
Bill Cosby

missy|1450178869|3961624 said:
Bill Cosby is a low life and a criminal. And he fooled many of us for a very long time. I grew up watching and enjoying his shows. The Cosby Show was a favorite of mine. So was A Different World. How sad to realize Bill Cosby is not a good man. He is a very bad person.

He's just an actor who played the character of a good man.

This is a good example of why I try to never idolize any famous (or not-famous) people.
what she said. (thank you MIssy).

missy|1450178869|3961624 said:
Bill Cosby is a low life and a criminal. And he fooled many of us for a very long time. I grew up watching and enjoying his shows. The Cosby Show was a favorite of mine. So was A Different World. How sad to realize Bill Cosby is not a good man. He is a very bad person.
kenny|1450202025|3961754 said:
missy|1450178869|3961624 said:
Bill Cosby is a low life and a criminal. And he fooled many of us for a very long time. I grew up watching and enjoying his shows. The Cosby Show was a favorite of mine. So was A Different World. How sad to realize Bill Cosby is not a good man. He is a very bad person.

He's just an actor who played the character of a good man.

This is a good example of why I try to never idolize any famous (or not-famous) people.

I never said I idolized him. Rather I enjoyed his tv shows and the characters he played. It was however a disappointment to learn that such a talented man used his "powers" for such evil purposes. That's all. Life is full of disappointments. I'm over it already. Too bad it is not as easy for his victims. I hope he is punished for his crimes. :nono:

Tekate said:
what she said. (thank you MIssy).

Thank you Tekate.
missy, I wasn't directing my comments at you.
Sorry, I keep forgetting you have to disclaim everything here.

Zillions of Americans DO idolize famous people.
It's a yucky part of our culture.
Singers, actors, athletes, politicians etc. are held up as role models for adults and for kids, etc.

That is unwise.
An exemplary individual is not needed for one to learn good morals, behavior and values.
Kenny, I agree with you. Too many people idolize others for all the wrong reasons. You are right. It is a yucky part of our culture. :knockout:
It seems that it's a common trend for many people in the spotlight to be unsavoury characters; when I was a teen I fished with a well-known Aussie sportsman and he was one of the most selfish, mysogynistic, unscrupulous and aggressive people I have ever met. I never actually idolized him as the sport he was successful in was not one that interested me at all as I was just a boat-hopper at the time, but if people who were fans of him had met him and got to know him then they would have been bitterly disappointed.

Like the old quote goes, you should never meet your heros...
Bill Cosby is not a very good person - he's a low life rapist. All of those women would not come forward with similar stories had he not done what he's accused of doing.
My mother met him at a trade show she was working in the early/mid 80s. She said he was an ass. She told me this story probably 20 years ago and I remember being sort of shocked given his TV persona. Now, not so much!
April20|1450214955|3961894 said:
My mother met him at a trade show she was working in the early/mid 80s. She said he was an a$$. She told me this story probably 20 years ago and I remember being sort of shocked given his TV persona. Now, not so much!


TV personas mean ZERO!
Cosby and his lawyers disgust me. Trying to turn the table by discrediting these women as lying opportunists is sickening. I can only hope that justice will prevail for these women and he is convicted. However unlikely that is. :angryfire:
April20|1450214955|3961894 said:
My mother met him at a trade show she was working in the early/mid 80s. She said he was an a$$. She told me this story probably 20 years ago and I remember being sort of shocked given his TV persona. Now, not so much!

Back in my 20s I was playing in a lounge band that got booked for work in Reno, NV. We were all young and basically broke, so when the resort gave us privileges on the tennis courts and in the pool, we were thrilled. So me and the drummer (my fiance) signed up for a date and time to play some tennis. We get down to the court and lo and behold, there is Bill Cosby (also working at the resort) playing tennis with a very young woman. Our time to play came and went. About 15 minutes into 'our' time, he made a hard eye contract with my fiance and cursed us out good. We just left, why hang around for abuse.

So when all this came out about Bill Cosby the necrophiliac-ish rapist, I remembered that girl on the tennis court with him. Wondered if he served her up a Quaaludes/Gatorade after the match.
kenny|1450215251|3961897 said:
April20|1450214955|3961894 said:
My mother met him at a trade show she was working in the early/mid 80s. She said he was an a$$. She told me this story probably 20 years ago and I remember being sort of shocked given his TV persona. Now, not so much!


TV personas mean ZERO!

When I was at USC, one of my roommates was a Pi Phi. Michael Landon's (uber dad from Little House on the Prairie) daughter lived in the Pi Phi house and apparently he was one SOB of a dad, nothing she ever did was good enough, etc etc. He had a meltdown with her in public during the taping in front of the library of a Bob Hope Christmas special. Bob Hope was a real a$$hat to us students too and most of us left the taping due to his sarcastic nastiness to us between segments. The show's producers were actually in a bind because they envisioned hordes of USC students in the background and pretty much everyone left after a dose of abuse that felt pretty personal and specific.

I learned a lot those years at USC about celebrities, there was a lot of celeb progeny there and a lot of 'the beautiful people' liked to hang out there.
When I was pg w/our first baby I said I wished I could have Dr. Huxtable. :(( I hate that people aren't like the characters they play on tv. I *know* that's how it works but dammit, deep down inside I always see the guy who made my brother and I laugh so hard we cried when Rudy had that party and the kids were doing that horse thing on is knee. And Michael Landon too? OMG I bawled like a baby when he died. I swear on all that's holy if someone comes along and tells me Jim Henson was a terrible person I am going to lose my shit! My poor heart has taken a beating already.

So what will happen now? Why is he countersuing? Is that a way stall the proceedings against *him*? (if there are any proceedings, I assume there are) Will he go to jail?

Jordy...was it Vic?
This is civil litigation, so no possibility of him being convicted, going to jail or prison as a result. Think the statutes of limitations for criminal prosecutions of him anywhere have all now lapsed; it's definitely too late for the particular women whom he's now counter-suing to file criminal complaints. (Well, I guess they could physically file criminal complaints, but there would be no penal law-related consequences to him if they did so.)

I suspect he's guilty and hope the jury agrees.

Unfortunately money buys good lawyers.
Remember OJ?
Ol Bill won't be tried in Los Angeles, so not as much bennie to being a has-been comedian/actor on the East Coast. And a lot of people took offense to the smack he talked about African American people not that long ago. America loves to knock down the holier than thou.
I doubt they will be short on volunteers to testify about his history regarding treatment of women. :nono:
As a survivor of sexual abuse I pray that Mr. Cosby gets the book thrown at him... I lived for years being abused by my father, and he was such a high profile person I felt I could not ask for help. My own mother saw with her eyes but didn't want to deal...

I live where he is being booked and the like

What kills me, is that people don't lie about this... It ruins your life to some degree.

And now taking care of my mother who is in a nursing home that never protected me....

So yeah it sucks.
His countersuits will go nowhere. It may stall some things, but his days of hiding are really over. He needs to be more worried about the criminal charges which were recently filed.

To be left without his career, his past sullied, his former friends turned against him, his family humiliated, his co-workers appalled, his professional affiliations ended, his endowments returned, his name all but erased from the yearbooks of the schools he attended, no one anywhere wanting anything to do with him . . . that's all a mighty high price to pay for some tail back in the day. And now he can add possible jail time to his list of woes. You have to wonder how one man can be so brilliant and yet be such a fool.

It never pays to think with one's appendage. And he obviously has let the little guy make most of his decisions in years past.

But let's be honest about a few things, at least. The people who enabled him, knew what he was doing. The girls who were offered X, Y or Z, and met up with him anyway, knew what he was asking of them. The only women who have a case are those who said "No", or those who were drugged so that they could not say "No". Anyone else was just playing the same games he was.
My question is...
Where was his wife during all of these incidents? Many happened at their home and the women claimed she was home. Could she have known all these years and turned a blind eye?
Kaleigh, there are no words. :((
Big hug to you.
mom2dolls|1451515866|3968666 said:
My question is...
Where was his wife during all of these incidents? Many happened at their home and the women claimed she was home. Could she have known all these years and turned a blind eye?

mom2dolls|1451515866|3968666 said:
My question is...
Where was his wife during all of these incidents? Many happened at their home and the women claimed she was home. Could she have known all these years and turned a blind eye?

She had to have known.
Which means she enabled him in doing these things.
She had her reasons, I'm sure. None of which are excuse enough.
Kaleigh|1451515474|3968659 said:
As a survivor of sexual abuse I pray that Mr. Cosby gets the book thrown at him... I lived for years being abused by my father, and he was such a high profile person I felt I could not ask for help. My own mother saw with her eyes but didn't want to deal...

I live where he is being booked and the like

What kills me, is that people don't lie about this... It ruins your life to some degree.

And now taking care of my mother who is in a nursing home that never protected me....

So yeah it sucks.

Kaleigh, I am so, so sorry.
mom2dolls|1451515866|3968666 said:
My question is...
Where was his wife during all of these incidents? Many happened at their home and the women claimed she was home. Could she have known all these years and turned a blind eye?

Even if she had not known (which I sincerely doubt), how can she possibly stay with him now.
The women know, they turn a blind eye....

Which to me, makes them as guilty....