
Best episode of The Twilight Zone


Apr 30, 2005
Netflix has all 5 seasons of the original B&W Twilight Zone TV series from 1959 to 1964.
I've been pigging out...zoning out? :tongue:
Some of them are superb!!!

Last night I saw one that may be the best of all, and I have to share it.
It is Season 5 Episode 23 and is called, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."
It is based on the story written by Ambrose Bierce, who lived 1842 - 1913.

Unlike every other TZ episode it was not produce by Rod Serling's production company, Cayuga Productions.
He often used various writers, producers, and directors, but this is the only time he aired a film not even made by his company and not even produced in the USA.
It was made in France and won international awards.

If you can't see it in higher resolution on Netflix, here it is on Youtube.
If you have 25 minutes check it out.
There is almost no dialogue, but notice the strange and brilliant use of sound and music.


Sep 3, 2009
Kenny, there's ever been a more significant body of work than Twilight Zone imo. It's never not superb. Best is to watch it online (or on dvd) -- on tv it's usually cut for today's longer ads. Serling already made each episode incredibly tight; every scene counted & if anything's taken out, the depth & irony are lost.

Owl Creek Bridge is great. Another of my favorites is "The Invaders" with Agnes Morehead. There is no dialogue in that until the last few seconds & she is the only person in it. Every time I see it I'm awed by her acting, the cinematography, the editing. Give that one a peek when you can.

For a pointed moral, "A Nice Place to Visit" with Larry Blyden & Sebastian Cabot is a knockout. I just love it.

Too many top-notch ones to name. Sad that we lost Rod Serling so young; he had a lot more to say that we would benefit from hearing.

--- Laurie


Dec 12, 2008
Ohhh I love Twilight Zone. FX or some channel used to run marathons around New Years time every year. One that has always stuck in my mind, and I don't remember all of it, is the one w/Burgess Merideth (I think it's him) and he just wants to be left alone to read. There's a war and he's the only one left..he goes to a big library and there's books all over. He picks one up and his glasses fall and break and he can't see.

I remember bits and pieces of different ones..the pretty girl who gets surgery and looks like a pig, To Serve Man..Jeez Kenny, I'm going to have to watch them all now.

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
I love the twilight zone!! My fav is the bank employee who just want to be alone to read- he gets his wish- but then his glasses break..

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
packrat|1320932650|3058539 said:
Ohhh I love Twilight Zone. FX or some channel used to run marathons around New Years time every year. One that has always stuck in my mind, and I don't remember all of it, is the one w/Burgess Merideth (I think it's him) and he just wants to be left alone to read. There's a war and he's the only one left..he goes to a big library and there's books all over. He picks one up and his glasses fall and break and he can't see.

I remember bits and pieces of different ones..the pretty girl who gets surgery and looks like a pig, To Serve Man..Jeez Kenny, I'm going to have to watch them all now.

The first one you mentioned is my fav too :)


Nov 24, 2006
The one where the boy is a Monster and all the towns people are afraid of him. If you upset him and don't sing happy birthday to him he turns you into a jack in the box.

I also love A Stop at Willoughby; where the guy is being nagged to make money and he rides the train back in time and finally decides to stay in a calmer peaceful life.

Robert Duvall made this particular Twillight Zone one of the Best! The Miniatures, his acting is amazing!!! You could tell from that one he was going to be an incredible actor. I think it is super creepy; he falls in love with the miniature in the doll house.

I love to watch Alfred Hitchcocks on HULU

I will have to think more about other favorites.

Oh the one where these guys go to the Moon w/a lady robot and he falls in love with her because she is so real and then he needs to come back to earth and they send a space ship to take him back but he can't take his lady robot friend. I thought when his friend showed him she was a robot that was creepy!

There are actually sooooo many good ones.


Apr 13, 2008
There's something on the wing of the plane!!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Tuckins1|1320940381|3058631 said:
There's something on the wing of the plane!!!!

oh yeah!!! they did an 80's remake of that (Steve Spielberg) "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet," in which a nervous airline passenger (John Lithgow) sees a gremlin on the wing of the plane.


Sep 30, 2007
great threat choice Kenny!
my favorite episodes that scared the stuffing out of me as a kid...
1-the episode where the father brings his daughter a doll from his travels to Europe and it turns out to be a vampire doll !
2- the episode where a beautiful women is shunned by her town because she doesn't look like them. in the end she has plastic surgery to look like a pig! so good!


Nov 24, 2006
jewelerman|1320944412|3058698 said:
great threat choice Kenny!
my favorite episodes that scared the stuffing out of me as a kid...
1-the episode where the father brings his daughter a doll from his travels to Europe and it turns out to be a vampire doll !
2- the episode where a beautiful women is shunned by her town because she doesn't look like them. in the end she has plastic surgery to look like a pig! so good!

I am a TZ junky; I don't remember that one :confused:
there was a dad who brought a doll & the girl remembered the dad was a jerk. Living Doll episode
also this one talking tina


Jan 10, 2009
packrat|1320932650|3058539 said:
Ohhh I love Twilight Zone. FX or some channel used to run marathons around New Years time every year. One that has always stuck in my mind, and I don't remember all of it, is the one w/Burgess Merideth (I think it's him) and he just wants to be left alone to read. There's a war and he's the only one left..he goes to a big library and there's books all over. He picks one up and his glasses fall and break and he can't see.

I remember bits and pieces of different ones..the pretty girl who gets surgery and looks like a pig, To Serve Man..Jeez Kenny, I'm going to have to watch them all now.

I love To Serve Man - a cookbook on how to cook humans! Can't wait for the New Year's marathon here. I also like the episode (don't remember the name) when an entire neighborhood is suspicious of one another when odd things happen on their street and they end up killing an innocent person and physically hurting each other.


Dec 12, 2008
Ohhh I'd forgotten about the thing on the plane wing..didn't the old one have William Shatner in it? I watched the first four episodes, and the very first one is one I could only remember snippets of, where the guy is all alone in a town and freaks out. I remember partially about some of the kid ones mentioned above, and one about..older people? Watching kids play games and then they wake up and are young and go play kick the can or something?

I get them mixed up sometimes too..the older ones w/the newer (well, they were done in the 80's) ones, and also Amazing Stories..


Sep 10, 2003
Talking Tina -- scared me off baby dolls when I was a kid. Twilight Zone is one of my favorite series ever. Rod Serling was a genius.


Nov 24, 2006
packrat|1320956674|3058883 said:
Ohhh I'd forgotten about the thing on the plane wing..didn't the old one have William Shatner in it? I watched the first four episodes, and the very first one is one I could only remember snippets of, where the guy is all alone in a town and freaks out. I remember partially about some of the kid ones mentioned above, and one about..older people? Watching kids play games and then they wake up and are young and go play kick the can or something?

I get them mixed up sometimes too..the older ones w/the newer (well, they were done in the 80's) ones, and also Amazing Stories..

yes you are right, and,000_Feet

I remember Amazing Stories too!!! :D


Mar 6, 2006
Amys Bling|1320933835|3058551 said:
I love the twilight zone!! My fav is the bank employee who just want to be alone to read- he gets his wish- but then his glasses break..

Amy, thats my favorate one too! As someone who is dependant on glasses or contacts to function in life, I really saw the irony in that one. My son loved it too (who intherited my awful eyes).

I have started rewatching the Twilight zone with my teenage son. He loves it! I had forgotten how great some of the episodes are. We laugh at the special effects but the stories are still great. Some are very very dark and creepy.

I use to watch them when I was a kid with my dad and I'm having so much fun watching them with my son.

I also like the one about beauty is in the eye of the beholder where they operate on this woman to try and make her beautiful because society says she is so hideous. At the end when the bandages come off you hear the doctors saying the operation was a failure and when they pull the camera back, the woman (and man they show later) are gorgeous and the {"beautiful") people have the ugly faces.

My son got a kick out of seeing William Shatner in an episode because he loves the old Star Trek so much.


Jun 8, 2009


May 23, 2010
We just started getting this station that has all the wonderful old '70's shows; Twilight Zone, Rockford Files, Mary Tyler Moore, Odd Couple, Taxi, Bosom Buddies, Lost in Space, etc. Lord, I am in heaven! I see no reason to subject myself to the present day anymore! :bigsmile:

DH just saw a TZ episode with the guy that plays Scotty on Star Trek in it, and it had a "transporter" in the episode. It was cool.
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