
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Apr 23, 2008
Mandarine, YAY! Go babies go! They are going to be SO cute and chubby.

My first "real" appointment is tomorrow morning. Pelvic (yuck), and we finally get to hear the heartbeat! I will be exactly 12 weeks tomorrow, too. Ugh, I can''t wait to get out of the first trimester, I am so over the sickness. Not to mention in the last week I have developed perpetual heartburn, and I have never had it before at all, so I wasn''t even sure what it was. One of my co-workers mentioned she had it today and I was like, "Omg what does it feel like?" She thought I was the biggest nerd ever for not know what heartburn is like, but I honestly had no idea! I thought my esophagus was spasming or something.

Tomorrow is also our four year anniversary - we went on our first real date 4 years ago at the state fair, and we are going back to the fair tomorrow after my appointment to walk, eat, and get a picture taken like we do every year. I love this tradition


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 9/17/2009 9:45:38 PM
Author: MonkeyPie
Mandarine, YAY! Go babies go! They are going to be SO cute and chubby.

My first ''real'' appointment is tomorrow morning. Pelvic (yuck), and we finally get to hear the heartbeat! I will be exactly 12 weeks tomorrow, too. Ugh, I can''t wait to get out of the first trimester, I am so over the sickness. Not to mention in the last week I have developed perpetual heartburn, and I have never had it before at all, so I wasn''t even sure what it was. One of my co-workers mentioned she had it today and I was like, ''Omg what does it feel like?'' She thought I was the biggest nerd ever for not know what heartburn is like, but I honestly had no idea! I thought my esophagus was spasming or something.

Tomorrow is also our four year anniversary - we went on our first real date 4 years ago at the state fair, and we are going back to the fair tomorrow after my appointment to walk, eat, and get a picture taken like we do every year. I love this tradition
TUMS worked wonders for me when I had heartburn. I didn''t get full on ms, but felt icky at night and got hb most nights.


Oct 30, 2002
wow PG you are almost full term! so exciting. when i asked my dr re: swine flu and protecting myself while in europe she said stay away from people who are coughing, purell and wash as much as possible. keeping fingers crossed that you stay healthy!

mandarine, a huge what what for Baby A! come on Baby B! go babies...

monkeypie... i had the worst heartburn in my first tri, particularly up until week 13 or so along with my nausea. and i would get excessive saliva as well which was apparently a heartburn and nausea side effect as well. but since my nausea went away i have not really had hardly any heartburn, thankfully. TUMS helps so much though...and it''s something you can i would take like 2 a night. i am sure i will get it again in third tri from what people have told me, but at least for now it''s ok.

lol cello... hearing you talk about your boobs cracks me up because that is how i feel about mine. i''m telling you.. national geographic proportions and i am only 5 months..yikes. and man are they heavy.


Apr 14, 2006
Hey Mandarine,

I was just doing my Friday check in to see your *kick off* of belly picture Friday. I came too early. But I'll be back.

Yay for those boys growing so well. 4.5 lbs is impressive, lady!!


It's almost time! Eek!

Love reading the updates on all of you mommy's in the making. Keep on keeping on...


Aug 23, 2005
mandy - me thinks this is going to be a pattern for the boys later on in life.... one will be the
while the other is being the
and then they'll switch
. just a few more weeks! are you planning on taking any time off before baby? i hear ya on the being alone during the day - a day here or there is great -- 5 in a row is hard! i have 'stir crazy' anxiety about being home all day with baby. i guess *technically* i won't 'be alone' - but ya know. i do have a couple of SAHM girlfriends, but i can't bug them everyday to entertain me. i think there will be lots of trips to the park and library.... i'm going to be the crazy new mom stalker.

mara/cello - my jugglies grew ferociously the beginning of the second tri, and (fingers crossed) they've stopped since about week 25ish, so there is hope! i'm fully expecting another 'growth spurt' when i start nursing -- so i've taken precautions and waited until this week to buy nursing bras (a full cup/strap size bigger). if they get any bigger than that, i'm going to wrap myself in a toga.

what else is going on??? hmmmm..... oh, pumpkin spice is back at starbucks!! i know, i know, i lead a very exciting life. but, my fav. thing is to treat myself on friday mornings with a starbucks. grande half-calf non-fat misto with one pump of flavor (yeah, it's hard for me to remember that order too;-) yeah, soooooo, i've got that going for me
-- seriously, i've got nothing. same ol same ol. work is busy, back hurts, i have the 'mask of pregnancy' - i mean, i'm looking GOOD these days :)

question - did anyone else notice that their eyesight went totally whack-a-doo since becoming PG? my doc said my prescription would go back to normal after delivery so not to worry about it, but geesh. i can barely see with my contacts anymore, so i've been forced to wear my glasses
i loathe wearing my glasses. i'm thinking about buying a 'fun pair' just to get me thru the next few weeks - cuz on top of everything else, this doesn't help :razz:

ok, maybe i'll try and do something creative with my BFP today..... tgif!


Aug 23, 2005
thanks fisher! i can''t believe it''s almost time either! i think after nat has her baby
it will really really really start to sink in (geesh, nothing like waiting until the last min. for it to ''sink in'' huh?)


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 9/18/2009 8:52:24 AM
Author: vizsla
question - did anyone else notice that their eyesight went totally whack-a-doo since becoming PG? my doc said my prescription would go back to normal after delivery so not to worry about it, but geesh. i can barely see with my contacts anymore, so i''ve been forced to wear my glasses
i loathe wearing my glasses. i''m thinking about buying a ''fun pair'' just to get me thru the next few weeks - cuz on top of everything else, this doesn''t help :razz:

I''ve heard of that happening - Brad Paisley''s wife said she was all but blind in the last two months. Here''s hoping yours doesn''t get any worse!

I am waiting for my husband to get off work to come get me and head off to the midwife. I am so excited to hear the heartbeat, and super jealous that I have had to wait this long to hear it. I am going to try and beg an ultrasound - my mom works with a woman that is one week ahead of me and had an ultrasound at 6 weeks. Jealoussss!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, girls. Here is my belly shot for 21 weeks....I feel like I really popped since last week. I feel my shirts getting tighter...time to go shopping I guess! Hope everyone is having a great Friday!



Jan 20, 2006
Date: 9/18/2009 8:52:24 AM
Author: vizsla
mandy - me thinks this is going to be a pattern for the boys later on in life.... one will be the
while the other is being the
and then they''ll switch
. just a few more weeks! are you planning on taking any time off before baby? i hear ya on the being alone during the day - a day here or there is great -- 5 in a row is hard! i have ''stir crazy'' anxiety about being home all day with baby. i guess *technically* i won''t ''be alone'' - but ya know. i do have a couple of SAHM girlfriends, but i can''t bug them everyday to entertain me. i think there will be lots of trips to the park and library.... i''m going to be the crazy new mom stalker.

I think so too!! Those two will be playing mind tricks on us!!!.
As of now I don''t plan on taking any real time off. I''m bored as it is so I think working keeps me a bit entertained and might help me not get so anxious since I get to worry about something else for a few hours!

Once the babies arrive and they''re ready to be taken outside, I''m definitely planning on being the crazy new mom stalker too!...I just need to get out of the house!

Hmm..pumpkin Spice I love thee?. I get mine decaf, non-fat with two pumps!
I may have to reward myself with one today. Not sure what I''m rewarding, but there''s nobody around here to tell me I shouldn''t


Jan 20, 2006
Steph I think you did pop a little!!! You're still tiny, but I see the start of a cute bump!!!!

Fisher, you're so funny! I'm happy Steph kicked it off today!.

MP have fun listening to the HB!!! It's the best sound ever

And here is my pic from yesterday...33 weeks!. I think the belly is getting bigger...but maybe it doesn't show because well, I'm getting bigger EVERYWHERE!. I was comparing this to the 28-week picture and wow....I'm definitely getting "thicker". I can't wait to get back into shape once I'm able to start working out!!! poor arms and legs have zero muscle mass!

So here you go...

ps: the marks you see in the belly are veins...not stretch marks. SO far no stretch marks (yippeee) but my veins are out of control...I look like a map!

ETA: Even my hands look swollen!!!



Mar 16, 2005
Mandi, thank you and you look so amazing! I can't believe you have 9 pounds worth of babies in there! Enjoy your last few weeks...can't wait to see pics of your sweet little guys!


Oct 19, 2005
Steph, I see a little pop!

Mandarine: Too cute. And seriously?? NO Stretch Marks?? I''m lucky (???) as the ones I DO have are centralized around my belly button. No side ones (new, pregnancy ones, I had some before) just right above my belly button. It''s weird because I usually know a stretch mark when I see it, but the ones I have look like crazy veins- not spider as much as just weird red veins. I think they''re just stretch marks. Luckily they don''t hurt or itch. CONGRATS on big babies in there!!! No wonder you''re miserable, carrying one is heavy enough.

MP: Good luck today!

Viz: I hear ya on the vision thing, I am SQUINTING constantly. And I have glasses with BIfocals. It''s actually driving me insane, since part of my day to day job is involving reading small invoices and inputting them.

Sorry if I forget anyone, I''m a little spacey and self-obsessed today. Here''s the reason:
Last night DH went to his school''s Back to School night. No kids/parents were there. Why? Apparently a 7th grade student went home with SWINE FLU. It''s such a small school, these kids are constantly surrounded by other kids. I''m actually SUPER worried. We don''t know if it''s just the one kid. Paul is pissed because no one told him- whose wife is pregnant, and has very bad asthma. He''s always really good about hand sanitizer, washing constantly and cleaning everything at school meticulously- even before H1N1 came around. Still, I''m freaked out about this. Add to that the flu shot (regular) I got at the OB''s office yesterday, and I''m feeling a little crappish, so I''m all paranoid it''s swine flu and not Flu vaccine leftovers. Blah.

We had our last appointment with the OB yesterday before she has her baby. We''ll (hopefully) see her when I deliver. I''m feeling super stressed with all we have to do.

Weird thing: when Paul puts his hand on my belly the baby moves. It happens EVERY time. She could be sleeping, and she''ll wake up for him. Isn''t that crazy??


Aug 23, 2005
oh girl! don't stress (easier said than done right?) just be extra careful about washing your hands etc. and you *shouldn't* won't have anything to worry about. i think stress brings our immune system down and make us more susceptible to getting sick.

i know this sounds kooky, buuutttt my sure fire way to beat getting sick is to down a 'good belly' everyday. since 80% of your immune system is in your digestive track, i'm really anal about making sure i'm taking good care of it. anyhoodles, you can get 'good bellies' at whole foods. they are a pro-biotic/vitamin little juice shot (and deeelllliicccioouuusss)

and isn't the eyesight sooooo annoying?!?!? it's so hard for me to focus when i'm out shopping or at the grocery.. gives me such a headache.... just another thing i'll cross off my list until october ;-) teee hee

lol mandy - you SHOULD treat yourself.... i say the exact same thing every time i go in for a pedi... hey, no one's telling me i shouldn't :) tee hee! you look fantastic btw ;-)


Aug 23, 2005
i lied - i''m not feeling creative today... unless you call my standard potty shot creative

viz 35 weeks - over and out!



Nov 14, 2004
Our friend, also our optometrist, said that pregnancy can change your eyesight, and sometimes it can be permanent. Hope that’s not the case with you. My eyesight was not changed last pregnancy. I used to want to wear glasses growing up but not anymore, so I hope it stays that way.
Hearing the heartbeats for the first time is kind of surreal. Hope you have a great appointment. Your middie only does the 20 weeks u/s? My dr does u/s for the first few visits, basically until we can hear the heartbeats with Doppler easily at around 11 weeks.
Your bump is still pretty small. Mine is sticking out way more than you. You look great.
Lucky you… no stretch marks… I am jealous. Your belly is growing a lot… make sense since the boys are gaining quite a bit.
Yay for baby A passing the NST. Hope brother B will catch on and pass too.
Hear you on being over with being pregnant. Everyone feels that way. But then after you have the baby, you’ll miss your belly and feeling the kicks. Well at least, I did.
Big hug to you. Try not to stress. Hope you feel better.
That’s kind of neat how your baby girl will kick for daddy.


Apr 9, 2005
Just a tip for all the preggos. Check out the babycheapskate blog for the new list of all the places you should sign up for coupons. I was never the coupon type until I had children and let me tell you, they really help!!!


Nov 20, 2006
great pics ladies!!! you all look fabulous!


May 9, 2006
Looking good preggos!!! I love BPF!!

So, I went ahead and took another work bathroom pic. Here it is. I''m 18.5 wks.



Jun 26, 2006
I am way behind on posting as we''ve been traveling. LL and Sapphire, congrats, the boys are adorable. I hope you are all adjusting well.

Here is my contribution to BPF - 31 weeks as of yesterday. I am constantly getting comments about whether I am due tomorrow, I don''t really mind, I guess it''s partially because I am so short (5''1") that my belly looks really large. On a more fun note, Olivia has been super active the last few days and I can now see her kicks from the outside. It''s kind of crazy.

I am also a big fan of Starbuck''s pumpkin spice latte, especially since we are experiencing chilly weather here in the Northeast the last couple of days. Fall is by far my favorite season.

I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend, we have been traveling the last few weekends for weddings. This weekend I have nothing planned other than a massage on Saturday and on Sunday my FSIL is coming over to take some maternity photos. She went to school for photography and is just starting her business as a children''s photographer. Her work is amazing, we are so lucky to have her in the family. I will post a few pics when we get them.

Next weekend and the following weekend are my showers (one in DC where I grew up and one in Philly where I live now). I can''t believe how generous people have been, I have had to keep adding to the registry as everything has been purchased already.

We are almost finished with the nursery, I''ll post pics of that as well once the final touches are done.

Finally, does anyone have suggestions for nursing bras for the more well-endowed? I started out at a 32D and am up to a 36DD. Most of the ones I have seen recommended are wireless and I can''t imagine something without underwire giving me enough support.



Oct 30, 2002
you gals look so fabulous! esp the ones closer to delivery, WOW.... you are all so small except belly.

and burk girl you don't even show! steph you are so small too. i feel like my belly is popping this week, but at my event a lot of people didn't even notice i was preggo so who knows. since i am still wearing mostly dresses that have high waists it may not be tooooo obvious if you don't know me. i am happy to see i still have muscle def on the sides of my belly so it makes me feel better about being a slug during this portion of preggo. i am going to try to walk this wkd too.

viz i had a pumpkin spice latte the other day, i was jazzed it was back too. i used to get sugar free vanilla and stuff like that but since i am preggo i am not doing the fakey sugars so i am relishing every time i get a regular vanilla or the pumpkin spice because it DOES taste so much better than sf. i can't wait til eggnog latte and gingerbread.

mp... boooo that you don't get to see the baby more! we saw him at 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 15 weeks, 16 weeks and 20 weeks. but now we won't get to see til 32 i think. i might have gone slowly insane if we didn't get to see him so much since i am a paranoid chick. they will just listen with doppler from now on. kaiser is pretty good about doing the ultrasounds all through the beginning, even the bad grainy ones make me happy since it's still a picture. also we had the nuchal trans which is a very detailed US and the amnio US which is detailed again. but i guess if in future appts they feel like we need to see how things are progressing they will look again. i hope you get to see your nugget today!

it's more organization for us this wkd... i am going to continue packing up the ridiculous amt of clothes i seem to have and putting it in the garage and also starting to dissasemble the guest room so that we can start getting rid of the pieces in the room and clearing it out. i'll order the furniture in the next 2 weeks so that by oct we can have most of the big elements to start putting things together. i'd like to be totally done by middle of nov before the holidays so that we don't have to be stressing about building or finishing the room and getting elements done during the holidays. esp since i do all my shopping in dec! i imagine time will pass pretty quickly once nov hits since holidays just FLY by. and then before we know it will be jan and i'll be due in a few weeks. YIKES!!!

happy friday all. i am really looking fwd to the wkd!


Nov 14, 2004
You look small for 31 weeks. Very cute.
They don''t make underwire nursing bras b/c underwire is not good for milk production. My boobs are not as big as yours, but I was up to 34DD, and bravado designs bras were supportive.

Adorable little bump.
I was going join in with the restroom pics today, but I forgot my camera again. =(


Aug 23, 2005
qt - cell phone?
tee hee... maybe we should replace the ''B'' in BPF for Bathroom ;-)

mara - isn''t the full sugar stuff the BEST?! i *love* drinking REAL coke, and having REAL sugar in my coffee/tea.

have a great weekend ladies!


Feb 12, 2006
November, give the no underwire thing a try. I''m a bit bigger than you are (and I''m only 24 weeks. How terrifying!)and I''m wearing non-underwire bras and they are wonderfully supportive. The majority of the support in a bra actually comes from the band, so make sure you get a good fit around and three hooks is better than two the bigger you get.



Nov 14, 2004
I tried uploading from my iPhone. Couldn''t get it to work.


Nov 20, 2006
burk super tiny little bump you have!! and i love your hair.

mara you are so together on organizing. i remember with my first, we didn''t even get the crib delivered to the house until 2 weeks before i was due. haha, we were so bad. but it''s great that you''ll have all your stuff done by the holidays!


Mar 16, 2005
Mandi, you seriously have me craving a Pumpkin Spice Latte....yummmm

Amber, so sorry about the flu scare. I really hope it passes without you getting sick....thinking about you!

Viz, you are so cute and tiny...only belly!

QT, thank you! Can't wait to see another picture of your cute little bump!

Curly, thanks for the tip!

Puffy, hope you are doing well!

Burk, you are so cute! Just a tiny little bump!

Nov, you look really great. It won't be long now! These next few weeks will fly by for you!

Mara, we just ordered our crib too. I am hoping to have everything done before Nov. Mine and Andrew's birthday are on the same day in Nov, our anniversary is in Nov, and we are hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year, so it is going to be crazy after that!

Hi, Cello!


Nov 15, 2005
Hi Everyone! Lovely pics today :)

Viz 35 weeks?? You''re tiny girl!

Amber if you got the regular flu shot yesterday I''m sure that''s the only reason you''re feel a little sick today. I think you''ll be fine, just keep washing those hands and did hubby get the flu shot too???

Baby''s movements became different this week. I used to feel lots of little movement. One day this week I felt almost none in the morning when I usually do, so I started to get a little worried and kept telling Baby he had to move around to keep his momma from worrying. Well I''m not worried anymore. This guy is STRONG! He''s stretching out big time in there! I think he''s positioned sideways though cause I''m pretty sure I''ve got his head on my right side and his feet on my left. I hope he can turn head down in there still!

So I''m nervous to say anything, but I''m very cautiously excited because we found a home to put an offer on!!! We''re in SoCal and things are moving FAST here so I feel like this weekend we''re going to be fighting tooth and nail to get this. PLEASE send any available dust house our way!!!!!
We can use any and all good luck. They aren''t going to make any decisions till Monday though, so we have a weekend of angst ahead of us

Here''s my pics for today. 31 weeks tomorrow!



Jun 15, 2006
Look at all these great pictures! I''ve been taking weekly shots (every Sunday, when I turn weeks) but I''m hesitant to post as I''m wearing exercise pants and tank and I''m a bit self-conscious.

I feel like i''m moving into the exciting phase of pregnancy. No more 1st trimester fears, getting closer to when I''ll get to feel the baby, fun stuff.

Today and yesterday were long, so I''m taking it easy this evening. I really want to go to a salad bar (and I haven''t wanted fruits/veggies aside from grapes in some time) so that''s dinner.

I think we''re going car shopping this weekend. I''m going to need a baby-friendly vehicle, my little pick up won''t cut it.


Mar 20, 2003
I''m going on Tamiflu for exposure to the H1N1 virus.

6 students in my last class of the day were absent -- these are senior AP students, so it''s not like they miss a lot of class. 3 or 4 of them had "ILI" written next to the note that a parent had called them in sick on their attendance, and I''m pretty sure that means "influenza like illness." There was lots of sneeziing and nose blowing in that class, and the kids were explaining how they don''t want to miss school because they won''t be exempt from their finals if I they miss too many days. I told them that if they give me the swine flu, they will definitely NOT be exempt from my final, but if they miss too many days for staying at home with the swine flu, I was sure I would wind up "accidentally" miscalculating their absences and exempting them anyway!

So anyway, then I came home and got the chills and fatigue. The fatigue could be because I was up from 2:15 to 3:45 last night with insomnia and because it''s Friday, and I don''t have a fever, so maybe the chillls are nothing/just in my head. But anyway, since it''s almost certain those kids in my class have some kind of flu, the doctor is prescribing me the Tamiflu to lessen symptoms if I get the virus. DH is going to pick it up soon.


Dec 12, 2006

I don''t post much but do read lots... I just wanted to share that Craigslist is awesome for Maternity clothes!! You can do a search for Maternity or usually it will be posted in baby/ kids. Hope that helps some of you find some cute clothes.
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