
Best dust-free cat litter

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Nov 16, 2008
We need to start using a different cat litter. We have 2 long haired cats and 3 boxes and have being using Tidy Cat for years. However, DH, who is the one who usually scoops/changes the litter, is starting to have respiratory issues due to the dust produced from the litter. I did a little research online and found this, but was wondering if anyone had any experience with it or any other dust-free litter. Any/all advice appreciated. Thanks.


Jul 27, 2011
When we lived in the co-op, we had a neighbor diagonal from us with cats. We started talking litter one day and learned that we both use Dr. elsey's, but while I use the precious cat clay litter, the neighbors used ithe respiratory litter you linked to bc one cat was having respiratory issues. She said that she noticed improvements for her "sweetie boy" (what a name!).


Jul 27, 2011
Oh PB and her reading comprehension! Well, I find cats to be more sensitive, nose wise than humans, so I'm hoping that improvement in sweetie boy's condition will lead to Improvememt in YOUR sweetie boy (DH)'s issues :lol:


Sep 10, 2003
I haven't used Elsey's respiratory relief. I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to health issues in cats and think clay litters are more potentially hazardous to cats than non clay. But, I've yet to find a completely dust-free litter that doesn't also equate to more inconvenience by needing to be changed more frequently.

I have a litter robot on the way, should be here next week. I'd love to be able to cut back from 5 litter boxes (I have 4 cats). It's spendy but it would significantly cut down on respiratory issues for your DH since it is self-cleaning.


Jun 8, 2008
Lil Misfit, not sure this thread will be of any help but just in case it can here is a link.

We are still using World's Best Cat litter and multiple cat formula and right now it is working. My dh thinks we got a bad batch before and that was why we had all that dust but time will tell. We completely change each litter box (empty it all and clean it) every week as well as scooping every day of course. So far it is better than it had been but keeping the linked thread above bookmarked just in case we need to switch to a PSer's recommendation.


May 1, 2007
We use Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat, but not the respiratory one that you linked (will have to try that out!). It has been great for two years, but then I think I got a bad bag and it's super dusty. This reminds me to toss it and start fresh, I'll do that today and see if a new bag is better again.

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010
We had an automatic litter box which I loved, but it finally conked out after a few years of use and we haven't gotten around to replacing it. I don't mind scooping as it is helpful to monitor my cat's habits.

We switched to generic Safeway brand and there is no dust. That's not very helpful if you don't have a Safeway store nearby, but you may want to give your local grocery store's house brand a try.


Apr 15, 2015
I'm not a cat expert, but we use the crystals in our automatic cat box. I love them. I have no idea about the safety, but it makes keeping the litter box clean a snap.

We use the scoopfree auto litter box thing, which I love because it counts every time she uses it. We adopted a middle aged semi feral and I only see her about once a week, so we basically know she's still around because she uses the litter box and the food disappears. She seems happy, so I don't want to rock the boat, but I really wish she was a little more personable. Every now and then when I get up early she's sitting in the living room, gives me the proverbial finger and slinks off to her lair. She was supposed to be a barn cat, but it became obvious very quickly that she doesn't want to live outside anymore and she's happy as a clam sleeping on my daughter's bed and and looking at us all with disdain. That's fine with me, but if she's going to live off the dole I want a few pets every now and then....


Aug 9, 2011
My favorite has been the Arm & Hammer essentials natural clumping litter. It comes in a bag and there is no dust!!! I hate hate hated the dust of regular ones. I would wear a bandanna over my face before to avoid inhaling dust. Now I don't have to. I love this arm & hammer stuff. the one major con is it does not clump quite as hard as the other dusty litters. so you have to take your time and scoop a little less vigorously. I scoop and then just kind of wait and let the litter fall out vs. shaking the scooper hard to let the loose litter fall out. so it takes a little more gentle touch, but so worth it.

I have 2 cats and scoop my box every morning. I used to hate it so much before, but now I don't mind at all.


Jan 18, 2012
We've been using the Dr Elsey's regular ol' unscented clumping litter for a few years - . It seems slightly lower-dust than what we'd used previously (Fresh Step) and i do like that it's explicitly perfume- and dye-free, as far as respiratory allergies go. I'm not sure it's dustless enough for your husband, though, with the present issues. :/

We also just bought the $400 insane litter robot... the cats have had it for 2 days and nobody's set foot in (don't think they recognize it as a box??), but we're hoping once they figure it out that not having to scoop, and just refilling the litter pan occasionally, will decrease our exposure as well. Neither DH nor I have allergies, but I'm pregnant and he "prefers not to scoop" :lol: so we're trying something new, but 100% not willing to switch away from clumping/clay litter since all the alternatives we've tried have somehow disappointed.

Hopefully I can update in a few days with CATS LOVE THE LITTER ROBOT because it makes a pretty unattractive $400 statue, I'll tell you that. ;-)

<ed for very confusing typo :) >


Aug 4, 2008
There is no such thing because they can use a blower to remove the dust when it is made but once it is in the bag it gets tossed around and breaks up into dust.
Which is why it varies so much bag to bag. When you buy it look at the bag and if it is beat up don't buy that bag.

Since dust about killed me in 2010, I am hyper sensitive to airborne particles and can't be near it even the expensive stuff or risk a hospital stay.
If it is bugging him he should wear a mask and eye protection.
He does not want it to get worse due to more exposure.
It frankly really sucks being particle sensitive.


Jun 8, 2008
Totally agree with you Karl. And to that end completely changing all the litter out of the litter boxes and cleaning them every week and then putting fresh litter in will greatly help because as the litter gets more pulverized by the kitties using it the litter produces more and more dust. So changing the boxes more frequently will help quite a bit. We do it weekly and it is an improvement over once every 2 weeks.


Apr 15, 2015
evergreen|1460148267|4017094 said:
We've been using the Dr Elsey's regular ol' unscented clumping litter for a few years - . It seems slightly lower-dust than what we'd used previously (Fresh Step) and i do like that it's explicitly perfume- and dye-free, as far as respiratory allergies go. I'm not sure it's dustless enough for your husband, though, with the present issues. :/

We also just bought the $400 insane litter robot... the cats have had it for 2 days and nobody's set foot in (don't think they recognize it as a box??), but we're hoping once they figure it out that not having to scoop, and just refilling the litter pan occasionally, will decrease our exposure as well. Neither DH nor I have allergies, but I'm pregnant and he "prefers not to scoop" :lol: so we're trying something new, but 100% not willing to switch away from clumping/clay litter since all the alternatives we've tried have somehow disappointed.

Hopefully I can update in a few days with CATS LOVE THE LITTER ROBOT because it makes a pretty unattractive $400 statue, I'll tell you that. ;-)

<ed for very confusing typo :) >
Have you had any luck? Getting our cat to use it was super easy, but she's kind of weird. Then again, I think all cats are. Anyway, she absolutely hates a dirty litter box so I let her box get dirty, set it next to the clean robot. Threw some of her waste in the new one and let the box clean it and then left it alone. Pretty soon little Picky Pants was using the robot box because it was cleaner and I threw out the old one and we never looked back.


Jan 18, 2012
BeekeeperBetty, no dice on the Litter Robot so far. :wall: The recommendations were:

1. Put Litter Robot near your other litter boxes. If that doesn't work...
2. Put a bit of old (soiled) litter in new Litter Robot. If that doesn't work...
3. Stop scooping old box so it gets disgusting. If that doesn't work...
4. Use treats to lure cats to investigate Litter Robot. If that doesn't work...
5. Cold-turkey them: get rid of old box.

Implemented step 4 today. Step 5 gives me a bad feeling, since we have once had a cat "misbehave" on the couch -- never could get the smell out, despite all sorts of enzymatic cleaners and excellent cats who never did it again... finally replaced the couch. Two months ago. New couch. :-o

Please keep your fingers crossed for me! (and, OP, sorry for the threadjack. :shifty: )


Sep 10, 2003
Oh my gosh evergreen, I hope your cats have used the litter robot by now. I got my first Litter Robot Open Air this past Saturday and all four cats were using it within 3 hrs. I still have their other litter boxes in the house and woke up Sunday to 4 pristine boxes and one well-used Litter Robot. They've been using the Litter Robot exclusively since. I'm going to order another this week.


May 1, 2007
Karl_K|1460150364|4017099 said:
There is no such thing because they can use a blower to remove the dust when it is made but once it is in the bag it gets tossed around and breaks up into dust.
Which is why it varies so much bag to bag. When you buy it look at the bag and if it is beat up don't buy that bag.

Since dust about killed me in 2010, I am hyper sensitive to airborne particles and can't be near it even the expensive stuff or risk a hospital stay.
If it is bugging him he should wear a mask and eye protection.
He does not want it to get worse due to more exposure.
It frankly really sucks being particle sensitive.

This bit of info really helped. I never thought of that, but it makes all the sense in the world. I'll be paying more attention to the bags when I buy them from now on. Thanks Karl!


May 1, 2007
A year or two ago, I came across this website and followed her recommendations for the most part.

It has worked really well. Yes, it means having an open litter box (giant, because our cat is 14lbs, and ugly because it's a black tupperware so our dog can't help himself to a snack). But I scoop right into a LitterChamp and keep two boxes of baking soda nearby. No odor problems - I have asked friends if they can smell anything and so far, so good.

I use the Dr. Elsey's Premium clumping cat litter. It was getting very dusty though, and I thought it was due to a bad bag. Thanks to this thread, I realized it was actually because it was time to toss the litter and start fresh. Now it's all good again. As this woman says, I think just simple but diligent is the way to go. Best for the cat, and really it's been easiest for us too (and I have tried several different boxes/litters/methods).

LitterChamp (love this thing!):
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