
Calling all teachers!


May 18, 2009
Hi All!!
I recently started a teacher certification program which includes a semester of student teaching. I've been thinking a lot about the next year, and was wondering if anyone out there has any advice for a future teacher? The subject that I will be teaching is high school biology and/or chemistry. I know that a lot of pricescopers are teachers-- what was the hardest part about student teaching? What was the most rewarding aspect? I would really love to hear feedback and personal accounts from experienced teachers about what they believe constitutes being an exceptional teacher.
I look forward to reading the responses! :D
How exciting for you! I will post later when I have time to think of a good response, but wanted to let you know that I also teach high school biology and chemistry. Good luck in your program!
Guilty Pleasure, it is so nice of you to take the time to think and post a thoughtful response later! I'm very excited to learn about your experiences, especially since you teach high school science. Since Wednesdays are crazy busy for me, the next time I'll be on PS is late tomorrow night! I can't wait to read the response(s).
Good luck, Oranges! I'm an elementary teacher, so I can't give you advice on HS and/or science.

One thing that I learned during my year-long internship was to be open to feedback. It's hard when you have a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor observing and giving you feedback all the time. I felt at times like I was being critiqued, and that was hard. Once I got used to others being in the room while I taught, and I began to see that feedback was meant to help me become better at my job, it was easier and less stressful.

The most rewarding things for me were (and still are) seeing the growth my students made throughout the year, and coming home with lots of stories. I taught at the primary level, so there were lots of stories!

One bit of advice I'd give is to get involved. Attend staff meetings even if you're not required to. You'll learn a lot. Don't be afraid to ask questions either. Also, don't be afraid to be firm with your students. When I was in high school, we had a student teacher in my English class one semester, and she was very, very NICE. It was so easy to get her off track and we took major advantage of her. She was too afraid of being the firm one, the one in charge, and it showed. Not that you can't be nice of course, but you don't want to become friends with your students either. Know what I mean?

I'm sure you'll have fun. Good luck again!
I am a Teacher of the Deaf/HH for ages birth to 21.

MY advice: be flexible and open to feedback! I had a year long student teaching (1 semester Deaf/HH. 1 semester for Elem -where I did 8 weeks abroad in Rotterdam, and 8 weeks at a local school district). All teachers have their own style, and you are in their classroom, so you need to find "your style" but also be aware of how some teachers can feel about someone else in their room- so be flexible and open and keep a smile :bigsmile:

Also- keep in mind that all kids come from very different home lives and sometimes there is a lot more going on than you can imagine and at times school work and homework are the last things on these kids minds :((
most rewarding: seeing the huge changes and differences that are made at home with my birth to 3 yr olds! Especially when I am there when the "light clicks" and they really start to hear and understand, and many times I am there to experience their first words!

an exceptional teacher is one that inspires their students- who instills integrity and passion in their class and the students!
Zoe- Thanks for all of the advice! Being too nice is definitely a concern for me-- I am definitely going to have to try to make a VERY conscious effort to be firm. Being strict but friendly is going to be a very fine line to straddle-- I bet it takes a lot of trial and error before figuring out how to manage the classroom! Also, I never thought of getting more involved, such as going to meetings that aren't required. I definitely will keep that in mind when I start student teaching!

Amys Bling- Thanks for the responses! It really helps to be reminded about kid's lives after school and how it may affect them in the classroom. I am definitely going to try to consider that when I start teaching. Your job sounds very challenging! I know quite a few teachers that work with children with disabilities and it is very tough, but so rewarding!