''m doing it because there''s real reason for concern. Of course, I''m not saying I won''t schedule one after my appointment on Thursday, but I just don''t want to jump the gun. DH would like that, though. When he left for work today he said, "Just do your best to relax today. And to go into labor in an hour." But I don''t want to go that route without a real medical reason.


Aug 23, 2005
LOL... so funny how different doc practices are... mine is total anti-inducing... probably the main reason why they would seriously let me go a full 42weeks .. bleh.

although, i'm thinking about asking them to do ye old membrane stripping on thursday too ;-)

tee hee re: your DH.... i *wish* i could go into labor on command :)

i forgot my cell phone today and DH called to tell me i was in trouble... how did people get in touch before cell phones? i'll never know (just a little sarcasm there). so, he's resorted to calling me every hour.. ummm.. i have a phone at my desk :razz: DH actually told me to hold off having baby until this weekend b/c he wants to finish a job ... ummmm yeah, ok darling.. whatever you want


Oct 19, 2005
Oh Viz and PG, this waiting game sounds terrible! I hope both of you go into labor soon!

Morning everyone!

So I am having totally irrational fears today. On Sunday we headed to Ikea to pick up a bookcase for the baby's room and during lunch I went to the bathroom. When I wiped (sorry all) it was pinkish? Not like, streaked with pink/red, just everything was a very very faint pink. I have to say, it scared the living HELL out of me. I'm only 35 weeks, and since everyone has been saying I am going to go early (I HATE THEM, btw) I just totally panicked. We went to Ikea straight after and I felt fine. No cramps, she was still moving as usual, no more pink. Still, it made me realize how much isn't done- we haven't gotten her nursery finished, we still need to wash her clothes, find a newborn outfit to take to the hospital, have her car seat installed... ARGH. Then, I woke up this morning and I'm bigger. Maybe she just scraped something as she was growing?

Anyway, that's my mindset of the last few days- I AM NOT READY FOR THIS. Also, we had two showers this weekend. We got our monitor, a bottle drying rack (but no bottles, which is hilarious, good thing my friend sent me a case of 24 of her never-before-used bottles), a tub and the bouncer and swing we registered for. Other than that we got a TON of clothes and towels and washcloths. Unfortunately, we still need to get the Snap N Go (I think I'm getting one from my cousin, her baby is quickly outgrowing theirs), everything for the crib; sheets and bumper, and all breastfeeding stuff. We did get Juice Couture booties and hat, so THAT area is covered. I've learned my lesson- always buy off registry!!


Oct 30, 2002
viz and pg you girls are totally cracking me up with the waiting game. pg i wouldn't worry about the kicks... i tend to think movement in general, and there IS reduced space in there. i have heard some moms say the kid goes crazy before and others say they got slower before birth. plus if you can see her butt and she's moving then she's ok in my opinion. i'd just keep a watch on it...but i tend to agree with you re: if you go in they will either just monitor you for hours or try to induce you.

see this is why i would not TOTALLY mind it if our boy made an early appearane like SURPRISE all full-grown at 38 weeks. because those last few weeks of mental torture aka whats going on, i can't sleep, jeez my bladder, are you ever coming out, are lessened maybe just slightly.

amber, girl you are just a little crazy to wait so long to get it all ready, i would be having nightmares at this point and probably generally frightening myself into labor early about not being ready. i am already having those dreams and i'm only at 25 weeks! but i'm a huge planner and so things that are in my control i try to focus on rather than those that are out of it (aka baby). did you get those ikea picture frames? i put our prints in this wkd and they are super cute. and you are prob more ready than you think, if you have been able to get this far..!!

does anyone know why the dr's tell you to lay on your left side to induce kicking? that is the side i start on for sleep and it never fails that he kicks me about 4-5 times before settling GOOD NIGHT MOM. hehee. or probably more like 'why didn't you feed me more of that pumpkin pie...'

so on my way home yesterday in the rain i think i got a flat tire but i have run flats so i have another ~50miles on them before anything happens, so i got home, checked the symbol online and had greg look at it. as he was checking it, the tire popped, soooo loud. anyway we think the car is not driveable now so i am taking his car and calling it in today, hopefully they can come GET it or something. but JEEZ what a pain. and i am just 1.5 months away from giving the car back, might have to get a new set of tires which will set us back a pretty penny since they are performance tires. BOO. so we'll see. but def not what i wanted to be dealing with tuesday morning. anything deviating from 'general routine' during the week totally bothers me.

oh speaking of cars we are LAGGING doing our research and figuring out what to get next. this wkd i am forcing us to get out and look at the top3 on our short list so we can make a decision and start the haggling already. blah. not excited about THAT.


Aug 23, 2005
yes, the waiting game stinks... however, i'm thinking *hoping* it makes the end that much sweeter - because we will be SO READY for baby;-) right pg? :)

oh re: laying on your left side... the left side provides max blood flow to baby. the vena cava runs along the right side of your body... which is why you are not supposed to lay on your back w/out a wedge or something when you are further along. the weight of the baby can put pressure on that vein and, in essence, cut off the blood flow to baby. i get super paranoid about this... therefore my left side hips/ribs etc are always killing me... oh well.. only a few more days!

ahhhh half days are so so so sweet... later ladies.

amber - glad everything is OK... i had a *lot* of pink tinged "stuff" after each internal... and i can imagine that with all of that movement etc piper probably just stirred something up. doesn't sound like it's something to worry about unless it continued. PLUS, baby is going to sleep in your room for awhile anyway, right? so you have a few months to make sure her room is done ;-) no stress.... did that help? oh, and hooray for showers!!!


Oct 30, 2002
viz, what i''d read online is that when you lay on your back it cuts off your own blood flow not the baby''s...also at the dr they let me lay on my back on the table on saturday for like 45 min. i was the one who felt weird and got into a sitting position...kid''s heartbeat was as strong as ever. i lay on my left and my right at intervals, i am a side sleeper anyway thank goodness. but pg''s stretch marks story makes me all paranoid.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 10/20/2009 9:37:55 AM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 10/20/2009 9:13:41 AM
Author: vizsla
yesterday i even baked some banana muffins thinking that would get things going...nope.... do i need to bake something bigger and more grand? like a baked alaska or something? souffle?


Chocolate cake! It worked for TGal lol.
I think it worked for a few of us! Banana muffins will also make you go bananas.''s the solution to everything. Good luck!!


Oct 30, 2002
btw pb just emailed that they are shipping a lot of their xmas stuff including stockings for free.
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