
Breaking news about pet food recall

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May 20, 2006
We watch CNN all day whre I work and they just flashed this breaking news. They are saying there was rat poison in the contaminated food. I assume someone put it in the else would it get in there. This makes me sick, especially since I had a close call. Last friday my pug started doing the reverse sneezing which is normal for pugs. But he kept having attacks all night, and we rushed him to the emergency vet at 12:30am. They said it was possible he just had a sore throat and possibly allergies. They wanted us to feed him soft food so it didn''t irritate his throat. We feed him IAMS hard food and were going to go in the morning to get him some of the iams soft food. Saturday morning he had a seizure, so we rushed him to our vet. They diagnosed it as epilepsy and did the blood work and some other tests. Everything came out OK, so they sent him home with us to keep an eye on him. When we got home I opened the internet to find the story about the pet food recall...and my heart sank when I saw IAMS on there. But I saw that it was only the wet we were safe. My heart goes out to all the people that have lost their beloved pets. And to think that I could have lost mine if he didn''t have a seizure that morning. Sorry about the long post..I''m just upset that this could happen.
Thank you for updating us, glad your little guy is ok.
If that''s true, they ought to sic a bunch of rabid pitbulls on the scum who did it.

Dumb question: but is hard food affected too? My cat has been sick with cystitis for over a month (nothing is helping) Neither her hard food she was on before she got sick (which can cause this condition in a 10yo cat like mine) or the canned food the vet suggested I switch her to was listed (she''s on felidae wet).

Also, was dry dog food affected? I switched to Iams for a week trying to find something my german shepherd LIKED, and she got so sick...bad runs. I immediately switched her to Royal Canin''s German Shepherd formula (sensitive stomach). which was not listed either.

My dog is doing great on the Royal Canin, she''s never looked shinier or eaten better, but my poor kitty is just not doing well. I''m trying to keep up on it, but I''ve had a sick toddler & he got me sick I''m a little out of the loop.

This makes me sick. Our poor fur babies. There was just a recall on baby food--Earths Best Organic Jarred food. I felt so lucky that my son never ate babyfood, but when I did buy an occasional jar, it was E.B. green beans for him. He went straight to regular food--he hated jarred food. I think I''ll avoid the jarred food with new baby too...after all this, I''m really worried about what I put into my kids & pets -- they really can''t fend for themselves you know?

I hope everyone''s babies are ok..

I''m wondering if my cat''s dry Purina One Urinary Tract formula food made her sick now? Was dry affected?


it's just wet food, not dry that is affected.

when you switch a dog's food's totally possible for them to get diaharrea, you are not supposed to just switch them over to something new 100%...but instead do a gradual switch where you mix the foods for a period of time and watch their bowel movements to be sure that the system is getting used to the new food. then move over entirely after a while.

i am so happy we have been feeding P more specialty foods since she was small...after reading about the corn fillers and other random unprounceables in regular type dog foods i was like you are getting the good stuff and that's it. if i would eat organic and healthy ingredients, why wouldn't my best friend? there is no guarantee with any type of food (spinach ecoli scare anyone) regardless of quality and all that, but it just makes me feel better to know that i am doing what i can for her. and honestly, P's pet food is not much more $$ than the regular stuff in the stores which is kind of surprising. i think we pay like $6 for a small bag that lasts us 2 months, she's small as well so doesn't consume that much. her treats however are expensive, $20 a bag of chicken strips. i end up spending about $65 per month on her foodstuffs.
I''m so sorry about your kitty. From what I read dry food was not affected. We continued to feed Oliver the IAMS dry food this week and he has been fine. Although I''m looking into healthier foods, or possibly making his dog food.
DiverGrrl - It was just wet food, not dry food, for both cats and dogs.

I heard about the rat poison too, and if this was intentional, I''d go so far as to call it "Domestic Terrorism". Killing our animals is definitely NOT cool. It could be though that the toxin or fungus happens to be the same toxin used in the rat poison. I''m not clear on that yet.
mara, where do you buy her food? at a specialty store?
jcrow, you can go online to wellness or candidae or whatever brand you are looking for and it says on their websites where they carry the food near you...that is how i found out who was near us.

the place near us...there are a few actually fairly nearby, but we are lucky in that there is one within walking distance, about 3 blocks away, it''s a ''pet and feed'' store which mostly does horse and rabbit food and bedding, and stuff like that...but they also have a huge dog section! so i shop there, also i like supporting our local family owned business, the guy has owned the store like 50 years and he still works the cash register sometimes. hehee.
love that! thanks.
i''ve been using eukanuba since that''s what was recommended to us when we got cosmo -our little yorkie. maybe i''ll look into some different treats for him. he really likes soft treats so we generally give him that type.
Now they say the rat poison was in the wheat when it was imported from China. Why they imported wheat from China I have no idea.
i''m sure it''s to save $$
My heart goes out to the people effected by this recall. I was watching the news and one couple lost their two corgi's to the food posining. It's so sad.

I feel totally lucky and grateful that my pets weren't effect. Like Mara said, there is no guarentee with any food. So, I feel like we just got lucky.

I feed my dog Innova. It's a great food and she loves it. I give her both the wet and dry. My cats are on Science Diet, but luckily they only eat the dry food.
This really is terrible. A boy from my son''s class lost his dog to this. It''s so very sad.

Marvel, I feed my dog Innova, too. He LOVES it. It''s been great for him since sometimes he just doesn''t want to eat, but, he''ll almost always eat this stuff. There is only one problem with it...It seems to make him a bit, ahem - shall we say flatulant.
Date: 3/23/2007 1:47:31 PM
Author: Miranda
This really is terrible. A boy from my son''s class lost his dog to this. It''s so very sad.

Marvel, I feed my dog Innova, too. He LOVES it. It''s been great for him since sometimes he just doesn''t want to eat, but, he''ll almost always eat this stuff. There is only one problem with it...It seems to make him a bit, ahem - shall we say flatulant.
My dog too...but, I never took into consideration the it was the food, duh! I just figured it was going to happen regardless of what she ate. I don''t think I want to switch her food though.
This whole situation is horrible. We feed California Natural dry to our dogs which is made by the same company that makes Innova. California Natural is wheat free to help avoid allergys.
Date: 3/23/2007 1:09:14 PM
Author: jcrow
love that! thanks.
i've been using eukanuba since that's what was recommended to us when we got cosmo -our little yorkie. maybe i'll look into some different treats for him. he really likes soft treats so we generally give him that type.
Jcrow - I have a little yorkie too - his name is Harry. He's 4 months and his breeder told us to feed him the Iams puppy (wet) and leave out the puppy Eukanuba (dry) for him to snack on. I recently switched the Iams to Wellness for puppies and am mixing it with the dry to try and get him off the wet completely. Do you feed your yorkie wet or dry food?
Date: 3/23/2007 12:05:09 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
If that''s true, they ought to sic a bunch of rabid pitbulls on the scum who did it.

I totally agree
please don''t insult pit-bulls
they are dangerously cute

First I am so very sorry to hear about this problem.We feed our beloved pets the best ( so we may think) Secondly I want to share my experience some years ago.When we got our dog ( he is over 11now) we fed him what the breader recommended ( Iams I think) Our puppy was sick ,always vomitting and never really wanted to eat any kibbles so we kept experimenting with different brand of food.No luck the vet also gave us different foods to try .No luck with any of it.At that time I read a book on dog food how is it made and what goes into it ect.Sorry don''t remember the tilte .After reading this book( I will spare the details here ) hopefully its still in print most definitely worth reading ( I got it at the library)
I decided to switch him to natural diet (raw meat with vegies,organs , crushed bones ) It comes in bags frozen and you just take out what is needed.He liked it right away and gradually got better.Few Years after we found out he has a condition that is chronic and may have been aggrevated by his diet .I am happy to report that after 11 years he is not cured but needs no medication of any sort and no problem with his diet.Sometimes your local butcher may also sell bags of dog food ( its all for human consumption) I did quite a bit of reading on dog''s nutrition over the years and basically will stick to raw diet.It takes a bit of time to switch the dog to this diet as they lack the enzymes to properly digest it.Any reputable shop that carries raw food diet wil help out.
Oooh look at his little face - gotta love it!!!
they do not believe it was intentional. it was a rodenticide that is not used here and is used in China. A tragic and terrible error, I am so sorry for anyone who lost a pet.
I''ve been out of town all week and just found out about this late today. My heart was racing as I looked at what brands are recalled and thankfully mine isn''t but my heart goes out to those who are and I pray those pets will be ok. I had several family members call me worried about Zoe and checking to make sure she was ok. this is very scary but I''m glad they found it and recalled b/f many more were affected.

love the puppy pic
Date: 3/23/2007 3:05:20 PM
Author: blushingbride
Date: 3/23/2007 1:09:14 PM

Author: jcrow

love that! thanks.

i''ve been using eukanuba since that''s what was recommended to us when we got cosmo -our little yorkie. maybe i''ll look into some different treats for him. he really likes soft treats so we generally give him that type.
Jcrow - I have a little yorkie too - his name is Harry. He''s 4 months and his breeder told us to feed him the Iams puppy (wet) and leave out the puppy Eukanuba (dry) for him to snack on. I recently switched the Iams to Wellness for puppies and am mixing it with the dry to try and get him off the wet completely. Do you feed your yorkie wet or dry food?

cosmo eats just dry food now. he''ll be 5 yrs. old in august. but he does love his soft treats. we pretty much just give him that for treats.
for the dry food, he eats the petite maintenance small bites - or something like that. he''s always been on eukanuba - after the wet food when he was a puppy of course - i think that was science diet.
about the flatulence from certain foods...supposedly foods that have a fair amount of fruits and vegetables can cause gas in dogs. when we switched portia from candidae over to wellness we were like what is the deal with all this farting?!?! we didn''t put two and two together thought. and then my mom was like ''oh hey could it be the food change?!'' so i asked the next time we were at the store and the gal said yep that a lot of dogs on wellness have more flatulence due to the fruits and veggies in it (moreso than some other foods i guess, candidae has more protein and seed/oil sources and some fruits but not a ton, and wellness has a lot more veggies and fruits and only one specific protein source)...but portia seems to like the food and we don''t want to switch back right now, so we just deal, hahaha.
check with your vet but mine told me to put about 6 drops of liquid beano in Maya''s food and it really helps. When I have not put it in for a couple days let''s just say she can clear a room!
Date: 3/23/2007 1:09:54 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
Now they say the rat poison was in the wheat when it was imported from China. Why they imported wheat from China I have no idea.
Yes, that is why they were targeting the wheat gluton as the source. Recently, they switched their wheat gluton source to China. That was the only variable. China does use that rodentcide on their wheat. Why import *wheat* of all things from China.
Now Petco has pulled all of the Eukanuba wet bites packs, and I had some of THOSE because they told me they were safe. At my vet''s today, there were two very sick dogs and one pet died just before I got there. I had heard that menu foods knew this for a while. Someone is suing because of it.
Just from our little community here & my community - this is WAY more widespread than orig. thought. Many of the newscasters unforutanly have said the same thing. Very Very Sad.

Mistakes are mistakes. But, to change sources w/o proper & full investigation is unconsciouable. I''m not a sue person. Someone needs to be held accountable.
My heart goes out to those affected by this. From what I understand it was mostly wet food with cats being most affected. It sounded like it was also in dog food, but dogs were less affected. We feed our dog Flint River Ranch, and I recommend it without reservation. Like Mara said there are no guarantees that anything is 100% safe, but one of many things I like about FRR is that it is made entirely from human grade food ingredients (same food we eat). As you can see from this recall the ingredients of many regular, discount, and "premium" pet food brands, all come from the same place and would not be something consumable for humans.
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